Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 28, 1906, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Conhmialton of the Homer Herald.
Subscription Trice. $1.00 Fer Yosr.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, NelrHka.
Permission has been granted for tbe
tranmifion of this paper through the
mailt as decond-clncg matter.
Telephone No. 4.1.
The old BfiyinR that "It is more
pleasant to give than to receive" may
be true, but the majority of people are
mightily disappointed if they don't re
ceive their qnota of presents at Christ
inas time.
V 10 OK jM -.4W Or M W V.
- . - -w
Kprciaj. CoanaaroxiiKHCR.
Louis Deroin and family went to
Sioux City Monday noon.
Hoy Vilsey and Mrs O Wheeler
went to the city Tuesday morning.
We bate a fine line of boys' and
men's sweaters that we are selling
cheap. Carl Anderson.
The teachers gave a Christmas tree
in the school house Friday afternoon,
and fine program was rendered by
the scholars.
The vie Olsen show that was billed
to appear here TutsJay night failed to
alow np.
Eli Crosby and family left Wednes
day for NVarrensberg, Mo, where they
will make their home.
Fresh fish at Nordyke's every Fiiday.
Leave yonr ordor.
A fine boy was born to Roy Armour
ana wife Suoduy. lioy says the new
comer has a voice just like its pa.
John and Dick Myers have disposed
of their stock and grain business to the
Anchor Grain Co. John will move to
bis claim in North Dakota and Dick
will go to Arkansas for his health.
Duck coats are still a necesity, and
you ean got what you want at
Carl Anderson's,
Sam Thorn and wife left Friday for
Livermore, Iowa, to spend the holi
days with relatives.
Mrs Dan Hartnett and Mary Groen
went to Sioux City Thursday.
Nordyko always bas fresh oysters in
bulk. .,
Frank Lusier went to Dakota City
Thursday. ,
B b Gribble and twins, IUlpli and
llntb, were Dakota City visitors
A 3 Nordyke and wife, Sam Thorn,
Win Oaertz and Fred Sohumacker
were Sioux City shoppers Friday.
We have a fine line of fancy yarn
something that ia good the year round.
Carl Anderson.
Myers Bros shipped a car load of
begs to Sioux City Thursday morning.
B J Oobleigh wife and three chil
dren left Friday morning on a Christ
mas vacation trip for Kearney, Am
lierat, Phillips and Lincoln to visit
datives and friends. They expect to
be gone a month.
B L Tncker left for Ponca Thurs
day to visit bis father and two sisters,
who are teaching school there.
Mary Myers, Rebecca Knox, Jessie
Graves and wife, Ben Bridenbaugh
and wife, Rev J E English, John How
ard and son Joe, were among the
.Sioux City shoppers Saturday.
. Children's corduroy suits at bargain
pi ices. Carl Anderson.
Prof Donahue and Rose Daley loft
for O'Neill, Neb, Saturday morning to
epead Christmas with their parents.
Mary Quinn went to Jackson Satur
day morning to spend Christmas at
Men's heavy winter shirts all styles
and prices, Carl Anderson.
Al Schrimp left for Ilsrtington Sat
urday morning to spend Christmas
M'ith relatives and friends.
Jennie Bridenbaugh, of Coleridgo,
as spending ber Christmas vacation
with her folks.
Lucy Jones left for Vista Saturday
to viait her folks and spend Christmas.
Amojg the Sioux City shoppers
Monday were: John Lussier, Ed
Green, Louis Deroin, John Ilayen, Sam
Knox and wife, Mr Austin Yeacu and
two ohildren, and Sadie Roberts.
E W Wilson's mother, Mra Miller,
and son, of Stunton, eume up Monday
to spoud Christ-uas.
Mra Mollie Broyhill and ohildren
and Mr Mary E Nordyke are here for
a weeks visit at the Ait Nordyke home.
Frank F Sohumacker aud Marie
Anderson were married iu Dakota City
Saturday by Judge J J Eiiners. The
bride is the daughter of llajs Ander
son. A nice Sunday evening lunob, veal
loaf or pork and beans, for sale at Nor
dyk ..
Henry Krumwiede is back from his
visit to GermaDy,
D O Hrffernan transacted business
at the county sent Thursday.
OtiraoiAL OoaaaspOHncaoa.
Dr and Mra Maxwell
ware down
from Dakota City for
with relatives.
Pearl Murphy is here from Lincoln
for the holidays.
George Mo Death and family and
Mra Gertrude Best were up to Dakota
City to spend Christouas.
