The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 10, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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After the governor's reception Thurs
day evening; Colonel and Mrs. Charles M.,
Keefer entertained Informally at their"
home and a pleasant social, hour was
spent. Refreshments -were served. Those
present were Governor Mickey and Mrs.
Mickey; former Governor Savage and
Mrs. Savage; Colonel and Mrs. C. D.
Evans, of Columbus; Colonel and Mrs.
J. G. Martin. Colonel and Mrs. J. B.
"Watklns, of South Omaha; Colonel and
Mrs. J. W. Thomas, Colonel and Airs. E.
E. Bryson, Omaha; Colonel and Mrs. G.
E. Jenkins, Colonel C. J. Bills, Fair
bury; Colonel J. H. Brown, Wakefield.
Colonel H. P. Sutton, McCook; Colonel
G. A. Murphy, General I "W". Colby,
Beatrice; Colonel F. E. Moores, Omaha;
General P. H. Barry, Greely Center;
Colonel and Mrs. F. M. Rublee, Broken
Bow; Colonel and Mrs. S. M. Mellck and
Mr. Harry Mellck; H. V. Lane, F. Metx,
Omaha: Colonel C. J. Miles, Hastings;
' Captain Geora-e Lyon, Nelson.
The custom of having a dinner or a
luncheon precede card playing at a
party, rather than follow the game, has
been In vogue in the east for some time
and Is meeting with favor in the west,
and many hostesses are adopting it A
dinner followed by cards, given Tuesday
evening by Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore,
was a pleasant event of the week.
Thirty-two persons were seated at round
tables scattered throughout the spacious
rooms. Roses and carnations adorned
the tables, a different design, as an
anchor, a star, or a crescent,' and & dif
ferent colored flower, was on each table.
The menu was served in 'seven courses.
At the conclusion of the games Mrs.
E. E. Brown received a box of candy,
and Mr. J. C. Seacrest a Bheaf of Ameri
can beauties, as rewards for the highest
scroes. Mrs. R. T. Van Brunt and Mrs.
E. E. Brown assisted Mrs. Moore.
The W. T. M. was entertained Thurs
day afternoon by Mrs. G. J. Hew at her
pleasant home. 8S7 North Twenty-sixth
street After the business meeting cur
rent events were discussed. The hostess
then brought in a tray containing thirty
eight well known and useful articles and
the ladles were allowed a three minutes'
view, after which the tray was removed
and the guests asked to make a list
Mrs. Kaufman's memory proved the best.
The announcement that the husbands of
the members had arranged a theatre
party for them next week, gave great
pleasure. The hostess was assisted by
her sister. Mrs. Rogers, a former resi
dent of this city, in serving dainty re
freshments. The club will meet In two
weeks with Mrs. George F. Burr. 2940 O
A luncheon characterized by elegance
of appointments, beauty of decorations,
and lovely gowns was given In the
ordinary at the Lincoln hotel at
one o'clock on Thursday, in com
nliment to Mrs. D. E. Thompson,
by Mrs. Walter B. Hargreaves and
Mrs. Carl Funke. Covers were laid for
twenty at a large round banquet table.
An Immense basket covered with smllax
and filled with pink roses, occupied the
centre of the table. This was surroun 1
d by pink candles In handsome cande
labra. On the place cards were miniature
heads in water colors, and at each plate
was a pink candle.
Two engagements In the Delta Gamma
ranks have been announced within a
week. At a party given a week ago by
Mrs. Tldball of Crete, the engagement
of Miss Mary Tldball to Reverend
Lucius Reed, pastor of a church in
Montpeller, Vermont was announced.
Several members of .the sorority from
Lincoln attended the party. Miss Martha
Hutchinson, who Is at present teaching
In tl e high school at Greely, Colorado,
has announced her engagement to her
Delta Gamma sisters.
Miss Amber Barnaby left yesterday
morning for Minneapolis, stopping en
route for a day at Mankato to visit
friends. The marriage of Miss Barnaby
to Mr. O. F. Hartquest will be celebrated
at the home of Miss Barnabys mother
to Minneapolis on January 28. The cot
tage at Twelfth and D streets has been
engaged by Mr. Hartquest and to that
he will take his bride on their return
from their wedding Journey.
A dinner for seventy guests will be
given this evening by Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Leonard, In honor of Ambassador
Thompson and Mrs. Thompson, who are
to leave shortly for Brazil. Te dinner
will be given at the Lincoln hotel an
wtn be one of the most brilliant func
tions of the
The Saturday night club will give a
daace this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burr left for their
home in New York, Thursday.
The Phllopatrians gave a reception at
Walsh hall Thursday evening.
Professor H. B. Ward has returned
from a short visit to Washington, D. C
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harpham will en
tertain the V. V. card club this evening.
Mrs. John M. Stewart and her son and
daughter have gone to Florida to remain
until May.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Davis entertained
the Nineteenth Century card club Tues
day evening.
Doctor and Mrs. Joseph Scroggs enter
tained the C. D. F. club at a dinner fol
lowed by cards last evening.
Doctor and Mrs. A. H. Dorrls have
gone to California, where they will spend
the remainder of the winter.
Next week Mrs. Herbert Marsland will
be the guest of her sister. Mrs. Clinton
R. Lee, at her home, 1944 E street
Mrs. Lewis H. Trester and Miss Lil
lian Trester gave a kitchen shower
Thursday afternoon for Miss Barnaby.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Foster gave a din
ner Thursday evening. The decorations
were pink, and covers were laid for
Mr. and Mrs. Simon D. Mayer enter
tained the Unity club Wednesday even
ing. The prizes were won by Miss Franck
and Mr. Henry Mayer.
