The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 14, 1903, Image 8

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ill 1
The Courier
Published Every Saturday
Entered la tke Poitofflca at Ltnooln m Mcoitd
dees scatter.
Titumiom J Bueteese Offloe 211
TBLPH0KdKorllRoom, 90
Per anaum, In advance $1.00
Single Copy, .06
JEavmda Eu chapter
of Fbi &11 Iklta
The Phi Gamma Delta fraternity was
founded at Jefferson college. Cannons
burg, Pennsylvania, in 184S. At present
there are fifty-seven active chapters, and
.fourteen alumni chapters.
The Phi Gamma Delta, the official or
gan of the fraternity. Is a monthly mag
azine published at Indianapolis.
The local chapter. Lambda Nu, wns
granted its charter In 1898.. The charter
members were: Edward R. Harvey, Ar
thur C. Pancoast. Floyd Van Valin and
George R. Porter.
At present there are seventeen active
members: "Walter M. Hopewell, Claire
R. Mudge, Prank J. Coad, Bruce H.
Grigsby, George B. Kimball, Leonard
K. -Kurtz, William R. McGeachin, Emroy
D. Stanley, ""William P. Holman, Harry
T. Parker, Tannles Johnson, Henry J.
Wharton, Edward B. Adams, Morton C
Shallenberger, Fred J. Hurtz, Willard
P. Kimball, Clement L. Waldron.
"& $ ir
"OM-Salt" was interested in the first
railroad that was built in the state a
very crude line, forty miles in length.
After it had been operated for .ears
the company was sued for damages. Old
Salt was called as a witness for the de
fence. Counsel asked a question during
his examination of Salt which seemed to
the judge to make It proper for plain
tiffs counsel to go into the general rep
utatinn of the road. He asked If It were
not true that numerous accidents had
happened on the line.
"N-n-n-ever knew but wu-wu-wu-one,"
was the answer.
"And what was that. Mr. Williams?
Explain the character of It In full,
please." .
"A ml-ml-mi-mlddle aged gi-gi-gl-girl
got on the t-t-t-train at" P.-p-p-Pontlac,
and d-d-d-died of old age before she got
to De-de-de-Detrolt."
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1729 of James H. Auld, de
ceased. In County Court of Lancaster'
County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss.: Creditors of
said estate will take notice that the time
limited for presentation and filing of claims
against said estate Is October 15, 1903, and
for payment of debts is May 2. 1904; that
I will sit at the county court room in said
county, on July 15, 1903, at 2 P. M.. and
on October 15, 1903. at 2 P. M., to receive,
examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims
nnd objections duly filed. Dated March 12.
Seal County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that the Phil
harmonic Society of Lincoln, Nebraska,
has been organized and Incorporated. The
name of the corporation Is "The Phil
harmonic Society of Lincoln. Nebraska."
The principal place of transacting Its bus
iness is In the city of Lincoln. Nebraska.
The general nature of the business to be
transacted is for the advancement of mu
sic and to encourage Us study, to purchase
music and to acquire, buy, own. sell,
lease or rent such real estate as may be
necessary to carry out the objects of the
corporation. The capital stock Is one
thousand dollars, divided Into one hun
dred shares of ten dollars each. No In
dividual shareholder can at any time hold
more than ten shares of stock. The
corporation shall commence business at
the time of the adoption of its articles
of incorporation and shall terminate Jan
uary 1, 1952. No Indebtedness of the cor
poration shall at any time be Incurred.
The affairs of the corporation shall be
conducted by a board of not exceeding
seven trustees. Officers shall consist of a
president, vice-president, secretary and
F. M. HALL, President.
Estate No. 1523 of Peter Hogan. de
ceased, in county court of Lancaster coun
ty. Nebraska.
The state of Nebraska. To all persons
Interested In said estate, take notice, that
the administrator has filed a final account
and report of his administration, and a
petition for final settlement and discharge
as such, which have been set for hearing
before said court on March 30th. 1903. at
1 o'clock p. m.. when you may appeal and
contest the same.
