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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1902)
33 r ! ,j 'THE COLUlltER Mimmafmiuiii mmwmrm iiigcrt Mkw Bell entertained the Dooieys last evening. . The university club gave a dance last night at Walsh hall. Miss Hartley entertained the Thursday night club this week. Mrs. J. B. Horton will give a military euchre on Wednesday. Miss Outcalt entertained a small card club Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ross Curtice will entertain Les Bohemlennes next Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ackermann enter tained the Unity club this week. Mrs. H. B. Ward entertained the Fac ulty Women's club on .Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis will enter tain the V. V. cluh this evening. Mr. and Mrs. L G. Chapln have re turned from a five weeks' eastern trip. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barth entertained the Britannia high-five club last evening. The Sans Souci club will give a dance at Walsh hall Tuesday evening, Novem ber 36th. Mrs. Tucker of Newark, Ohio, 1s the guest for the winter of her daughter, Mrs. George Roblnette. SBBBBHBKaP'V'SSSSSsW' -mL.-. SSssl BssssssSKJKr ' SfiHI sbbbbbbbk8hsiIiPbhiS . 4 tB3s BBsSBPBFPsf i ?x3t ;ggs i' ""in Tg SBa t'l HbbHh spTy LHHBIIIHilllllB- " Pf -v. p s'isi jif ALFRED DANIEL. MUNSON. Four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi D. Munson. The Patriarchs will give a military euchre this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C G. Crittenden. A. smoker will be .given this evening at the 'Beta Theta Pi house in honor of the Betas who are in the Knox football team. Mrs. F. L. BurrelL who has been the guest of her, aunt, Mrs. J. H. Ager. re turned to her home In Fremont Wednes day. Mr. T. P. Kennard and his daughter, .Mrs. C TC Pitcher, are planning a trip to Europe. They will go in January or February. The freshman members of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority will entertain the freshmen of the other four sororities next Saturday afternoon. Lincoln friends of Colonel Cody have received invitations to the opening of Ms sew hotel. "The Irma," at Cody, Wy ewtng, Best Tuesday evening. -Mr. aad Mrs. H. C Young entertained the XlncUeata Ceatury card dab Taea- day evening. Besides club members there were present Mr. and Mrs. W. D. FitsGerald, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Folsom, and Mr. A. C. Rlcketts. Mr. Oliver Rodgers of Boston, formerly prominent in Lincoln society circles, was In town this week on business. He was entertained informally by various friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spangler of Aurora, Illinois", are guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Shlnn. They are returning from a four months' tour of the Pacific coast. Mrs. Canfield Taylor has returned from an extended visit in California and the northwest and will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. D. Wilkinson, for the winter. . Miss Margery Lambertson, who has been the guest of Mrs. G. M. Lambert son for two months, has gone to Min eral Point, Wisconsin, to visit her grand mother. Mrs. W. J. Marshall went to Omaha Saturday to spend a fortnight with her sister. From there she will go to Illi nois to stay with her. mother during the winter. "n The members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity gave a- dance last "evening at the home of Mrs. Rosa Funke. Twenty couple were present. Light refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Miller and daughter. Miss Helene Miller, who have been guests of Judge and Mrs. Tibbets and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miller, left today for their home in Cumberland, Maryland. Mr. Hal Sowles will represent the local chapter of Phi Delta Theta as delegate to the national convention to be held in New York city the last of this month, and Mr. Will Raymond will go as presi dent of this province. ' Cards have been received in this city from Mr. Philetus Peck announcing the marriage of his daughter, Jennie M., to Mr. Edward B. Hyde, on Monday, No vember 10, in Denver, Colo. Mr. 'and Mrs. Hyde will reside at 828 F street in this city. Twenty-five couples joined in the merry dance at an informal party given by Phi Delta Theta at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Whedon last even ing. The Phi colors, light blue and white, were conspicuous in the decora tions. Ices were served upstairs. Mr. and Mrs. W. ,A. Lindly gave a four-course dinner Tuesday evening to the members of La Veta whist club and a few others. Including Mrs. Cleaver of Port Huron, Michigan, Mr. George Shideler of York and Mr. Clifford Crooks. The dinner was followed by whist. Beta Theta Pi gave a dance Saturday night at the chapter house. Ten Beta men from Kansas, ten Kansas girls and . fifteen Nebraska girls were guests. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cornell were chaperones. The house was decorated with the Kansas and Nebraska colors. Ices were served. Doctor and Mrs. M. H. Garten gave an elegantly appointed six course dinner last evening. White chrysanthemums and ferns adorned the table. Covers were laid for Messieurs and Mesdames F. L. Wharton. F. S. Stein, M. D. Welch, A. L. Candy, W. H. McCreery, W. J. Lamb, R. T. Van Brunt. . Doctor and Mrs. M. H. Everett gave a delightful dinner Thursday evening. A dish of delicate ferns in the center of the table was surrounded with antique silver candlesticks bearing pink candles. Guests were Doctor and Mrs. Joseph Scroggs, Doctor and Mrs. H. J. Win nett. Professor and Mrs. H. W. