The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 15, 1911, Image 3

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Absolute Fact Destroyed Forco of
Well.Meant Argument for
On a pleasant Sunday afternoon an
old Gorman and Mb youngest sob
were seated In tho village Inn. Tho
father had partaken liberally of tho
homo-browed bocr, and was warning
hla son against tho evils of intem
perance. "Never drink too much, my
Bon, A gentlemen stops when ho
liaa enough. To bo drunk la a dls.
grace." '
"Yes, father, but how can I tell
when I havo enough or am drunk?"
Tho old roan pointed with his fin
ger. "Do you Bee those two men sit
ting In tho corner? If you should
boo four mon thcro. you would ho
Tho boy looked long and earnestly.
"Yes, father, but but there is only
one -man In that corner." Llppln
cott'B. .t i-1.
New Penal System for Ontario.
Tho Ontario government has recent
ly abolished tho system of prison la
bor contracts in that province. In fix
ture -the majority of tho prisoners In
tho penal institutions of Ontario will
be employed upon farms and tho mak
lhg .of roads in tho newly opened dis
tricts. There will, however, bo a per
centage of tho prisoners whoso health
or other circumstances prevent them
from Joining In this open air work.
Theso men will manufacture hospital
BUpplles beds, blankets and co forth
Laundry work at homo would ho
much moro satisfactory if tho right
Starch wore used. Jn order to got tho
desired stiffness, it is usually nocus
nary to uso so much starch that tho
beauty and fineness of tho fabric la
hidden behind a paste ot varying
thickness, which not only destroys tho
nppcaranco, but also affects the wear
ing quality of tho goods. JThis- trou
blo can bo cntlroly overcome- by using
Dcflanco Starch, as It can bo applied
much moro thinly because of Its great'
cr strength than othor makes.
Athletes Who Made Good.
Walter Barnes of Boston, who keeps
a close, watch on things athletic in
New England,, says:
"Burr, Fish, Wlthlngton and Flshor,
tho Bticcesslvo Harvard football cap
tains, havo been notable examples ot
tho scholar in athletics at Harvard.
Hamilton Fish's appointment ns an in
structor In government at Harvard Is
ail index of his mental caliber."
In all iU forms among nil ages of hone,
an well as dogs, cured nnd others in amo
U1lc prevented from having tho disease
Every hottlo guaranteed. Over 600.000
bottles told lAit year 8.50 and $1.00. Any
good druggist,' or send to manufacturers.
ApfEtn wanted. Snohn Medical Co.,'Spcc:
Contagious Diseases. Goshen, Ind.
A Crime.
'. "What do you think of the plotT
.nBkcd tho theater manqgor.
"That Isn't a plot," replied tho man
who had paid two dollars to seo tho
show. "'That's a conspiracy.
Cole'o Carbollsalvo quickly relieves and
' cures burning, Itching- nnd torturing skin
diseases. It instantly stops the pain of
burns. Cures without scars. 23c and COc
ly druggists. For froo sample wrtlo to
J. W. Colo & Co., Black Itlvor Falls, Wis.
There nro but few sufo things In
this old world. Ono of thorn is the
uncertainty of a woman's age.
Smol;ern like Lewis' Single Binder cigat
for its rich mellow quality.
You can't tell tho ugo of a saw by
looking at Its teeth.
If You
To Win
, Back
Your Health
It is a great help
in cases of Stom
ach and Bowel Ills
or Malarial Disor
ders. Try it today,
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome oy -
Purely vegetable
act surely ana
genu on uie
liver, t-ure
ache, nizzl.
ness, and Indigestbrt. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
"iXSlrJSI TkMVSM's Eyi Walar
jamr iiver
iKm 1 n nil I c
N-CWPOItT, It. I. Mrs. "Stele Frouch Vundorblll gnvo the largest and moil brillliuit daiieu of tho season re
cently nt her homo, "Harbor View." Tho function was In the nnttlro of u houso warming to mark tho
opening of tho now ballroom of the mansion. Tho decorations nnd tho furalturo of tho room nro In pure whtto
throughout. The guests wero many and soclatly preeminent, and tho function In general was notable In tho nu
nala of Newport festivities.
Southwest Coast of Minrioro Is
Paradise-for Hunters.
Tamarao, Fierce Animal Resembling
American Buffsllo, Found Only
Here Plenty of Carabao, .
oar and Deer.