Dated March 6. 1903.
County Judge.
Tl CAPT f&Sr
& coffin. Unr
Captain Edwin Coffin will be in command of the next expedition to the
north pole which will be, sent out by Ziegler In May next. Captain Coffin
is confident that he will be able to bring his voyage to a successful conclusion.
' No. He.
Am OrdlMBC
Submitting to vote of the legal Twj
of the City of Lmcoln. Lancaster -count
Nebraska, at the general city election to
be heldTn April. 1933. a PTOmW
thorizlng jUe mayor and council or saia
city to borrow money and pledge the
credit and property of said city on 1U
negotiable bond in the amount o MjwJ
Thirty-four Thousand Five Hundred Dol
lars for the purpose of constructing cer
tain sewer extensions described in tne
body of this ordinance, prescribing th
form of ballot, the places and time of
voUng and authorizing tne said mayor
and council to levy a tax on all .taxable
property of said City of Lincoln In addi
tion tb all other taxes for the payment
of said bond and Interest thereon as the
same may become due and payable.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council
of the City of Lincoln, Nebraska:
SecUon 1. At the general city election to
be held in the city of Lincoln, county of
Lancaster, and state of Nebraska, on the
seventh day of April. 1903. there shall be
submitted to a vote of the legal voters or
said city the following proposition, viz.
Shall the mayor ana city council of the
city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, be au
thorized to construct sewer connections as
follows: ia) A covered storm water sewer
o by 1U. either brick or concrete, on N
street from the east side of Fourth street
to the west side of First street, west
to the new channel of Salt creek; (b) a
circular storm water sewer four feet In
diameter on B street from the east side
of Eighth street to the west side of
Fourth street; lc) extension of B street
storm water sewer from Thirteenth to
Seventeenth streets. 36-lnch vitrifled pipe
sewer, with the necessary catch basin
connestion; (d) extension of the R street
storm water sewer from Twenty-seventh
and K street east on R street to Twenty
eighth, south on Twenty-eighth street to
P street, thence east on P street to Twenty-ninth
street, thence south to O street;
(e) extension of the combined storm wa
ter sewer and sanitary sewer on Nine
teenth street from Nineteenth and J
streets to the alley south of J street. 15
Inch pipe, and to alley between O and H.
8-lnch pipe; (f) extension of combined
sewer on J, K and L streets from Twenty
first to Twenty-Beoond streets, 16-lnca
Elpe and extension of combined sewer on
I street from Nineteenth to Twentieth
streets; (K) storm water culvert on Twenty-seventh
and Starr street, 4 feet by 10
feet, brick or concrete; and to borrow
money and pledge the credit and property
of said city of Lincoln upon Its negotia
ble bond In the amount of Thirty-four
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($34,600
for the purpose of constructing said sewer
extensions; and to levy on all taxable
property In said city of Lincoln In addi
tion to all other taxes an annual tax
for the payment of the Interest on said
bonds as It becomes due. and a tax to
pay the principal of said bond when It
shall become due.
Sec. 2. The ballots submitting said
proposition shall have written dr printed
thereon substantially the following:
"Shall the city of Lincoln Issue bonds
In the sum of Thirty-four Thousand Five
Hundred Dollars ($34,500) to construct cer
tain sewer extensions In said city, and to
levy a tax for payment of principal and
interest." Yea.
"Shall the city of Lincoln Issue bonds In
the sum of Thirty-four Thousand Five
Hunred Dollars $(34(500) to construct cer
tain sewer extensions in said city, and to
levy a tax for payment of principal and
Interest." No.
Sec. J. The vote upon said proposition
shall be had and taken at the several
places in said city where the said general
city election on said day shall be held.
Sec 4. The polls at the said election
shall be open between the hours of eight
o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p. m.