Attorney F S Berry was a business
vibitor here Monday.
MrsAugnst Wilkin's mother died
Tuesday from old age, being iu her
ninetieth year. She had made her
home with her daughter for several
years, and during th. t time had been
very tWble and helplrfcs. Theiuueral
was Kfcld on Wednesday.
M S Moh(1h1i1, sr, is home from his
claim in Hook county, having provod
up on a 640 acre homf-stead.
Grace Harvey, of Danbury, Iowa, is
here to spend the holidays with her
uisier. Mis Lee Clemeut.
D M Nriswsuger and II Kohlmeiur,
of Dakota City, ha; joined the choral
union here which is ia a very flourish
ing condition. Tiiry were present at
Xhu meeting Wednesday evening.
lira Andrew Johns passed peacefully
away last Friday evening at ber home
here, at the age of 83 years. The fu
neral services were held Buuday by
Rev Christie.
S A Combs and James King attend
ed the McKernan funeral at Dakota
City Sunday.
Mra Rose Rook woll is spending the
week at Dakota City with her mother,
Mrs John Haer.
Hpbciai. ComucAPowtmnrit.
Calvin Smith and wife spent Christ
mas with liouia Smith and family at
Sergeant Bluff, Iowa.
John P Davey of Emerson and Josie
of Bloomfleld, are home for Christmas.
Mr and Mrs Davey also entertained for
dinner M J Maloney and family.
A C Kilburn has sold bis barber
outfit to Harry Jangcrs and has moved
to Martinnbnrg, Neb, where he bonght
a shop. His family loft here Wednes
day. Mr Jangars has moved into the
Sawyer building.
Born To George Mongar and wife,
on December 25, 1908, a daughter.
Laura M Jones returned from Cas
per, Wyo, Monday evening to spend
the holidays with her folks here. Miss
Jones likes Casper very much and ex
pects to return there in about two
Misses Mary Barry, Margaret Wat
ters and Marie Goodfellow are home
from Sinsinawa, Wis, to spend the hoi
days with their parents here.
Mrs D Hogan returned from St
Joseph's hospital last Friday very
much improved in health.
Thos Hodgins, jr, and wife, of Pon
ca, ate Christmas diuner with Mrs
Hodgins' pareuts here.
Mrs S F Taylor and son Clarence,
who have lived here the past several
years, nave Bold their furniture, etc.
Clurenoe has go no to Seattle, Wash,
and Mrs Tavlor to the home of her
daughter, Mrs John Learner, at Salem,
and later will go to Washington to re
side. r J lioyi), wifo and children, are
spending Christmas with Mrs Boyle's
parents, J B Jones and wife, of v ista
Mat Assnnmacher was a Sioox City
passenger Monday.
Lillie Fey was a passenger to Emor
son Wednesday evening.
Mis Carrie Watson came up from
Bancroft t spend the holidays with
her sister, Mrs D L Leap.
Miss Annie Gain of Omaha, is spend
ing a few days at the Ueeney home.
D L Leap and family spent Christ
mas with Frank Foltz's,
Air ana Airs liert uarnes came up
from Hubbard to spend Christmas
with Mr C Varvais.
Miss Rosa Heeney came down from
Allen to spend two weeks vacation
with her parents.
Maurice O'Connor Is in St Joseph's
hospital in Sioux City, receiving treat-
John MoGne went to Sioux City Sun
day afternoon to spend a few days
with Ins mother.
II Filmore was a Sioux City visitor
Harry Biown marketed a fine load
of hogs Friday.
Mrs Alice Sides is expected home
from Harrison, Neb, tomorow.
Thos Gribbla marketed a car of hogs
Francis Joy Be is borne on a short va
Several parties report the "dare
devils" are helping themselves to the
hay in the swamp. Just wait.
Mr and Mrs A D Joyce, of Orchard,
are here visiting relatives.
Harry JJrown has installed a now
feed crusher in bis feeding plant,
This machine is used principally for
the grinding of snapped corn.
lrwiu X islier recently placed a car
of flue hogs in his feed yards.
Albert Ileikes had a fine bunch of
hogs on the Sioux City market last
Clara Lapsley is visiting at West
' Julius Lisohke recently purchased
a half section of land in Dixon county.
Mrs Bert Crouch came up to see ber
parents at Christmas time.
Several of the boys bad quite a
wulk home when the "interurbau"
broke down Saturday.
Ward Joyce is engineering the work
tot excavating the cellar for T W Griu-
ble. Mr Joyoe has quite a force of
men under his care.
We understand thinga are becoming
quito serioua in southwest Salem.
