The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 04, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    t:u5 roURIKH. SATUHIUY, At It'L i, io:j.
HAN FRANCISCO, April 1.- Wil
liam Hothwoll, better known ns "Youiu
Corbutt" of Denver, showed decisively
Inst night that his victory over Terry,
McOovern of Rtooklyn nt llartfnid,
Conn., a year iiro lust Thanksgiving.
wiih no lluko by defeating McOovern
In tho eleventh i oiiikI, nftor m fight In
which there wiih not a second t Idle
iium for either mini. In tiuarly overy
round Corbott, fighting llko n machine,
never overlooking an opportunity to
Henri homo his blows, hail a shudu th6
hotter of tin argaaiont. and when
finally In tliu eleventh inund. ho uot
tho Brooklyn hoy fairly going, Un nev
er let up on hint until Totry hunk to
the Hoar a badly defeated man. Cor
hctt put McOovern down In tho llrxt
round for n count of seven and roponted
It In the second.
Thero wan Holun iiicstlnu an to
whathcr or not McOnvern wiih down at
the i.'ount of tun, and for a few minute
It looked iih If there would ho a fren-foi-nll
fight. McOnvern tried to got up.
tiled hard, and wiih on his lent an In
slant after the timekeeper ('minted
him out. George Hmdlug. the club
timekeeper, who counted McOovern out
Hinted after the fight that the Mown
that knocked McGovurti out worn loll
nud rlKht r wing's on the Jaw and a
right uppurcut on thu chin,
Wiui Unable to Hlsr.
Hurtling said McOovcrn wns In u
dared condition: that when he had
counted nine ho motioned him til set
up, but McOovcrn wan too confused to
notice and wiih unnhlo to rise. At tho
count of ten McOovern started to rise,
but It was too Into and thu icforee
awarded the Unlit to Young Corbott,
Harding mild that McOovern wiih com
ploMy out nud that It waH n. mercy
to him that ho wan unahlo to pet up.
Corbett waH Htrong ami ready, and had
McCJovern risen to his feet ho nrobublv
would linvo been seriously hurt. Ah tt
wan It wan nearly a inlmitu nrter Mo
Govern had been carried to IiIm corner
before ho waH able to nit up or- under-
timd what had happened.
The men In McOovorn'H corner
claimed that tho decision was an out
raKo. They wild McOovcrn liad.beon
Imitrueted to fight cautiously, and when
he wan knocked doWn he wan to take
the full count, and that McOovern
obeyed his liiHtruetlonH. They claim
that at thu count of ten ho wiih on his
feet, and nlthough dazed know what ho
hum doing. They also claimed that ho
fcd plenty, of fight In him and would
have hinted the rent of the round,
Harding's position In rountliiK MoGov
irn out wiu sustained by "Chalky"
ltoberts. another timekeeper. Paddy
Sullivan, the third timekeeper, was
very much In favor of McOovern, and
contended that the count an accepted
by the referee wiih wrong. Rofcren
Ciranoy'H decision seemed to meet with
tho approval tif moat of tho spectators,
rh McOovern was apparently thor
oughly beaten.
Principals Uxprcs Tlimrlrc,
"It wim my way of winning the
fight," said Young Corhett. after tho
fight. "I fought cautiously In cverv
round and felt McGovorn weakening
toward tho end of tho content. I
ciuiKht him with a loft on the Jaw and
went him back ngalnst tho ropeH. Ho
dropped hln hands to IiIh Hide, which
fna u Hiiro signal to mo that 1 had won
the contest. I went for him, put rights
and lofts to head and Jaw and wan
forced to fight myBcIf free In tho clinch.
Tho tlnal blow wiih n right uppercut to
tho Jaw that put McOovern to the floor
for tho full count. Rvon Imd he been
able to regain IiIh feet before the count
of ten I would have laid him out. an ho
was absolutely Unable to defend hlm
clf. At no tlino In the contest won I
confiiHed or discouraged. And to say
that I won tho light unfairly Ih a great
mnnwi lummy
the noxt best man In the world, but J
still retain (ho chnmpionshlp and will
fight uny man who approaches my
class. But I will not give n pound of
my weight to anyone. I was In superb
condition, and to my trainers I give
credit for winning tho content."
"It was tho rreatest. robbery In the
history cf tho prize ring," said Mc
OtfVeru. "I hud Corbott beaton from
start to llnlsh. I landed on hint when
n-d where 1 pleased, and surely would
have had him out within a few round.
X was not knocked out. hut ndmlt that
tho right uppercut to tho chin duzed
mo and I took the count In order to
save, myself. I could havo gone on
with tho battle, and would, I think,
havo regained tho championship. I
guesH It Is nil up with a lighter when
lie goes In, wins a. contest' mid Is then
lobbed Ot tho decision. I Blnceroly hope
tliut flonio club will match us again nnd
then you will hear a different story."
BIk Croud on Hand Knrlr.
By S:30 o'clock, when the contestants
In the first preliminary entered the
niiB, me uig uinpimueairo was packed
with a cheering, Impatient crowd.
Outside u drizzling rain was falling,
but this did not dampen the enthus
iasm of the crowd, which Htrctched for
half a block on either side of the door
and even blocked tho streets In front.
It was estimated at that time that
nearly eleven thousand people wero In
Hlde the hall, tho biggest crowd that
ever saw a light In San Francisco.
IteportB from McQovern'H and Corbett's
heudquartera wuro equally bright. Both
men had rested quietly after weighing
In during tho afternoon and expressed
attsolute confidence In the outcome.
The flmt preliminary was a ton
round go between "Dixie Kid." a
colored welterweight from Los Angeles
and Kddle Cain of Brooklyn, McOov
ern'B sparring partner. "Dixie Kid"
won In tho second round with a right
to the Jaw. Cain was not out, hut
when he went down he turned his
ankle badly and wa unable to got up.'
The slralu wan a bad one and It was
necessary to carry Cain from tho ring.
Tho second preliminary, a hIx rounTt
go between Cal Mcjim nnd Jimmy
Caroll, Jr., both" of Han Francisco,
wua declared a draw.
Looks lSverr Inch n Champion.
At 9:10 "Young Corhett" attended ny
Aiexanaer ureggams, run ateOratb,
Billy Otts and Harry Tuthlll, entered
the ring. There was but llttlo deinon
Htratlon when the champion clambered
through tho ropes mid CUu'lly tested till?
canvas covering of tho ring floor be
Xoro choosing his corner. Ills choice
wbb tho northeast. Itosy-choeked and
clear-eyed, with muscles playing like
bunds beneath his skin, Corbett looked
the perfect athlete.
