The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 13, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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1 !
of the Future," R. C. Pollard,. Nebraska,
04; "The Marietta Convention." J.
Kenzler, Nebraska, '04; "The Ideal
Pledge," J. E. Tuttle, Amherst, '79;
"What a Freshman Must Learn." J. n.
T Ffirsyth, Nebraska, '05. P. H. Thomp
son orine ciass or , was toastmaster.
Miss Helen Welch Is the guest of Mrs.
Ada Gregg Foster in Kansas City, and
on Wednesday afternoon and evening
Mrs. Foster gave large card parties in
honor of Miss Welch.
Miss Tukey and Miss Louise Tukey of
Omaha were among the out of town
guests who attended the Burr-Meadows
wedding. They are guests of their sister,
Mrs. W. G. Morrison.
Miss Bertha Wilkinson, a charming
young lady from Beaver, Pennsylvania,
who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
Joseph Scroggs, for two months, started
Wednesday on her homeward journey.
Governor and Mrs. Savage had as guests
at a house party over last Sunday, Doctor
and Mrs. Evans of Columbus, Colonel
and Mrs. George Jenkins of Fairbury,
Colonel and Mrs. Thomas of Omaha,
Senator and Mrs. Edgar of Beatrice.
The Southslde circle of St Paul church
will receive the members of all other cir
cles and their husbands on New Year's
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
. O. Whedon. The arrangements for the
reception will be the same as for any
society affair and will be given by Mr.
Whedo'n complimentary to the Southslde
Monday, at eleven o'clock, a double
wedding occurred at 135 South Tenth
street. Reverend N. A. Martin of Trin
ity church was the officiating clergyman
and the contracting parties were Miss
Cora I. Black to Mr. R. R. Speecher,
and Miss Anna B. Larsen to Mr. M. E.
Numbers. Both couple will reside In
Omega Psl, the sorority of sororities,
is likely to fall into oblivion for lack of
interest on the part of the individual
sororities which constitute the organiza
tion. One or two of the sororities have
withdrawn nationally, and individual
' chapters all over the country are drop- .
' ping out. The local chapter will give Its
annual banquets so long as the present
members are in town.
Beta Theta PI gave a very pleasant
informal dancing party at the chap
ter house, 1630 G street, last night.
The decorations were in the fraternity
colors, pink and light blue. Mr. and
Mrs. F. D. Cornell, Doctor and Mrs. H.
H. Everett, and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rick
etts chaperoned eighteen couples of
dancers. Ices were' served all evening.
Nearly all of the Beta men will go home
for the Christmas vacation.
The marriage of Miss Clara Parks, a
member of the local chapter of Delta
Gamma, to Mr. Bryan of Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, will be celebrated at the home of
the bride's parents in Cedar Rapids, on
Tuesday, December the twenty-third.
Miss Parks was a student at the state
university here for two years and has
many friends among the Lincoln young
people. She Is a sister of Mrs. W. A.
Preston, a former Lincoln resident.
The St. Paul Globe offers these rather
sarcastic suggestions for Christmas pres
ents: Suggestions for mother when she starts
out to purchase father a Christmas gift:
A table set of doylies or uiuny iace.
A point lace collar.
One of those large and fashionable
sable muffs.
A pearl necklace.
A diamond hat pin.
An ice wool fascinator.
One of those new bead bags mounted
in gold.
On Monday, at one o'clock. In the ordi
nary of the Lincoln hotel, an elegant
luncheon was given by Mrs. William M.
Leonard in honor of Miss Burr and Mr.
Meadows. The bride's table accommo
dated six persons and was done in white.
A large basket of white roses in the cen
tre of the table was surrounded by white
candles in crystal sticks. The small ta
bles for four persons were decorated with
small baskets of pink roses and lighted
by pink candles. Miss Burr and Mr.
Meadows remained seated during the
luncheon and the other guests progressed
with each course. Pretty hand-painted
cards from the brush of Mrs.. Ida Ben
nett were at the plates. Covers were
laid for thirty-seven.
