The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 13, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Mile. Zelle de Lussan, whose work In
grand opera has made her famous, will
be heard at the Auditorium on Christ
mas "night in concert. The success of
Mme. Nordica has tempted her to try
the same role. Like Mme. Nordica, she
is American and has been extremely pop
ular in this country since her debut In
J8S6. She is equally famous abroad,
where she ba3 earned many laurels. As
In theNordjca concert the price will only
Celebrated the length and breadth of
two continents as an opera star of the
highest rank, an artist second to none,
has been induced, after much persuasion
by Mr. Charlton, to follow the example
of Mme. Nordica and devote this season
to song recitals. Mile, de Lussan repre
sents a type at once unique and irresist
ible a combination of Spanish subtlety,
French chic and American vivacity. Her
programs are characteristic of her type
and contain groups of alluring Spanish
songs, captivating French chansons, bril
liant Italian arias, and ballads by Eng
lish and American composers, each of
which will be sung In the language rep
resented, and all of which, together with
the selections from some of her most
.celebrated operatic roles, will make an
entertainment never before approached
in Interest and artistic value.
Mile, de Lussan, although the descend
ant of one of the oldest families of the
Trench nobility, and representative of
the fourth generation of famous singers,
was born and bred in New York city.
She calls all Americans "my people," and
herself a loyal and enthusiastic Amer
ican, notwithstanding the fact that some
of her most brilliant artistic and social
triumphs have been made in England
'-and Continental. Europe.
In 1S86 Mile, de Lussan made her debut
in English opera in the United States as
"Arllne" In the "Bohemian Girl." In
1SS9 she went to Europe to fill an engage
ment at Covent Garden, where she has
sung every summer since thirteen con
secutive seasons an almost unprecedent
ed record.
Three "commands" within the year
(18S9-1S90) to sing before Queen Victoria
In 'The Daughter of the Regiment."
"Fra Diavola" and "Carmen" is another
Temarkable honor one never before ex
tended to an American and as a conse
quence Mile, de Lussan received the
sobriquet of "The Queen's Own," which
is still accorded her.
Besides the Royal opera engagements
t Covent garden, she sang each winter
with the Carl Rosa company until 18S4,
when she came to America with the
Metropolitan opera forces under Maurice
-.Grau, when she created the role of
Nannetta in "Falstaff." In the winter
of 18K and 1896 she sang In Spain, Portu
gal and Paris, achieving enormous suc
cesses to her now famous roles of "Car
mm." which she has sung nearly .six
Pagllacci.' Zerlina in "Don Giovanni."
MarlJn"'La Fille du Regiment," and
Cherublno In "Nozze de Figaro."
In MOT she again returned to America
with Mme. Melba and a picked company
of stdrs and made a tour that included
the Pacific Coast. It. was during this
season that Mile, de Lussan added Mu
sette, In "La Boheme," to her long reper
toire of operatic triumphs.
Besides the roles mentioned, she ere-"-
wmi-vi iiuuciic in cingiibo, .uesae-
mone in Verdi's "Otello," and Mar
guerite in Berlioz's "Damnation of
Faust." the latter a memorable event, in
that Sir Charles Halle, who Introduced
the work to the British public, conducted
the three first performances.
In addition to her brilliantly beautiful
mezzo-soprano voice, which lends itself
as readily to dramatic as to coloratura
musioMlle. de Lussan has notable per
sonal Attraction beauty of face and fig
ure, distinguished grace and dignity, and
Irreslstable magnetic charm.
Herrecltal programs will be made up
of selections from her long list of op
eratic roles and songs by French, Eng
lish and Italian composers, of which she
has a large and varied repertoire. Al
though Mile, de Lussan has sung with
tremendous success at state and other
great concerts abroad, this will be the
first .ihne she has ever been heard In
concert in her native country. The tour,
which commences in November, will in
clude Canada, Texas and the Pacific
coast; and will extend to May, 1903.
Jtyaintip Besim
' in Christmas
"The novelties in Christmas cards and
booklets this year are more unique and
beautiful than ever before," said a book
seller to a Courier representative the
other); day. Every year eclipses the last
one it seems. In the Christmas cards,
especially, there are many fresh and
artistic designs. The prettiest are, per
haps, the embossed cards which show
the little heads and figures in various
color? on a gold background, the em
bossmg being so heavy that it has the
effecof high relief. The new art which
has had so great a success in jewelry de
signs is repeated on some of the sea
son's cards in effective and decorative
scrolls and swirls. Parchment is,, used
with happy effect for many of the"
little cards, and classic designs are
frequent. But the most charming of all
these hundreds of little tokens is one
in a bronzed paper, with a little girl and
a row of daisies in high relief on Its
outer leaf, while within is a landscape.