At 9;62. nmld a mighty roar from
the crowd McOovern climbed through
the ropes, accompanied by Ham Harris
and hut seconds, Clmrllo Mayhood,
Kddle Cain and Joe Angelo, Terry
turned around once or twice, rubbed
his iinpu collectively, ther walked to
Corbott'H corner uml holemnly offered
his hand. Corbott took It. but It wan
evident thero wan not the friendliest
feeling In tho world between tho two
Both )md their hands heavily ban
daged. Ah McOovern Uipped oft hln
nweater his perfect condition yuB ap
parent. He claimed ho wiih trained to
the hour and lie looked it. Corbott
looked at loaht three or four pounds
tho heavier of the two and there wns
probaliy an much difference In their
weight iih they answered the gotiB".
The Untile Uriiia,
Kddle Oratt'y of .San Francisco whh
nmitiumcd uh teferee.
Kound 1. Both came quickly to the
center. Corbett put IiIh left to the
head. Terry bored m with left to the
ribs and got away from a left Jui. Mo
Ooverli ducked a left, but a moment
later got a right on the Jaw, and went
down for a hovcii count. Ho wiih evi
dently groggy when he got up and
Corbett jiut three lefts to the nwe.
McGovein rushed desperately nnd
nlliKli.if hin right opened a nit over
Cornell's eye, Tint men fought furl-
otndy in the clinch, Ak Oruticy broke)
them Mi'Uuvctn Hank IiIh right In Cor-
1.nlM rllt fmli.ill v.itMlltitml tl lilt
unit r ni'nt ' I'Viiv itmttn
luo loftl to the Jaw. MVUovem put
hln h'ft to the car iih the gong Hounded,
Aictiovern rueovered vry iiuiukiy rroni
IiIh knock down, hln good condition he
Inif uppxrent.
Itntind 'J, McOovern rushed tike
wild bulfr In nti Instant t'orbett'c ey
wiih opoli, Init Corhett put tho light up
percut twlcu to Terry' chin. Tho
iovh weWi to fanl It wan hard to keep
track of flirm. They exchnngrd rights
to (he Juvi. McOovern put u left to
Hie Kcem mid got it right to the car.
McOovern blocked a tight and put a
teft to' thy enr McOoNeru sliimuicd
light, loft ami tight to thu Htomnch
and Corhett wiin gngsy. As they
canto together again Corhett put hli
rlgiit to the Jaw and McOoxern wont
down half way thiotigh tin ropeH for I
a Hcven count. Corhett rushed an Mi- ,
(Jovciji yot up and put left unrt right to
tho head. ' McOovern swung a right to .
the bend, noth Hhowed tho effects of
tho furloiiH milling iik they took their
I'lirlirtl .lnki flic Pncp.
Hound 3. Corhett put live hIi-mIuIiI
leftH to Terry'H mouth. I In repeated It
nud then put a right hard to McOoV
eni's ribs. In the clinch that followed
McOovern put right and left to thu
head. orutt swung IiIh light to the
Jaw nud Uppercut IiIh right to tho Htoin
aell mid iihlti. McOovern hooked two
tightH to the Htomnch and got a right
uppercut In on the iIIh. Corhett up
luircut to the stomach, McOovern
rtwuug IiIh tight to Cotbett'H eyu and
hourly put him down. Corhett hooked
IiIh left to the iitoinach. He missed a
tight to the Jaw and got a left In tho
Htomnch. They exchanged lertH to the
face and clinched. Corhett put two
straight lefts to the nose. Both Hwung
themselves, oft their feet Just as tho
gong nolmded. The pace was tertillc.
Corhottf If anything, necmed tho
Jlonnd I. Corhett put two leftrt to the ' agreement ban been reached In Ken
so and hooked one to tho Jaw, get- i tueky.
ting n left to the Jaw mid light to the
stomach in return. They exchanged
left Jabs to the face. Corbett poked
IIh left twice to McUovern'H facu and
got a loft to the stomach. McOovern
iiccineil unable to avoid Corbett'H lelt
Jabs, but fought carefully, neverthe
less. Cotbett hooked his left to the
eye. McOovern kept coming, but got
Into a clinch. McOovern got two lefttt
to tho Jaw and put a hard right over
the heart and nnother hard right to
the Jav. Cot butt missed Terry with u
right uppercut by half an Inch. Then
liu resumed his Jabbing. McOovcrn
HWiuirT his loft to tho Jaw and put three
tightH to tho libs. Both were tired.
Corbott'H mouth wan bleeding iih he
took his corner.
Round 5. Corbett missed a right
hook and got three leftH to the ribs.
A clinch and Corbett Jabbed three lefts
to Tqrry'H mouth. Terry nished and
planted two tights to Corl)ett'H
stomach, getting a tight hook on the
Jaw. McGoveiu blocked a right upper
cut. McOovcrn missed n right hwiiir.
nearly pending Corbett through the
ropes. McOovern swung his right
on the nose, bringing blood. Corbutt
put In a hard left to the mouth. He
missed thu next one and Terry caught
him on (he Jaw as he turned. Mc
Oovcrn got In three rights to the kld-npy-fl
and Corbett bent under thu
punlrhmcn't. Corbett put his right to
the ilbs and McOovern put In two
rights to the stomach. In the rush
that followed McOovern put IiIh left to
the Jaw. This was decidedly Mi
Oovern's round.
Hoth Show Hie PiinUhmciil.
Bound C, Corbett Jabbed two lefts
to the faco and hooked his right to the
stomaclw McOovern put a right to
kidneys. Corbott Hwung his right to
the car. Corbett swung a hard right
to tho kidneys and got two in the same
place. He missed a right awing and
got a hard tight to the stomach In re
turn. McOovcrn put a left to tho throat
HuTTT hard Tight oiTTTT
apd ' McOovern put ills tight to tho
Htomacn una rios. ,urut;u uruKe
giound, but rushed n moment later and
put his left to tho stomach. McOovcrn
put hl right to tho ilbs nnd got a left
In the mouth twice. In the clinch
rights were, exchanged to the Btotnnch.
Another Clinch and McOovern had the ,
hotter of the exchange. In another '
McOovern put a hard right to the Kid-1
neys. coroutt was smiling, nut rattier
weak as the bell rang. McOovern, too,
showed tho effects of the terrltlc pace.
Bound 7. Terry hooked a light left
to the Jaw, but got a hard wallop In
the mouth and right In ribs. Corbett
put his left to the eye and mouth. Cor
bott put a hurd left In Terry's stomach.
Keferee Oraney had dlfllculty In sep
araUng them. Corbett swung his right
to the Jaw and put a right uppercut to
the Jaw twice. Terry was by this time
in distress. Corbett missed a left twice.
McOovern got In a left to the Jaw. He
Hllppud down and took a count of nine
on his knees. Tho crowd hooted vigor
ously. Corbott missed a right upper
cut, but swung his right to the back of
tho neck. McOovcrn put in two hard
rights to the ribs, ducked a left swing
und .put in ti left to the stomach. C'or
bctt'put ft left to the stomach and Mc
Oovern a right on ribs as the bell rang.
