4 fol. xpzzr, jw. x&w W !" p ?r - ssif?rr LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1902. ADDS TO ROLL OF CHRISTIAN WORKERS J-.7 -$ts.ilrt6 ' iT "s- Vy Jt? I 1 ASF -"3E.&-" W 3" REV. H. C. SWEARINGEN. Rev. H. C. Swearingen, the new pastor of the First Presbyterian church, and wife arrived in the city on Friday and are at present at the Llndell hotel. They will reside at 1125 South Eleventh street. Mr. Swearingen was born in 1869, about forty miles from Pittsburg, and has spent his entire life in and near that city. His last pastorate was that of the Third United Presbyterian church In Pittsburg. Rev.. Mr. Swearingen has been a member of the board of church extension, a member of the board of trustees of Westminster college, and a member of the semi-centennial endowment committee of that institution. He was also a member of the general assembly of 1898, which met in Omaha, Neb., and the next year he represented his denomination before the synod of the Dutch Reformed church, at Catsklll, N. ,T. The degree of doctor of divinity was conferred upon him last June, by Westminster college. ESTABLISHED IN 1888 'ffi'-'tft-" inff? W"L i' rtt-1 ?r ( -- ri ,' hA '$ . ai - .& k a... vfyj S SI tJ ' - t 4& It 1 r r "- ?- .