The New Book Review club met with
Miss Howland on Wednesday. Mrs.
Warner reviewed "The Blazed Trail."
Few of the clubs will meet again until
after New Year's day as nearly all miss
one meeting during the holiday season.
The International Sunshine 'society
gave a euchre at the Waldorf-Astoria in
New York this week to raise funds for
Christmas gifts to poor children.
A Chicago Orchestra Program club has
been organized in Chicago for the pur
pose of preparing the members for the
appreciation of the orchestra concerts.
The Century club met with Mrs. M. H.
Garten on Tuesday, December the ninth.
The program was short but very enjoy
able. Mrs. R. T. Van Brunt reviewed
"The Virginian" In a most entertaining
manner, and Mrs. George Waite told of
Florida. The next meeting of the club
will be on January 6 with Mrs. Mc
Creery. The United States Daughters of 1812
Next Friday evening at eight o'clock,
at Fraternity hall, a violin recital, com
plimentary to members of the Woman's
club and their escorts, will be given by
Herr Christian Oelschlagel, an accom
plished violinist who has recently come
to reside in Lincoln. As an artist Mr.
Oelschlagel has been endorsed by the
New York Musical Courier and other
papers in this country. The accompani
ments will be played by Mrs. A. N.
Noack. The following will be the pro
gram: PART I.
Rererle VIeuxtemps
Fan tasle Caprice Vlenztemps
Elegle Ernst
Souxenlr de Haydn Leonard
Legende Wlenlawaskl
Gypsy Dance Sarasate
Serenade Schubert-Remenyl
Rhapsodle Hongrolse Hanser
The meeting of the Matinee Musicaie,
to be held Monday afternoon In Frater
nity hall, will be an open meeting and
each member will be entitled to take
two guests. The program will be In two
parts; the first devoted to the works of
Edward Grieg, the second to the com-
Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bowers of 1010 T street.
have petitioned congress for an appro
priation to complete the monument of
the field of Chalmette, where the bat
tle of New Orleans was fought. The
Louisiana branch of the society is in
charge of the monument and during the
last session of the Louisiana legislature
the land upon which the monument
stands was deeded to the United States.
The Faculty Women's club met
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Roscoe
Pound and Mrs. G. A. Loveland at .the
home of the latter. About fifty ladles
were present and a pleasant social time
was enjoyed. Mrs. Will Owen Jones
delighted the company with a number of
piano selections. After refreshments the
club adjourned to meet in January with
Madame Westermann and Mrs. Max
Mrs. W. J. Lamb and Mrs. W. A. Green
entertained the Fortnightly club Tues
day afternoon. Mrs.. A. J. Sawyer gave
a learned talk upon the "Monroe Doc
trine and Latin-American Country
Treaties." The speaker had provided
herself with maps which she used to aid
her audience .to better understand her
lecture. The attendance was unusually
large. Light refreshments were served
by the hostesses. The next meeting of
the club will be held with Mrs. S. H.
Burnham on January sixth.
positions of Richard Strauss. The pro
gram will begin at half after three
o'clock, and the following numbers will
be presented:
Edward Grieg.
Senate op. 13, No. 2.
Mr. Carl Steckelberg.
Miss Marie Hoover.
Richard Strauss.
Senate, F major j Andante ma nontroppo.
Miss Lillian Elche.
Miss Sidney Murphy.
a. Night.
b. All the fond thoughts,
s.- Nought.
Mrs. R. A. Holyoke.
a. Adagio from Sonate, E minor.
b. Scherzo.
Miss HooTer.
a. Alone in the Forest.
b. A Vision of Glory.
Mrs. Holyoke.
The work and influence of the National
Consumers' league has extended to such
proportions in the west as to necessitate
Mrs. Florence Kelley, the national secre
tary, spending six months of the year In
the Chicago headquarters. The National
league has at present forty-seven local
leagues and there are forty-three fac
tories now using the Consumers league
label. Mrs. Kelley has recently secured
the co-operation of the National Hu
mane society, whose standing committee
for the protection of working children
will In future work with the league.
