The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 20, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Dame Grundy has been too much en
grossed with. preparations for Christmas
to busy herself much with other peo
ple's affairs this week, but she now has
her presents ready and her house swept
"and garnished. It is gay with scarlet
and green, and in a closed room is a
mystery that must be a gift tree, which
will be revealed to her children on
Christmas morning. And on that morn
ing Dame Grundy will forget to be gos
sipy, and will rejoice with all Christen
dom, and good will to all men will fill
her heart.
Like Dame Grundy all people have
been busy this week with Christmas
plans and society has not been consplcu
' ously gay although some pretty affairs
have been given, among them being Mrs.
Jaques reception for Mrs. Parsons, and
that given by Mr. and Mrs. Keefer for
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton.
Among the weddings of interest were
that of Miss Fay Taylor-Marshall, who
has been prominent in Lincoln society,
and Mr. Clinton Charles Burr; also that
of Miss Lillian Dobbs and Doctor H.
Finley Helms.
Mrs. and Miss Herron's party on Mon
day, and the Thorp-Drain wedding on
Tuesday, will be the principal early
events next week.
There Is again an epidemic of mar
riages among the Delta Gammas. Miss
Clara Parks' nuptials will occur next
Tuesday. Miss Edith Jackson's in Jan
uary, Miss Herberta Jaynes in Febru
ary, and another member of this soror
ity living in Lincoln will, it Is said, be
led to the altar ere many moons have
A sweet little wedding It was which
was celebrated Wednesday at one o'clock
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E.
Henkle, and which united the destinies
of their niece. Miss Lillian Dobbs, and
Doctor H. Finley Helms. Reverend
Fletcher L. Wharton was the officiating
clergyman and used the ring service.
The bride was married in her traveling
suit, a delicate light gray zibellne, over
taffeta, both skirt and blouse being
trimmed with medallions of Irish cro
chet over blue velvet, and worn with a
white moire waist with yoke of Irish
crochet. The becoming picture hat was
of blue velvet, the brim was lined with
pale pink mollne in small tucks, and it
was decked with pink velvet roses and
bunches of grapes. A light gray mili
tary coat completed this very fascinat
ing costume. The house decorations
were smllax with pink and white roses
and carnations. A wedding luncheon
was served at a round table on which
were a centre piece and plate dollies of
Battenburg. Daylight was excluded and
the room was lighted with pink candles
under pink shades. The bride received
beautiful and dainty gifts. She Is a
laughter of Mrs. Cora B. Dobbs and
has spent most of her life her. Although
very young she has attained an enviable -position
among Lincoln musicians. She
is at present solo soprano in St. Theresa's
pro-Cathedral and has held a similar
position In St Paul Methodist Episcopal
church and in the Jewish synagogue.
Doctor Helms Is a native Nebraskan, his
father having been a pioneer and a
member of the state legislature in the
early days. Dr. Helms was educated at
the Iowa state university and at the
Northwestern, besides having been a
student in the Nebraska university.
Doctor and Mrs. Helms went to Chi
cago for a ten days' sojourn. They will
reside at Insleside and tvIH receive their
friends after February first. Only, near
relatives attended the wedding.
A reception from two to five o'clock
on Thursday was given by Mrs. Marting
Jaques at her handsome home, 1645 D
street, in honor of her sister Mrs. Joseph
Lewis Parsons of Connecticut. Mrs.
Jaques received her guests in a gown of
white organdie with mechlin lace trim
mings, made over taffeta. Mrs. Parsons
wore black crepe de chine with garni
tures of embroidered chiffon. The
double drawing rooms were decked in
pink and green. Carnations were
banked on the mantels, and on stands
in the wide doorways. Palms filled the
bay window and stood in the corner of
the reception room. Wreaths of holly
were suspended in windows and over
doorways. The dining room was in red
and white. The table was covered with
' Battenburg and had a low centre piece
of meteor roses. Daylight was excluded
and the room was illumined with white
tapers under red poppy shades. The
color scheme was carried out In the con
factions and Ices, and in the costumes
of the ladies who served. Mrs. Fred
Hurd served sherbet, and was assisted
by Misses Florence Robinson, Olive
States, and Cora Herrlck. The punch
room upstairs was adorned with palms
and white carnations. Miss Winifred
Sherman, in sheer white over pale green
presided over the punch bowl. Her as
sistants were Misses Katharine Tuttle
and Ruth Baker, both in white. Mrs.
