The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 13, 1909, Image 7

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For Infanto and Cliildron.
-i - 51
N i
ii mamm I bRA 1 UHlra
mi; "I": ,i;;i,i!i;",-r::
riiotirApti lir I l.milliifit. Wuidi nton. 1J, (
Mrs. Huntington Wilson, wiffc of the
not unknown In society circles at the national capital, having resided for three
years prior to her marriage In Baltimore.
J. V. Harrison, St. Louis Millionaire,
Who Has Made Successful Model,
Sayo Hie Plan Is Sure to
Be a Big Succcqss.
St. houln. Aerial navlpatlon Is not
a very dlllioult problem, according to
.lohri W. HarrlGon, millionaire manu-factum-
of this city. Mr. Harrison
recently told a reporter that ho had a
plan upon which ho has worked for
more than four years, for an airship
that would also float on water, and
he says ho Is sure tho machine will
ho successful, hecause he niado ;i
model of II and tho model worked
perfect ly.
"I know It Is practicable and will
work successfully," Mr. Harrison said,
"because I mado a model some tlnio
nsn which did all I thought It would
and more. The only trouble with It
was that It sailed completely away,
and I never found It or any trace
of It."
Mr. Harrison made his model along
the Hues upon which ho has planned I
a bigger midline. It was two foot i
long and operated by a big clock '
miring, lie liberated the all ship from
tin. i-nnl' fit' lilu lmmn nnrl It flow!
away. Ho watched It until It was' out
of t-ight, and as far an he could see it
the contrivance did not drop or show
any defect.
Mr. Harrison fully described Ills
connivance. The machine Is to be
built of aluminum, the roof and wings
to bo of oiled silk. It Is to bo pro
vided with two piopellers, one for air
and one for water navigation. Tho
body Is boat shaped, of aluminum.
The propellers uio lo be of aluminum.
Aluminum columns on the boat will
suppoit the roof, which Is to bo of
oiled silk, Kin-rounded by huge, rigid
wings of oiled silk.
The dimensions are to bo as fol
lows: Tho aluminum boat Is to be CI
feet long, the silk loof Is to bo !!5
Prematurely Awakened, Mistakes a
Fiery Butt for a Meal.
Montclalr, N. J. A toad, led to he
Hove that spring had reached here
had a painful experience. A trench
was being dug lor a sower connection
In Cluremnnt avenue, and to thaw tho
frozen earth llres wero built along the
The toad, feeling the warmth, awoke
from Itn winter sleep and hastened to
Hie mirfuce. Just then a pas3lug smo
ker throw away bis burning stump of
a cigar, which rested on a small twig
thnt held it about two Inches above
tho ground. The toad, on tho lookout
for u square meul, probably thinking
tlie flrelly season had arrived, mad
n jump for tho stump and boltel It.
Tho toad jumped In the air about
tl.ieo feet, then alighted on the side
walk. A low faint croak preceded an
other jump, which was followed by n
third. Then tho toad hopped nimbly
back to the grusisy plot from which It
had emerged, no doubt returning to Its
winter homo to think the matter ovei
Lays a Freak Egg.
Mlnnear.olla, Minn. A three-year-i.IO
Plymouth Itock hen owned by
I'litnk A. Hroitkrontz Is In the public
gazo with tho (piuoret shaped ogg on
locord. It la shaped like u Kqiush,
with a body tho slzo of n smnll egg, a
long neck and another small 3lzed egg
on tlio end.
-m- ...
new assistant secretary of state, Is
feet long and the wing area to bo 75
feet long. Tho wings arc to ho 25
feet long. The (5 feet botween their
onds. This would make a wing area
75 feet long by 56 feet wide. Tho air
propeller to have 18-foot wings nnd
tho . wnter propeller 2-foot wings.
Tho maehlno Is to ho operated by a
04-horse-powor steam engine, weigh
ing 750 pounds. This machine, by Mr.
Harrison's calculations, would linvo a
2,100-pound lifting power.
Tho ninchlno which How away was
a model of this proposed airship, two
feet In length. It was built just like
ho proposes lo build the big one.
Ho never made another model, but
had an engino made for a big irtu
ehlno. About that time, however, ho
says other business distraclcd his at
tention. Mr. Harrison sold tho engine to n
Japanese servnnt, and tho Japanese
wont to New York, eaylng ho would
consult tho Japanese consul thero and
try lo construct an airship on Mr.
Harrison's idens. hut tho Japanese han
not since been heard from.
Sailor Injured at Sea lr. Successfully
Treated from Land.
ISurekn, Cnl. Calling a physician on
shore by wireless from the vessel
where he lay dangerously III and re
ceiving fucr.esfiful tn'atuient by wire
lesn advice was the unique, experienco
of n Hiillor on hoard the oil stounishlp
Asuncion, which was off this port.
