The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 09, 1900, Image 6

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A Hmnrt Combination Uren'njt flown
limine (Jlrla, Not In tlio World of
Finance, I'ut tlio World at Home
Our Cooking School.
A Hlmpto Word.
K may bo glorious lo write
Thoughttt that shall glud the two or
High boiiU, like thoRC far stow that como
In Night
Once In a century;
Uut bolter for It Is lo speak
Ono Hlmplo word, which now and then
flhnll-wnkcn their rreo imtuto In the weak
And frlcudlCHU tiona of turn;
To wrlto Homo earncHt verco or line,
Which, necking not tho prnlne of art,
Hhall mako clear fulth and manhood
In tho untutored heart.
Ho who doth thin, In verno or pro.
May bo forgotten In his day,
Hut mirely ntin.ll bo crowned ul last with
Who Uvo and upeak for aye.
James Uusscll Lowell.
Illinium UlrU.
I do not mean a girl who has gono
Into Eomo trade or profession, for tho
most domoHtic "homo bird" of my girl
readora n:uy ho one. Indcod, If sho
holps to carry out her dally duties
miccosstully sho must do her utmost to
hecomo a "huslnosB girl" In my sonso
ot tho word. And when, In course of
tlmo, uho posses to a homo of hor own,
i ho will bo nt no loss In taking up hor
position ns housekeeper and mistress.
Sho will win tho respect ot'thoso In her
employ by showing thorn that uho un
derstands how sho should bo jorvod,
nnd that while comort Is absolKtoly
required, no oxtravaganco will bo al
lowed. Bho will causo her husband's
lovo for hor to Incroaso by showing
him how truly his Interest Is hors by
bringing Into play hor knowlodgo of
"how to snend nnd how to savo." To
ninlio homo uncomfortablo by mean,
unnecessary savings Is no real econ
omy, but to plan with loving thought
how to mako ovcry dollar ylold its truo
valuo Is housekeeping In its best sense;
for such a "business girl" will mako
a small Incomo go further and give
moro real happiness nnd comfort than
would ono ot doublo and treble tho
amount In Inoxporloncod hands, Uut
to mako my girl reador a comploto
buslnoss ono of tho typo which I wrlto,
sho must nlso loom how to conduct
hor charities. Giving Indiscriminate
ly, without Inquiry or thought, Is ofton
moro productive of ovll than good, and
sho must bo as wlso over tho spend
ing of tho portion allotted "to help
othora," and glvo ns thorough consid
eration to It OB sho doos to what sho
puts apart for her porsounl concerns.
Woman' Hominy.
From Monday morning till Saturday
midday tho majority ot husbands tell
you they nro hard at work. Thoy rlso
at C, 7, or 8, and, having onion break
fast, got to btiBluoBB. At mldduy gomes
an4 hour for dinner and rest. Thon
work fills up tho tlmo till C, 6, or 7.
Tho ovoulng thoy claim as tholr lawful
root after a hard dny'o broad-winning.
When two ot thoso hard-workod mon
moot thoy almost Invariably, soonor or
later, sncor or Joko about tho lazy lives
women lead. Listen I If tho bond ot
n Iioubo rises at 6, his wlfo mtrnt rlso
at C In order to have his brouktast
roady on a cloan tablo In a clonnly
Bwopt room, Tho husband loaves for
business, and his wlfo settles down
to tho nocoBsnrlly dull routlno ot
liottsowork. At tho mlduy moal sho
most probably has to attond to tho
wants of two or throo rtlldron. In
tho 'afternoon uho -must coll on hor
neighbors lu ordor to keep up friend
ships, so that hor husband may havo
peoplo to talk to when bo wants variety
In tho ovonlng. Sho nlso has to do
tho necessary shopping. At about 5
tho hardest part ot hor day begins.
First, tho evening moal, thon tho chll-
uteu to bo put to bod, thon sho must
try and bo lively and nmuso hor spouso
till Btich tlmo as ho chooses to go to
lied. As to a wife's Sunday, ovory ono
viho has ever boon a child knows what
that means.
