Hi 4 THE COURIER lira. L. J. Dunn and Mrs. C. M. Kin caide entertained the Battenburg club Thursday afternoon at the home of the former. The house was decorated with Christmas wreaths and holly. Each lady took to the party one article made into a neat parcel, these were put into a fish pond and were fished out with a hook and line, each lady retaining her "catch" as a souvenir. A two-course luncheon was served. Besides club mem bers those present were: Mesdames WeBley Ewlng of VIHIsca, Iowa, Martha Enslow, C. S. Jones, Harry Brown. Green, Burt Spencer, Turner; Misses Morrow, Green, Burchard. Miss Gladys Garoutte and Miss Flor ence Parks gave an enjoyable dancing party Thursday night at Walsh hall. One hundred guests were present- .Palms were massed in front of the stage in the dancing hall concealing the orchestra. The parlors were elaborately decorated with holly and red and white roses. The young people were in full dress and the party was a very pretty one. Ices were served all evening. The chaperones were Messieurs and Mesdames L. W. Garoutte, Fred Phillips, George E. Hlb ner, Mrs. M. Ackermann and Mrs. J. H. Gleason. Two prettily appointed dinners have teen given this week by Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilson. White roses and holly were used in decorating. On Thursday evening the dinner was given in honor of Reverend and Mrs. J. E. Tuttle, and other guests were Messieurs and Mes dames H. J. Whitmore, A. E. Har greaves, A. S. Raymond, and S. H. Burn ham. The guests for last evening were Messieurs and Mesdames C. E. Yates, J. H. Ager, C. J. Ernst, Charles Weston, and Judge and Mrs. T. L. Norval of Seward. Invitations have been received in Lin coln to the marriage of Miss Lehmer to Mr. Arthur Pearse, both of Omaha, which will occur next Tuesday evening at half after seven o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Lehmer is a sister of Mr. Frank Lehmer, who is well known in university circles here. Mr. Pearse was a student in the state uni versity for five years and is a member of Phi Kappa Psi. They will begin housekeeping at once in a dear little cottage which is all ready for their oc cupancy. The W. T. M. and their husbands spent Saturday evening delightfully as guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Evans. Cut flowers adorned the house. A guess ing game, consisting of charcoal draw ings representing books, was introduced for entertainment, and the hostess took the guests through her art gallery. Mr. Charles Raymond and Miss Bessie Evans, accompanied on the piano by Miss Rena Sherdeman, charmed the com pany with their sweet songs. A two course supper was served. Twenty-five small men and maidens enjoyed a party given Saturday after noon in honor of Master Hugh McMllIen Hutton, who was Ave summers old that day. at the home of the Misses King, 1500 Q street. The children were entertained with music and games. Refreshments were served in the dining room, where a color scheme of pink and white was car ried out in decorations and refreshments. Pink and white bon-bon boxes filled with confections were given as favors. The marriage of Doctor John H. Gra ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Graham of this city, to Miss Sadie Moore, will be celebrated on Monday the twenty-second. In Lead, South Dakota. Doctor Graham and his bride will arrive In Lin coln on Wednesday to spend the holi days with their relatives. Doctor Gra ham is a prosperous dentist of Lead, and hae a large circle of friends and well-wishers in Lincoln. Miss Moore is a charming Kentucky girl. A high tea was given Wednesday aft ernoon by Mrs. C W. Toevs at her pretty home in East Lincoln. The dining table and the small tables scattered through the rooms were decorated with holly and red candles. Mrs. Toevs mother. Mrs. Belle Roberts, received with her, and she was further assisted by Mrs. R. G. Grubbs, Mrs. Mark Woods and Miss Edith Roberts. Sixty guests were pres ent. Mrs. W. J. Bryan, Misses Ruth and Grace Bryan, and Master WilHam J., Junior, have gone south to Join Mr. Bryan and the family will spend a month's vacation in Mexico. CARITA BELLE HERZOG. Aged two years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Herzog. The cotillion club will give a party New Tear's eve. The Sans Souci club gave a dance lost night at Walsh ball. Mrs. Theodore Westermann arrived to day from Butte, Montana. The ladles' social club met with Frank Aldee Thursday afternoon. Miss Laura Houtz has returned from a six weeks' -visit In Chicago, Miss Clara Baldwin of Chicago is the guest of the Misses Hargreaves. Mrs. Georgia Bell entertained the E. E. D. kensington on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. a Whiting entertained the J.. O. C. club Monday evening. The Pershing Rifles gave their annual hop last night at