The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 03, 1911, Image 4

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    WO R K t You delude yourself trying to make '
ORRY I yurse believe your headaches are only a
temporary ailment when you know not
ASTE what they may lead to.
You orcnot putting your right energy in your work, and are
not accomplishing what you should.
You may ho criticised hy your employer for not attending
to your work properly, whereas you are trying to do the host
you can, but you are not feeling just right Nine out of ten
cases such as yours come from the eyes why may not yours
be one of the nine? Let our graduate optician examine them
free of charge, and if it's not your eyes he will truthfully tell
you, and you can seek relief elsewhere. Don't delay attending
to yourself, you will accomplish so much more.
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician.
Phone 338. Wc want your repair work.
H Over First
First National. Phone 148
mm '
The Pan Hellenic Club will meet with
Mrs. W. F. Crook tomorrow afternoon.
For Sale Alfalf hoy. Phono Fremont
Watts, E 504.
Will Hatfield, who haa been employed
atShorldan, Wyo., la in town visiting
relatives and friends.
Miss Kato Seyferth will bo hostess
at the scision of the Young Ladies
Bridge Club Monday evening.
TheJD. of II. Social club will meet on
Tueiday, Feb. 7, with Mrs. W. T.
Green. C15 East 2nd St,
For Kent Five room house on west
Seventh; Inquire at 521 west Third or
Phone 229.
About the usual number
people attended the dancing
Masonic hall last avoning.
Mrs. Wallncr, of Dunbar, Neb., is
Prescription Druggists
First Ooor North of
Klrnt National Hank
Members of the Club Ncvita were
pleasantly entertained Wednesday
afternoon by Mra. A. S. Coates.
For Rent Two furnished room steam
hatcd with bath. Will rent single or
together. Mns. V. Lucas.
All members of the W. R. C. nro re
quested tomcotat thcK. P. hall at2:30
p. m. Saturday. At 3:30 a ten cent
nodal will bo held to which the public
Gerrard-Hufihei Wedding.
Gcorgo 13. Gerrard nnd Miss Etaio
Pearl Hughes were united in marriago
Wednesday evening at the homo of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Web
Hughes in tho Third ward, in the prcs-
enco of about twenty-five relatives nnd
invited guests, Rev. C. F. Chapman
performing tho ceremony.
The rooms were nicely decorated with
carnations, ferns and vith white bells.
At tho appointed hour the wedding party
took their places in the archway, the
bride being attended by her cousin Miss
Hazel Smith, of Garfield, and the groom
by Fred Jackson. Tho bride wore n
pretty gown of white mousscline silk
nnd carrid white carnations, tho maid
was gowned in pink silk and carried
pink carnations.
Following the ceremony congratula-
ions wcro extended nnd later an elabor
ate wadding supper was served.
Many beautiful wedding presents
were received, including a cut glass
water service from employes of the
round honse.
Th bride has spent her life in North
Platte and has a largo circle of ac
quaintances who hold her In hieh
esteem. The groom is an excellent
young man who hasmad North Platte
his home for a year or so, and is em
ployed as machinist hy tho Union
File Article of Incorporation.
Articles of incorporation of the North
Platte Co-opcrativo Association have
been filed with the county clerk. The
nature of tho business is the owning
and operating of a general store, with
a capital stock of $25,000, divided into
ten dollar shnres. Five thousand dol-
ars shall be paid in before tho com
mencement of business. The indebted
ness of tho association shall not exceed
two-thirds of tho paid up stock. The
incorporators are W H LeDoyt, R. O.
Chamberlain, F. T. Redmond, E. W.
Munn and William Otton.
of young
party nt
visiting her daughter, Miss Irene Wull
ner, who has been sick for a week.
returned last night
S. D. Parr, who had been in Omaha
for several months, returned to North
Platte this week and will re-enter the
service here as operator.
The 500 Club will bo cntortninod by
Mrs. II. C. Brock nnd Mrs. A. F.
Streitz next Tuesday evening at the
home of the former.
Secretary McAbee announces that at
the men's meeting nt tho Y. M. C. A.
rooms Sunday afternoon a number of
the laymen will give five-minuto talks
on gambling for merchandise,
The precipitation in January which
was almost entirely from snow, was
less than normal and tho most of it fell
in one storm on the 20th and 21st.
Total amount 0.28 inch. Total enow
fall five inches.