Iluah Into n Clinch.
Bound 8. They rushed) Into a clinch.
McOovcrn put in two rights to tho
stomach. They were too low and for
bett's seconds claimed a foul. McOov
ern hooked his right to the chest. Cor
bott hooked his right for the Jaw, but
It was blocked. His loft found Its mark
on the Jaw. McOovern's right went to
Corbutt'n kidneys twice. McOovern
forced and put his left to the pit of the
stomach and right to the kidneys. Cor
bott hooked his tight to the Jaw twice.
Again ho did It. McOovern hooked his
right to the chest and eyu and got a
right on tno jaw.
Hound .
Oraney warned McOovern 1
hlts In tin? libs. Corbett uppercut his
right to tho ribs and got a right to the
Jaw and rbs In exchange. Corjiett put
In a hard left to tho neck. He tried a
shift, but It did not work. Tqiry forced,
but Corbett coolly retreated and
then ciunc In llko 11 flash with a right
uppercut. 'which, however, missed Its
mark. The next Instant he put IiIh left
to the Jaw. This was Corbett's round.
Hound lC Terpy rushed and put In
his right to the Jaws and ribs. Corbett
nished and put ins right to jaw ana
ribs, Corbett uppercut his tight to tho
chin and put a right to thu stomach
In 11 clinch. McOovern put 11 left to the
stomach and Corbott was nearly gone.
Terry rushed and Corbett rctultiited,
rapidly dancing away from him. in .1
clinch Terry put his right twice to the
ribs and left to tho Jaw. Another clinch
hut no harm done. Cm belt put a right
upperoat to thu Jaw, straightening Mc
Oovern up. They exchanged lofts to
the chest and McOovern put a right oa
U19 kidneys. McOovern's right upper
cut was blocked and he got a right
uppeteut on the Jaw. Terry put two
kits (o thu kidneys In n clinch. Terry
waP very weak from his exertions as
the gong sounded, but Corbett, too, was
very much Mi dlstrefs.
The Pi on I H011111I.
Round 11. The men went Into a
ellnwh Immediately. Corbett tnUsed a
left hook and got a hard loft on His
He uppercut heavily with his right to
tho stomach, McOovern forded, .but
Corhett. ducked his left and Hcnt In .1
leiiillu right to thu ribs and 11 second
later ti loft to llm Jaw and u Uft to
the eyo, Cotbett slipped down, but gut
up Immediately, McO'ivurn put In t
right to the libs' nnd built men s)lppd
down. Corbett put a left on Mcilov
orn'n Jaw und Terrv was neatly out,
Corbett, seeing McOovern's distress,
. 1.1. a.. I..,.' f.. .!.. l,,...t.A,l I!!..,. u tin ....l ..u nl.l h ,. I ...... " '...,,.; 'VVf',C lL LUQ
Xtii tncinr tin ticnri it It riieti 'tw ! nriinrletnn.MH of the boiirdliiir hoiiH.. Htntlon to Ke" thu president oft were i he has made two contracts for wlro-
iS!i hi r?,i!n,? hn t.n ,h,i t in, w, I inn e,t ahouL uia Si finil fra AHsl"tll,,t Secretary of State Loomis. ' less telegraph In Alaska, one with the
r'orbett ma his r Sht to the r l.s Get" at d w I oroto ably die Four oU Or ' Colonul Theodore llliiehiim. Captain , Marconi and the other with the KeHhen-
Mnl.WnnmJr ersous wore HllKhtfy urned r,W. S. Cowies. Second Assistant Post- den system. Neither bus been able
nnnrhld fhlin with rlL-l.t and lef to t e ,n,l8tor "e'"'1 Khallenbergcr find Dls- to perform the contracts, which expired
aw nnd h 1 nml the refirel b 1 TO HIGHER COURTS trlct Commlhsloivr West. last August. Ho has made no contract
ftm tv i,r S,rniVn tlm Mrrnv MrrtAL ,U ""1t" i'UUttlb Tlle train Is one of the finest ever run with any German individual or com-
wii lioldlnr on Corbutt hooked his New iM.n, in Ih7iroilo Comet oul . of JVnBhliiBton by tlie Pennsyl- pany. All offer was made from some
rushed and getting .McOovern In a
rieu ml coiner swung tight, left and
tight to the law, McGovein's knees
wobhleil mil IiIh head Hank, Corhett.
I Kiciuiyiiig oioinuii, HWling iiih rigni
steadying hintHcir,
niiuareiy on .McuovcriiH jaw, anil tim
little jitnoKiyu IlKhler went nquarely
mi IiIh back. IiIh heart Mriklng tVe Ihmr
with a thud. Me lifted IiIh hnd at
tho count of three, turned over and
linked at tlmekeepei, IiIh ey.'H ghiHsy
In an Instant n terrific
upinnr took
plHce. McUovcriTH backern, maddened
" mo signi oi ineir ruvorite tiemg
uragged to iiih corner n defeated man,
swarmed niouml ulnl Into the tins,
I'hey were not (pilcher than the police
men, however who piled them pollmell
through tho ropes. For five minutes
the upro-ir continued, Then the lights
were turned down and the crowd Hied
.MI'MT Alllt"(!i: JJKW HI'AI.IIH,
Kclirilulc of .11 1 lie rn' Wntiet III Ire
ti)- l.lliiltiitliin,
INDIA NAPOMH, March 31. The old
wage scale between the bituminous
mlnerH and operator of neary twenty
states expired today, Tho 1902 agree-
iiieui win coniinuu m ji'iinessee, aiii
bainii mid several other western and j
mniwiurii riiucH iiiuii juno or .liny. I
In Illinois. Ohio. Iowa. Keutui ky.
Pennsylvania mid other staten wheru
tho mlnerH and operalorn have agreed
a new Hcale, based on the action of the
national convention heto In January
and February, will take effect. Hecru
tary Wllsoiv received word at the na-
! tlonal headiiuartei'H today that mi
a iow (igures eompiieo oy ecreiary
iiHou hiiow imii me DiiuminouH mm
ct-H, iih a result of tho national and
state couvijUtloUH will this year receive
nn aggregate Increase of $111,137,000 In
wages over last year. This Ih based
o ntho output of last year. ,lt I pioti
able that amount will be even more,
as the production Ih likely to be greater.
Including tho advance received by the
anthracite men, tho total will be about
3..0tm,00a this year .
Stuto Heglster from I'aiui says tlfn coal
operators ronMrni the report tlmt n'strlko
or the :i,m) minors In the ninth silli-dl-trlct
will Iji! Inaugurated tntnori ow. but
the millers refuse to either conllrin or
deny the report. The operators had re
fused to enter Into n conference with tho
iiilnurs of tho HUb-dlstrlet regarding mat
ters width had not been Hottleil by the
Joint conference, but had expressed a
willingness tonoet with tho local unions,
In consequence, of the impending strike
tho price of ionl will be advanced W
cents per ton tomorrow, and largo sales
Were made, today In "onsequencc.