Uooit and Had Hlrlet In Skirl.
,Tho akirt.;buU)neu .down tho back
from bolt lo uom, ami tno siurt win is
fastened at tho back with sovoro but
tons and cord, are both old-fashioned,
fortunotoly, for' tho fashion wob to ox-
tromo to be In good taste,- The habit
skirt, as Is called tho skirt that (Its
liko a rldlng-hublt, that has olthor n
eeom In tho middle of the back or cir
cular, and fastens at tho loft side, la
.ns yot tho best. This requires to bo
carefully mado, bo that it la not too
(tight over tho back nnd hips, Tho
tgy'plBi look 1b obvlatod by four
rojvB. of tucks, very amnll, and put on
nbout throo Inchos below tho waist.
This breaks tho plain look that Is ob-
Joctionablo to tho many figures. Satin-
faced cloths, ot both light nnd heavy
weight, nro to bo usod again, but thoro
nro also to bo worn shaggy Borgos and
cornel's hair friezes. Cashmoro and all
materials ot tho cashmere and smooth
finish will bo extremely fashlonablo,
on they lend themselves particularly
well to tho closo-ntting stylo of dress.
Thoy cpmo In all Bhndes and boautlful
colorings. iiorpcr s unzar.
Itnlr I)rlug MlnU.
When tho bead lu nhoit Mie hair must
bo raised an much as posslblo. It It Is
long. tho hair la thrown back on tlio
tamiiloH nnd sllKhtlv miffed Hxeess
of 'length In tho rond may oaallv bo
concoalod by tho arrangement ot tlni
hair. For promlnont toroheadi care
should bo taken not to throw the hair
back. For n retreatlns forohcad mid
n farm without oxuresflluu a colffuro on
tho front ot the hoad will bring cut
h faatnres. Tho lino of tho noso Is
of primary Importance In arranging
the eoltture. Straight or slightly aaull-
Of yellow Batln; very nnrrow strips of
on bodlco and skirt; white silk fringe
on shouldor.
Ino noses demand a regular .mil sym
metrical, but not very high, coiffure.
Fine noscB, with mobllo nostrils, Bur
mounted by two bright eyes, want a
colffuro with contrary lines, iiud hav
ing something of tho unforeseen nnd
of fantastic. I'untnstlc must bo carried
even further with abort and rrtrousso
noHos, and even amount to nn appear
nnco of disorder restrained by p.'ua
nnd combs. Lastly, u Borloim, regular,
ulmost Bevoro colffuro gives to long,
nqulllna nose? that pocullar .character
which marks tho olllgen of most his
torical medals. Baltimore Herald.
A Humrt Combination.
Visiting gown of drab velvet. Un-
dorsklrt ot black gauz embroldorod
In Jot and blnck sequins. Tunic ot
tho volvet drapod slightly at tho loft
sldo whoro a few hollow phots nro
Inserted. It Is cut undulating at the
bottom and Is lo3t with a narrow bond
of sablo.
Corsago of velvet; shaped liko a
cuirass, with long basques that do
Bcrlbo a scallop at tho bock nnd front.
Yoko and sleeves ot Jotted black mous-
eollno do solo.
Itemove Ntnlm from Table I.lnen.
Tho careful housowlfo U much an
noyod whon a splc span tablecloth Is
marrod by a stain of food or beverage
Thoso can, howovor, ho qulto easily ro
moved if taken whon fresh. For too
Btatns, spread the Bt-ilnod placo over
a basin, thon rub tho sppt woll with
olthor powdored borax or puro glyeor-
Ino. thon pour boiling water through
tho material, allowing it to cook wen
In this. If tho Btnlna tiro not fresh,
this may roqulro to bo lepoatcd. Cof-
fco Btalns may bo romovod In tho Bnmo
way, ituu ami wino stains nro ire
nuently vory trouuiosomo, ana hoouui
bo uttondod to as soon U9 may be. If
poBBlblo, at onco strain tho tdnlncd
part ot tho ciotn over a oasin, anu ruu
tho spot won wun nno snu, mon pour
boiling water inrougu u in pievuni
tho mark spreading, A froshly out
tomato .ruuuou over mo nowiy mauo
fruit or wluo stain Is nlso sold to bo
oxcoltent. Another way Is to rub tho
stained part woll on both aides, with
tho satin Interlaced over white Batln,
trimmings, largo bow ot black velvet
a thick paste of starch; rub this well
In, nnd then expose It to tho sun and
nlr for thrco or four days, when tho
stains should havo disappeared. If
thoy havo not, ropoat tho process,
sprinkling tho linen now nnd uguln as
It dries with a llttlo water.