Conductor Charley Weir wont to Lin
coin Tuesday night and will probably
remain there for some time looking
after the Interests of bills in which rail
road men are interested. Tho gist of
several of these bills were published in
these columns a wcok ago.
The state treasurer of Nebraska
has purchaseQ tho bonds issued by the
city of Kearney for $125,000 to pur
chase the waterworks. Tho bonds.
which boar interest at 4i percent, sold
at par. $25,000 of the $125,000 will bo
paid on or about the first of March,
Judge Grimes has called a grand fury
for Keith County, tho first one, wo are
informed that ovor met in the county.
We understand that several matters
will be taken up among which nro the
illegal booze sales and for perjury.
Some witnesses think nothing of going
on the otnnd and testifying falsely. A
conviction or two along these lines
would have good result. It will novor
stop until some one serves a term for
the crime. Ogalalla Nowb.
The Senior class had a "skip doy"
yesterday. They went to Hershey on
the DiaO a, m. train and returned at
6:30 In tke evening. Whllo at; Horshoy
they indulged in a dance, having rented
me nauior mat purpose, nna also or
dered a special dinner. They report u
very enjoyable, duy, This morning
they made a "peaco offering" td Supt
Tout and the faculty but it was not ac
cepted and the class was1 "expolled'
until tho meeting of tho board of
education next Monday evening.
Farmers In tho Platte and Republican
River valleys are said to bo showing
more or less uneasiness ovor tho pros
pecta for winterwheat, according to an
expert who haa traveled considerably
in both territories. "Quito a little
wheat is raised in thoao sections,'' says
this expert, "and while it Is n little too
early to tell how the crop will como out
the opinion is protty general that tho
dry weather during tho fall nnd winter
has injured the grain to some extent.
A few, however, hold that very little
damage has been dono as yot, and with
a normal amount of moisture from now
en, either snow or rain, the crop should
turn out well, Both these valleys are
Recognized as the best alfalfa growing
districts in the state, and the dry
weather has not affected this crop.
Grand Island Independent.
i invited.
Charley Boguo
from a trip to St Louis and Kansas
City, having attended a union meeting
of tho officials of the railroad orders at
the latter place.
L. N. Hitc and MissOrlena Dicner,
well known young people living in Plant
precinct, were united in marriage Wed
ncsday at the Lutheran parsonage by
Rov. Harman.
For Sale A pure bred Poland China
male pig. W. W. Bihge
Tho dato of tho Elks' dedication has
been changed from April 21st to April
20th. The former dnto occurred on
Friday nnd thorofore not satisfactory
to members of tho order who are
Today is tho birth anniversary of T.
C. Patterson and also Bishop Bcocher,
and as a fitting obcervanco of the
milestones attained, Mr, Patterson will
entertain a number of Gentlemen
friends this evening with Bishop
Beechor as the favored guest.
Tho state sonata in committee of the
whole Wednesday approved Bartlingd
Sunday baso ball bill. Tho bill allows
tho playing of lawn tennis, base ball or
golf between the hours of one and six
p. m., but docs not prevent towns, or
cities from prohibiting playing baso
ball within the corporate limits.
In a report made public Wednesday
by tho Pennsylvania railroad announce
mcnt is made that during 1910 more
than $2,250,000 in benefits wore distri
buted from tho relief fund among em
ployes of tho, compnny orthoir families.
Sinco tho relief fund was established
twenty-five years ago $29,703,430.50
has been disbursed.
'Honeymoon Trail"
Tho nverago person who goes to th
thentro goes to lnuch. Ho wishes to be
entertained. In that respect the average
theatregoer resembles "the tired busi
ness man" of whom we henr so much
"Honeymoon Trail;" the big LaSalle
thentro (Chicago) musical comedy sue
cess, which cornea to the Keith Thurs
doy, Feby 9th, wa8 constructed "for
laughingpurposcs only," nnd well serves
its mission. Its dialogue, music and
comedy situations are all of the bright
est kind. There is not a dull moment
from the rise of tho first to tho fall of
the final curtain. And it Is clean, clever
comedy. Slap-sticks, "squirtguns" and
other venerable and questionable mcth
ods!of "gettinglaughs" nro not resort
cd to. Thore are no lines in tho dialogue
which are intended to provoke "gallery
Iaugns" at tho expense of disgusting
orchestra and balcony patrons. It is real
unctious, clever American humor the
kind that Bonds the auditor out of the
thentro refreshed and pleased. "Honey
moon .Trail" this season has a notable
cast, an extraordinarily Inrge and hand
soma chorus, and a maBsivo and beau
tiful scenic production. It is one of the
truly noteworthy attractions of tho cur
rent season.