Tmi Kllleit nnd Mlxlreii Injurril it
Soutli HroiiUlyii, Conn.
AVATKHlUJltY, Conn., March 31. In
a collision between n. wild "engine and
a passenger train on the New York,
New Haven & Hartford railroad at
South Brooklyn today, two persons are
known to have been killed and sixteen
Injured. '
The known dead uro:
FIKKMAN NEWMAN of the passen
ger train.
Among the Injured are the following:
Ellx Mix, coroner, New Haven, three
ribs fractured.
Joseph Llpsltz, New Boston, Mass.,
three ribs fractured.
Joseph Bkelly, Bridgeport, express
messenger, fikull fractured: will proba
bly die.
PWlP J'"l'llHir.l,V. Vl"v M"v""' ," ro"
man, burned mid Injuries to face. dViAs"
and hack.
John Ongan, New Biltaln. brakeman,
arm fractured and faco and head
Hoth engines were demolished and
l,.,t, hlntt'n nn 'Cli,. lintrcrn?e
wtr noxt to the pn-spn,. ,.nghie, was
telescoped. Thu other cars of the train
(tI(1 I10t Iei, vo tle rni8i Dut the passen-
Kerfl ,vorp injured by being thrown
about by the stock of tho collision.
Flic llrnil 11111I Four I'alully
Jureil In lllliinl.
ST. l.Ol'IS, March 31. A ppeelal to
the Republic from Sandoval, III., says;
Five men were killed nnd four fatally
Injured by an explosion In the coal mine
here today. The dead:
Fatally Injured:
Henry Newhouse.
Henry Wheeler.
Churles Lewis.
William McFuddcn.
Seriously Injured:
Frank Day.
Three of the dead met. .eavu tamllles.
It Is thought the explosion cnusui
by a windy shot igniting the coal dust.
I'lHK IN A HI)Ht)l.(i iiotisi:. ,
One Woman llrnil 11 ml Another Proli
Hlily FhI1I- Injured.
NEW YORK, March 31. One woman
is dead, one fatally Injured and sev
eral severely burned as thu result of
a fire In n boarding houso nt 08 East
Eighty-sixth street today. Several
thrilling rescues were mndo.
Tin. ilenil woman was Miss Marv -lc-
Laughlln, sixty-five years old. Mrs.
CHICAGO, March 31. Intervention of
the United States government was
asked late today la tho contest Involv-
ing tho recount of tho Ininier-Durbor
row congressional ballots. Notary
Frederick Emory, who was acting
under thu federal statutes as examin
ing magistrate on the Durborrow peti
tion for a recount ot the votes, Iiiih ap
pealed to tho government for protection,
saying Hint he Is threatened with In
terference in tho discharge of his duties.
Telegrams were sent to several Pulled
States circuit coudt Judges late today.
A t espouse was received from one say
ing" that ho would reach Chicago Thurs
day. The dispatches wero penned by
Levy Mayer, special attorney for the
election board, although they wero Hunt
hi behalf of Mr. McClory. Counsel
Mayer refused to give the names of the
judgcH summoned, out admitted that
HUmZhml oen h; t mi
loeiin f1 ,ui, Vi '
tectton jihhwi.
SlmoK llrolher nn'il HUtrr 1'mIhII
nud Kill lllmielf.
KANSAS CITY, Kas., March 31,
While suffering from dementln', Frank
Candee, aged forty-five years, tonight
shot nnd mortally wounded his brother
Nathan R, Cuiidee, aged thirty-eight
years, nnd his sister, Miss Ollne ditulee
used thirty-live years, after which ho
shot and fatnlly wounded himself.
Nutlmn R. Cnudeo Is the chief clerk
la the ofllco of the assistant manager
of the Union Puclllc railroad In this.
city. Frank Cmidce has been unem
ployed nnd in poor health for soino
tltno und had provlotifcly shown signs
of dementia
" , -" ,." ..... ..v. ,v, .... -- ' .. ii i . m I'li.jl J ,ii .'Ufivi .ill.- I AVPft,tflliMl. flint II,.... .,,..1.1,1 ..... ......
.in ne woh utin me. .iiihi aner tno i o norn a neat tn the cnl) or a loco- your PleHenoe 3 t hi-.In urn ti .1 iv voir ''"' "' "leh ' mid Itnkrr
tlmekeepetH cu) ed ten Mel overn, midlve attr.ched to hhi spec nl truln, hi nl ,,H il ? , V i , ' ?
'.lazed and ilwirly gone, got to IiIh nn.l afte, a ride of aboil lllfty ml in m "7;,, . ,n vh ,rw.?lwV """"" " l""' """"
'tut he wan an hiHtanl too late eXxrrr;nc,eh,m'"e,f ' """"" w,th hU ? "ft nle.hltancenreVam KNVi:il. Ma.vh .ll.-Heventy.fonr
:wiSS?. SM? S'S. "w" --h Aitoona ,i .ifer 'e 'm;,, "-1 5o" " narf;;e:!u.,i;::",.:;!r,a;;d
mi im ii KiKiiui inui inn imiu wan over i "w huh ailernootl lie preni- ,.," .. I wnltetH' Htrlke. and IIioiihiiihIm of lien
mi. I Unit Cirlirtl li.wl mlMliw..! tl... dent ill lirliln.l t-. 1.1- -.... ...i .....a.l Tlir PrrRl.ln.l'. MrimiiiiP. II."" '" "riilt,ailo IIIOIIHIIUUH Ol pi (I
iimr 111 lyiwcnifo. , " iiiuiihc.i uj i-icn hi i.iuncu iiil'ii. 1 iircuiey insiruiuciiin lor wireless leieK-
TO I NTH, .11 in.
PlTTMirim, Apt II t.-PlThl'Jelit
rapidly to tin ft nut ,,r llm trutn. Tivn
engim-H were coupled to It ready to pull
win nciivy tram over the Allegheny
mountains and the president shook
linm h with the crew of each, tto then
climbed Into the cab of the rear engine.
In the cab with him were fleorutiwy
Ijoph. 'IralnnuiHter A. Kelser. Special
Knglneer Itobctt McLaren, lleglilar Hn
gllieer II. T. McCoiinlck ami irirntniin
H. V. Hunter, ah ho took his Heal the
president remai ked that being n mom
ber of tliu lirollinrlwwi.i ..r i.i....i.w,n.,,
nremen he thoucht he ought to lukehl
turn at feeding the furnace, but heilld
nilt, do so, When Oallteii, the crest of
tho inotintnlrtH. wiih reached, the front
locomotive Wiih dot ii l....l rrnm H, tin 1..
and the run to Keward wan made with
ne engine. Here the president climbed
. .'! frn.m lllR ,ofy "U and after
linking hands with tho engineers and
llremeu. went back in ..-. m. ..i...
dUHty and gtitny, but enthiulas'tle over
""' " line.
