The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 05, 1904, Image 2

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    aiwiM.' u'uwui unwtumiiJMiini.'inu.i'.ii.jwwim'w
W. W. SANDBHS, PubllsliC '
All women are bom reformers and i
they want to begin on Homo man.
Men who go to law nro suro to get
satisfaction If they are lawyers.
A woman's favorite writer Is a hus
band who Is capable of writing checks.
A man may be as honest as the day
Is long and still huvo a bad record at
An Irishman soys that being an an
cient must havo been a healthful, occupation.
All' married women aro good listen
ers when their husbands talk in their
Henry Wattrrson's duel against tho
"pert paragraph" threatens to result
In a draw., ' v
Tho lay of the average poet would
bo more valuable If he could exchange
It for the lay of a hen.
John Kondrlck Hangs, humorist, has
beau made editor, and generul nianayor
of Puck, and that's no Joko at nil.
Aunt Hetty Green denies that she
has away the sum of ?r($,0OO.
Dim denial is perfectly superfluous.
In a recent decision tho Unltod
Statu Supreme Court splits two Inllnl
tlves; but this will make no split In
the ranks of the purists.
Russell Sago's life soenis ' to havo
been one long vacation, from tho view
point of the man5 who has never been
able to make both ends moot.
However, it Is doubtful If Rockefel
ler could hold a crowd on a street cor
ner if he had no money and depended
solely on his ability as an orator.
According to the Progressive Health
Club, "If a man loves his wife he will
eat her cooking." Hut he will do tho
same thing If ho Is afraid of her.
Now that we know what Hov.
Georgo W. Ilrownback thinks of his
now wife, 'it might bo highly entertain,
jug to be told after a tlmo what she
thinks of him.
'Anl that aro fierce" enemies of the
Uoll ' weevil are 'being brought' tolhls
country from South America. In a few
years there will be wild appeals for
somebody to discover how we may get
rid of the ants.
"Tho grout sphere of woman Is the
home," says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
'The great sphere of woman is
tho big ro'und world, and she Is going
to have Just as much of It to move
around in as she wants. Don't try to
fence In woman and her activities, un
less yau,'rov hunting trouble. f,
London and Manchester are still dis
puting us to whlcl .ls the greater Eu
ropean center ottpopiilatloh. Most peo
ple would suppose thhl London dWns
tho title boyoifd peradventure. Even
t .one draws a circle with a radius of
thirty' miles about Charing Cross sta
tion one gets u population of more
than .(1,000,01)0, , as against n.iiOU.OOO
within a similar dls'tHnco"' from the
Manchester exchange. Hut protract
ing a elrclo with a forty-mile radius
6no f geffi a .greater qc Uia t
shows a population of more than
8,000,000, as against a greater London
of only about T.OOO.OOO;' i fi
"Leprosy Is as curablo as typhoid or
the physician In charge of the lepers'
homo in Louisiana, and ouo of the
most distinguished leprosy experts In
tho world. Hoforo tho last Herlln con
ference on leprosy, which Dr. Dyer
attended, a .few cases of tho disease
were known to havo been cured. That
there were no more Is duo, In tho
opinion of tho Louisiana expert, to
tho lack of proper treatment, which
consists In taking tho case early and
following it persistently and unremit
tingly for years. During the last two
years every caso In tho Louisiana
homo, except thoso in tko last stages,
lias boon Improved, and three patients
will soon bo discharged as cured.
A more or less careful scrutiny of
tho references to tho insolvent Georgia
banker who shot himself a while ago
in order that his llfo Insurance money
might bo used to pay his debts, show
' that tho general trend of tho commont
is that his ending was rather praise
worthy than otherwise. He is shown
to havo carried something over $1,000,
000 Insurance and tho idea that; tho
companies were not undeservedly
"stuck" seems to prevail. Thoro is
nothing yot to show that his holrs havo
any notion of using tho windfall to
mako good his defalcations and It may
well be asked why their standard of
honor should bo any higher than his
orn. It la claimed ho killed himself,
with n scora at probable years yet to
Hvo and pay premiums, In order that
tho money of his follow mombors In
tho insurutico organizations might bo
used to equaro his liabilities. Why
should his heirs bo expected to glvo
up tho million, thus dropped Into their
laps, or any part of It, for that pur
poso? This whole Idea that a man
may mako way with himself with Inn
punlty If ho only has a flno lino of llfo
Insurance is coming to bo viewed with
a strango tolerance. Tho fellow in
surants of tho suicide, they who work
right along under trials Just as groat
as thoso of tho weakling who kills.
himself, and whoso payments must
help make up tho untimely demand for
the amount of his policies, arc tho real
sufferers. They continue to llvo, work
and contribute their premiums In order
that his heirs may thrive, and maybo
some of his debts bo paid, after ho has
snurfed out his cowardly life. To com--mend
him, directly or indirectly, by
word, thought or Implication, is dan
gerous and anything but moral. Tlicro'
Is nothing meritorious in suicide oven,
if the perpetrator does add tho robbery
of an Insurance company to the crlrao
of self-murder.
