THE COURIER 3 SOCIETY NOTES LIFE'S MAZY WHIRL Christmas with its sifts and joys and , excitement is over. Next week we shall turn a new and unsullied page in life's book, how long will It remain so? As usual at this season, social affairs are largely confined to family gatherings; a few departures from this rule next week will be the Patriarchs' party Monday night, and the Cotillion club dance Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer's annual New Year's eve party will be an event to those Invited. New Tear's day will witness the reception to be given by Mrs. A. Ross Hill in honor of Mrs. Schurman wife of the president of Cornell university. The annual re ception of the Woman's club will also be given on New Tear's day, and on that evening the south circle of St. Paul church will receive all of the other cir cles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whe don. Undoubtedly the last function of the week, that to be given Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, will be also the most brilliant. On Wednesday evening, December seventeenth, at half after eight o'clock, was celebrated the marriage of Miss Ellington Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Clara Wilson, to Mr. Charles Wayne Britt, In the United Presbyterian church. Before the arrival of the bridal party Professor D. P. Easterday played the Tannhauser march and Handel's Largo and, as a processional, the Lohengrin wedding music was played. The ushers, Mr. J. Lawson Robb and Mr. T. A. Hutton, led the way to the altar and were followed by the best man, Mr. Frank B. Fore man. Then came the bridesmaids, Miss Gertrude E. Brown and Miss Fannie Fern Wing; then the maid of honor. Miss Lulu A. Crawford of Des Moines, a cousin of the bride, followed by the bride and her mother, and last of all the .matron of honor, Mrs. William Campbell Lowden of Dawson City, Alaska, a cousin of the bride. The groom and the officiating clergyman, the Reverend Mr. M. W. Lorlmer, met the bridal party at the altar. The ring service was used. Miss Wilson's wed ding gown was an exquisite one of cream crepe de chine with garnitures of old point lace .and pearl passementerie. She carried a point lace kerchief and a bouquet of bride roses. Miss Brown wore a yellow gown and carried American beauties; Miss Wing pale blue gown and pink roses. Miss Crawford was In white and carried the ring In a calla lily. Mrs. Wilson wore black silk and point lace, and Mrs. Lowden, a costume of black and white. The altar and chancel of the church were profusely adorned with palms and Christmas greens, the work of the young people of the church, who paid the bride, who Is the soprano singer in the church, a pret ty compliment, by decorating the church for her wedding. The groom is superin tendent of supplies for the western di vision of the Burlington railroad. A reception In the church parlors followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Britt went to Denver for a brief wedding Journey. They returned the first of this week and are domiciled In suite eight In the Frele Presse building for the present, but will probably remove later to McCook, Ne braska. Mrs. L. F. Britt and daughter. and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Atwood, of Omaha, attended the wedding. Married, at the First Presbyterian church, Tuesday evening at eight o'clock. Miss Jeannette Thorp and Mr. Ralph A. Drain. Reverend B. M. Long of the Sec ond Presbyterian church, assisted by Reverend H. C. Swearingen, of the First church, performed the ceremony. Mr. H. I. Kirkpatrick played a program of music while the guests were assem bling, the Lohengrin march when the procession entered the church and Men delssohn's march as the bride and her train passed out. Palms and white roses adorned the church, and pews for hon ored guests including the members of Pi Beta Phi sorority, were enclosed with white ribbons. The ushers, walking two and two, headed the procession; they were Mes sieurs George Bartlett, Charles Schwartz, Elam Seacrest, and Oliver Everett. The maids. Misses Kate McPheely, Elisabeth Heacock, Darleen Woodward and EHza beth Marshall, followed the ushers; the maid of honor, Miss Dorothy Griggs, t walked alone, and last came the bride on the arm of her father. The groom and his best man Mr. La Rue Brown, met the bride at the altar. The bride wore a misty white gown made en traine and trimmed with Irish point. She wore a tulle veil and carried bride roses. The maid of honor was all In white; the bridesmaids wore white gowns and green bows were in their hair, and all carried shower bouquets of narcissus. Two hundred guests were bidden to the church. After the ceremony a reception was given to the bridal party and relatives at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Thorp, 1740 Harwood street The drawing room was decorated with white roses and holly. The dining room was In red with roses for a centre piece on the table. Miss Nellie Griggs, assisted by Miss McGregor of Kentucky, served delicate refreshments. A collection of lovely gifts attested the bride's popularity. She has lived all of her life In Lincoln and is a member of Pi Beta Phi and of Omega Psi sororities. The groom Is a member of Delta Tau Delta and Phi Delta Phi. Mr. and Mrs. Drain will reside In Klrkwood, Illinois, where they will begin housekeeping at once. Been, in decided, preference to that of Miss Just-Out. This gets to be an awful nuisance. I hear that one bud this sea Bon really did faint dead away the night she was dressed and ready for her first ball said faint being the result of pare and simple fright: but, as a matter of cold fact, the buds are as self-possessed as any of their elders, and this talk of being scared is pure and simple affecta tion. "Lastly, .tell them to be more careful on the dancing floor and learn to man age their trains better. There have been some bad falls lately, all In the debut ante class, too. One girl at Mahler's last week knocked over some of the greenery at one end of the ball-room and made a terrible mess and commo tion; and two rounds later she fell prone to the floor. This sort of awkwardness can easily be avoided with a little care and more training in the management of her flounces. Between you and me, I don't see how women ever dance with