the Lincoln hotel. Miss Virginia Thornton will spend Christmas with friends in Atchison, Kansas. Mrs. Wesley Ewlng of VIHIsca, Iowa, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Martha Enslow. Mrs. G. M. Lambertson and baby will spend Christmas with Mrs. Offutt in Omaha. Congressman E. J. Burkett will arrive tomorrow or Monday to spend the holi days with his family. Miss Cora and Mr. Edwin Faulkner will give a dancing party at Fraternity hall on January ninth. Mrs. Herron and Miss Herron will en tertain at Fraternity hall Monday aft ernoon. A program will be given. Miss Marie Hoover and Mr. Carl Steckelberg are preparing to' give a series of concerts after the holidays. Miss Sara Hayden, of the art depart ment in the university, will go to Chi cago next week to spend the holidays. Miss Helen Welch has returned from Kansas City where she was the guest of Mrs. Ada Gregg Foster for three weeks. Mr. Oliver Everett, who is a student at the Northwestern medical college in Chicago, is at home for the holiday va cation. Mrs. Thomas Herbert Marsland and her daughter, of New York, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marsland and other relatives. Mrs. J. D. Floyd of Omaha, a sister of Doctors M. H. and J. O. Everett, was in town this week to attend the Marshall-Burr wedding. Mrs. Albert L. Candy gave a five o'clock tea last evening in honor of her mother, Mrs. M. E. Van Brunt. A dozen ladies were present. Mrs. D. C. Todd, who has been the guest of her sister Mrs. D. E. Thomp son, for several weeks, leaves this even ing for her home in Chicago. Mrs. F. E. Campbell and Mrs. Emma Seacrest will entertain the southeast circle of the First Presbyterian church on Wednesday, January seventh. There will be a general exodus of fra ternity people today and Monday, and the chapter houses will be practicably vacated until after the holdiay vaca tion. Miss Jennie Barber entertained in formally Thursday evening for Miss Wright of Schuyler. The guests were the members of Pi Beta Phi sorority, and it was a fancy dress party. Light re freshments were served. Mrs. R. O. Phillips and Miss Ellen Gere are the guests of friends in Nashville, Tennessee. After a month's stay there Miss Gere will return home and Mrs. Phillips will go to Mississippi for the remainder of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Eastman and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Sutton entertained Tues day evening at the home of the former, 1749 South street, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Numbers. Attractive music was furnished "by Mrs. Archie Furr and Mr. Numbers. The marriage of Miss Vallie Stewart and Mr. O'Brien of Axtell, Nebraska, will be celebrated next Monday fore noon at the home of the bride's parents in Axtell. Miss Stewart Is a member of the local chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, and was formerly a student In the state university. RANKLIN lee (jea(i agd Dairy Qo. s' Manufacturers of the Finest Quality of PLAIN AND FANCY ICE CREAM. 1CE8. FROZEN PUDDINGS, FRAPPE AND SHERBET Prompt delivery. Satisfaction guar anteed. 133 So. 12th St Phone 386. JUST RECEIVED! An Elegant Line of Crane's Papers IN PAPETERIES. H.W.BR6WN Phone 68. 127 South 11th St. T C. MIIvLER PROFESSIONAL TUNERI Accomplished in all the details of the art. Takes care of Pianos steadily, and fur nishes estimates on extensive repairs. Refers to a discriminating clientele, and desires especially the cultivation of such a field. Orders may be left with FERGUSON MUSIC CO MILLER ft PAINE, or addressed P. O. BOX 287, Lincoln. Neb. -2- , S 50- STEELE THE POPULAR FURRD2R DESIGNS AND MAKES Fur Garments FURS STORED DURING ' SUMMER 143 So. Twelfth Street THE First National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital. $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits, . 118.JU.41 Deposits. 2,745,987.00 A J. Sawyer, , Vice-President S. H. Burnbam, President H. S. Freeman, Cashier. H. B. Evans. Frank Parks, Ass't Cashier. Ass't Cashier. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY GREEN GABLES. $i&a$k M '-rH. Jr ' S.V' IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhI The Dr. Benj.VF.y Bailey Sanatoriiup Is not a hospital, not a hotel, but a home. The building is situated on a sightly hill at Normal and Is reached by the cars of the Lincoln street rallwayTbelng only as minutes ride from the busi ness center of the city. It Is thoroughly equipped and beautifully furnished. ETery electric current useful in the treatment of the sick la used, and ideal Turkish, Russian, and Medicated Baths are given. In conditions where the kidneys and liver are affected, and to cases of rheu matism, our Hot Air treatment has been remarkably successful. For full information address Tas B. F. Bailey Sanatorium, Lincela. Na. A N ? i -t I