Butter may go up in price, but the cow
bella will be ready for use at any time,
With this issue your reporter bus
closed a very strenous pilgrimage iu
aud around Salem iu trying to keep
the community up to data in uews, a
failure has been made, but it ia hoped
it may be more saocessfal in the fu
ture, and vith the patronage of more
Salem people subscribing for the wide
awake newspaper of the county, will
find that tbe Herald ia the "Home
Mr and Mrs Audrey Alloway ate
turkey with the Altemus family
Christ Geister and wife entertained
a few iuvitfd guests iu the eveuiug.
Frauk Orr andDeasieForeHhoe spent
the day with the Combs family bclo
8 A UtikcH, wife aud family, W A
Ileikes, wifo and family, made thiugs
merry at the Luther Ileikes home.
The Christmas tree waa a aucces iu
every way. The church waa bounti
fully decorated for the occasion aud a
very interesting program waa given by
the Suoduy souool scholars. bantu
Claus waa on. hand and seemed tn
make quite a bit, even among the
older ones.
The following is how and where a
number of our t-ports spent the day:
George Learner, at hie Neighhurs;
Harry Gray, at Florence, Nl; t rel
Beertnan, jr, at the telephone; Mailius
and Frank Learner, (together); How
ard Lapsley and Ward Joyce, iu aud
around Homer; Milton Forshoa took
iu tho show giil; Cbas Hrikcs and
Jacob Hides, hauling hay ; Emery Lea
rner with Heartaffectica.
Atlstant I understand your private
secretary hns got a raise In salary.
Queer he has never mentioned It.
Proprietor Not nt all. It's his fac
ulty for keeping bis mouth shut that
jot him the raise. Detroit Free Tress.
Two View.
"No, sir," said the first business man,
I never work too hard. I believe thnt
all work and no piny mnkrs Jack a
dull boy.'"
That's all right," replied the other,
"but I don't believe In plnj lng the fool
as long ns there Is a chnnee to work
one." Fhllndelphla Press.
Tnleton HI I yru ever piny football?
Alkali Ike Nit. imt I once ot cnuuht
a drove of st.KKpeded tmilex.
Acquired Talent.
"Ma," said the small son of n pugil
ist, "pa Isn't a natural-born flMer Is
he?" .
"Of course be Is," replied the inoth
rr. "Why do you tlUnk he Isn't ?"
"Oh." replied the young hopeful, "I
heard Mr. Neighbors say ho acquired
the knack since he married you."
Ills Ship Kallrd to Arrive.
"Did you see the new airship when
you were in Washington?" nsked the
"No," answered the disgruntled
office-seeker. "I didn't even Ret n long
distance view of a poxtmnstership."
"Sny, Willie, I wlsht you'd shake
fer John D. Rockefeller."
'D rut her Eat the Umpire.
Hicks (on train) Good heavens!
Are they cannibals on this line?
Wicks Whnt do you mean?
Hicks Conductor Just announced,
"Short stop for lunch." Boston Tran
script Already Perfect.
Her If you had an opportunity to
kiss a pretty girl would you Improve
Illm Excuse me, but I really can't
see how Buch an opportunity could be
"What color of hair do you prefer,
Mr. Baldwon, black or blonde?"
"I would not enre what color It waa,
If I only had aonie." Translated for
Transatlantic Talcs from L'lndiscret.
Sliarpe Have you read the new foot
ball rules?
Ine No. How many players are
they ullowed to kill lu a game now?
Mean Fellow.
"What do you expect to
wife for Christmas, or
thought of It yet?"
give your
have you
"Yes, I'm going to give her a receipt
ed bill for the parlor table she bought
fur mo on Installments last Christmas."
Philadelphia Press.
In Plain View.
Sign Painter Where do you want
the sign "IVruiB Strictly Cash" paint
ed? Barber On the celling. Boatoa
Heads the I'roeeaaloa.
Slngletou What do you mean by
saying tlmt Wedderly pumdes hi a mis
OUlbuch On, he always accompa
nies hla wife aud ber moths to
Not Unite Ho nail.
Wanted to
Flxlntr the Limit.
Rastus Whnngdoodle and his bride
were about to depart on their wedding
"Lookeh heah," be snld to the as
sembled guests on tho front porch. "Ah
doan' mind yo' nil frowlu' rlee on' ole
sllppahs nftah me an' do bride, hut of
enny lofah so fah fohfrlts hlssclf ns:
ter frow Brickbats un' hoss-shoos, day
am gwyln' ter be trubble. Yo' bean
Ills Wife At last my eyes are open
to the fact that you married me for my
Her Husband Well, that ought to
be some consolation, my dear.
