Trr ii i 'i I" I i ' I ii Mini ii ii in i miii. inn niiim 1 1 L iin mi t dassssssssBSSSSSSSsassBSSe'eese' THE COURIER i ill Br t t V n r only daughter of the late Mr. N. P. Cur tice and Mrs. Curtice, and is a sister of Mr. Rom P. Curtice. She has spent most of her life in Lincoln, and the best wishes of her many Lincoln friends will be her'a as she begins her new life. The groom Is a young attorney of San Fran cisco, who has every promise of a pros-1 perous future. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver will be at home at the Northoft in San Fran cisco after May the first. A delightful informal party was given Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. C H. Eubank at their home on Euclid avenue. Various guests contributed to the pleas ure of the evening by their specialties. Mrs. R. A. Holyoke sang: Mrs. Herbert Marsland read, to a piano accompani ment by Mrs. Lee; Mrs. W. C Phillips recited German poetry which. Judging from the sighs of the learned men pres ent, must have been very sentimental; Mrs. Ross Curtice gave a violin selection, Mr. D. M. Butler electrified the audience with a very profound speech, and Mrs. Butler sang. Mr. Clinton R. Lee ex hibited his skill at legerdemain. Bou quets of greenery, consisting of lettuce, parsley and celery, were presented to the performers. A delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. Clinton R. Lee and Mrs. Herbert Marsland were at home to all their friends on Thursday afternoon from halt after two until half after five o'clock. Despite the moisture which would de scend regardless of the wishes of the hostesses, a large number of ladles called during the receiving hours. The reception was delightful because of its Informality. The ladles gathered In groaps for a little chatter, sat around the music room and drank tea while Miss Claire Canom played charmingly on the piano for them, and said last words of regret to Mrs. Marsland be cause of her coming departure from the city. Miss Mildred Morning received the cards at the door. Mrs. Thomas Marsland, gracious and charming as usual, sat at a little tea table and poured the fragrant beverage which was passed to the callers by Mrs. Jessie Stiles. Miss Catharine Lee and Miss Claire Canom. Mrs. C S. Jones and Mrs. Haydn Myer were hostesses to all members of P. E. O. society tn the city. In honor of the tenth anniversary of the organiza tion of Chapter K, at the home of Mm. Jones this afternoon. After a business session the hours were devoted to fancy work, conversation and light refresh ments. Delta Upsilon fraternity gave an in formal party last evening at the chapter house. The house was adorned with cut flowers and with the fraternity colors, peacock blue and old gold. Professor and Mrs. Barbour chaperoned the twenty couples of young people who were pres ent Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Lee enter tained Informally, at a picnic supper and a social evening, the ladies who assisted Mrs. Lee at her "at home" Thursday af ternoon, and an equal number of men. The gathering was In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marsland. Mr. Ll J. Heraog will visit Europe this summer, the chief object of his journey being to see his brothers, who reside In Buda Pest. Hungary. Mr. Herzog ex pects to leave Lincoln the fifteenth of May. and will be absent the remainder of the summer. Delta Delta Delta sorority gave a ken slngton this afternoon at the chapter house. The guests were the active mem bers of Delta Gamma and Pi Beta Phi sororities. Palms and flowers adorned the house and light refreshments were served. The L. A. kensington was pleasantly entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. A. D. "Wilkinson. Besides club members these present were Mesdames Rewlck, J. E. Hays. O. M. Stonebraker. T. S. Ingles and J. M. Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Van Brunt will give a dinner this evening to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Van Brunt which occurs tomorrow. A mound of red car nations will form the centrepiece. Cov ers will be laid for fourteen. Sj A BBUsicale will be given Tuesday even- tjkg at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Albert jrMusea Davis. 1711 K street, by Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Eugene TTmnsril. aad Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gay- tord Darts. PI Bete Phi sorority initiated Miss Kiilian last evening. Mrs. W. M. Leonard spent several days of last week in Omaha. Mrs. Ross P. Curtice entertained Les Bohemiennes on Wednesday. The Elks gave their regular monthly party last night at their hall. Mrs. W. G. Morrison Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Tukey, in Omaha. Mrs. S. S. Whiting entertained the Basket Weavers Monday afternoon. Mrs. Helen M. Howell has returned from an extended visit in Indiana and Chicago. Miss Eliza Jeter was formally pledged to Kappa Alpha Theta sorority Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ensey entertained the Britannia high five club Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Garoutte