Sec 6. The Judges and clerks for each
voting place at said general city election
shall keep said ballots In a separate box
and make returns thereof to the saayor
and council of said city, who shall can
vass the vote and declare the result there
on at the first regular meeting after such
election, or as soon thereafter as practic
able. Sec 6 Should a majority of the ballots
cast at said election be in the affirmative
or for said proposition, then the mayor
and council of said city shall be author
ised to construct the sewer extensions
hereinbefore described; and to issue the
bonds of said city and levy such taxes
at the times and for the purposes and
upon the conditions specified In this ordi
nance. Sec 7. It shall be the duty of the mayor
and clerk of said city of Lincoln when
so instructed by an ordiance duly passed
by the mayor and council of said city, to
sign and attest said bonds and affix
thereto the seal of tne city of Lincoln.
Sec 8. The said bond shall draw Inter
est at the rate of 4 per cent per annum
from the date of their delivery, payable
semi-annually, said interest to be evi
denced by coupons thereto attached. Said
bonds shall be drawn payable to bearer
one-tenth each year after the tenth year
and all redeemable at the option of the
city at any time after ten years from
their date, and shall bear date of tne day
of their delivery; and the Interest ami
principal of said bona shall be payable
at the Nebraska Fiscal Agency in the
city of New York, county and state of
New York.
Sec 9. Before negotiating the sale of said
bonds; the mayor and council shall In
vite bids therelor by giving thirty days
notice thereof in two newspapers pub
lished and of general circulation In the
city of Lincoln, and said notice shall re
serve to the mayor and council of said
city of Lincoln the right to reject any
and all bids received tnerefor. The said
bonds shall be sold lor cash to tha beat
and highest responsible bidder therefor
but in nu case shall said bonds be sold
for less than the par or face value there'
Sec 10. The proceeds of the sale of aaJd
bonds shall be paid to the treasurerof
tha city, of Lincoln immediately on thi
sale thereof and shall be placed bruu
treasurer to the credit of tie sewer fund
Said bonds snail be denominated "Sewi
ExtenslonBonds. Series." llbVioneVoh
tained therefor"shall be used forttipu?:
poses hereinbefore specified and the nT
easary expenses connected therewith sad
for no other purpose. Ba
Sec U. The proposition for the con
struction of ssia sewer extensions, thets
euance of said bonds and the levyin, of
the taxes herein provided shall &T?..S!
llshed for at least thirty1 day, Arto?
April 7. 1903. in two newspapTrsubuahS
and ip general circulatloaln Uw Sty of
This ordinance shall take effect and be
In force from and after Its passage. sd
proval and publication according to law
Introduced by Wo. Albert
Passed February 9. 103.
Approved February 10, 1903.
H. J. WINNETT. Mayor
Attest: THOS. H. PRATT. City airk!
No. 147.
Submitting to a vote of the legal voters
of the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County.
Nebraska, at the general city election
In April, 1903. a proposition authorizing
the mayor and council of said city to
borrow money and pledge the credit and
Eroperty of said city upon its negotiable
onds to an amount not exceeding Sixty
five Thousand Dollars, for the purpose
of constructing an electric lighting plant,
prescribing the form of ballot and places
and time of voting and authorizing the
paid council to levy a tax on all the
taxable property of. said city in addition
to all other taxes for the payment or
said bonds and interest thereon as the
same may become due and payable.
Be It Ordained by the Mayor and' Council
of the City of Lincoln. Nebraska:
Section 1. At the general city election Vi
oe held in the City of Lincoln. Countv of
Lancaster and State of Nebraska, on the
rth day of April. A. D. 1903. there shall
be submitted to a vote of the legal voters
of said city the following proposition, viz.:
Shall the mayor and city council of the
City of Lincoln. Lancaster County. Ne
braska, be authorized to construct at the
Rice Pumping Station an electric lighting
plant for said city of sufficient capacity
to light the streets, alleys, parks and city
buildings of said city, to borrow money
and pledge the credit and property of said
city upon its negotiable bonds to an
amount not exceeding Sixty-five Thousand
Dollars for the purpose of constructing
said electric lighting plant and purchas
ing the appliances and personal property
necessary therefor and to levy on the tax
able property of said city In addition to
all other' taxes an annual tax for the
payment of the interest on said bonds as
it becomes due and a tax to pay the prin
cipal of said bonds when It shall become
SecUon 2. The ballot submitting said
proposition shall have written or printed
thereon or partly written or printed there
on the words:
Shall the City of Lincoln Issue bonds In
the sum of Sixty-five Thousand Dollars
to construct at the Rice Pumpl.ig Station
an electric lighting n'ant for lighting the
streets, alleys, parks and dtv buildings
and to levy a tax for payment of principal
and interest Yes.