Ilk Wife Some consolation!
Her Husband Yes. You now real
ize that I i-.ni not ns bljj a fool as you
thought 1 wan.
Proof Poaltlve.
First Ib.'lrews P.ut are you sure he
really loves yon?
Second Heiress Of course 1 nm. lie
has just loHt his position in account of
Inattention to business.
AVI ail out of Wiseman.
Askltt I wonder why It Is
Wiseman has so many friends.
Noltt Oh, he manages to make oth
ers think that he thinks they know
more than he does.
On tbe f;lrU Gridiron.
Gunner (Srcnt Scott! But thnt fe
male eleven Is making a greater rum
pus' than a dozen ninle teams com
bined. Ouyer Yes, some one liberated a
mouse on tbe gridiron.
Soubrette I hear thnt Howland
Itannt, the heavy trngedlun, got into a
fight with a shoe clerk.
Comedian Yes, he asked to see a
pair of siloes and the clerk asked him
If he wanted walking shoes.
flat oil cnn. People might take youae
An 111 Wind, Etc.
"Her marriage was very unfortunate,
wasn t It?"
"Oh, no, she considers it quite for
"Why, I understand she was di
"Exactly, and her divorce was the
opening of her stage career, which Is
now very promising." Phlladelnhla
Little Sophia hns Just been Informed
thnt she has a little sister. "Oh. how
lovely! Tlense, please lot nie be the
one to tell mamma." Translated from
El Diarto do la Marina.
Hla Vae for It.
"Yen," said Tommy, "pa gave me a
watch to carry when I started lu at
school this fall."
"My 1" exclaimed Aunt Jane. 'That's
nice. Isn't it?"
"l'es'm; 'cause ns soon as I git in
school In the mornin's I kin look nt It
an' see how many minutes I'm late."
Philadelphia Press.
So Nice of Illm.
Gunner The pretty little poetess Is
Guyer Yes, she sent n poem to the
editor colled "The Kiss."
Gunner Well?
Guyer Why, he returned It.
Gnlltr Partr.
Green Who was It wrote "Fools
rush In where angels fear to trend?"
Brown Oh, Boine married mau
whoso honeymoon had bumped the
bumps, I guess.
Prompt Action Xeceaaarjr.
"Is this Lawyer Sharpley?" nsked the
caller, who npionred with a big lump
ou bis Jaw. The man in the swivel
chair admitted that he was Mr. Sharp-
ley, and also thnt he snw tho lump.
"Yes, It Is quite noticeable," said the
caller, with a cheerful smile. 'I got It
a couple of days ago, while I was step
ping on a strwt-car. The motor-man
started too soon, and he made me hit
my Jaw against the; side of the car.
I thought at first that it had broken
the bono, but It hadn't quite. . It hurt
me awfully, though, and I want you to
bring suit against the company for dam
"I atu very busy. Just now," said the
lawyer, "but I cuu take It up for you
la the course of three or four days."
"That won't do at all."
"Why not?"
"Because," answered the caller, hesi
tatingly, "that might he too late. The
lump Is getting smaller every day."
Wheu we run across two men argu
ing religion, we ruu away as fast as
w can.
Mcce and Mcpiiew
oil Umcle Sam
should bo deeply interested in what be has said about soda
crackers, because they are the one food with which all of
them are familiar.
Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda
crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements,
properly proportioned, than any food made from flour.
This is saying much for common soda crackers, and
much more for Unecdd DlSCllIt, because they are
soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked better
more scientifically. They are packed better more cleanly.
The damp, dust and odor proof package retains all the good
ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness of the best
baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries.
Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best
for his people. His people have shown that they think
Uneeda DlSCUit the best of that food, nearly
r 400,000,000 packages having alreS&y been consumed.
OJneeda HDiscyift
Notice of tht Opening of Books for Sub
scriptions of Stock of the Sioux City,
Crystal Lake and Homer
Railway Company.
To Whom it Mat Ookckkn:
Hooka for th itubsrrlptlen of stix-k of tlio
Stoux City, Crystal Iiko end Jloiner itiill
wtiy Coinpiuiy will lie open ut tho olllre of
It. K. KvmiH. of Diikotn City, Dakota Coun
ty. Nebraska, on the 4th dny of Jiinunry,
imiT, nt the hour nr 10 o'clock 11. tn., hikI con
tinue open until u Butliclent amount of
stock Is subscrllMXl.