John Kennedy was starving, no
struck Now York hoping to got workj
on tho subway, and, found that men
wcro being discharged by tho hun
dreds as that great project ncared.
completion. So he walked tho streets;
and slept In tho park and thought'
about sulcldo and was a despcrato.
man. Finally ho stole a packago out'
of an express wagon, and tho law im
mediately took notice, and John soon
found himself behind the bars. So far
this seems very commonplace. Miles'
away In Philadelphia a loving wifo
road of her husband's arrest. Thero
were two babies in tho Kennedy homo,(
and no money. Mrs. Kennedy started)
for Now York on foot, carrying a baby
on each arm. She didn't know what
fcho could do In that groat city. Sho
simply realized that tho father of hor
children was in trouble, and was suro
that his wife should bo at his sldo. So
sho trudged along the railroad track..
Sometimes she sat under a tree and'
hushed tho cries of a child. Most of
the time she was walking. She foundi
kind people along the route who gavtr.
hor food and wished her godspeed on
her mission. Onco she had a rldo of(
soveral miles, and llnally, foptsore but
undismayed, she found tho court
where her husband was on trial andj
entered the room, still carrying her
babies. Sho told her story to tho'
Judge and pleaded for her husband.
He was starving and Just couldn't
hell)," she said. "I wanted to savoi
htm, so I took tho babies and Avalked."
"Carver," said the Judge to the court
constable, "pass tho hat," and tho
trial ended with a lino contribution to
Mrs. John Kennedy. That was a mis
carriage of Justice. If the law Is to
be administered Impartially there
should have been a conviction, for
John Kennedy was a thief. Hut let's
be thankful that, there Is a humanity
and a senno of appreciation even great
er than more statutes: thnt men's
hearts aro so molded that love and de
votion and self-sa,rllk-e touch the ten
der spot' In thoir breasts and make
them kind. The love of a woman Is as
wide as tho worjkl and as deep ss tho
MoHt.Irrcunlar, Intemperate, JrrltuMc
ami Hard Working of AmIiiihIh.
It has been said that few men die of
old ago and that almost all persons
dio of disappointment, personal, men
tal or bodily toll, or accident, say3
Health Culture.
Tho passions kill men sometimes,
even suddenly. The cpmnion expres
sion, "choked with rage," has little ex
aggeration In It, for, even though not
suddenly fatal, strong passions shorten
life. Strong-bodied men often die
young, weak men live longer than tho
strong, for the strong use their strength
and the weak huvo none to use tho
latter take care of themselves, tho
former do not. As It is with tho body,
so It Is with tho mind and tho tompcr;
tho strong nro apt to break, or, llko
tho candle, run tho weak burn out.
Tho Inferior animals, which llvo tcm
perato lives, have generally their pro
scribed term of years. Thus tho horse
25 years, tho ox 15 or 20, tho lion about
20, tho hog 10 or 12, the rabbit S, tho
guinea pig G or 7.
Tho numbers all boar proportion to
tho tlmo tho animal takes to grow its
lull size. Hut man, of all animals, Is
ono that seldom comes up to tho aver
ago. Ho ought to live 100 years, ac
cording to tho physiological law, for
live times twenty are 100; but Instead
of that ho scarcely reaches an average
of four times tho growing period. Tho
reason is obvious man Is not only tho
most irregular and most intomporato,
but tho most laborious and hard work
lug of all animals.
ITo Is always tho most irritable, and
thero is reason to believe, though wo
cannot toll what an animal secretly
fools, that moro than any other animal
man cherishes wrath to keep It warm
and consumes himself with tho llro of
his own reflections.