A I'll ce Kliumpon.
Perhaps every ono Is aware ot tho
quite magical effect ot a faco shampoo
when tired out. Its refreshing powers
nro so great that tlio llttlo trouble in
volvcd Is not worth considering. Wet
a sponge In Boft, hot wntor. Put on It
a llttlo good soap and a fow drops of
glycorlnc. Lnthor tho faco thorough
ly with tho rinse, and rub tho skin with
almond moal till It la qulto dry. Wash
the menl off with fresh hot wator, thon
spray or spongo tho faco with cold
wator till tho nosh feels nlco and firm.
This closes tho poros. Dry gently with
a soft towel and powdor lightly with
pure Fuller's earth.
Fried Oyiter.
Select lnrgo oysters. Clean, par-boll
slightly, to draw out somo of tho water.
Drain nnd dry on a towel. Roll in
flour or flno bread crumbs, dip In
mayonnaise dressing, then In crumbs
again. Lot them stand flvo minutes,
and If thoy seem moist dip again In
crumbs and cook at onco In deep, hot
fat, ono nilnuto, Doing already cooked
thoy need only tho browning ot tho
Ralml of Duck
Cut tho flesh of a roast duck Into
pieces no larger than a half dollar and
kcop them hot. Put tho scraps and
trimmings In a sauco pan with half a
pint of claret, two shallots, a bay leaf,
a spring thymo, a pinch of rod popper,
and a pint ot stock. Reduce this over
a quick fire and strain, udd two ounces
of butter, halt a pint ot shrimps or
mushrooms and tho Julco ot halt a
lemon. Mix woll, but do not boll. Dish
tho duck on slices ot fried or toasted
broad, pour tho sauco over It and gar
nlBh with parsloy.
(lolden Hplee" Cake.
Cream half a cup ot buttor, add one
cup ot brown sugar nnd beat well. Add
tho yolks ot four eggs and ono whole
egg, woll beaten; atlr In half a cup
each ot milk und molasses, two and
ono-fourth cups of flour, alftcd, with
half a toaspoonful ot sodu, halt a too
spoonful ot clove, ono toaspoonful ot
cinnamon, one-fourth ot a grated nut
meg, a fow groins ot cnyonno and a few
gratings of lemon peel. Dako In a
square loaf, In a moderate oven, nbout
an hour, nnd when cold Invert nnd
cover tho bottom with a marshmallow
Chocolate I'mldlng,
Take a quart of milk, mix n llttlo ot
It with throo tablespoonfuls ot corn
starch and tho same quantity ot gratod
chocolate, Blend to n smooth nasto.
and stir It briskly into tho rcmalndor
ot tho milk whllo It Is boiling briskly.
Cook for threo minutes, romovo and
add n toaspoonful ot vanlla and tho
beaten yolks ot throo eggs. Pour tho
mixture Into a buttered plo dish nnd
bako from twenty to thirty mlnutos.
WblBk tho whites ot tho eggs to a BtIR
froth, stir Into thorn n tablospooutul
of powdored sugar, and pllo it caro
lcssly on tho pudding and placo It In
a warm (not hot) oven for flvo mlnutos
to aot
Sorvo hot.
"I admtro a man who can say no,"
Bald Brlmloy.
"Will you open a small bottlo with
moT" asked Bllx. Philadelphia North
IteulMtlc Snow Hcenoi licit Valve for
Kettle Ilarnetfttng the Tide Self-
riutectlon In riitiit A New l'hoto
graphlo Telescope Iteceut Invention.