will give a complimentary party for the V. V. card club next Saturday evening. Miss Cora Smith left on Tuesday for New York city, where she will be the guest of Miss Edna Hyatt for a month. Mrs. W. G. Taylor will leave In two weeks for Colorado to join her husband, and they will probably reside in that state hereafter. Mrs. W. A. Bailey will give a children's party on the afternoon of April first. In honor of the fourth birthday of her daughter Ethel. " Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Lee will give a loge party followed by a supper, for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marsland at the Oliver this evening. La Veta whist club closed Its seven teenth season with a dinner followed by cards at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hallett Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harriett Curtice will arrive from California about April fifteenth and will issssssssssssssssssssV'' ssKsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH M yIbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI A. HATDN MYER, JR., Five years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Haydn Myer. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marsland will leave for their home In New York on Monday. The L. L. I. gave its regular monthly dance and drill at Fraternity hall Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Herzog and Mrs. H. Schlesinger entertained the Unity club Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross P. Curtice enter tained the Strollers last evening. Miss Harrison was a guest. The Misses Stuart of New York city are guests of their sister-in-law, Mrs. L. A. Stuart, and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marsland gave an Informal party last evening for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marsland. Miss Blanche Garten will entertain the active and alumnae chapters of Delta Gamma next Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ross gave a din ner Wednesday evening for Mr. John A. Hobson of London, England. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baker gave an informal reception Tuesday evening for the members of the W. R. P. C. club and their .families. be the guest of her son, Mr. Ross P. Cur tice, and Mrs. Curtice. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Seacrest will give a dinner Tuesday evening, April the seventh, for the members of the L. A. kensington and their husbands. Mrs. Strother and Miss Strother, who have been guests of Mrs. W. F. Schwind for three weeks, left on Tuesday for their home in Bowling Green, Missouri. Miss Mildred Goss of Omaha is the guest of Miss Louise Hoover. Miss Hoover will give a party In honor of Miss Goss next Saturday evening. The newest style of visiting card has only the first name of the owner's hus band engraved thereon, instead of the two or three names as were recently used. Mrs. Olive Watson of Friend is in town to witness the performance of Mrs. Patrick Campbell and her company this evening, and is the guest of Mrs. C. F. Lad d. The university band .gave a dance Sat urday evening at the armory. Ninety young people were present. These dances will be given fortnightly during the spring. Mrs. M. .E. Van Brunt returned on Wednesday from Beatrice, where she was the uest for three months of her son, Mr. Wlnslow Van Brunt, and Mrs. Van BruntA Mr. and its. L. W. Garoutte have as guests Mrs-Vred A. Wilson and Mre Frank Letsoilof Enid, Oklahoma, and Doctor and Mrs. R. R- Brownfleld of Kansas City. Mrs. L. W. Garoutte will entertain In formally next Wednesday afternoon for her guests, Mrs. Fred A. Wilson and Mrs. Frank Letson of Enid, Oklahoma, and Mrs. R. R. Brownfleld of Kansas City. MISS LIPPINCOTT, ... ftasso. Beosa m. ImwiU Block Tnu in DravlU. PlUOBft?. P7NC- raphy. Wood Carrtac. lamavai China Studio oses Monday. Tasstey. Thurs day" FrMayVJ to 6 a. so.. and afctartay. Itouta DR. BSNJ. F. BAILBT. Raskiaaea, toj J-,0!' At oSo S to i; ftinsaya. U to 1 a. m. DR. MAT L. FLANAGAN, BIiMt, m ft. 11th. TaL M. At offloalOtoll a. aMtol. m. aadaya, 4 ta i'M . sa. Office, Zehrung Block. Ml Bo. Uth. TaLsM . . THE ... First National Bank OF LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Capital. Surplus and Profits. . UUV.ft Deposits. XTafJaT.N a TT nurahan A. J. PrasMaat Vlw Pi Ifat H. ft. Freemen. CssaJsr. H. B. Crass. S1 Aaat CaaaJar. Aaaft Cashier. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY RANKLIN lee Qrean agd Dairy Qo. Maaafaetarsrs of the Flats Quality of PLAIN AND FANCY ICE CREAM. ICES. FROZEN PUDDINGS. FRAPPE AND SHERBET Prompt delivery. aOsfaetlaa taar- 1 So. 1Kb St. Psoas: sxP&m&ifit Cycle Photographs Athletic Photographs Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior views V The Photographer 129 Sokh Eleventh Strtet JUST RECEIVED! An Elegant Ltae of Crane's Papers IN PAPS7TERIE8. H.W. BR0WN Phone OS. va south uth i v&f 50X X X 0. STEELE THB POPULAR FURRIBR DESIGNS AND MAKBS Fur Garments FURS STORED DURING SUMMER 143 So. Twelfth Street 4 - SglSSlJ.UtAllgll