WIlllO the Dlllltll'llf ' f.nirltln ,.,.,.l,.,l.,,1
n. y. . j .:,:.:. -. -v" v...,v
...., ni-iiiiiu iniM'0 on tn train u tunnel
sevcn-elghtliH of a ndhj In length was
"""r"' ,""' iiuuougn tne can was
protected by windows and doors quite a'
quantity of smoke found Its way In. No
trcord-breaklng tun wan made while
the president sat In the cab, the speed
of the train not reaching 'oyer fortv-flvo
miles an hour. Outside of his ride on
tho eng no tho president passed nn dn
eventful day, devoting a largo portion
f J. lo.1rc",llir. Hrior stops wet o made,
at Baltimore, Hnnlsburg mid Altoonn,
but only one place did tho president
make a speech, A huge crowd met b'
train at Hunishurg. and although no
Hpeech wiih scheduled for this place the
president appeared on the rear platform
of his cur nnd delivered a short nd-
v. .-.-. iiii-ii whk received with fnany
Mini)- (, (Sooj.n,.,.,
WASHINGTON, April I.-Presldcnt
Hoosevelt ( .jjor, ,hH ttmrnlng s atted
fnnvnrMW,,""n! tr'P U,"WP "" llOHt
favorable ausp cos. As tho sneeinl
train pulled out of the l"nnsXinh!
..i L?r i,'1h Cl,r' ,,),,,,ff ,,ta l'"t and
n J... K l.rel'"''e to the cnthuslii.tls
cheers of hundreds of ndmlrers.
As early hn 8 o'clock a' crowd began
tp gather at the white houso to witness
the president's departure. As he en
ered his carriage to drlvo to the sta
tlon the men made the historic grounds
echo with cheers, while women waved
the r handkerchiefs and many of them
tlielr hats.
The Pennsylvania station and p'nt
fnrniH were crowded with peopl .nx
hiUH to extend to the president their
good wishes for a safe nnd successful
Journey. Notable precautions were
taken to Insure the safety of the presi
dent. The police iirrangenientH were
llllder the nermmul umiil...uln.. .. .
Commissioner West and Chief Sylvest-I
er, and uniformed ofHeers, detectives, !
plain clothen men nnd, secret service
openit.ves surrounded the president
mil vuvuicil U4CIV I'VlIll.
As President Hoostvclt edlghtod from
his carriage ho waj Joined by Secre
tary Hitchcock niidlthey walked down
the platform aim fi arm. the ureal
dent stopping now ml then to greet
iiicuun. no was
cutaway coat, dial
fired In a black
striped Irousers
and wore a black f
t hnt. He was in
the best of splr
mil chatted !-
utMSioi.'e"tllj- t
ue' trlrv - "'
C.c rni a 11 AmhnnNiulor on Hum!.
The most notable Incident connected
with the president's departure arr6
out of the presence at tho station of
Baron Speck von Sternburg, the Oer
man minister. He wns tho only mem
ber of the diplomatic corps who went to
the depot to see the president off, nnd
the president greeted him most cor
dially, telling him that he greally ap
preciated the courtesy. During their
chat the president asked the baron
whether he would bo here In June,
when he returned, and upon teeelvlne:
an afllrmative reply the president laid:
"That Is good: we will have aomo
long rides together "
The baron told the president that his
horses wero In India and would hot be
hero for some time. Instantly the
president turned and gave orders thnt
during his absence his riding horse
and that of Mrs. Roosevelt should bo
placed at tho disposal of Baron and
Baroness von Sternberg. "I should
be very much pleosed," hald heMo the
baron. "If you and tho baroness would
ride them while I am away." ,
As tho train drew out, the president
"Good-bye, Baton, I appreciate your
coming very much."
No member of the president's hnmed
lr e family except his sister, Mrs.
Cowies, was at the Motion, Mrs. Roose
velt and the young children being
down on the Chesnnenke bay on the
I Mayflower and Miss Alice In Porto
1 Rico. Several members of the cabinet.
1 Including Serretnrles Cortelyoa, Wily
son and Hitchcock, were present, The
president nnd Secretary -Cortelyou
chatted several minutes, the president
expressing ins regret unit tne secretary
was nn, to accompany hlni. Other
members of the cabinet had taken their
formal leii"e of tho president nt, tho
White house.
Nolnhle at the Station,
Tho only change In the personnel of
the party, as heretofore announced,
, was that John McCoy went as special
representative of the Pennsylvania
rnllioud Instead of C. R. Rosenberg
in addition to those officially desig
nated as members' of the president's
party three secret service men and two
postofllce Inspectors accompanied the
president ns a personal body guard
., - .-....: . 1 1 "nt
i.ini1 ,.?niaP'lS '),lum,'i1, " '" "T W
wv m. irnv. .'am 'J11 .'1, ?
nKiiioL" ' ' '
000 miles
Welcomed ill lliirrlilinrir.
HARRISBPRG, Pa., April I. Presi
dent Roosevelt's tt 11 In at rived at 1:10
P. in. mid remained hern for" nine min
utes. Tne run from Washington to
Hartisburg was uneventful, the preslr
ilont spending most of Ids tltno In
reading. The president was greeted in
lUlB p,ty "y n ':mit ,,ow'"' l""J1"S I
" members of tho Pennsylvania leg-
Islatnro and city ofllcluls. Senator 1
Focht. 011 bjlniir of the senate, pre
sented greetings to the president. S'in
ator Focht expiessed regret that they
wero unable to welcome him at the
capltol, hut were glad to welcome lilln
In the shadow of Inn Lutherun
church, where tho tltst Harrison was
nominated for tl)e presidency.
Tho president of tho senate ruld:
Mr. President, tepresentliig tho sen
ate I desire to express our regret ,tlmt
wo cannot escort yon to our capltol, but
there is signification and sentiment In
tho fact thut wo can coinu heru In the
shadow of that old church whore was
nomlnutcd the llrst Harrison, We
wish to express to you our greeting for
the, labor Interests of Pennsylvania qnd
to assure you that we are resting very
happy und contented and hope that tho
happiness mid piospcrity which has so
Him,,, nllim, rtlnl,l ..m.a.l.. , ., ,1.A
long blofloed our laud will continue" I report receUcd here nayn the four pan
I he Hiienker of the lower houoe of the I Keitgern and twentv-two of the en w
reiitiHyivinilii leulnlaturo mild
Ml'. PieHldfllt. I lmA I In. Iiniinr In
lliBent to you the members of tho
(lower Iioiihc ot legUliiture of Pennnyl
I Vaitlii. Vi adjourned under a lerolu-
tmn to iiHHembl" here ujion the arrival
of till train to greet you and wish yntt
OodHpeed on your Journey and n niife
iviurii ui your noine. w regict. nit
The pretldent said:
"C'ongroosn an. Mr. Presi
dent nud Mr. Mayor mid Gentlemen nnd
LiuIIch. I ant very giemty touched and
llleiiMcd by this giretlng-a wholly un
expected one. I had not huppoaci) that
my spefkiimaklng would begin before
tomorrow. There Ih not much for mo
to tuiy to you. I feel rather when I
come h re like sltllng at the feet of
Oainahet mid learning. (laughter.)