I N W 1 .' I
HU.IHJJJI wiinii ii mi mi i ii nrrr-i
Women who work, whether in the house,;
store, office or factory, very rarely have the
ability to stand the strain. The case of
Miss Frankie Orser, of Boston, Mass., is
interesting to all women, and adds further
proof that woman's great friend in need is
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"De.ii Mns. Pin'kham: I suffered misery for several years. My back
ached and I had bearing down pains, nnd frequent headaches. I would often
wako from a restful sleep in such pain and misery that it would bo hours beforo
I could closo my eyes again. I dreaded the long nights and weary days. I
could do no work. I consulted different physicians hopinrr to got relief, but,
finding that their medicines did not euro mc, I tried Lydia JE. Pinkham's
Vopotablo Compound, as it was highly recoraended to mc. I am glad that
I did so, for I soon found that it was the medicine for my case. Very 60on I
was rid of -ry ache and pain and restored to perfect health. I feel splendid,
havo a nno appetite, and have gained in weight a lot." Miss Fhankie Onsen,
14 Warrontou St., lioston, Mass.
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, sick and discouraged,
and exhausted with each day's work. Soino derangement of the
feininino organs is rcponsiblo for tliis exhaustion, following any
kind of work or effort. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
will help you just as it has thousands of other women.
The case of Hrs. Lennox, which follows, proves this.
" Dear Mns. Pinkham : Last winter I
broke down suddenly and had to seel: tho
advice of a doctor. I felt sore all over, with
a pounding in my bead, and a dizziness which
I had never experienced before. I had a
miserable appetite, nothing tasted good, nnd
gradually my health broke down completely.
The doctor said I had female weakness, but,
although I took his medicine faithfully, I
found no relief.
" After two months I decided to try what
acbange would do for me, and as Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
strongly recommended to me I decided to
try it. Within three days I felt better, my
appetite returned, and I could sleep. In
another week I was able to sit up part of
the day, and in ten days moro I was well.
Tl v sf rpnrrtli linrl rf nrnril. T rrninofl fourteen
V pounds, and felt better and stronger than
I bad for years. I gratefully acknowledge its merits. Very sincerely yours,
Mns. HRivr E. Lennox, 120 Kast 4th St., Dixon, 111."
FORFEIT If wo cannot forthwith produco the orlclnal lottflrs and slgnatureR of
ubovo testimonial!), which will prove thoir absolute genuineness.
Lviilu ii. rlukliam 31ud. Co., Lynu, Masa.
for bruises titid spntlns take the
wnlte or an cgt- and mix to a paste
Mill common silt Apply liberally
fi tho all'ectiri pirh
linn snnip 'i""'.,",i'nifi mmi, (nntin(
i. . .
For piematiiio yray hair massage
sh aild be given: such a condition
shows lack or vitality and nourish
luetit fyf tho scalp
lumoTM Tan. I'lmpK's.r rwlsloa
AlfttM mfnli.i. I..t. r- . ill
i-.n i.,, UUU BK .q
Ultcws, ami tivtry MciJ S
.on lemin. mil
lltfles'lftectlia::. .1
lias Hum! Ih.i ),!
rof CO j-mrs, ii
ft liar id toss vi
I'SIU u CO 1)0 su.t
Mt of fitmilai
namo. Dr. I.. A
a.ivro said to i
Iwljr of Uio lmut
iion (a piuiml)
'A you 1 Ail I oi
will uo Iham. I
r e o o m m e u J
'Gturaud's Crmm
js the least harmful of Ml the fcltln preparations.'
Kor Mia hjr nil Driicclrli anil l'aiicy OooU 1umi
In tho U.S.. rkiw.isa. anil r.nrope.
FEIID. T. HOPKINS, Prep'r, 37 Great Jona St., N. I
ailiforulnlnrtuBtry With Odd Ventures
Ib In n FlourlshliiK Condition.
In California tho houscwifo is not
compelled to use her old towels for.
liBh rags. Sho simply goes to tho gro'
ccr's nnd buys as mnny as sho needs
purely vegetable dish rags they aro,
But ndmlrably suited for her purposes.
Tho raising of thoso necessary arti
cles is being exploited by a number
of southern California horticulturists,
who received tho inspiration for tho
scheme from Chnrlcs Richardson,
whoso gardens in Pasadena aro becom
jng famous for their remnrkablo pro
iluctlons. Mr. Richardson has success
fully raised many growths new to
American soil, and this year is exceed
ing all his previous triumphs by rais
ing thousands of dish rags.
Last ycftt Mr. Richardson's string
beans, which measured forty-thrco
'inches In length, created n stir, but
dish rag vines, which, with their pen
dant dish rags twine about orango
trees, palms, evergreens and . poach
trees, and peek In at the top story win
dows, bid fair to win tho championship
from tho beans.