For Sale
3 residence Properties Original Town
North Platto.
Lot 4 Block 95
Lot 1 Block 123
Lot 2 Block 123
Also Vacant Lots 2 and 3, Block 91;
North Platto Seo G. S. Huffman.
Graduate Northwestern University.
Ofllco over McDonald State Bank
Services at the Episcopal Church j
Bishop Beecher will bo in tho pulpit ,
and chancel of the church for the first
time sinco his consecration, Sunday
next, Feb. 6th. The rector urgently
requests all communicants and mem
bers to bo present nt the services on
that day. A special offering for the
Bishop's Purse will bo taken at tho
lato service, 10:45 a. m.
The services will be as follows for
tho day: Celebration of the Holy Com
munion 8:00 a. m., Sunday School 9:30
n. m., Holy Communion nnd Sermon
10:45 a. m., Sunday School at St. Paul's,
Chapel 3:00 p. m., Evening Prayor and
sermon 7:30.
ino uisnop win be the celobrant at
the Communion Services at 8:0() and
10:45 and will preach both morning and
of Election of Suburban
Irrigation District.
For Sale Sweat Cream and Milk.
Whipping Cream n specialty. Phono D
Endorse Their Pastor's Stand.
Tho official board of the Christian
church meet at the church Tuesday even
ing and orgunized for tho present year
by selecting H. L. Greeson as chairman
and Carl McGrcw as clerk. In addition
to other business transacted, thov se
eded J. tl Van Cleave to represent
the church on tho joint committee from
nil the churches and other religious
bodies in accordanco with Mr. Johnson's
public appeal. They also endorsed tho
position that ho had taken In regard to
tho violation of law In our community.
Notice to Bidders.
Sealed bids will be received by the
trustees of the First Baptist church of
North Platto, Neb., till noon February
27th. for tho salo of tho parsonage just
west of tho po8tofilce.
The trustees reserve tho rfcrht in rn-
- . . , , ... " .
jecL any or an dius. ah olds to bo re
eelved by tho undersigned.'
Sec. of Trustees.
Notice is hereby given that on
the 7th day of February, 1911,
between the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p.
m. an election will be held in and for
the Suburban Irrigation District in
the County of Lincoln, Stato of No
braska, and at such election there will
be elected a treasurer, for director dis
tricts numbers 1, 2, and 3, from
. i . ...
inunK mo directors elected, tho one
receiving tho highest number of votes
shall hold for the term of three years
and the one receiving the noxt highest
number of votes, for a term of two
years and the one receiving tho next
highest number of votes for a term of
ono year,
The polling places for director dis
trict No. 1 shall be at J. G. Beeler's
For director district No. 2 at C. A,
Wyman'B residence;
For director district No. 3 at Thos.
Kelly's residence; and the polls shall be
open from the hour of 8 o'clock a. m
to o o'ciock p. m.
J. G. Beelek.
The Big Sale
Last Chattce To Get A Good
Hog prices at South Omaha rofuso
to ascend to the price current at this
season last year, the range being
nenrly one dollar less than Fob. lst,1910,
However, tho supply cuts a little figure.
For tho first three dnyB of this week
tho receipts were 28,000 as compared
with 17,000 for tho same period . last
"Ned Wayburn's Dancing Brownies
tho ten little dancing broilers who do
such an extremoly clevor production
number and dance In the musical
comedy success, "Honeymoon Trail
are undoubtedly the highest salaried
chorus girls on tho American stage to
day. This number is one of the pot
numbers of that wizard of stagecraft.
Ned Wnyburn, nnd is a distinct novolty.
The glrla aro required to do the fastest
and most difficult forms of dancing,
nnd they have created nothing less
than a sensation everywhere they have
appeared. "Honeymoon Trail" is ".the
attraction at tho Keith on Thursday
evening of noxt week.
Wanted Girl for goncrnl housowork.
Apply nt G07 West Fifth, Mrs. T. F.