Jaques was assisted in doing the honors
In the drawing room by Mesdames R.
D. Stearns, J. L. Kellogg, H. M. Bush
nell, Ellas Baker, Landy Clark and John
Klinker. Miss Grace White assisted
with the music. Several hundred ladies
called during the afternoon.
Last evening at their home 1201 G
street, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason
Keefer gave a large and successful re
ception In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Howard Ashton, whose marriage oc
curred last week. Masses of evergreen
and holly over doorways and windows,
and on mantels and buffet, contrasted
with pink flowers, pink ribbons, pink
newly married young woman, "It Is bad
to let a man know how little you can
live on.
"If in a time of financial stress you
cut your household expenses to the very
last limit to help him, you will And that
thereafter he will always expect you to
get along on that minimum amount upon
which you managed to squeeze through
In that emergency.
"I don't know, but men seem to have
an idea, somehow, that you can get
along on nothing, and if you should man
age In some way to furnish a good
table on money utterly Inadequate for
the purpose, it wouldn't surprise him
at all. In fact, he never would give It
a thought; for men seem to have an
Idea that women can do with nothing.
"Don't forget that, as It Is difficult to
recover ground yielded In business, so
cial, or other relations' with anybody.
So will it be also with your own husband
with regard to your household expenses.
And so, my dear, use some discretion
about these.
"If your husband is In real distress,
why, then, of course, you will sink every
other consideration In your desire to help
him. But if he Is In comfortable cir
cumstances In life it is better not to let
him know how cheaply you can run the
house. If you can avoid it."
Mrs.iC. F. Barnes celebrated her birth
day with a very pretty party this week.
Conversation and games afforded enter
tainment and Miss Eva Barras played
several piano solos for the pleasure of
the visitors. Later In the evening the
guests wandered Into a pretty little al
cove, where Mrs.C. B. McLaughlin served
chocolate and cake. Miss Eva Barras
served Ices and wafers from a pretty
Since that time Mrs. Suge has been
forced to leave the table before the
speeches began because tobacco smoke
makes her 111. This year at the eighth
annual dinner given recently at Del
monico's. Judge WlHlnm Goodrich, who
presided, said that "as the lady who ob
jected to smoking at the last dinner was
not present, and no one else objecting."
he thought they might use cigars. This
privilege was at once taken ndvantnge
of all over the room, with the result that
three women were overcome by Illness
and compelled to leave the room. And
this Is the cultured East.
The five talented children of Mr. and
Mrs. Ellery W. Davis gave a musical
recital Tuesday evening at their home,
1543 C street, and the quintet of players
received many compliments upon their
success. The house was ndorned with
carnations and smllnx. After the music
coffee, cake and cream were served to
the fifty guests. The performers were:
Helen, piano; Ellery, Flute; Edwin, vio
lin; Robert, 'cello; Arthur, violin. The
program was as follows:
Quintet Allegro assal Ployel
Piano a. Two-Part Intention No. 1 Bach
b. Dance of the Gnomes Boehm
Violin Gavotte Saenger
Flute Plaislr d'Amour. Martini
Trio Allegro Moderate Gurlitt
Helen, Arthur, and Robert
'Cello Folk Songs Kllngenberg
Violin Barcarole Dancla
Piano Vlelllebchen Helms
Quintet Rondo Pleyel
A pretty pink and white luncheon was
given Tuesday at one o'clock by Mrs.