Thcao dish rags, or vegetable
sponges, as they aro sometimes called,
are Indigenous to Africa, but now It
has been demonstrated that they will
thrive in this country they are bound
to become a popular production.
Tho graceful, well folinged vinos nro
not only ornamental, but they boar in
profusion a fibrous sponge that Is emi
nently useful for bathing, ns well as
for scouring pane and kettles. Imnglno
picking dish rags in ono's garden Just
as ono would pick blackberries or im
agine having vines all laden with dish
rags clambering over ono's kitchen
windows, so that all ono needs to do in
to stretch out an arm and pull ono in.
Such nn arrangement would be much
easica than going to tho ragbag or buy
ing dish rags at stores.
Thoso curious vegetables assume tlio
form and appearance of cucumbers,
nnd hang on tho vines until their green
coats become brown and dry like parch
ment. At this stage they are ready
to harvest. After they aro picked tho
brown coat is removed and an extreme
ly strong and compact llbrous spougo
is revealed. Through the center of
this spongo, In three lengthwise com
partments, are many black seeds which
shako out easily. In tho Pasadena gar
den these sponges havo avoragcid eight
Inches in length.
Free to Twenty-Five Ladies.
'Iho Deliance Starch Co. will lv
2f ladies a round trip ticket to tut
Sc. Louis Exposition, to live ladlei
In each of Hie fnllowlnu stater,
Tlllniiis, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri who will send In the :r,c
number of trade marks cut from
a ten cent, 10 ounce pticku'o Df Dc
liance cold water laundry starch
This means from your own home(
anywhere in the above named statesi
Thoso trade marks must bo mailed
to and received by the Dcllanci
Starch Co., Omaha, Nehr., heford
September 1st, 1004. October and
November will be the best month?
to visit tho Exposition. Kotnerubei
that Deliance Is tho only starch pi:
up 10 oz. (a tull Donnd) to the pack
ae. You cb one-third mote starc'i
for the same nionov than of an1'
other kind, and Defiance never stick,
to tho Iron. The tickets to Uk
Exposition will be sent by registered
mall September 5th. Starch or sale
by all dealers.
Experimenters Try Their Haud a
Urecdliitr Vuricgutcd Cuterplllura.
Some audacious experimenters have
been endeavoring to make tho silk
worm spin colored silks. Primarily
they were endeavoring to ascertain if
the green color of some natural silks is
produced In any way by tho leavea
Upon which the worms feed, but tho
work suggests the possibility of secur
ing beautifully tinted raw silks.
Several lots of caterpillars wero fed
from their birth upon leaves Impreg
nated with a red dye. They ate their
livid meals without any show of re
pugnance, and soon began to take on a
reddish tint throughout the body.
When allowed to spin on freshly col
lected natural branches these worms
produced a red-tinted silk, the wholo
cocoon presenting a beautiful red col
oration. Certain colors, notably blue,
wero not so apparent In their effects
and tho worms did not seem to-relish
tho blue leaves as well as the red ones.
Ono of the questions that, naturally
presents Itself to the inquiring mind is
whether selective breeding of such ar
tillclally stained caterpillars would not
result in a race in which tho colora
tion became permanent. The fact is
clearly established that the dlgestlvo
tube has a marked influence on tho
Silk. As a French writer declares In
green silks it Is tho cholorphyl of tho
leaves that wo observe, and In yellow
ish silks tho pigment comes directly
from the mulberry leaves, with which
it is identical.
25c, 50c.
Egotists haven't much to boost of.
fiibniariiio lloiuity.
' Tho old theory scarcely holds water
In thoso days that only those objects
In nature and those creatures aro
beautiful which aro Intended to glad
ion the eyes of man. Some of tho most
beautiful objects in the wbolo range of
miniated nature aro found amid tho
mud of the ocean bottom. Professor,
Arnnldo Lang, of Zurich, gives it as
als opllnon that nearly every creature
.nhabltlng tho bed of tho sea is beau
tiful. In color especially they aro gor
geous. The reason which hp assigns
ror this Is singular. It is that crea
tures of tho ocean bed aro sedentary
uul havo some of the characteristics
)f plants. In short, they "vegotato" In
mid and become beautiful.
Turning Him Down.
Ernestine Yes, I think it best that
I should discourage him from calling
jo oftetj.
Edna But ho says lie is wearing
lis heart away.
Ernestine Well, that is bettor than
rearing mamma's sofa away.
Too many men scorn to havo forgot
on that thoir wives wore onco their
Never Judge the cook In tlio kitchen
)y th cookbook In the library.