Thu prosperity In which you of titu
state, you of thin city, havo so 'ilnm
datitly shared must come pr'n'miy
rroin two sources, the Individual skill
and efllcleiicy of the Individual man,
iiipllnllM or wage worker, wur:lii' Tor
himself ai a foundation, but up'.m It
the superctiuctuie of the rren win
work not merelv for thenrelvos bu for
one another, (Cheers and applause.)
"The president of the Hemt whh kln1
otiough to speak of what has been don
for the wage worker, and t'-.etofore the
cltlsens n: a whole. In thin state, I
go uwny from Washington with a lltht
nenri. very largely ucciiuc of the ad-
mlrablo work done by the gentlemen oa
the nulla aclte Htrlke cummlssloii. (An
plause.) And surely no publication by
any association designed purely to
teach a moral lesson to our ncp'o can
be better worth scanning and leirnlng
the document cotitnlnlmr th inclu
sions of those men: and If ns a peopl
wo will take, to heart the lessons taught
therein. It will be tho better for all of
"Fundamentally our Hit rests are the
same. Fundamentally you hurl or help
some of our people and Inevitably hurt
or help others. Fundiimentilly tho
most Important lesson to be learned In
our national life Ih the lesson of ir
b'olldmity of Interests, and that every
man of us, If he Is tit to be a citizen of
this republic, unit pull his own weight,
and must also do I1I3 best to help hH
brother at the same time." (Cheers
and applause.)
Convict Cu nip Nrnr Union
IteliiK I'Mooileil,
NEW OKLEANH. March 31. Thu
main levee protecting tho state convict
camp near Baton Kougo gave way this
morning. The camp Is located at
Angola, on the east bank of the Missis
sippi. In West Feliciana parish. It Is
nearly opposite the mouth of the Hcd
river. Tho leveN; which broke Is a
private one, maintained by the state.
Angola Is one of -the finest cotton
plantations in Louisiana. It Ih one of
tho three plantations owned by tho
Htnte. ' The ciovnsse will doubtless
cover the entire plantation with water,
but tt Ih said that becmiHo of the loca
tion no other valuable property Is likely
to be affected. The back levees protect
liu- Aiumln will Imv.i l, tu. 1, nt In niil,ii'
to allow the escape ot the Hood. No
Ioeh of life Is reported. The loss to the
state will be heavy.
"More men nnd more money," Is the
cry that comes from the crevasse nt
Hymella today. The forces employed
there who have been working day and
night ate exhausted, and fresh hands
aro required tp press forwnrd the wot I;.
The Texas & Paclllu has put on dally
trains to carry laborers to tho M'ene.
ICIght hundred feet of cribbing tit ono
eid and 200 at the other weio. holding
-trmly-at-duyiiutu and ttio, proHpMjot,
closing the brealr anffbiiffhtefturt coii-slderably.-
The river here today registered 20.2,
a fall of one-tenth of a foot In the piiRt
twenty-four hours. Colonel Ernest,
head of the river commission, Is quoted
as expressing the belief that the river
here has about reached Its maximum
If the Hymella break continues to run.
The report from the Pout I'hurtrnln
district today is that the Hue of levees
Is holding and that all observable weak
spots have been strengthened. Water
from Hymella Is beginning to fill up
the water courses on the west bank
of the liver, und people who nre living
on tho lowlands are beginning to move
to the higher villages,
With a net full of two-tenths of a
foot In the past twenty-four hours nnd
encouraging news from the scene of
the struggle at Hymello, river condi
tions were considerably improved to
night. The only disquieting hews was
tho crevasse at Angola, hut the Im-
puumicc or tuts areas: was minimized
to some extent by the later news thnt
the damago resulting would he largely
.confined to
the stato farm located
1 there,
Uerninii Coinpnii- (Jet No Contract
In United Hint.
BERLIN. March 31. While Emperor
William was riding through Unter Den
Linden two or three days ngo, says 11
weekly paper, he noticed Director
Rnthenau of a German electrical com
pany, and beckoning him to his side
the emperor said It pleased hltn to seo
his company had obtained from the
United States government a contract to
erect wireless telegraph stations In
Alaska. He added that he considered
this an Important success for German
Industry and ho hoped to hear of more
such succeises.
WASHINGTON, March 31. General
Greeley, 'chief signal olllcer, says that
ley Instruments for wireless teleg
raphy, but he wanted to Install a sys
tem mid not Instruments, Thus far ho
has been unable to securo a contract
for such a system. Tho Hlgual corps
hns been making experiments with .1
view to perfecting a system of wireless
telegraph which may bo utilized hi
Alaska Instead of the long reaches of
who which are now necessary.
i.ui nuisi .a urea ,ii, m inu aiiauut
' meeting of the Marconi company today
1 Slmmr Marconi said he attributed llm
criticism or his system chletly to the
LONDON. March 31 At the annual
cable company and the sections of the
English technical press contt oiled by
tho cable companies. He announced
that Lord Kelvin, I.ord Raleigh and
Prof. J, A. Fleming, professor of en
gineering, University college, were
shortly going to Polhu at his Invitation
to thoroughly examine his trans-Atlantic
wireless system. An extension of
tilt plant ho added was necessary bo
fore the company entered Into commer
cial huplness of lingo scope. The capi
tal of the company was then Incrcascl
from to $i,r.oo,ono,'i i: pittiM vni iMirin siui
Four PnnkCiiKfTii und (rrn TiiWrit
Oil by l.lfc-Snvers.
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. March 31
Tiu Atlantic City live-saving station
reports the Norwegian Hteamsfilp
Brighton. Captain Krohg, from Port
Antonio, for New York, stranded ort
that station late last night. She It
resting easy. The Brighton has four
passengers aboard and carries 11 crew
of tweiily-lwo men, Thu vessel Is load
ed with fruit.
A wrecking tug lias left the Dulawuru
breakwater to tender assistance.
NEW YORK. Maich 31, A muilno
of The Hteamer Itrlghtoii, Captain
Krohg were rescued by the Atlantic
i li.v itie-HftVi'i-H ami ate at Urn ire-!
HUVM'g Htatlml.
The piiHHongeii are M. A. Petor, ltoi
ton; V. H. Denneck. Ilodnn, It. .1.