Ilnrni-nliis tlio Tide.
Tho efforts now making In Europe
to produce electrical energy by utiliz
ing tho tides, .arc thought to bo prac
tical, and complete success Is expect
ed. The Idea of generating power by
means of tho tides Is old. In fact, tho
method now being applied on tho
coasts of France and England to run
dynamos by utilizing the riso and fall
of the short waters Is tho same thut
was long employed nt a few points on
iho shores of Long Island sound nnd
elsewhere to grind flour In "tide mills."
Tho English are treating tho problom
as though Its practicability for tho gen
eration of electricity on a lurgo bcoIo
was fully demonstrated. It Is said
thn tho sea wall and works that nro
to be erected ut Southend, on tho north
side of tho Thames' mouth, will cost
$11,000,000. Tho purpose Is to supply
electricity lo London, and the advan
tage of tho slto selected Is that thoro
tho rise and fall of the tide Is very
great. This enterprise will be by far
the most ambitious and costly nttempt
yet mado to harness the tides for In
dustrial purposes. If It proves success
ful the new source of power Is sure to
bo largely utilized.
Holf-l'rntecllou In I'luiiK.
Young long-lent pines, according to
Mr. Plnchot of tho department of agri
culture, protect themselves against for
est flros In a most Interesting and re-
ninrkable manner. For four or llvo
yenrs tho stems of tho Infant trees at
tain n height of only as many Inches
above tho soli. During this tlmo their
bnrk is extraordinarily thick, and that
alono gives Borne protection. But In
addition tho long needles spring up
abovo tho stem, and then bend over on
all Bides "In a green cascade which
foils to tho ground In a circle about
tho seedling." This green barrier
can with difficulty bo mado to burn,
whllo tho Bhado that It casts prevents
Inflammable grass from growing near
tho protected stem. Mr. Plnchot thinks
that it Is owing to this peculiar sys
tem of Bolf-protectlon which the plno
seedlings havo developed that tho
growth of overgreen oaks In Florida
has been restricted In regions whero
fires have raged whllo puro plno for
ests havo taken their place.
A New Kind of Ilrlcb.
In Germany tho granulated slag from
blast furnaces is being utilized for tho
manufacture of brick. Tho making ot
Blng brick Is not a now thing, but here
tofore fluid sing has been employed for
tho purpose, and tho brick thus pro
duced has been found unsuitable for
building purposes because It is Imper-
menblo to air and steam. But the
slag bricks mado In Germany are, It
is said, not open to this objection. On
tho contrary, whllo exceeding tho
strength of ordinary bricks, and pos
sessing nn extraordinary resistance to
heat, thoy are moro permeable to air,
and consequently aro well suited tor
tho building of houses. They do not
absorb water as rapidly as ordinary
Inoculation for Typhoid.
As thero is considerable typhoid fe
ver in Natal, all tho British troops
which havo been transported to South
Africa havo been given tho option ot
being Inoculated with tho nntl-typhold
scrum, and, according ta tho London
Lancet, 70 per cent havo availed them-
boIvcb of tho opportunity. Tho inoc
ulation with scrum has worked most
successfully at tho Indian posts whore
It has been tried, nnd tho present op
erations in South Africa, which aro
being conducted on bo large a scale
will demonstrate tho availability ot the
sorum treatment In tho prevention ot
enteric fovor so ofton provnlont with
armies in tho Held.
Iteallitlo Snow Scene.
Snow scenes In theaters may really
bo mado qulto realistic, oven though
tho spectators aro qulto assured that
the falling flakes are only bits of pa
per. When It Is only makeshift snow
Bcone, whore tho drawn-back drapor
lea ot a window show tho falling Hakes,
a man on a plank In tho tiles scat-
tcrlng pieces ot paper meets tuo ro
qulromonts. Whon a moro ambitious
attempt at a snow sceno Is mode soy
ernl Btnall machines concenled In tho
flics and distributed bo as to cover tho
stago front with tho Imitation falling
crystals nro employed. An luveentor
ot Now York city has Just beon
granted a patent on nu appliance for
producing realistic snow scenes In
which the paper Is fed Into a hopper
and scattered broadcast over the stago,
I a strong blowing motion being lm-
vice, It Ic ossertod, will placo tho snow
scenes ou a par with storm scenes ot
thunder nud lightning which In mod
ern stagecraft hnvo been brought to a
high stago of perfection.