Manila, P. 1. "A paradise for hunt-
era, is tho way juago uiuueu uo
scribes tho country In tho vicinity of
his home and plantation on tho south
east const ot Mtndoro. Ono game
Mlndoro excelB in Is, tho tamarao
rarest of anlranls, and ono which Is
found only In Mlndoro. This Herce
animal, much Uko an American buf
falo, Is bold in universal dread """toy
every native on tho Island, who looks
on him as, a far more, formidable, crea
ture than tho maddest of wild cura
baos. Tho tamarao Ib seldom seen In clear-
Ings because ho sticks to his nntivo
Wilds. When ho does come near a
clearing tho natives in that vicinity
mako for tho nearest shelter, for
the tamarao does not wait to. attack.
Ho takoa tho Initiative himself, charg
ing every one and everything In sight
Mrs. Llddell. wife of Judgo nation,
is. perhaps, tho only whito woman
who has ever seen a tamarao. A few
wooks ago ono camo within flftoon
feet ot tho window of tho Llddell
kitchen, whero sho was Instructing
tho cook, and peered In. Tho natives
In tho neighborhood took to tneir
hcolB and then tho' tnmarao quietly
walked, off. -
UUt II WlO laranruo m me pn-va uu
reslstanco among tho gamo ot llir
doro It Is not tho only gamo to ba.
found on tho Island, There aro
myriads of deor, wild chickens nnd
gamo girds or ail sorts, mere aro
also nlenty of wild boars on the is
land, somo of them" of extraordinary
stzo and none ot Uicm noted for their
docility. Judgo Llddell has oue tusk
fully eighteen Inches long. T1iIb camo
from n monBter boar, wlilcb charged
tho huntors ropeatedly beforo he was
shot down.
Wild carabao bunting Is another
pastime of the Mlndoro planters and
ono that Is not destined to soothe tho
nerves of weak-hearted men. These
big animals aro at all times dangerous,
and wnon onco wounded .or angered
Mice in, Cancer Research
Foreign Anlmala Resist Attacks of
Disease Until They Are Ac
climated 360 From Japan.
London. Throo hundred and sixty
walUlng mice hnvo Just arrived on the
Japanese steamer Tango" Mnru, en
route for tho National Cancer no
soarea fund. Tho mice were sent to
Prof. E. F. Basnford. th director of
tho fund, by Professor lllguchl of To.
klo, who recently completed a course
ot rcnenrch work tn.tho rund's labora
tories on tho Embankment.
Tho mice Will be used In research
work" To deterralno tho effects that ac
climatization and dieting havo In In
creasing or decreasing tho suscepti
bility of raouso tissues to -mouse can
cer. "Wo hnvo already proved," It was
explained at tho fund's laboratories
tho othor day, "that ir wo Implant
living cancer tissues rom English
mice t-n to tho newly imported for
eign m'co there is a cortain amount of
resistance to the growth. Only a
small percentago or the inoculated
mlco will develop tumors. After a
time, however, this degree of protec
tion wears off andJinally tho foreign
mtco become as readily susceptible to
Implanted tumors as our homo mice.
"The mice sent to us from Japan
will chnrgo tholr hunters with all the
ferocity of an ' frlcan buffalo.
James Llddoll, a son or tho Judge,
hnd an cxperienco with ono of them
recently that will not be forgotten In
a hurry. He was hunting and. shot
tho Mg fellow, knocking hlrr off his
feet. As tho carabao lay still ho ap
proached him and when not n foot
away tho carabao leaped to his feet
and charged.
Thoro was no ttmo for a shot, so
young Llddoll did tho only thing open
to him grappled with tho Infuriated
beaut. Three times tho animal gored
him and finally tho boy made bis es
cape What tho Filipinos In his pnrty
regarded as them frnculous feature of
tho accident was tho fact that tho
carabao had permitted him to escape.
Porpoise Scares Bathers.
Now "York. There was n wVld,
scramble at the Fourth avenue
grounds at Asbtiry Park,- N. j., when
a porpolso appeared among the 2,000
bathers. Tho crowd, thinking It was
n shark, mndo e rush for shore, tho
men lending tho women, The por
poise, undisturbed by tho clnmor,
swam leisurely around and then made
his way northward, but It was some
time beforo tho bathers again got
Into tho wator.
Hobble Skirt
Mars Game of Smuggling Across Line
From Detroit to Windsor Wom
en Moro Clever Than Men.