Hied. .Vew York; 1). J. Heed. Mount
KoreHj. Canada,
giocers, butchers ami bakeis' clerks
threaten to still.o In sympathy with thu
cooks mid waiters and let the entlie
ilty go hungry. Many restaurant keep
em declare they will never again union
ize their places and am endeavoring
to secure non-union wotkers. The
Htrlke whh ordered because non-union
cooks and waiters had been employed
In two restaurants that were members
of the reslmiraa: keepers' iissoclntlon,
Thu rpsiiitnniil-krepers' assoclntlou pre
sented Its iiltlmiitiim to thu cock and
waltrrs' union this afternoon The tonus
nlTeicil nre Hint strikers will I taken
buck nt Hie old wage sen hi If they report
for work not later thn.ii tiunnirow morn
ing. The union now detnanils nn Inrrense of
one dolhrr a week In wages of both rooks
ami waiters und n reduction of oili; tiJUl'
a day In tho waiters' wot king time.
Clamor for f mpnltirlle Strike,
LOWELL, Mass., March 31. Labor
in 'it who 'ire obeying the sliiku order
of the textile council clamored tonight
for a sympathetic strikd la the Law
rence hosiery, the kaltteis of which are
remaining neutral. For nearly five
hours the knlttets of the hosiery snt In
spinners hall llHtenlug to picas that
I hey vote to Join the rest of the ope
ratives. The knitters finally Informally
endorsed tho sttlkv and decided to meet
tomorrow to net upon the question of
a sympathetic strike. If they strike It
might paralyze the Industry In Law
renen mid deprive thirty-live hundred
additional persons of their omploytnent.
die MlrlkrrH lloiinit Over.
WATKKM'RY, Conn., Mnrch ."OT.-Dn.
elded progress was made today In the po
lice court trial of tie eltflitnen tiuut
who iite chained with Intent to kill Wil
liam Mcrnn and Ocnrga Morrlsett, ,Mn
iluctor and mntormnn, respectively, of the
trolley cur which was attacked by a band
of masked men on the ulgbt of FeMuurv
Si!. Five of th" trolley strlkcts, lMward
II Wlnnrgnr, William Vandertuitrk, Clif
ford Viindeniark, Harry W. Warren .mil
John Hi carton, were buiiml over t tho
nrxt teim of the superior rourt, under
bonds of K,W) each, probable cause hav
ing been found by Judge Peuley. The re
maining thirteen prisoners will be ar
raigned tomorrow.
I'll 11I111 tulle lien Hull Turin),
WHEELING. W. Vn.. March 31.
One thoiisnnd miners of the Panhandle
field will quit work tomorrow morning
as the result of failure of th" perators
t sign the scale agreed upn nt tho Joint
confereiuc, last week. The operators
claim they were not Invited to Join In
the conference mid that thu scale was
adopted without ,thelr knowledge or
vote. They declare they will never
sign the scale us It Is.
Crnnl Mrn nn Inrrense.
HA7.MLTON. Pa.. Mutch ni. -fiiylr
Brothers, eoul operatois. today planted
the live hundred men ejnployed nt their
strlpplugs tin liiciensn of to pur cent In
wages tu ko Into effect tomorrow. This
will plsenti! the stripping bonds, who
wero not Included In the sttiks- commis
sion uwnid. ulthotigh thev quit work
when the miners struck. The stripping
employes hud agreed In tho nhseneo of
any fonceprtonu to quit In a bod' to
morrow. Htrlkr In lliillilliiir Triule.
NEW YORK. March SI. About
twenty thousand enrpeaters. plumbers,
ill tile building trades between 1110 w
York city line nnd Hartford, Conn., mo
to go 011 strike tomorrow for 11 20 per
cent advance In wages. The contract
ors and builders have nn organization
of eight hundred to resist the d-maud.
They have Included In their organua-
tlon all the lumuer yarns ana ueiueis
la building supplies, who are under t
bond each not to sell building material
to any contractor who concedes to the
demands of anion men. The members
of the labor anions have declined 11 10
per cent advance offered them In sev
eral places. ,
ICnnHim Clt .Strike Settled.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. March 31 Tho
strike of the electrical wotkers union
against tho Missouri and Kansas Tele
phone company, which hns been In
progress a month, was settled tonight,
resulting In 11 victory for the strikers.
The men will receive $2.r,0 for a iiiuii
hour day. Formerly they worked ten
hours and received from ,tl.Tf to $M0
u day.
.StrlUe ill AVIirelliiMT. . la.
WHEELING, W. Vn.. March :::. At
a meeting held might the local car
penters, painters, tinners and toofers
union declared a Htrlke und ordeied all
the men to lay down their tools tomor
row. About one thousand men me af
fected. The strikers want mere se.l
pay averaging 12 l-'J per cunt, and an
eight hour day.
Identities AsHiiIluiit.
WATEniU'RY. Conn,, March .11. -At
tho hearing today or the eight men sr
rested on tho charge of assault with In
tent to kill In connection with the attack
bv masked men on a trolley car on the
Wntervllle llns February !. Conductor
William Mernii. ono of the nssuulted
mm positively Identified Edward B. Win
negar, a trolley striker us ono of tho
Icadris of the attacking party.
An Increase All Around.
PITTSBURG, Pa.. March 31. Tomor
row tho agreement providing for an uri
iiinco In wnges to the bituminous coul
miners of Pennsylvania. Ohio, Indiana,
and Illinois will go Into effect nud every
mun about the mines will get nn Increase
of 10 per cent and some "0 per cent. It
will affect nearly COO.OOO.
StrlUe ('noses it Hint.
URIAH. Cal., March 31 There was a
riot at Fort Hingg this morning betwenu
the strikers of the Kurt Hrigx Lumber
compiiny and thu non-union men Tho
trouble started In .1 saloon and sprctil ti
the streetH. A ftee tight ensued. A num
ber of shots were exchanged and .1 num
ber on both sides wero wounded, souiu
Pence lit Colormlo Sprlnii'.
31. Tho strike of smelter men has ben
settled. Manager MacNoIll of the
United States Reduction and Refining
company, has promised thu advisory
board to tolnstato tho men by May
Men Milt Return In Work.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Mnrch 31. A
special from Ferule says:
The coal strike Is settled. The agree
ment has been signed and the men will
return to work at onco In nil the mines.