A New riiotographtr Telescope.
Prof. E. C. Pickering ot tho Harvard
observatory suggested a few months
ago the desirability ot constructing an
extremely long telcscopo for the pur
pose of photographing stars and plan
ets. He now announces that tho money
needed hns been given by anonymous
friends of science, and that n tolescope
of the desired kind, having an nperturo
of 12 Inches nnd a length of at least
100 feet, will probably bo ready within
a-few weeks for trial at Cambridge.
The Instrument Is to bo plnced In a
horizontal position, and a movable mir
ror will reflect tho light of the start
Into'tho object-glass.
Heat Valve for Kettle.
A heat-controlling meclinntsm for
use In ndjusting tho supply ot gas
from a gas stove, bo that It will
maintain any given temperature, such
as that required for tho heating of
milk, tho boiling of water or for tiso
In turning on water sprays when
adopted for llro alarm purposes is tho
Invention of two Englishmen, Ernest
drimths nnd Wllllnm Dampler, ot
Cambridge. Tho essential feature ot'
tho Invention Is an easily fusible ol-
loy, contained In a tube, tho expan
sion ot which, on molting, acts on a
rod or level which In Its turn oper
ates a ratchet or star wheel, thereby
turning off tho gas or turning on the
water sprays, according to tho uso to
which It has been put. It Is most Im
portant that such n dovlco bo capable
of being readily reset for uso ngaln
and again, and that, too, without re
newal of tho fuslblo alloy or other
ports, features possessed by this ar
rangement. In tho Illustration tho de
vice is shown attached to nn ordinary
saucopan, whllo belns utilized to con
trol the supply ot gas from a gas stove.
Automatic. Tunnel Light.
In tho Batlgnollos tunnel, near Paris,
Incandescent electric lamps, arranged
In rows along the tunnel walls, aro
to bo automatically Illuminated and
extinguished by passing trains, tho
rims of tho car wheels operating tho
electric switches. Tho lamps, bolng
each of ten candle power, and placed
nt tho height of tho car windows, will
servo to Ulumlnato tho Interior of the
passing coaches, thus superseding the
use of lights In the train.
Itecont Inrentlont.
Flash-light powdors aro mado to
burn with a rapid, Intense flamo by a
now discharge apparatus which has a
small lamp burning with a round
flame, the powdor being placed In a
bulb and thrown vertically past the
flamo to ignite it ns It ascends.
To announce tho arrival ot carrier
pigeons nt the homo nest a whlstlo has
been patented for attachment to tho
bird, comprising a hollow ball of light
material, with a clamp to securo It to
tho tall feather, an opening bolng cut
In tho front to lot air Into tho whistle.
An Ohio man has patented a street
car lloor wnicn win prevent poopio
treading or sitting on passengers' toes,
tho edges of tho lloor being doublo,
with tho upper thickness supported at
intervals on brackets to lift it high
onough to allow the passengers' toes
to slip under.
Distribution of germs through the
uso ot telephones is prevented by a
now attachment which has a metallic
ring to fit ovev the mouthpiece, with a
cover hinged on ono sldo, having a
bracket on Its Inner faco for the sup
port of a small bottlo containing an
antiseptic or germicide.
In New York a company has been
formed for tho manufacture of nn ar
inor for pneumatic tires, using nn un
woven, fibrous material, which Is flat
tened out Into a wldo sheet and cov
ered on ono sldo with a looso woven
fabric to kcop It In placo, being then
folded over until It attains tho proper
An Improved feod box for animals
has a small trough pivoted at tho rear
ot tho mangor, with a narrow, round
hopper dopendlng from tho ceiling
overhoad to lit over a cone-shaped pro
jection In tho bottom of tho box, a
weighted lever closing the cono over
tho hopper outlet until tho animal
presses tho box down.