E. J. Burkett. Each lady upon her ar
rival was gh-en either a pink or a white
Governor-elect Mickey has appointed Mr. A. B. Allen, of Tecumseh, as his private secretary. During the past
two years Mr. Allen has served the republican state committee as secretary at the headquarters In this city, and Is
not a stranger to Lincoln. Mr. Allen is a newspaper man and has the qualifications to fill most acceptably the po
sition of distinction for which he has been named. Mr. Allen plans to move his family to Lincoln early in the coming
candles, and pink shades, made strik
ingly effective decorations. The dining
room was especially pretty. A rose em
broidered lunch cloth was on the table.
In the centre of which was a five
branched silver candelabrum bearing
pink candles under pink shades. From
the candelabrum extended pink satin
ribbons terminating In large bows at the
sides of the table. Roses and holly were
on the buffet and the china cabinet. Mrs.
J. H. Gleason In a lace trimmed white
gown, served shebet, and Miss Grace
Ashton, who wore a pink gown of some
soft material, poured coffee. Mrs. E.
E. Bennett was In charge of the dining
room and was assisted by Mrs. G. Ar
thur Carr, Mrs. E. D. Alley and Miss
Dobbs of Aurora, all attired In white.
Mrs. Keefer wore a gown of white chif
fon trimmed with insertion. Mrs. Ash
ton was in her bridal robes of white.
Mrs. S. M. Mellck Invited the guests
Into the dining room. A string quar
tette played In the upper hall during
the evening.
The attention of all brides is called
to the following from the Inter-Ocean:
"My dear," said a shrewd matron to a
table decorated In roses, carnations and
smilax. At a late hour the guests de
parted, wishing Mrs. Barras many more
happy birthdays. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Horn of Charleston, Penn
sylvania; Mrs. C. B. McLaughlin of
York, Nebraska, and Messieurs and Mes
dames Cauger, Dudley, FIshwood, Ho
gan, Ritchie, Masterman, Shanan, Ers
man, Alywin, KIngery, Herrick, Jesse
Cauger, Lee, Ritter, McCain, Smith, J.
J. Davis, Newcomb, Hogue, Austin,
Mower, Blvins, Phlpps, Harry Alywin,
C. A. Barras; Miss Florence Hogue. Miss
Hazel Ritchie. Mr. Guy Ritter. Mrs.
Barras received some beautiful and use
ful gifts in tokens of remembrance.
Mrs. Russell Sage is a member of the
New York Society of Mayflower De
scendants, an organization that has been
her particular Joy and comfort, as she Is
seventh In the line from Miles Standlsh
and rejoices over the distinction this
gives her In the society. Five years ago
smoking was Introduced in the club on
the suggestion of Mrs. Lyman Abbott
and Mrs. Waring, a motion being carried
"that the men smoke." Mrs. Sage's vote
was the only one cast In the negative.
carnation and by matching the color on
a table she found her place. Covers
were laid for twenty-four at two long
tables, one adorned with pink, the other
with white carnations and smllax. The
flowers were strewn over the linen, in
tertwined with the vines, making an ef
fective decoration. The menu was
served In six courses: Mrs. Burkett will
leave on January second with her hus
band for Washington. They have taken
apartments at the Dewey hotel In that
city and will probably do some enter
taining there during the winter.
A dainty four-course luncheon was
given Saturday afternoon to celebrate
the eighth birthday of Master Isador
Stelner. Those present were Miss Anna
Holland, little Misses Gertrude Rehlaen
der. Rheta Holllngsworth. Alice Brooks.
Harriet Chapln. Jennie Greenfeld, Mar
Ian Levy, Helen Levy. Bessie Polwosky.
Hazel Steinberg. Masters Nathan
Thomas. Gordon Ayres. George and
Dewey Curtis, Richard Morrow. Paul
Griffith, Elmer Mills, Melvln Schleslnger.
Harold Mayer, Edward Jones. Robert
Talbot, Deward Temple, Hyme Greenfeld.
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