While tho ship wan near thin port
tho Humboldt wireless station re
ceived a message stating that one of
the sailors had fallen from the rigging
to the deck, sustaining injuries result
ing In severe Internal hemorrhages.
Medical advice for tho Injured man
was asked.
Tho wlrelcst stmlcn nt oiuo com
municated with Marine Dr. Churles
Falk, who prescribed treatment. Tho
steamship remained hove to until the
prescription of tho physlclnn had been
r-ecived by wireless message.
Monument recently erected In South Africa to the memory of the horses
that perlsrcd in the British-Doer conflict.
Is Largest In America and May Have
Been Built While Pyramids Were
Erected Relics Inoldo Full
of Mystery.
Charleston, W. Va. Htandlng 70
feet high, 000 foot In clrcumlcrcncc,
with tree s growing on It 700 years old,
the mammoth mound at Moimdsvllle,
V. Va., located on tho Gravo creek
Hats, near tho Ohio river the greatest
monument of antiquity In tho Ohio val
ley, and n memorial to tho llfo of n
prehistoric people, will ba purchusod
by tho stnto of West Virginia.
At tho session of tho legislature Jut
ended, following unceasing activity for
20 years, the stnto appropriated $1,000
with which to save tho mound from
tho ravages of modem commercialism.
This sum, with a donntlon of ?5,000
from the McFadden heirs, owners of
tho property, and a similar donation
from the school ehlldron of tho state,
is sufllclont to areuro tho mound for
tho state.
A quarter of n century ago O. S.
McKaddon put chased tho mound to
provent It bolng sold to a German,
who knew tho value of tho spot for a
popular rosort, and Intended pluclng
a saloon on tho summit. Several
months ago tho heirs of McFaddon
sorved nollco that llioy had hold tho
mound as long as possible, and it
would bo sold at once. s
The mound Is the largest In Amer
ica, and wns .discovered by Joseph
Tomllnaon In 1770, tho llrst pioneer
settler In that section. Standing In
n broad valley of 4,000 acres, It af
fords a view of tho surrounding coun
try for tovoral miles.
Uclallvo to tho ago of tho mound
little Is known. Tonillnson. tho discov
erer, twitl that when he discovered It
nnd first mounted Its summit, then 00
feet high, tho timber on tho mound
wns an large and dnse as any of tho
surrounding lorcst. At that tlmo sotno
of tho trees boro names nnd dates, ono
of tho lntter bolng 1731. A gigantic
oak tree, felled years afterward on tho
summit, was ascortnlned to bo moro
than six centuries old.
Even conjecture cannot point to tho
time when the mammoth mound was
erected by a bygono people it may
have been when old Cheops was bqlng
built or when Clcopatra'n nccdlo was
heltif,' fashioned. Certain It Is that
tho mound was erected by n prehis
toric race that was similar to tho
In lS.'tb" tho mound was opened by
Its owner by excavating a passage
way from tho north sido toward tho
center. At a distance of 100 foot
from tho entrance two skeletons wero
unearthed In n Vault crudoly construct
ed with unhewn timbers nnd looso
stones. Ono of tho skeletons wns sur
rounded by C50 Ivory beads and nn
Ivory ornament about six Inches In
A shaft was sunk from tho summit
of the mound to meet the drift, and
nt a point 34 feet nbove tho vault llrst
discovered was another containing a
skeleton which lind been ornnmented
with copper rings, plates of mica and
bono heads.
Probably tho most Interesting curio
or antiquary taken from tho mound In
1838 was a stouo Cngravod In unknown
characters resembling those used by
tho Scnndlnuvlan priests before tho
Introduction of the ltomnn alphabet.
The characters are conceded to
bo of European origin, and If this bn
true It Is evldont that other Euro
peans visited America before Chris
topher Columbus.
Hill Springs Up in a Crock.
Woodland, Cnl. A hill has risen out
or the bed of Cacho crook In Capay
valley. The eoiirso of tho crook has
been diverted and Is now running sov
ernl hundred yards out of Its course.
Tho upheaval wns accompanied by two
sharp explosions. Sovnn acres in the
vicinity havo dropped from 10 to 100
feet, and tho depression Is rapidly
lllllng from tho creek.
I'fclS I SR Ask for the I
miM I Baker's Cocoa
rssiifmr w i : mm ; . ' in r jl ji bla jl .itsl mjm ijp i r m a h
r. , trxmtcmm.- ' . m I I IV, I IV Call mr- m
- . Ir.wL.nrT O 13 " ffl t . tO m
"Hero la a littlo present for you a
suporb $5,000 necklace " j
"Oh I How nice of yon!"