A perpetual calendar has been con
structed by a Frenchman named Jagot,
It consists ot flvo wheels having a total
of nlnety-slx teeth and of nine lovers
or catches. It Indicates automatically,
Without any attention save winding,
the day of tho week, tho date and the
month, and shows the 20th of Febru
ary every four years, besides suppress
ing It in tho centennry years that aro
not leap years and showing It In those
that arc.
Acute Symptom.
"Are you sure you lovo that girl?"
"Well, I can't work In tho morning
until I get a lottor from her, and after
I got It I can't work." Chicago
A Variety of Quips, tilbes ami Ironle,
to Cauie a Smite Flotnam and
letunm from the Tide ot Hutnor
Witty Buying!.
Where It Hart.
'Why are you weoptng7" asked the
loving husband.
'When llttlo Harry and I wont down
town today," sho Bobbed, "tho con
ductor Insisted that I must pay for
tly child."
Oh, well," ho said, "I wouldn't let
that bother me. What's a nickel to
"It Isn't tho nickel," Bhe Indignant
ly replied. "It's tho Impertlnenco ot
tho brute ot a conductor In Insinuat
ing that It Is posslblo for mo to bo
tho mother of a child moro than ten
years old." Chicago Times-Herald.
flood Iteason.
Bacon "You know that part In tho
play whero the mansclzoa the woman,
forces her Into a closet and turns tho
key on her?"
Egbert "Yes; I remember It.
"Well, last night a fellow In tho nu-
dlonce npplaudcd It so that thoy had
lo put him out."
"I don't think thero Is anything to
applaud about that part of tho play."
"Oh, but It turned out that tho fel
low applauding was tho husband ot tho
actress, and It was thn first tlmo ho
had ever seen anybody shut hor up."
Yonkers Statosman.
In tho Ilnrnyard.
Rooster Oh, soy, this Is a cinch. All
tho other chickens down the hill and
tho old lady with such a cold sho can't
call them.
Already She Had llegun to l'rcparo.
"If you keep on ns you havo begun,
Mabel," complained tho young hus
band, running his eye over tho weok
ly account, "we Bhall nover bo nblo
to lay up anything for a rainy day."
"How con you say so, Henry," ex
claimed the young wlfo, righteously
indignant, "when you know that I
havo two of tho loveliest ralny-day
.-.klrta thnt were ever mafrfl" Stray
llronght It Upon Himself.
"What is the womon's offense?"
"Sho throw a brick at a neighbor,
your honor, and hit a man standing be
hind her."
"Tho man Is guilty of contributory
negligence. It he hadn't been an
idiot, he would havo stood In front ot
her. Caso 13 dismissed." Stray Sto
Natural Inference.
"It seems strange that you novor re
ceived a proposal of marrlngo," re
marked tho sarcastic girl.
"Who says I novor received a
posal of marriage?" demanded
"Why, no one, of course, but
always understood, that you nro a
spinster." Chicago Evening Post.
Thoie Loving fllrl.
Maude Mr. De Jones asked mo to
sing for him tho other evening after
wo had been Introduced.
Clara And what did you slug?
Maude Why, how do you know that
I sang at all?
Clara Well, I noticed that ho didn't
nsk you to sing to-night. Chicago
A Difference In Taitet.
"I saw you kissing my daughtor.
don't liko it, sir."
"Then you don't know what's good.
sir." Llfo.
l'olltenesi lu the Country,
"Hand me my hat, Schorchl"
"What do you want ot It?"
"I want to tako It off to tho par
son whon ho passes!" Fllegondo
A Forecast.
"Tho Indications are," remarked tho
man who was looking at tho sky with
nn expression oL great wisdom, thnt It
will bo cold and raw."
Tho man who has trouble with tho
servant girl problom meekly Inquired:
"What aro you talking about, the
weather or dinner?" Washington
"Pa, what Is a drawn battle?"
"It Is one In which tho enemy haa
rather tho best ot It." Puck.