all those ruffles that's it. Isn't lt? flopplng round their feet, anyway. .. "That's all. I think. Don't tell the buds that I'm responsible for this preachment, please. A fellow doesn't care to be unpopular, you know." Comments have been heard after more than one church wedding in Lincoln, in recent years, about the self possession of the bride, and the fact that she had the assurance to look up and greet her friends with a smile and a nod, as she passed out on the arm of her husband. According to the following from the London correspondent of the Kansas City Star, there Is a fashion In this as in everything else, and the present fashion for the brides Is, shall we say It? bold ness of demeanor: Graham Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Graham and spent his boyhood In this city. He and his bride are spend ing their honeymoon at the Graham home at Fourteenth and L streets. The Lead department of the Deadwood Pioneer-Times describes the wedding of Mr. Graham and Miss Moore In the fol lowing: "Monday at high noon occurred the wedding of Miss Sadie May Moore to Dr. J. H. Graham, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, on Summit street. "It was a quiet wedding with only a few Intimate friends invited to the cere mony. The parlors were beautifully dec orated with cut flowers and smllax. The curtains were drawn and candles lighted. At twelve o'clock Archdeacon Ware took his place in front of the double window. Then came Miss Lizzie Moore, sister of the bride, and Miss Georgia Irwin as bridesmaids. The bride and groom came next, followed by the bride's father. "After the ceremony a delicious lunch eon was served. The bride's wedding gown was a perfect dream of loveliness. It was white French organdie, trimmed with point lace, In her hair she wore an ornament made of rare old point lace that had belonged to her grandmother. In her hand she carried a bouquet of bride roses. The bride always was a sweet girl, but she never looked hand somer than she did as a bride? Her go lngaway gown was a handsome brown tailor-made suit "The bride's popularity Is well-known, but the many gifts that found their way to her home bespoke sincere friendship from near and far. Friends, old and new, showered beautiful tokens of love and remembrance upon her. "AT TEA" BHSjflH MIRIAM. MARJORIE AND EVELYN LITTLE. Daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Little, aged six, eight and four years respectively. An experienced bachelor of many so cial seasons dropped into my office the other day for a little chat, says the soci ety editor of the St Louis Republic. Some of his conversation apropos the de butantes may not be altogether to their liking, but It Is very pertinent and timely. ' "Do tell the dear buds to keep quiet Actually, most of them seem to think that the whole thing to do Is to talk, talk, talk, from the. minute they enter the room until they are driven to their own door. The debs that I danced with the other night at Mahler's chattered like magpies all the time we circled round the floor until r was worn out. Then a fellow wants a chance tc say a word himself, you know. Some of the young girls appear to think that they are not being entertaining unless they keep up this continual rapld-flre con versation; but the dears were never more mistaken In their lives. If she smiles and listens and occasionally puts in a pleasant word or two, that's all we ex pect, and well think enough sight better of her than if she talks like the mis chief. "And another thing tell the buds not to continually harp on the topic of how scared they are at their first formal functions. By the time seven girls have said virtually the same thing to you in the course of one evening's ball, you are ready to seek the society of MIm Itma- "I have been to several pretty wed dings lately, have seen some American brides, some English, and my present opinion is that English women go to the altar with a self-possession posi tively superb. It almost seems as if In this well poised country the blushing bride has had her day. And why not? To be self-contained Is after all an evi dence of the truest strength, and since women are becoming constantly more intelligent and correspondingly more confident, is It not natural they should be married more boldly? I have even noticed that English girls (wrongly, it seems to me, deemed lacking In the courage of their American sisters) push back their wedding veils into a style so severe that the American would tremble before adopting It Several new styles of wearing "the wedding veil are given. With most of these fashions there should be no hesitation of bearing, no girlish terror at the ordeal about to be under gone. The most fashionable wedding veil demands that the bride look forth on those about her, on the church and the Important ceremony Itself, with se renity and assurance." Dr. John H. Graham, formerly of Lin coln but now a practicing dentist in Lead, S. D.. was married on Monday of this week to Miss Sadie May Moors at the home of the bride In Lead. Mr. "The groom Is also well and popularly known. Among the guests at the wed ding were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McCand less. They are both old friends of the doctor's, and when they were married he was present and acted as best man. They were happy, no doubt, to re turn the compliment in being present at the consummation of his own hopes and desires. "Dr. and Mrs. Graham left on the Elk horn for Omaha, from there they will go to Lincoln to spend Christmas at Dr. Graham's home. "As all ostentation was avoided and only the desire to have a quiet home wedding carried out no cards were Is sued. The young people will be at home to their friends after January 22, at 420 Sawyer street" A very pretty and enjoyable Christmas luncheon, in. eight courses, was given Monday at one o'clock In honor of Mrs. George Splelman of Chicago, by Mrs. F. M. Johnson at her home, 844 South Tenth street A mound of holly tied with a bow of red satin ribbon occupied the centre of the table, and a sprig of holly was at each plate. Covers were laid for Mesdames George Spielman, H. P. Lau, R. H. Giffln, Ralph E. Johnson, Max, Westermann. Theodore Westermann, Paul Grummann, George Loveland, D. A. Frye. Mansfield. F. M. Johnson and Miss Elsie Gerieke.