At Grand Island Wednesday a hobo
held a passenger train for twenty min
utos. Tho train was carrying an empty
palace stock express car oast, Itappoars
that a lone hobo had locked himself In
the car at Cheyonno nnd was making
fine time across tho country, union
Pacific officials thore were advised that
tho car was in tho possession of a gang
and ofllcors were detailed to rid tho car
of its lllict passenger traffic. The sup
posed occupants rofused to open the
car and a window and door had first to
be broken lu. Finally tho lono monarch
of all ho survoyed was yanked out and
will be tried under the Scuddcr nnU
hobo law.
Card of Thanks.
To tho neighbors, friends, fraternal
orders and social societies, who bv
their many nets of kindness, express
ions of sympathy, and in other ways
aided and comforted us in tho loss of
our dear ono and for tho beautiful
floral tributes presented, -wo extend our
sincere and heartfelt thanks. They will
ovor be remembered by us and cherish
ed with tho memory of her who is gone.
r. ii. auuivnn nnu mrniiy.
John Monroe and daughter.
Tho Roal Thlnn.
his," snlrt tho young benedict who
wns Just realizing tlmt ho hud caught
a tnrtnr, "is what I call real mnrried
"I'm glad yon'ro satisfied with some
thing," Hho Hiinpped.
"Oh, I'm not! I merely meant to In
form you that It la not Ideal." Phila
delphia Ledger.
His Good Action.
A llttlo Canadian boy wont to bed
nnd then HUddonly recollected that ho
hadn't dono ono good notion that day.
His conselonuo was guuwtng at him.
Ho henrd a llttlo squeal In tho corner
of his room, ami ho got up nnd re
leased n mouse that had been cnught
In tho trap. Ttfen ho gave It to tho
Expensive Flotlon.
that picture really a work of
"I don't know,1
"but tho story
about It Buroly
replied Mr. Cumrox,
tho dealer told mo
wna." Washington
Enough Said.
"Thrifty, Is sho?"
"Thrifty! I won't go into n long
discourse. I merely toll you that sho
bnuks money lu December." Wash
ington Herald. .
His Dilemma.
"For $200 I'll fix your teoth so yon
can chow without dluVulty."
"If I was to glvo yon $200 I couldn't
get anything to chew on." Life,
i wenty years experience
means food results for thrift
For Sale ,
Block 3 South Park Addition to North
T!.. it.-. til r
Fort Berthold Indian Resorvatlon in- -., ' ri0 ' ,nn 9 io of who have my services.
RyuV.N.D., WlIl1'n8oC0afC.,n 8eC"0n t13!1 Phono J nrWc '
iurniBn vou lniormaiion reirum ne thaii'or nrico unu terms auress ii. Hi. i - . ....
opening of same. Nichols, Sterling, Col. North Platte,
me at
Will continue for one week
owing to the great success
during January.
This sale ivill absolutelg dose, and prices be re
stored, on Monday, February 6th. Until then we
will continue to sell any Suit or Overcoat in the
house at one-fourth off regular price.
Underiuear one-fifth off.
Hats one-fifth off. .
Shoes one-fifth off.
And a proportionate reduction on everythmg in the
No such money saving sale ever inaugurated
in the city on high-class merchandise. You must
see these values to realize them.
We are making this reduction on the celebrated
"'Princeton" Clothing to reduce our stock, We
need the money and you need the clothing. Let's
For One Week Only.
Drebert Clothing Co.,
LUDGunIG i'Kiilj
By 11 QUAD
f opright, 1010, by Associated Lit
erary Press.
First National;! Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $140,000,
E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President,
VI. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President,
F. L. NOONEY, Cashier.
Josephus Henderson wub u man of
forly when a startling event took place
In his lire. Ho was. also it widower.
lie vim exactly five feel, high and
weighed 110 pounds. These figures
will t-ruvlnco you tlint josepuus was
not nuuiborcd among tho mighty men
of earth. He had tried various ways
of making n living, nnd in pursuing
them he had got tho reputation of be
ing keen, lie had nt loBt turned pea
dlcr nnd was driving n horse and
wngon nround tho country with dry
goods, notions, groceries nnd tinware.
That's tlo way ho enmo to meet tho
widow Sopher, wuo uvea on a inrm.
Tho widow had passed forty, anc
was largo nnd bony and strong. Sho
was not hnndsomo. Tho only tiling on
earth she feared was tho law. Sho
had once been arrested for kicking a
mnn nnd had spent ten days In Jan.