All Iher nl Sent tie.
street car strike was
March 31, The
settled Into to-
Sn Attachment
In ('nrclenc,
NHW YORK, Mutch Sl'-Tho claim ol
Duveeit Brothers for J3S0 nguhiHt' the
Duko of .MHiichestur for which llm duke's
trunkH wcru attached lust night, was paid
today and thu trunks released. Tho iluke
explained that when ho gave bis cluck
for forty five pounds on his bankers In
Ireland h asked that It liu picsmited
promptly. This whh not done ami In the
uiuuntiinu he had transferred his account
to New Ycik lie knew nothing nf the
clulm uniH hln liunKa wciv aliichd
IIOYI'.lt PI iOPI. 15 MAV lilt III MIIII-.
wiiiTii imp nisi- ovi'.itwiii'.i.M
PITTHHimtl, P.t Match ai.-An 11c
lidont at Furuure 1 of thu Kdgm
Ihumson plma of (he Cameglo Mteo)
compiiliy at rtrndilock todtty Is expected
to jirnvo one of the worst In the his.
lory of th.' pant in thu number nt
deaths resulting, Twenty men were
Injurod. idx ol 'whom are dead, lea la
thu hospital not erpcated (a recover
The other Injured went to their homes
suffering from painful burns. Tho
Thu accident wns caused by a "hiing"
in tint fat mice dropping and forcing
large itinatlllps of white hot dust down
a largo pipe into 11 pit wheic llm men
wero ut work. Tho Victims wcru caught
like rats la a trap without means of
usenne mid nil were buriit-d and blls
tered over their uutiru bodies and largo
strips of llesh pooled ofT ot their bodies
when they wete pulled out of tho pit by
fellow workmen, who rushed to the
scene In huge numbers.
Seven of tho men were completely
nude when their bodleH reached the
emergency hospital and the others had
but a few shreds of clothing upon them
The bodies of the fatally burned could
scarcely be ici-pgalx)! hh such- TUi'.V
were blackened or I'lireddcil hi strips
b thu white hot "down-coaier" tltist
limt burned Into their llesh. Mnuy of
the men had largo blotches burned
through tho flesh caused by large
splashes of molten iron that had struck
thetn nnd burned through to the bone.
Furnace "I" Is equipped with tho fa
mous electric "skids" and are now used
on all Fuller States .steel corporation
blast furnaces. The exact caitso of to
day's accident has not been deter
mined. MAW ,MI'3 WILL HO OUT.
Tun Illtr StrlUe In He liinunurntc.1
Ml I lilcsgo Turin?.
CHICAGO, March 31. Two large
strikes will go Into effect, tomorrow.
Three thousand tanners tonight voted
to strike. Fader orders from their
chiefs at Cleveland, marine firemen,
oilers mid water loaders" will refuse
to wotk tomuriow.
The action of thu tanners was the re
salt of a refusal of tho employars to
grunt n nine-hour day, it 10 per cent
Increase In wages and recognition of
the landers' mid curriers' union. The
sttike will affect fourteen tanneries,
three nf which .ire controlled by the
American Hide and Leather company.
A general tleup of the hike Ueets
probably will he the result of the strike
order Issued tonight by tho ofllclnlH of
the marine firemen, oilers and water
tendeiH' association, after tho failure
of their conference with the laka car
riers' committee to agreo oa a wage
schedule for the coming seusou. .No
tices of the otder wefe sent to all pbrtfl
on tho gicat hikes where vessels aro
being lit ted out for the season.
'Piesldent Livingston of the carriers
iissoclntlon. said tonight that the of
fer made tho men was a fair one ami
the now demands will not he granted.
t'ltl'lli;i IIY IIKsVV. WKMJHT.
Kalnl Accident In Drill Hall al PI.
Mer, Vn.
WASHINGTON, .March 31. The
overturning of 11 heavy piece of artil
lery yesterday In the thill hull at Fort
Myer, Va during the regular drill oC
the fourth battery of Held artllllry,
commanded by Captain Stephen M.
Foote, caused the death of a corporal
aged twenty-live years, of Washington,
crushed Iteneath tno wheels.
Privates James Rellly, Elmer Weha,
and Matthew E. Duncan.
When tho accident occurred the bat
tery detachment, consisting of foui
pieces, was testing at a gallop around
tho drill hull In column. As tho heavy
guns took tho turn at a corner tho
wheels of the lending piece struck 1,
nit under the tan hnik and the cutlru
piece was turned upside down.
think iiim niinroiin iionnnii.
MiMirct Arrested hr Offlcrr a(
leilo, Ohio,
TOLEDO. Ohio, March 31. United
States Mnrnhnls Wayne and Winters,
and Detectives Robinson ami M Itched
arrested a mun nt the Luke Shore depo
hist night who Is beliuved to be tlm
robber who escuped after a battle with
ol'lcers at Bedford, Ohio, hist Saturday
morning. He was arrested shortly he
roic the train arrived which brought
the remains of Frank Adams, thu
burglar who was killed, On thu sus
pect's poison was found a card of tho
undertaker to whom Adams' body was
shinned. The remains were ac
companied by Mrs. Jennie Wllkensim,
who claims to he a sister of the de
censed. Nothing Is known here of sho
or Adams. The man arrested refuse-,
to give his name und wti.s locked up hi
The woman declined to tulk, and went;
to a hotel for the night.
Apparent Cane oC .Murder ami Sui
cide In .New lork Home.
NEW YORK, March St. Newton
Schooinnuker, engineer ot the Western
Union building, living In Pine street,
Brooklyn, on returning home tonight
taund his wife, Leila, lying uncon
scious with a bullet In her breast ami
beside her Perclval Covert, a younc
man living In Euclid avonuc, also un
conscious, with a bullet In his head,
and 11 revolver, of which two chambers
had been discharged, lying beside him.
The man nnd woman wero taken lr
the hospital, where Covert died with
out recovering consciousness, Mrs.
Schoonmuker, whq Is twenty-eight
years old, recovered sufllclently to say
that Covert hud shot her and himself.
She made 110 explanation of the causii
of the tragedy,, and tonight Is uncon
scious and dying. Schoonaiakcr suj-h
his wifo mid Covert wero rrlends be
fore her marriage.
Oa the dead man the police found
letters, In which they s.iy Coictt ad
mitted that ho had embezzled feveral
thousand dollars from the Williams
burg Trust compaii. in whose bramh
ofllco In Brooklyn he was employed,
nnd that ho had determined to kill
n Permanent Cure Possible for
UintiKrlUt nnUi.
NI2W YORK. March 31. Ira D. Sun
key, the evangelist, ptobubly will never
regain his sight mid thu members of
Ills faintly have made up their minds to
accept his condition with resignation.
Allan Snnkey. the son. said today hid
rather was sllgntlv unproved, nut that
he did not thl.ik theic would bu
any permanent cure. He said Im
wished tho public to know Ids rather
was not In needy circumstances, and
the family hud been enibarrassed by
tlie receipt ot mnnv checks. NumeirniM
offers of assistance haie been thank
ully rejected, by the younger Mr. Snn
key. Tremor' Offered llnitita,
WASHINGTON. March 3l-Up to tli
hour of closing the lU'imttmuiit lonluht,
the secretary of tho treasury had recclcd
offers of 3 and 4 per cunt bonds in a
ehiiiixe fur - per tvut consols amounting
tu J3 Idi'.UV