" thnt I will lot yon have for '
Just Before the Spanking.
"Pop, docs a chicken conio from nn
"Yes, my son."
"And does an egg como Ironi n
"Well, If n chicken come from nn
egg, and nn egg comes frcm i olilckon,
"Now see hor. If ;-ou nre going to
prolong this lino of thought you can
go right to hod."
"Hut, pop!"
"Well, what?"
"How does a chlckon como from an
"Oh, any hon can sit on an egg ami
hatch It."
"Geo! I'm glnd I nln't n hen. It mint
hurt to sit on a hutchel!" (Unity ex
it.) Safe and Sure.
Among tho medicines that arc rcconi-
incnucu and cuiloiKcd hy pliyMumiis nnd i
inufon is Kemp's KiIkiiii, tho host cough
cure. Tor many yearn it lum been rcuunl- '
cd by doctors na tliu medicine most Hitch- .
lo euro coukIih, and it has a otrona hold
on the esteem of all well-informed people.
When Kemp's HiiIkiiu cannot euro n cough
wo Minll be at n Iohh to know what will.
At druggists nnd dealers', 25c.
Tho Elopers.
"Did you telegraph your father?"
"Yes and got bin nnswor."
"Whnt is 11?"
"I asked him If he would forgive us
If wo came back and ho said tho only
condition on which he would forglvo
us would bo that wo shouldn't como
back." Houston Post. J
With a smooth Iron and Doflnnco
Starch, you can launder your shirt-
waist just na well nt homo ns tho
Rtcnm laundry can; It will havo tho
proper ntirtncsa nnd finish, thoro will
bo less wonr and tear of tho poods,
and It will bo a posltlvo plousuro to
uso n Starch that does not stick to tin?
Tho Writer's Child Pa, what In
Tho Writer Penury, my son, Is tho
wages of tho pen. j
lt'M..l. 1 ........ . 1 '.. ' .
-( ' 11 mij
Itelloved by Murino Uyo lletnedy. Com
pounded by Uxperlonced IMiyxIcluus. Mu
rino Doesn't Smart: Soothes Hyn 1'iiln.
Wrlto Murlnn 15yo rtemedy Co.. ChlciiKo,
for Illustrated Kyo Hook, At Drucclatn.
Just the Thing.
"How Is tho littlo bootblack getting
on whom you started?"
"He? Why, he's a Bhlning success."
Your working power jlepends upon your
heultli! ttnrlicld Tea corrects difwdei of
liver, kidneyn, utomach nnd bowels; over
comes constipation, purities thu blool -liringx
good hrnlth.
A good singer can nlwnys mako 1
womon cry by iilnglng "Homo, Sweet
Home." So many people Ioiie for a '
homo, and so few have one.
Pettlt's Eyo Salve First Sold In 1307 '
100 years ago, sales increnso yently, wonder- I
fid remedy; cured millions wmk.ovoji. All I
driigcists or Howard Uton., llull'ulo, X. Y. I
Ambition makes a man feel thnt ho
could ip Domulhlng, If ho only knew
iim:k ctmr.n is r m days.
I'AZO UINTMISNTIiiminmiileil In eiirn liny i'il
i.r Itclilni;. IHInil. lllt-edlni.' or rniirucllnt 1'llca U
li to Uuuysor inonuy rufuuileil. 6Uu,
A man talks about lovo as though
ho felt nahnmcd of tho conversation.
Lcwio' Single Hinder contn more tlmn
other 5c cigarN. SmokerH know why.
Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
It's easy for a man's wlfo to dress
wnll If his creditors can afford It.
Vntt Ar!m ITflo Allm-n foot-Kino
Ororl0.uujteMlmonlal. IleruxiliuliutluiiD. Homtfor
friii trial puckauu. A. S, OhuMcd, . Hot, N. V.
It takes a has-been a long tlmo to
find It out.
Mm. tVliulonr'a Sootlilni: Syrnii.
ror rtitlilrcti teHtlitni:, fcoflriw tho Kurni, roilut-M In.
Kunnuutluu. Mla uin, curoi wlml loIIo, 2So a bottle.
, tf rtol I ' 11 nffucts n"0- ' W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 14, 1909. DEFIAMGE STARCH nu'chVVtnenf
wffl ! I i hW "ig urns ii tauts- i
1 1 mis lea By imitations R
r .va mm - m. m rt
AVct'lnl)lc Prcpamlion TorAs
similn t liv Hie Food and Hegtila -i!n$ihcStr
' Incisor
Promotes Diccslionl'liccrrui-
Opium .Morphinr nor Minora!
Not NAncoTic
Knkrll' -' .