1'utccl IiccciuUt -Jll, KI.
11 akhv A. Koye, Incorporators.
Hkbt H. Kovb, )
Imported draft stallions, $1000 each.
Home-bred registered draft stallions,
$300 to $800. Hait Bros, Osceola, Ia .
We can now furnish the New Idea
(a woman's magazine) in connection
with the Herald for $130. The regu
lar price for the magazine is 50o.
This is a bargain that you eannot af
ford tq miss.
Gall at The Herald office and get a
sample copy of The New Idea Maga
aine, a magazine for women. It will
only cost you 30o a year iu combina
tion with The Herald.
Home-bred draft stallions, $250 to
$600; imported stallions, your choice,
$1000, P L Stream. CreBton, Ia.
The beat imported horses, $1000 each.
Home-bred registered draft stallions,
$250 to $750 at my stable doors. A.
Latimer Wilson, Creston, Ia.
(Subscribe for the Herald, the
pDr iu the county. $1 a year.
If any of our subscribers desire the
address changed on their Herald by
reason of the establishment or changes
made in the rural routes, or for any
other reason, just drop us a postal and
tbe change desired and it will be made.
Ten Parma for Kale. Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eiiners.
8eoond hand beating stove for sale,
at this office.
The Ueiald for ALL the news:
Wucu you have a news item that
yon would like to see in print, ring np
the Herald, No. 43, and we'll print it
B ur to t properly equlpre1--otta!n th STEV
L Nbaad you CANNOT UO WKUNu. mak
RIFLES , . . from $2 25 to $150.00
PISTOLS . . from 2 50 to 60 00
SHOTGUNS. . from 1.60 to 85.00
Ask yrmr drlr ami lnIt
Send fur uo-pape II Ini
tiated catalog. If Inter
atcd In Shooting, you
oughttohave tt. Mailed
fur four cents la stauiL to
ou our popular ink. If I
you t annot odtam, we imp
dirv I, tmrrtuft chmrgtt
Pt?itnlt upo receipt of
cover poaua.
Our attractive threeolor Aluminum HanrrwlU b
ent anywhere fur latent in lUiiit,
r. O. Bo 4ug
Chloopee F1U, Hu., V. S. A.
TWaaraawaMrra.il PattaraaioM lallTh4
kn ib.n l any oia.r ak .1 u..i.rn.. Ina it oa
earn, a, f iImw nyU. accwacy aa4 m(bcitf
HePall'a Mal'TaaOuiiol rMloB)
awtHbMfibtn ih.K cihr Ladi.' M.(riin. l'n
ruriliiunroll nunlxr.) eaiia SO can la.
Knib-r, A repia. r ubaciatt MtCaU !
Ii frea. kuUMrlb icMlay.
Lad tin" XVmmte. iJiimm
ain) r-rawli'ia Caialotua (hon 4ua un
Hal Iraa. Aaaiau THI alcCALL tOh Vaia.
You can't afford to
buy a ranee until you
know all about a
Monarch. Aak u for
tho book; STATE WHEN
you intend to buy, and
we will aend also a aet
of Measuring Spoon a,
postpaid. ADDRLba
Malleable Iron Ranae Co,
Heaver Dam, Wieeonein.
ma won i larnivn.
Eixed and arranged to auit every family need
"jHo work kp elaan 5 V
j5JV aahea removed with I
1 X d Jaut dlrt-nlAktl slaiV
Call and see why they save fuel and repairs. They show it.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
Hubbard, - - Nebraska,
GEO. TIMLIN, Manager.
he IHIerald,
ITa-- TTjl
V - 7 7 7
"It is Delicious"
25 Cents per Potsmd.
Blendod and packed from carefully seleoted coffee by
No 6 Front St.
on eartn . bee or
Li( ycur
property with ns
OaktaClly.Neb.and WflTTlPr 1 FlTTlf r
swi sioui city.Neh. " arn Cr Li m 4 T
The Herald for all the News
"Stay SartlsfoctoryMI&ige
C. The top 13 Malleable
iron. Does not crack, w arp
or break. The thickness re
quired in other iron is not
necessary. Heats quicker,
cooks more evenly and
uses surprisingly less fuel.
In city or country, hotels or public Institution.
7, 7 TjC 7fi 7i 7$ J?
Homer, Neb.
We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low
rate ot interest on Dakota county Farms. Wa
alio Bell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds
write ns be lore you sorrow, uuy or Dell,
to Sell. I""
Real rn KM ANIIV
11 I If I UiUIUU