Detroit. Mich. Hobblo sklrta nnd
small crowned hats, now very much
In vogue, nro having a depressing cf
foct on the Windsor export trade Tho
walking skirt Is made to fit the form
rathor closely and ft numbor of De
troit womon havo found that when
tho tubular aymmetry of tho hobble
fa disturbed by a few bulky bargains,
tho Bharpoyed customs officers urii
very quick to criticize. It would ttf
rash nnd desperate venture for n hob;,
blo-sklrlted trnvolor to attempt tty
smuggle over a woolen blaukot, for in
stnuco Only the othor day tho cus
toms officers at tho foot of Woodward
avenue stopped a woman and Inter it
was discovered that sho concealed a
aro an example of tho International
free trndo existing among research
workors on cancor. At tlmos of
mouse fnmlno Vn other countries wo
have Bent English mlco to our fellow
workers in those countries, ilecnuse
of this International exchnngu In
European mice It Is not easy at tho
present tlmo to gpt from Oormnpy or
other near countries mfco winch one.
can be certnln nre purebred loreign'
stock. Theso Japanese mice will be
ot groat value to us. because we know
that we havo In them nn entirely new
Mold ror research. Our object, broad
ly, will be to boo whether thoso mlco
will become moro susceptiblo to Eng
lish cancer as they beepmo nctlltiM;
tizud to English conditions nnd ac
customed to English rood."
Work Month for Dime. ,
Plalnfleld, N. J. Aftor n month of
work, Hrat by in the Farm
ers' State bank of Tulsn, Okln,, and.
later by other experts In tho big safe
frttory here, a strong box supposed
to contain $25,000 wub opened In this
city, A lono dime was all tho steel
chest contained.
Tho safe waa used by L. It. Tub
ner, cashier of the Tutau bank, Tub
ner killed himself recently in Florida.
Lawsuit Reveals Peculiar Ways of So
ciety Women of .East Photog
rapher Wins HI Case.
Now York. That society women 1c
Now York are dyolng their hnlr, not
only to match the Interior fittings l
their motor cars but even to match tin
changes of tho seasons, was tho state
ment modo by William P. 8. Eurio,
Mr. IJarlo was delighted over win
nlng a suit for $60 broueh by hlir
against Mrs, Louls Unlfour In pay
ment for coloring a photograph mndi
for the defendant. Mrs. Unlfour ti
said to bo a rolatlvo of tho llrltlsr
Tho photographic artist had colored
tho picture to show brown hair. Mrs,
nalfour wanted her hair Titian In the
"I told her," said Enrle. "that her
hair was brown, but alio Insisted on
Titian. .
' "Then I charged her for tho work
and sho would not pay.
"Tho hair among tho women of the
'four hundred' changes with tho sea
sons. When I tinted tho plcturo oi
Mrs. Unlfour her hnlr was brown.
When nhe sued her hnlr was Titian.
Formerly tho women of socloty wore
willing to lot It go nt matching their
hnlr to suit their gowns, but now they
must match their Hair to suit tho lit
tings of their limousines."
, Is Hindrance
half dozen napkins under her skirt
"Tho unfortunato Indv doublad ana
of tho napkins twlco and I couldn't
help but notlco It," said tho ofllcor
who spied her.
Catching female smugglers Is dif
ficult work, Tho wtimen scorn to bo
cloveror jha,n tb men at smuggling
and tbJ' vjM t'JiWoi .IpiSRor chances.
Wn Xl'joy arrt slsuKht thy Weep and
Srt; Into hysterics;
rah, tuo womon aro eWttelnly th
filvjver Bmufsglesrs." DAM Wss Daisy
jKuckriegel. who Is stationed at the
Woodward avenue dock U watch the
wttujon who eo back and forth on the
ferries. Eight ycarH' xjwlenco has
,tp(Jlft Alias KUckrlegci np export at
nptuilnft istnuBElorot
"Hbw d I P0t smugglersj",
"Well, there nro several ways. For
Instnnco, I watch" the peopli? ijolng
over tho river and I generally re
member ibem when they return, If
(hoy Htturnpt to amugglo anything
over It Is nn easy matter to cotch
them. Then wo nro 'amlllar with tho
tnvorlte methods employed by smug
glers and we know Just whero to look.
Whon two womon got off tho boat,
oatlng candy with much gusto, I ask
thorn to stop Into tho office without
any preliminaries. Tho chances nro
100 to 1 that stuff will bo found con
cealed about their persons."
"What do thoy Bmugglo?"
"Why, tho Bmugglo anything thnt
Is movable lllatike b, linen goods,
hardware, laces, buttor. egg and .'owl
aro brought over by women under
tholr skirts."
Danish Hard-Tack.
New York. Word coiucb to mill
tary circles here from Washington
thnt nnrd-tack has been banished in
favor of u now ration to bo known ns
."Held bread." Hard-tack will bo (mod
In the futuro only whon nn organiza
tion Is cut off from a supply train or
Is on a forced mnrch. The new field
bread is composed or Hour, water,
sail anil ycasi.
Stole Collection Plates.