Efforts are to be made this winter to
secure better laws governing child labor
and to enforce the existing laws for the
protection of women and children work
ers. The league has already Issued hun
dreds of postal cards In view of the ap
proach of the Christmas season. The pos
tals read: "Attend to holiday shopping
before Christmas. Shop In the morning
to avoid the late delivery of goods, carry
small packages with you. Do not shop
on Saturday or on the day before Chrlst-
The exhibition of the Nebraska Art As
sociation will open with a reception to
be given Monday evening. December
twenty-ninth. In the art hall of the uni
versity library building. Two famous re
ligious paintings, Dangerfleld's Holy
Family and The Adoration of the Shep
herds by Couse, will be of special In
terest. Among the artists who will ex
hibit canvases are William M. Chase,
BIrge Harrison. Carroll Beckwlth, Tar
bell, Miss Wood. Miss Estle. who Is a
friend of Miss Clara Walsh residing In
Paris Irving R. Wiles. Charles J. Davis.
William A. Coffln and Miss Cora Parker.
Persons who are able to do so should
consider purchasing pictures during the
exhibit as sales made encourage artists
to send pictures ench year to the exhi
bition. Several Nebraska artists whose work
is known have been invited to exhibit
pictures: among them are Mrs. Mu
maugh. Miss Evans. Mr. Laurie Wallace
of Omaha: Miss Hayden. Miss Walsh
and Mrs. A. E. Ross of Lincoln.
At the triennial National Council of
Jewish Women. Just held In Baltimore,
the corresponding secretary. Miss Sadie
American, gave the following report of
the growth and present status of the
"It is eight years since the council be
came a fact in the organization of its
first section In January. 1831. At the end
of the first working year there, were thir
teen sections, and in 1809, at the last
triennial meeting, there were fifty sec
tions, nine of which have since gone out
of existence. Since that time thirty sec
tions have been organized, six of them
being at present In a state of suspended
"The total number of cctlve sections
now Is eighty, sixty-four of that number
being senior sections and sixteen being
Junior sections, and the total member
ship Is about 8,000, the Junior enrollment
being about 500."
In connection with her account of the
departmental activities of the organiza
tion. Miss American stated that with the
Young Men's Hebrew association 82
study circles are carried on by the vari
ous sections. Nineteen sections report
78 lectures, of which 17 were by non-resident
speakers, Jew and non-Jew, the
ologians and laymen. Mission schools to
the number of 18, with an average at
tendance of 2,500, have been established
by 16 sections, with 162 teachers, of
whom 141 are volunteers and 21 paid.
One section reports work in a congrega
tion, one with a sisterhood and one with
the Young Men's Hebrew association.
Miss American stated also that 33 sec
tions report activity In practical and pre
ventive philanthropy, including settle
ments, kindergartens, day nurseries, li
braries, kitchen gardens and work of
various sorts among children and adults.
The first annual art exhibit and sale of
the Woman's club occurred Monday af
ternoon at the rooms -in the library build
ing. Before the parlors were opened for the
exhibit the club met In the assembly
room, where the announcements were
made, prominent among which was a
mention of the violin recital to be given
before the club next Friday evening at
Fraternity hall, by Herr Christian Oel
schlagel, to which each member can take
an escort.
An amendment to the constitution re
quiring application for membership ac
companied by the fee of one dollar, to
be presented to the treasurer, and by her
to the board of directors. Instead of
bringing names directly before the club
as it reads In the present by-law, was
read and will be acted upon at the next
regular meeting.
Mrs. E. Lewis Baker sang "Bright Star
of Love." by Robaudi. with flute obligato
beautifully played by Mr. Baker; "The
Red Fan." with musical accompaniment
by Miss Agnes McLaughlin, was recited
by- Miss Josephine Poynter. Poth Mrs.
Baker and Miss Poynter were received"
with favor.
The- exhibit, which was kept open for
three days, was well worth a visit. The
walls of the parlors were covered with