Tho sheriff had mado ucr stay as
nlcnsant as possible, but sho had nev
or recovered from tho shock.
Peddlers nro n Jovial lot, and so aro
widows, and In tlmo these two enmo
to call each other Josh and Sally.
Things would have gone no furtnor
but for tho llttlo man's keenness. Ho
never mado n salo to tho widow with
out cheating her, nnd ono day when
ho heard that Bhe had como into pos
session of $5,000 in cash through tho
death of a brother Josepuus Baw his
way clear for tho future. That money
would sot up n Btoro In tho village,
nnd ho would becomo a thriving merchant.
Jooephus went courting Uo found
tho widow behind tho plow In a field.
As ho courtedsho plowed. Ho had
no objections, as tlmo wns money to
both of them. Josephus confessed
that ho had entertained a sneaking
nffectlon for tho widow sinco his first
call, nnd, though sho didn't sny much,
sho seemed pleased.
Josephus was told to call two weeks
later, but at tile end of nine days ho
wns back again. Ho said it was his
beating heart thnt fetched him. Ho
had cut tho tlmo down, but tho widow
wns ready for him. Soveral days pre
vious sho had gono to tho village and
paid a lawyer $5 to answer tho ques
tion: "Can tho law troublo a wlfo who
licks her husband?"
And his answer had been:
"Not if you do not lick him too hnrd.
Thero is neither assault nor battery In
what mny bo called n moderate licking.
Don't brenk nny bones and don't seri
ously injuro his eyes."
"I havo been thinking," suld tho wid
ow to Josephus; "I havo been thinking
nnd wondering If yon lovod me."
"Henveno, can you doubt It?" ho exclaimed.
"And you will always lovo me?"
"Forever and forever!"
"Then we'll sny two months hence."
"Ono month a week a day!"
Josephus know of a store to rent In
tho village, nnd ho wanted that $5,000.
Tho widow insisted thnt sho must have
two weeks nt tho very shortest, and a
dnto was settled on. Tho marriage was
to bo private nnd bo celebrnted lu her
home. In duo tlmo tho happy daj
enmo round n preacher and two wit
nesses nnd tho deed wns dono. An
hour later, as tho happy couple were
left alone, tho widow changed hoi
dress, rolled up her sleeves and brought
out n new horsowhlp bought for tho oc
casion. "What's up?" nsked tho wondering
"Tnko off your coat and stand out"
"For what, lovo? I want to talk
with you about opening a store in
"Plenty of tlmo for thnt, Josephus.
The first snle you mado to mo was five
yards of roller toweling. Yon beat mo
on tho prlco and on tho measure. I'm
going to tan your Jacket for it!"
"But, love"- ,
She took him by tho collar and laid
on tho whip till ho hollered. A wo
man who could twist n plow around
in clny soil could handlo tho little
"Tho second sale," continued the
wifo ns she rested, "wns five tin pnns.
Four of them leaked, nnd you beat mo
out of 10 cents beside. Hero is lick
lng No. 2."
"nut I nm your dear husband!" he
protested ns ho squirmed about.
"Amf Hint's why I can lick you and
dodgo tho law. nero, goes!"
Josephus' hide was tickled ngnln.
Ho attempted to fight, but was tnken
by tho hair nnd his head banged
ngnlnst tho wall till ho grow quiet.
When tho pcrformnnco was over nnd
tho wlfo hnd got her breath bIio said:
"You sold mo ten yards of calico foi
n dress and wnrrnnted it to wnsh. It
was three-quarters of a ynrd short on
tho measure nnd the colors ran into
each other. Josephus, somo more
"I'll havo you nrrested for this!"
"You can't. That's what I paid sr.
to make sure of. Como to time!"
I Atld .Toseplms wns licked for sellliur
short weight groceries, nnd for charg
lng RO cents too much for n pair of
shoes, and for selling black stockings
thnt crocked, nnd when ho hnd got his
last stroko tho wifo said:
"Josephus, darling. It wns n cousin
of mlno thnt got tho $5,000, but you'vo
got mo, nnd hero wo dwell, and you
do the farm work nnd do It well or
you'll got somo moro of this! Tho
mercnntilo business Is not for us,
denr. What wo want is tho freo nlr of
the country, with honest prices nnd
good measure thrown in I"