Hartford, Conn The Socloty of the
rum uougrcgaiionai cburch of thla
city Is looking for the person who
stole all but two of the collection
plates. The loss was discovered when
coiiecuon was auout to be taken.
First Tramp So Weary AVIllto
suffering from brnln fag, Is ho?
Second tramp Sure flng. Ho dasn't
nslc for work no moro cnuso ho hain't
got brains enough ter think up somo
excuse for not taking It It ho gets It.
"When my first baby was six months
old he broke out on hla head with llttla
Lumps. They would dry up nnd leave
n scalo. Then It would break out
ngnln nnd It spread nil over his head.
All the hair camo out and hla hond
wna ccnly nil over. Then his faco
broke out alt over In rod bumps and
It kept spreading until It was on his
hands nnd' arms. I bought Bcvcral
boxes ot ointment, gavo him blood
medicine, and had two doctors to treat
him, but he got worse nil tho time,
lie hnd It about six mouths when a
frlond told tno about Cutloura, 1 tout
and got n hottlo of Cutloum Insolvent,
h enko nl Cutlcura Bonp nnd n box ot
Cuttcura Ointment In three dayn
aftor using them ho began to Im
prove Ho began to tnko long naps
and la stop scratching his hoad. After
taking two "bottles ot Resolvent, two
boxos ot Ointment and throo cakos of
Soap ho waa sound nnd well, and hover
had any breaking out of nay kind. Ills
hair camo out In littlo curls all over
his head. I don't think anything olso
would havo cured him oxcopt Cutl
cura. "I havo bought Cutlcura Ointment
nnd Cutlcura Soap Bovoral times since
to uso for cuts and Boros nnd have
sever known them to fall to cure what
I put them on. Cutlcura Soap la tho
beat thnt I havo ever used for toilet
purposes." (Slgnod) Mra, F. 13, Har
mon, It. F. D. 2, Atoka, Tonn., Sept
10, 1010. Although Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment aro sold everywhere, a sam
plo ot each, with 32-pago book, will
ho mailed froo on application to "CuU
cura," Dept. 16 L, Boston.
Moro pcopio would succeed If more
would try.
AVetJc table Preparation Tor As
similnting ilie Food and Ucgula
ting ritcSlomachs and Dowels of
Promotes Digestion,Cltccrful
ncssanclRcsl.Contolns neither
Opium.Norphinc norMincrfll
Not "Narcotic
jfHipf foti Drs.iffuanmsR
Jtmpm Sti4
Jnui SuJt
hvtmint -JfilhrinattSHUi
Him Snl -
Winltrfntf FtYtr.
Apcrfccl Remedy forConsllpa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Facsimile Signature of
The Centauh Company.
Guarnnteed under tho Food aw
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
k SKI -
Think of the convenience of having a bright, safe light in any
room of the house or at any point in. the barn or out build
ings that can be turned on at any moment of the night. It
does away with all fire risk of lamps, lanterns and matches.
Rural Electric Generating Outfits
give the farmer all the advantages of electric lighting, and
also furnish power for sawing wood, shredding fodder, grind
ing feed, winnowing grain, turning the cream separator, etc.
Doth tho cost of the plant and operating cost aro surprisingly low.
lVrlta u lor particulars
W estera
Mm wumn
and E&ur f Smm. KliMtiiw
nmI fctm4 rswmly, W It wmJ It
. . il i 1 - dua
- uhaJj ta BAAaiJ
el At CowfMT Ctliforww Fi Sjn
Ca, printeJ m erery pMJutfS f
Mjwiwr Mr)oft 50 pflf boC om ftbs wdf
50,000 Mi Wanted
in Westirn Gantili
200 Million Buahels
Whoatto ba Hsrvestod
Harvest Help In Irent DtmiHl
Reporta front the Provinces ot
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
(Western Canada) indicate ono of
tho best crops ever raised on the
continent To harvest this crop will
require nt least 50,000 harvesters.
Low Rates Will be ftlvc-n
on All Canadian Honda
Excursions are run daily and full
particulars will bo given on applica
tion to the foltowing authorized Cana
dian Government Agent. The rates
are made to apply to all who wish to
tnko advantage of them for the pur
pose of inspecting the grain fields of
Western Canada, and the wonderful
opportunities there offered for those
who wish to invest, and also those
who wish to take up actual farm lit.
Apply at once to
Room4, KeaBldg., Omaha, Neb.
Por Infants And Ohildrn.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
, new vena rr.
Electric Co.
I T") 1 efttw paper de. I
1 tiled in itt column ihoukl upon 1
I htvinf whrt they A (ot, refiMMig all I
1 aubAkutM or imitfttioni. 1
Bears tne
Signature JS
(jr For