The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 03, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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The Courier
Publiahed Every Saturday
Entered In tas Pottofflce at Lincoln as second
class matter.
OFFICE , . 900-910 P STREET
Tt,.Hnn Business Offloe. ........ 2M
TELKM0K"JKdltorialRoom, 90
Per aaaum, In adrance, . StOO
Single Copy, v . . .06
NEW TOIUw Jan. 3. Most women
even those who usually dress well
seem to regard a shopping tour as an
excuse for shabby garments, and con
i sldering the crush they are compelled to
encounter, I do not know that I can
blame them.
Occasionally, however, one meets some
very well-go)wned "-women In the melee
of .Broadway and Twenty-third street
I was particularly attracted by a cos
tume I saw the other day on a girl who
was rushing madly from shop to shop,
bent on Christmas purchases. The gray
short suit that she wore seemed to me
most fitting for the occasion. Her skirt
was of cloth, and her coat of velvet, of
.precisely the same shade. The skirt
reached the ankles, and was made up of
nine panels, each slot-seamed. It fitted
tight about hips and back. Within a
foot of the bottom the slots were opened
to afford a pretty fulness. A scarlet silk
petticoat, ruched and plalnted, was worn
ander this skirt. The coat was single
breasted and tight fitting, showing also
the slot-seams. The sleeves were a little
full at the wristband, and the revers
were very small. Gray silk frogs, form-
Within a very short space of time Signor Marconi hopes to be able to announce the opening of his wireless
system for general business service. This cannot be accomplished until satisfactory arrangements have been made
with the British authorities for the transmission of the messages overland. The famous inventor is being deluged
with congratulations.
lng the front fastening, were most effec
tive. A gray squirrel hat, devoid of
trimming, flat and round in shape, and
a bag saddle-back muff completed a
walking costume which every woman
turned her head to look at a second time.
A brown cloth tucked and plaited
walking suit also attracted me. The
skirt was made with a front panel which
resembled a big box plait, from which
spread other big side plaits extending
all the way round. These were let fly at
the bottom of the skirt. The coat was
fashioned in the same manner. It had
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Prince Rupert, heir to the throne of Bavaria, and his beautiful wife,
Princes Marie Gabrielle, granddaughter of the king of Portugal, will visit
the United States in IMS. Prince Rupert is declared by the Jacobins to be
the rightful (Stuart) heir to the English throne.
a wide plait in the back and one in front,
with the side plaits adjoining, all belted
in with a narrow girdle of stitched
leather. A big side bag or purse of the
same brownish leather was suspended
from this belt. Sable furs a boa, hat
and muff were worn with the suit.
Short skirts are made a iittle longer
this season than last. In fact, some'
models are too long, serving only to fan
the dust of the street. A good length,
perhaps the best, is Just the least trifle
below the ankle. A neat woman prefers
either a very long skirt or one comfort
ably short.
Mrs. F. Ambrose Clark has a lovely
white cloth evening gown, laid in plaits
over white Irish crochet lace. With this
she generally wears a hat of lace and
chiffon, a flat, medium-large affair, most
becoming to her.
Mrs. Clarence Postley looks extremely
well In a black velvet, with which she
wears a white hat of the toque variety,
trimmed with jet flowers.
A novel evening gown shown by an
importer is of dotted silk net, with grad
uated stitched bands of peau de sole out
lining the skirt gores. This idea of a
heavier material trimming a lighter one
is very popular this season.
So, also, is the fad to buy an inexpen
sive material and garnish it with elab
orate applications of rare lace or hand
work. For example, a modest veiling,
costing at most three dollars a yard, is
cut out to let in Venetian point or Irish
lace all over Its surface in bewitching
patterns. This lace is in turn garnished
with French knots, hand-embroidered
flowers or those made of chiffon or silk.
The more work the better, it seems.
The sleeves of all gowns have a tend
ency to increasing size. The general
fulness Is still below the elbow, but the
top cap shows signs of becoming large
also. At present it is plaited, with the
plaits let loose to make the lower fulness
a style that has lasted since the late
Black lace over pale colors is popular
for evening wear. Nearly every box
patron of the opera has a gown of this
sort Among the prettiest is that of Mrs.
Whitelaw Reld, which is black net over
pale blue silk.
Mrs. Reld is partial to delicate blues,
which are admirably suited .to her type.
Her daughter affects white almost en
tirely for evening wear, as do most of
the young girls.
At the Assembly last week there were
some beautiful gowns. The prettiest wo
men, however, were not among the de
butantes. In fact the social recruits of
this season are not distinguished for
beauty. Mrs. Oliver Iselin was in white
satin, with pale blue velvet and her
jewels were a solitaire diamond necklace
and small tiara. Mrs. John Jacob Astor,
who Is looking very well this winter,
-wore a filmy white confection, with
spangles done in a Greek pattern, made
over white satin. Her diamonds were
superb. Miss Aleid Schenck was in pink
gauze over, satin, lace trimmed. Mrs.
Charles B. Alexander "was a symphony
In pearls and white brocade. Her gown
was garnished with the most exquisite
point lace. . )
Another lovely Assembly toilette, worn
by a stranger in New York society, was
a soft and clinging gown of pure white.
The skirt was of white crepe, with many
gores hemstitched together with heavy
twist silk. Around the bottom was a
deep insertion of thick, white lace. It
sounds commonplace in description, but
it was exquiste in effect. The delicate
bodice was almost entirely of lace, ap
pllqued most artistically upon the crepe,
and had dainty, flowing sleeves, much
betrimmed, and with dangling pendants.
These sleeves were short, reaching only
to the elbow, and the bodice was cut low
in front and very much lower in the
back a fad of the season to which I
have referred before.
Some of the cloaks donned in the early
morning were so complex as to beggar
description. There has never been a
season when extravagance In gowns,
cloaks, hats and trimmings has been so
marked. Women who paid two or three
hundred dollars for an evening cloak, a
few years ago, now think nothing of pay
ing double or treble that amount It is
the elaborate handwork and the lace that
make the great difference in cost
One superb cloak was rich in heavily
wrought embroidery, below which was a
deep lace flounce and full ruffles and
ruches of chiffon. The design of the
embroidery, which cost a fabulous sum,
was the same as that of the brocade of
which the coat was made. Worked out
in silk and silver, it was magnificent
Festoons of chiffon and lace drooped in
a lavish manner from the collar down
the fronts, . and about the wide, long,
flowing sleeves.
A white taffeta, lined with ermine, was
also charming. The chiffon flounces and
trimmings for this were of a delicate sea
green, with a glimpse of black here and
there. Many fur coats, as well as cloaks
lined with fur, are worn for evening, but
silk and handsome cloths adapt them
selves better to the elaborate trimmings
worn on the most popular opera cloaks.
Lady Modish, In Town Topics.
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In cons