The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 03, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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mands of the church and the other a
contract just among themselves. In it
each should agree to release the other
whenever called upon to do so.
"It -would not bring about more di
vorces," says Doctor Dickinson, "on
the contrary, I think it would have ex
actly the opposite tendency each of the
parties concerned would be keener about
holding the other's affections. There
would be less carelessness, less taking of
things for granted, and less indifference
in dress and manner among married
"If a couple cannot agree there Is the
contract, and they can put it away and
release it whenever the call is made for
"Too much freedom Is sacrifled today.
Men and women should lead their own
lives, Intelligently and normally. If they
fall to get on, if one nags or bores or
bothers too much, then there Is the con
tract always available.
"And. besides, people are prone to do
a lot of moping. They ought to buck up
begin to walk with their heads up and
chests out, and they will soon see that
possibly after all the seeming great
tragedy they are living is merely a phase,
an incident, of life."
Mps Others
The charming young matron, whose
likeness, with that of her babe, appears
on the first page of this Issue, Is Mrs. C.
L. Hoover. The child, Lois, is six
months old. Mrs. Hoover is the daughter
of Rev. R. S. Lowrie, a retired Presby
terian minister, vho lives with his
family at 1025 South Fifteenth street.
Mrs. Hoover makes her home with her
parents. Her husband Is in the govern
ment service in the Philippines as an
Inspector in the treasury department.
His wife and child will Join him in
Manila In September of this year.
Mrs. Crawford "What are you going to
do today?
Mrs. Crabshaw I'd go shopping, only
I find I havn't my car fare.
The much talked of and little known
republic of Acre haB given the statesmen
and politicians of South America more
concern and worry In the brief three
years of Its existence than any other bit
of territory on the continent.
It has been pronounced dead times
without number, but the trouble Is It re
fuses to stay dead. Brazil, Peru, and
Bolivia quarrel over it whenever Internal
troubles are sufficiently quiet to permit
them to Indulge in the luxury of Inter
national bickering.
Germany has long regarded it with a
covetous eye, and has thus far been
prevented from closing its mailed fist
over the tempting plum by fear of the
enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine.
The United States has been dragged
into the controversy by the necessity of
protecting the property rights of its cit
izens. It Is therefore more than probable
that we shall hear much of Acre in the
twelvemonth to come, particularly as the
Venezuelan imbroglio seems likely to
bring much of the "unfinished business"
of South America to the front.
The Acre district Is the large triangle
south of the Salimoens and west of the
Madeira rivers. As shown on the maps.
It is bounded on the south by Bolivia and
on the west by Peru, separated from the
latter country by the Javary river.
The Jurua and Perus rivers, important
affluents of the Amazon, flow through Its
heart. Its area can only be estimated,
but it probably exceeds 150,000 square
miles, claimed by Brazil as part of the
state of Amazonas. It Is a land of great
and sluggish rivers, of Interminable
swamps, of dark, untrodden forests, of
fever, malaria, and deadly diseases, of
hideous serpents, wild beasts, and un
tamed savages. It Is no wonder that it
was held of so little account that for
decades the question of ownership
troubled no one. Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia
made claims and counter claims, but
none of them wanted it badly enough to
attempt to settle it
Then came a band of adventurers, with
nothing in common but poverty, bold
ness, and a desire for wealth. Among
them was an Italian, named Parraviclnl;
the Brazilian, Oentll Norberto; HIpollte
Moreiro, Edmonds Bastus, Colonel Ale
pandrino Qlr, Manuel Fellcio, of un
known nationality, and a general riff-raff
from all countries, the United States,
Canada, and all over Europe.
These adventurers, however, were men
of experience and knew the shortest road
to wealth In South America. They had
witnessed the sudden growth of Manaos,
2,000 miles up the Amazon, from an ob
scure and unknown cluster of native huts
into a modern city of 50,000 inhabitants,
with a commerce of millions of dollars
annually. What did it? Nothing but
rubber! What gold Is in California and
the Klondike; what oil Is In Pennsyl
vania, West Virginia, and Texas, that
rubber is on the Amazon and its tribu
taries. Actuated by the hope of finding vast
forests of untapped rubber trees In the
district of Acre, the adventurers set
forth on a journey that had never before
been attempted by white men. Making
their way up the Amazon beyond the
farthest outposts of civilization, and then
following the Jurua Into the heart of the
unexplored district they found their
wildest hopes more than realized. Fierce
tribes, known as Chunchos and the Hua
chaparis, beset them, but these were for
gotten in view of the possibllttes of
wealth that were revealed.
In less than a year from the time the
adventurous band set forth, dug-outs be
gan to appear at Manaos loaded down
with rubber from some unknown region
near the frontiers of Peru. And by and
by the news was sifted from the Jargon
of the Indians that manned the boats
that the republic of Acre had been pro
claimed. But little attention was paid
to these reports In the turbulent capitals
of Latin America, where a president or
a dictator Is born every day or two. The
value of the territory was not yet suffi
ciently apparent to attract the cupidity
of those who play the game of govern
ment for private advantage.
However, the rulers of Acre seem to
have displayed more policy than might
naturally be expected from so motley a
band. They gained the good -will of the
native?? and persuaded them to engage
nMllif Will
The Humbert family, perpetrators of the cleverest swindle of the age, which is said to have netted them a clear
$5,000,000, although at last run to earth by the French police, may escape prosecution by their latest startling move.
They declare that prominent government officials were connected with the colossal bunco game and threaten to
reveal details that will convulse France with a greater scandal than that of the Panama canal unless their prosecution
is dropped.
extensively In the business of tapping
the rubber trees and collecting the crude
rubber. Then outsiders from all over
Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and
Colombia began to flock in. Tho produc
tion of crude rubber rose from nothing In
189S to over 1,000.000 kilograms In 1900,
valued at $2 per kilogram In the markets
of Para.
Prosperity brought trouble to the new
born republic and Its self-constituted
rulers. Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil each
suddenly awoke to the fact that inter
national boundary lines In that partic
ular neighborhood had never been de
fined; and each discovered that Its title
to the district was "Incontestable."
Troops began to move, and have been
kept "moving" ever since. Sometimes
Bolivia has occupied the disputed region,
sometimes Peru, and more often Brazil.
But through it all a semblance of an In
dependent government has been kept up
In some remote section of Acre.
Seeing that Brazil was In fair way to
get the better of the argument, the Bo
livian government granted a concession
to an American syndicate during the pres
ent year, probably under the Impression
that the Washington government would
maintain Bolivia's side of the three
cornered controversy in order to make
good the claims of the syndicate. Among
those Interested In the exploiting of the
Ice Qrean agd Dairy Qo.
Manufacturers of the
Finest quality of
Prompt delivery. Satisfaction guar
anteed. 133 So. 12th St. Phone 366.
An Elegant Line of
Crane's Papers
Phone 68.
127 South 11th St.
Accomplished In all the details of the art.
Takes care of Pianos steadily, and fur
nishes estimates on extensive repairs.
Refers to a discriminating clientele,
and desires especially the cultivation of
such a field.
Orders may be left with
or addressed
P. O. BOX 2S7. Lincoln. Neb.
Fur Garments
143 So. Twelfth Street.
. . . THE
First National Bank
Capital t2OO.0GO.0O
Surplus and Profits, . 118,319.41
Deposits, Z.746.357.00 .
S. H. Burnham. A. J. Sawyer,
President. Vice-President.
H. S. Freeman. Cashier.
H. B. Evans. Frank Parks.
Ass't Cashier. Ass't Cashier
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