.Inn ...
Itiirirrrtfit tir
A perfect Hcmctly ftirConslijw
lion , Sour .Stornnch.Diorrlmco,
lac Sin.. . t, -v of
Tlin Ct STAl.t t'CMPNV.
Exact Cn-y of Wrapper,
xffliai'antl'ctl unilcr tho Fuotlin
8.i pHtcEs
i -
iolW)nouii irnn frtm tlio
ml 1 1 a flnv K
It. Hliow o your ifnuwlet.
k inner rpmmr
n1 Citron.
riiHm i Ken 9
Positively cured by
these I.Utle Tills.
They alno rcllovo UIh
I i if limi Di'Ht.i'tiMla. In.
dlKOHtion uiiilTixilIcurty
KiillnK. A perfect rem
edy for DlnlncHfl, Nu-Dmn-HliiCHM,
TiiMoln tlinMoutli,Conl-
...1 rr.. ........ fi..l.. 1.. .1..
i ... ..fiiui;. a- 1.1,1 ill wiu
Hid,. .'i-ohnm uvkil
Ibey reguluto tlio IIowcIn. I'iiit ly VcKctable.
Gcnuino Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signature
Do You Feel
Down ?
If so, you arc an easy victim of
disease. You can avoid danger
if you build up your system with
the natural strcngth-civcr
which helps your ldy do ita ovrn
building up. It put!) the whole diges
tive system in u perfect condition.
Regulates the stomach, Imparts new
vigor nnd health to the tissues.
Your Druggist has it.
Tito sizes, 50c and 35c
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Signaturo J$
r J0 In
J For Over
Thirty Years
TMieMTunooMMNT. new von orrv.
Famous Sure Hatch Incubators
Will lo wild ClIlCAl ttio next few wccUn. Hfnt
iiiiietdiio In llio world, llullt for rent tuiHlneixi, und
will raalio yoti money. (Irl Into tho IiiinIuchm now nnd
riiUo elilrkfim while Poultry nnd Kku urn lilcli
(irleisl. fiend for lili; free book about our Incubator
mid tlio l'oultrjr UuhIochm.
.Suro Hatch Incubator Co., Dox 173, Fromonl, Neb.
Pink Eyo, Eptootlo
Shlpplnii Fover
Ik Cutorrhnl Fover
Rare mrK ami ToIUntirvT(intUf. noiitler liowhorwaatnnr no;srelnr1Kl or
tMml.M Mllltlll.tflVIMl ttll tllB tlIICU1.k '! oil tltn lltlMM ftlKl UlAllttll 111
(hi mi IMstoiiiper In IHhih and HhNp ami linlnra In
I. M.m.l. (S.m. 1 1. 1 1 r I I ... 1 1 i i n i r ) . 1 1 . .
lUoftock rrmutj. Ciirnt Ia t.rlpl" Aiiiuntr Iuiituui trine
who w 111 in)t U for Jfu. it Itooklvt. DUtoiuw r, Cuif t
ww it iMiiim. nti riuni"nn. i ui impiii. kivd
y ii i w
Ohnmtntffl nnil
GOSHEN, l!!D U, S. A.
The Reason 1 Wnko and Boll More lion's $3.00
lo $3 .CO Shoes man Any Other Manufacturer
1j tKHH I (It th mm tb b,n,at of 11m neit
compUU orxututloa of ttkliud uvrti uul iU!la
hMMftliri in tli ooantry,
th (dMllaa o tb l,thri for ch put ol tb tho.
Mid ntrr aUU ! th muklnx In vry dtputnmt, U
Liete4 WUf ky tKotmt ibQcnUKri In tt tlio Initittry.
Ill ooald bv)ra bow rttirollr V L. ItoitUi bM
ra mad,, too wvul 1 tbtn om)r,Wnd ihy th hold thdr
liapt, ttutur, ulwut loniuUiu uyvtlurBiati.
Uy Mathoitvf Tanning tht Soles nioket them Hero
flexible ivxl Longer Wearing tran any often.
NIhm'h fur tlvrry Mtmlwr nt the Viimtlir,
llnyi., VMiirn,MUeu unil Clilidru.
I'or Ml" hy i!io iliTv'.a-scvf rrwjiere.
PnilTinU I Nmo K'imlnn wltliout V, i. DonuKi ,
uHUIlUli duiiiid nnd 1'ii.u imiitit on Ix.llouu
TMt Color Sylit UMd Kzclailnly. CttuJog milltd Irt.
Tliis Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purchase pf
paint material.
It is an absolutu
guarantee of pur
ity and quality.
I'or your own
protection, see
that it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
HAT10MU tElD twmt
1M1 Trinity Bulldlm, Mm Ttik