Shall the Citv of Lincoln issue bonds
In the sum of Sixty-five Thousand Dollars
to construct at the Rice Pumping Station
an electric lighting plant for lighting the
streets, alleys, parks and city buildings
and to levy a tax for payment of principal
and Interest No.
Section 3. The vote upon said proposi
tion shall be held and taken at- the sev
eral places In said city where the said
general city election on said day shall be
held. ,
Section 4. Thp polls at the said election
shall be opened between the hours of eight
o clock A. M. and even o'clock P. M.
Section 5. The judges and clerks for eacii
voting place at said general city election
shall keep said ballots In a separate box
and make returns thereof to the mayor
and council, of said city, who shall can
vass the vote and declare the result there
on at the first regular meeting after such
election, or as soon thereafter as practica
ble. Section 6. Should a majoritv of the bal
lots cast up-n said proposition at said
election be in the affirmative or for said
proposition, then the mavor and council
of said city shall be authorized to con
struct said electric lighting plant and to
Issue bonds and levy such taxes at the
times for the purposes and upon the condi
tions thereinafter specified in this ordi
nance. Section 7. It shall be the dutv of th
mayor and clerk of said citv when so in
structed by an ordinance dnlv passed bv
ihe mayor and council of said Citv nf Lin
coln, to sign and attest said bonds and
affix thereto the seal of the Cityof Lincoln.
Section 8. The said bonds shall draw
Interest at the rate of four per cent per
annum from the date of their 'delivery,
pavahle semi-annually, said interest to be
evidenced by coupons thereto attached.
Said bonds shall be drawn payable to
bearer' one-tenth each vear. after the tenth
vear. anc nil redeemable at the ontion of
the citv at any time after ten years from
their date and shall bear date of the day
of their delivery and the Interest and prin
dpil of said bonds shall be pavable at the
Vphrnikn Fiscal Acenev In the Citv of
New York. Conntv and State of New York.
Pecflon 9. Before negotiating the sale
r aid bonds, the mayor and council shall
nv'te bids therefor bv giving thirty dars
nntle,. thereof in two newspapers puh-'
1lhed and of gereral circulation in said
city, nnd said notice shall reserve to the
mayor and council of said citv the right
to releot anv and all bids received there
for. The said bonds shall be sold for cash
to the best and highest responsible bidder
therefor, but in no case shall said bonds
be sold for less than the par or face value
Section 10. The proceeds of the mIg of
said bonds shall be paid to the Trmsurer
of the Citv of Lincoln Immediately on the
sale thereof and shall be placed by said
Treasurer to the credit of the "Lighting
Plant Vund." Said bonds shall be de
nominated "Lighting Plant Bonds. First
Ser'ps. The money obtained therefor
shall be used for the purpose hereinbefore
specified and the necessary expenses con
nected therewith and for no other purpose
Section 11. The proposition for the con
struction of said electric lighting plant
the Issuance of such bonds and the levy
'n , the lax-s herein provided shall be
luhllshed for at least thirtv days In two
newspapers punlished and of general cif
cuiaticn in said city.
This ordinance shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage, ap
proval and publication, according to law.
Introduced by John S. Bishop as an
amendment Passed March 2. 190S.
Approved March 4. 1908.
H. J. WINNETT. Mayor.
Attest: THOS. H. PRATT. City Clerk