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson gave a de lightful informal dinner Wednesday evening. A panel of ferns and La France roses extended down the table, and at each corner of this panel stood pink candles In silver sticks. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kelly, Miss McClure of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, Doctor and Mrs. C F. Ladd, Mr. and MrsWalter B. Hargreaves, Mrs. Thomas W, Griffith of Pittsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtice, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Buckstaff. At the heme of Mr. and Mrs. 6. C. Bell, last evening, the members of. the E. E. D. kensington and their husbands were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Adna Dobsori.. Progressive games were played and some of the musical members and guests gave pleas ure with songs and piano numbers. The bridge whist club commenced its second season with a meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Mayer on Tuesday. The members are Mrs. C. D. Pitcher, Mrs. A. G. Blllmeyer, Mrs. Charles Mayer, Mrs. Henry Mayer, Mrs. I. G. Chapln, .Mrs. R, M. Turner, Mrs. A. S. Tibbets, Mrs. Harry Harley. . Saturday morning Miss Eleanora Mil ler gave a breakfast of twenty-four covers in honor of her cousin, Miss Helene Miller of Cumberland, Maryland. At half after eleven o'clock the guests were seated at a large round table adorned with superb pink chrysanthe mums and a delicious menu was served. After the breakfast many of those present went to witness the Kansas-Nebraska football game. The Ord colony consists of families formerly living in Ord, who now reside in Lincoln, and Includes all members of these families. The colony spent a pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ager as entertainers, on Tuesday. Social games and music were enjoyed. Many of the members wore masks dur ing the early part of the evening, and the surprises attendant upon the un masking added to the merriment. Light refreshments were served. BBBB "vBBBBBBBBBBbV MRS. RETTA HARROP, Who was elected grand chancellor of the Pythian Sisterhood in Nebraska at the recent grand lodge session in this city. FROM REAL LD7E. The people who laugh or cry over the funny or sad things in books, scarcely ever realize that there are things In real life,' even in our very midst, equally as humorous or pathetfc A Courier representative was walking through one of the nicest residence dis tricts of the city the other night, and saw a very pitiful sight, a sight that one would always remember. An intoxicated man was coming up the street, stagger ing from one side of the walk to the other. He was a man In the prime of life, and very handsome. As he neared one of the pretty cottages, through the curtains of which could be seen bright lights and prettily furnished rooms, a little girl ran to meet him. .She looked like any other little girl who would be waiting for her papa to come home from work. -'She 'was fresh and clean, her hair was tied with blue ribbons, and her white apron was Boot less, and starched stiff. She lifted her little mouth for the usual "kiss, saw his condition, and helped him up the steps to-the top of the porch, where- he sank down, a miserable, drunken human; while she leaned against the house and cried her Uttle heart was broken. The wife and mother opened the door, and helped him in. As the witness to 'this little scene walked away, the child was still outside, sobbing in the loneliness of her Borrow; "What makes you so anxious -to go to Europe to live?" "My patriotism," an swered the quizzical person; "I .am not a man of superabundant means, but! I like everything that Is American, and I want to go abroad, where I can purchase American products at the least possible expense." Washington Star. ' MISS LTPPINCOTT, . . . Studio, Room 86. Brownell Block. Lessons In Drawing, Painting, Pyrog- raphy. Wood Carving. Improved China Kiln, China decorated or fired. Studio ooen Monday. Tuesday. Thurs day. Friday. 2 to 5 d. m.. and Saturday. 9 to iz a. m. R7WKLIN lee Cjean agd Dairy Qo. Manufacturers of the Finest Quality of PLAIN AND FANCY ICE CREAM. -ICES, FROZEN PUDDINGS, FRAPPE AND SHERBET Prompt delivery. Satisfaction guar anteed. IS Bo. 12th St. Phone 206. JUST RECEIVED! An Elegant Line of Crane's Papers IN PAPETERIES. H.W. BR6WN Phone 63. 127 South 11th St. T C. MILLER " PROFESSIONAL TUNER Accomplished In all the details of the art. ' Takes care of Pianos steadily, and' fur nishes estimates on extensive repairs. Refers to a discriminating clientele, and desires especially the cultivation of such a field. Orders may be left with FERGUSON MUSIC CO. MILLER & PAINE, or addressed P. O. BOX 287. Lincoln. Neb. THE First National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capitol. J20O.O0O.OO Surplus and Profits, . 118,319.41 Deposits. 2.745,267.00 A. J. Sawyer. Vice-President. S. H. Burnham, President. H. S. Freeman. Cashier. H. B. Evans, Frank Parks. Ass't Cashier. Ass't Cashier. UNITED STATES DEPOSITOBY t-S2A s.u ZOo t A . STEELE THE POPULAR FURRIER DESIGNS AND MAKES Fur Garments FURS STORED DURING SUMMER 143 So. Twelfth Street. PRIVATE AND PUBLIC t Library books BOUND m A SUBSTAN TIAL MANNER AT -FACTORY PRICES BY . . . South Plttte Publishing Co., Paper "Box Makers. Tenth and N Streets, Lincoln, Neb. FREIGHT PATD ONE WAY. u N s Bk?t -