Another new design offers a card, a
long panel In shape, with the figures of a
maiden on its cover, the figure being a
;Hff gnon- y44ajat iwagkablfr pieoe of color painting, tot
In Austria, the color showing aa soft and
deep as In a water color.
Bronzed reliefs are used effectively on
dark backgrounds, and even more pleas
ing are those In silver on light, deep
textured papers.
There Is one handsome little design
In mistletoe, and one in the popu
lar daffodil. Stiff cards with the deco
rations outlined In black and relieved
In gold and sliver are delicate in effect.
One of the simplest designs showB a
lovely girlish head, delicately colored,
against a background of roses.
There are many variations in the more
familiar effects, with floral designs and
tinseled borders, with lace paper, with
forget-me-note and daisies, and with lit
tle figures and landscapes painted upon
Among the calendars Is "Peace on
Earth," the background a large picture
in colors of the Adoration, the calen
dar being In black, well and carefully
fastened, and offering a scripture text
for every day in the year. Another,
bearing the name "Nature's Daughters,"
offers the year on four large pages, In
size nearly eighteen inches long; the
four decorated pictures are four striking
types of women, representing Earth,
Air, Fire and Water.
The booklets are dainty and prettier
than ever. Among the illustrated ones
are "Holly and Mistletoe," selections
from Tennyson; "Light From Above," a
book of texts by Charlotte Murray; and
"Abide With Me," the hymn by H. T.
Each year new designs are brought
out In booklets and calendars, New
Tear's cards and Christmas cards, small
devotional books and little volumes of
poetical sentiments with .floral decora
tions. And thus the happy holiday sea
son is observed each year with the ex
change of bright colored Christmas
cards Inscribed with amicable sentiments.
I $t d w I
1 J2tihbor
Booth Tarkington worked at literary
labor five years. During that time he
only received the sum of $22.50 for his
.work. Wltho'-v-iK80 -- - much
isv truuttfi&n this can be made work
ing out other people's poll-taxes. Tark
ington, however, enjoyed the delving.
When "Life" returned his pictures, and
accepted the jokes written underneath,
he concluded that literature must be his
field instead of art.
It is a noticeable fact that men.nevtr
tell these stories on themselves until
after they have gained success. They
then develop a habit of regaling their
friends with their early mlsfortunea,-
treating the matter In the light of a
huge joke.
Feast of .St. Barbara.
Christmas In some parts of France has
already commenced. In Provence, Christ
mas begins on Dec. 4th, with the sowing
of "St. Barbara's grain." The growth of
this is supposed by the peasants to fore
tell the harvest for the coming season.
George's Grandfather.
The last thing that a syndicate is
thinking of buying is the home of the
Waahingtons in England. the place
where the grandfather of 'lour George"
lived. If England allows It, this build
ing will be taken carefully down, the
different pieces numbered, and set .up
again In America.
This act seems as uncalled for as mov
ing the homesick old obelisk from Egypt,
to New York 'city. Without the sur
roundings of the old-time park, the Eng
lish lanes, and hawthorn hedges, the
house will be but a musty old show place
where people pay so much a head for the
privilege of entering.
Holding up Fences.
Bartlett Richards, a ranchman from
Ellsworth, Nebraska, has gone to Wash
ington to interview President Roosevelt.
Mr. Richards Is not there for the pur
pose of building a political fence, but
to try and save his one hundred miles
of government fence on the ranch at
Ellsworth. If orders are sent to move
this, the work of taking it down will be
an item of expense, to say nothing of
other losses.
Several years ago a government ofTU
cial ordered a ranchman in northern Ne
braska to take down his fence. This the
man failed to do, thinking that he was
dealing with a kind paternal government
which shuts one eye when it sees a pho
tograph of a fence. After the date of
removal was past, a government official
rode up and ordered the fence taken
down in 'five hours' time.
There was no time to carefully roll up
and preserve the wire. For miles barbed
wire was trailing in the grass over the
range In a hopeless mesh, steers run
ning through the tangle and horses cut
ting their limbs in the hidden wires.
When the wire was at last safely spooled,
the long labor Involved in the saving
was a larger item than the price of the
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In spite of the disappointment sustained in the failure of two expeditions
sent to northern regions by himself at great expense, Ziegler, the spirited
Chicago millionaire now will equip a third expedition to the frozen north,
which he will place in charge of the most able explorers available.