Mrs. Fort of Kansas City, who has
been visiting with her sister. Mrs. W. H.
McCreery, for a few days, returned to
her home on Thursday.
. t
Miss Clara Baldwin. whohas beenfh"e'
guest of Miss Louise Hargreaves for
several weeks, will return to her home in
Chicago next Thursday.
Mrs. J. L. Kellogg has Invitations out
for a card party on Tuesday, the twen
tieth, and will give a second party a
week or two later than that
Miss- Theresa McClellan of Eagle
Bridge, New York, who has been visiting
Mrs. G. A Loveland. left on Thursday
for Denver, where she will spend the
Mrs. p. M. Stonebraker assisted at a
reception given In honor of Mrs. Jacob
Gould Schurman, by Mrs. Henry R.
Penny (and Mrs. Charles C. Rosewater,
in Omaha last week. ''
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grainger left to
day for New Tork and will sail next
week for Europe. Mr. Grainger will be
absent two months, but Mrs. Grainger
and children will remain longer.
Mrs. F. M. Woods and Mrs. Archibald
Haecker'will give a card party Thursday
afternoon, and Colonel and Mrs. Woods,
and Mr. and Mrs. Haecker will entertain
Friday evening at their home, 2544 J
Mrs. F. E. Campbell and Mrs. Emma
Seacrest entertained the southeast circle
of the First , Presbyterian church on
Wednesday. Fifteen ladles braved the
storm and enjoyed a pleasant social af
ternoon and delicious refreshments.
Mrs. Arthur N. Young and Mrs. P. M.
Plamandon entertained the Helen Mar
Kensington Tuesday afternoon at the
home of the former. The house was dec
orated with palms and ferns. A music
box played popular airs, and a dainty
luncheon was served by the hostesses.
The next meeting will be held In two
weeks with Mrs. Deyo.
Misses Blanche Garten and Helen
Welch went to Omaha Wednesday to
attend the pre-nuptlal functions given
for Miss Jackson and Mr. Hoagland, in
whose honor there will be a whirl of
gayety beginning with last Wednesday
and ending with the marriage next Wed
nesday. Delta Gammas who will go
from here next week to attend the mar
riage will be Misses Stone, Harris, Com-'
stock, Honeywell and Hunt
A pretty dinner was given Wednesday
evening by Mr. and Mrs. Phil R. Easter
day In honor of Miss Barnaby and Mr.
Hartquest The decorations were red
carnations and red candles. Guests were
Miss Barnaby, Miss Trigg, Mr. Hart
quest Mr. Dean Ringer, Messieurs and
Mesdames Fredrick B. Ryons, Harry
Evans, and Fred Easterday.
MisseB Louise and Gladys Hargreaves
gave a lovely card party In honor of
their guest Miss Clara Baldwin of Chi
cago, this afternoon. The active chap
ters of the various sororities were Invited
and some outside girls; there were sixty
six in all. Six-hand euchre was played
and two prizes were awarded. A two
course luncheon was served.
The members of Mrs. S. D. Hyde's
Sabbath school class In the First Baptist
church dine together once each month at
the various homes. On Thursday even
ing the dinner was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Whiting, the host
esses being Misses Adelloyd Whiting,
Olive Graham, Bess Dumont Ruth
Thompson and Harriett Mitchell.
A dancing-party, that was greatly en
joyed by the guests, was given last
evening at Fraternity hall by Miss Cora
Faulkner and Mr. Edwin 'Faulkner. An
orchestra played for the dancers, who '
were chaperoned by Doctor and Mrs. O.
A. Faulkner. Ices were served in the
banquet room, which was decorated with
evergreens. Invitations were extended
to seventy couples of young people.
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King George of Saxony refuses to
provide means for the support of his son.
Archduke Leopold, unless the latter will
consent to give up his woman companion
of humble birth, for whom he has an In
fatuation. Archduke Leopold and the
woman, who has attracted him are at
present with his eloping Bister Princess
Louise, and M. Glron, npw in Switzerland.
loe rean arjd Dairy Qo.
Manufacturers of the
Finest Quality of
Prompt delivery. Satisfaction
13 So. 12th St Phone 2K.
An Elegant Line of
Crane's Papers
Phon 6B.
127 South 11th St
Accomplished In all the details of the art
Takes can of Pianos steadily, and fur
nlabM estimates on extensive repairs.
Refers to a discriminating client!,
and desires especially the cultivation of
such a field.
Orders may be left with
or addressed
P. O. BOX 287. Lincoln. Neb.
First National Bank.
Capital. $200,000.00
Surplus and Profits. . 112.SU.41
Deposits. 2.746.2f7.00
S. H. Burabam. A. J. Sawyer,
President Vice-President
H. S. Freeman. Cashier.
H. B. Evans. Frank Parks.
Ass't Cashier. Ass't Cashier "
Fur Garments
143 So. Twelfth Street
" "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbGbbbbbbbbb9bbbbbbbbS
The Dr. Beoj.'F Bailey Sanatorium
1 not a hospital, not a hotel, bat a home.
Baths are siren
b, oar Hot Air
The boBdlng Is itoated on a lightly hill at Normair
chut m nuniH nae rrom cne boh
ntlfaDy famished. Erery electric
1 Tnrklah. Rnaatan. and Madlnatad
iBooadtOeMwaar the kMaers aaallvsrara affected, and in oases of raea-
ir tTMUBteai ss sen rsMimiy woosinu. pr ran wroraaHon address
Tho B. F. Bailey Sanatorium, Llacaha, Nafc.