"!! 8 THE COURIER "Does the baby look like its father?" "I suppose so. The mother says the father looks like the baby." AT WASHINGTON FASHION NEW YORK, Nov. 8. At Morris Park these early autumn days the panorama of sartorial novelties Is as Interesting to women as are the races, if Indeed not a little more so. I was particularly fascinated one day recently by a costume of dark blue Cluny lace. Skirt, bodice and hat were all of the lace over blue taffeta and chiffon or moussellne. The skirt was close fitting, with the wldeness at the bottom, but with no outlining of a flounce, so beautifully was the lace joined where this Indispensable fulness began. The lace was heavier at the bot tom of the gown, where extra mull roses were appliqued. The bodice was like a sort of short Monte Carlo coat, reach ing almost to the waist, and hanging full over a fine lace blouse. The collar and belt bad flowers appliqued on them. The latter was very wide, as are almost all the newest belts with dressy gowns. This one was of crushed taffeta, corsage shaped in the back, and narrowing to ward the front. The hat was flat and broad, with a festoon of narrow lace, falling over the hair at one side and edging the entire wide brim. The crown was of the Tarn o Shanter style, with taffeta roses, blue and white, nestling at the back and front in clusters of three or four. A stunning loose jacket of navy blue cloth went with the cos tume, and was donned on the return trip. This garment was finished in front with biscuit cloth with braid trimmings, and was formed with a new cut cape and wide sleeve cuffs trimmed in a like manner. The back hung straight from the shoulders, with the short cape show ing to good advantage. The front revers e-f light cloth reached quite to the end of the coat, and narrowed from the throat downward. The sleeves to the cuffs were very loose and baggy. There seems absolutely no rule about coat sleeves. All styles are seen. Loose all over, loose to the elbow only, loose be low the elbow, kimono like, with or with out cuffs and trimmings, and lastly, al most without any fulness. Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock, Jr.'s, gown was also blue, but of a lighter shade than the one I have Just described. It was of rmurh material, tailored exquisitely. The skirt was of walking length, with a long, plain coat reaching to the knees. White collar and revers were the only trimmings visible. Her hat was small, black and not pretty. Brown is extremely favored, and many new fall suits of this color were on view. A tall blonde, who has hitherto shown a penchant for purple, has evidently for sworn her allegiance to the royal hue, for she appeared radiant In a complete toilette of golden brown, with a russet foliage hat which was in itself a tri umph. The crown and leaves of the lat ter were of various autumnal hues. The hat was further enhanced in beauty by dull, but richly colored china asters In two clusters, "one at the front, a little to the left, and the other under the back of the brim. The costume was made with a plaited skirt, showing the very faintest suspicion of white between the plaits at each movement of the wearer. The coat also showed a trifle of. white In the garnlshlngs. The deep caffs were piped with it, and the small triplicate cape was strapped with it. The coat fitted loosely in the back, with a box plait running Its length, belted n, but not tightly. The front was com pletely loose, and showed a double-box plait on either side. Another brown outfit had the uphols tery style of trimmings, heavy, silken ropes and big, crocheted ornaments. TMa, though thoroughly fashionable, was too clumsy appearing, and made Its plump wearer look not unlike a com fortable, nicely cushioned arm-chair. The loose, long-shouldered Japanese style wraps were also In evidence. These meet my approval upon figures not too gCBeroBsly proportioned. One with two capes, with the fulness depending from them, was especially attractive- It was trimmed with pendants and jet. The opening of the capes In front showed a tightly fitted white cloth front, closely battened up for warmth. The collar, cages of the fronts and the buttons were afl In the same piece, put on like just tae kimono trimming. It was a decided aevelty. and attracted many puzzled msscuTlnr glances. fBeme fan were out, notably stoles and haK-leagth coats of squirrel. A stole, faMy a foot wide, was edged with er miac This Is one of the best combina tions. A hat to match was worn with It BW fW BT WuSS5fBBBBBBP " 9SbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSwSS"2V. SBSk W BY MM M W .jC"5!f2"!'aBBBBBBBF BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSS'??SWbW IB I II A saf i5r5?55SBaaaT bbbbbY.JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT J I 'iBBaBBBBBBBBBBSBV I aTJS5SgS5SS2 i iBBaBBBBBBBKCSsSSSCW I sfJSllil BaBBBBBBlIsllS5V, I sTi'nisBBBBBBBA I BW J0SZrt l -JBBBBV ' .. TBSWSWSWSWSWSTfSS!'L!!i- 'S5gB5'CBS:l SB I bWJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP' IbbbbbbbbbbbBS I sW BlBSSdBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm' BBBBbIbBBBBBBbW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIbBBSsS 1 M mBS1mEErmBRK bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKsbbbbsbbbbbbS I f P?bbsssssssssssssssssssss I cv?3:vf::r bbbbbbbbbbbbIbbHbIbH I BLXSr'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IfW BsBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmT M VBk. I bV V rfSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr flBs3laBlPajBWaRSaBB L. TW l YBBBBBBBBiB KlTl Wl 1 Y"4 BbWmW VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSr aV SM7 ..BV lffADZr75 4ELfin JW8GEZ uaLuadQfir The social debut of Senorlta Adelina Alvarez Calderon, daughter of the Peruvian minister, will be a notable society event at the capital. Shu is the only debutante In the diplomatic contingent this year, which adds to the Importance of the event. She is eighteen years old, beautiful and vivacious. This was of medium size, having a brim turned up at Intervals all the way round, and tacked to the crown. At each point of attachment was an ermine tall by way of trimming. A bunch of white velvet camellias graced the front of the crown. White lace tabs finished it In the back. Lace, fur, chiffon and flowers are to be combined in head-wear again this year as they were last. The shapes, however, are radically different. An other Russian squirrel stole of extra length, reaching quite to the bottom of the skirt, was made up with chinchilla. This combination is not nearly so good, the contrast not being sufficiently marked. In jewelry, antiques are coming to the front. These are of foreign make, pre sumably, and show the old and new enamel, with odd little pearls and jewels pressed into singular settings. For pendants, big amulets of curious shape are shown, of still more unique work manship. One suspended from a short neck chain is fully three inches in di ameter, and has seven pink pearls for a centre. About these are grouped bits of varicolored enamel, red and dark rich blue predominating. Here and there over all are little seed pearls and garnets liberally dispersed. These antiques come also in bracelets and rings, though the latter are not pretty. The bracelets, which are exquisite, are muchworn In London and Paris. Crosses show the work handsomely, but are not so popu lar as the amulets. The new hand-bags, too. are .charm ing. A girl, wearing a triplicate tweed skirt, a three-caped coat, and a brown velvet hat built In three tiers, carried one of the most modish of these bags. It was of dull brown suede, regulation size, and was completely studded with dull garnets, each about the size of a plnhead. The chain from which It was pendant was of steel links and was no ticeably longer than those of a season ago. Another green leather purse or bag, beautifully lined with white moire and made with several inside compart ments, had a design in pearls worked upon its surface. Scarlet leather is now made Into these articles, but it is a little too showy. ' The latest conceit In modern necklaces is that of many strands of pearls twisted together to form a thick rope, from which Is suspended an immense tur quoise matrix, pear-shaped, or a fine fresh-water pearl of good size. An In finite variety of hair combs is shown by jewelers. They are Invariably made up of tortoise shell, light or dark In color, and have jewels all over the top rim. Pearls set in the dark shell produce the best effect, although turquoise settings make a close rival in beauty. Brooches are still made with the very large centre stone surrounded by dull gold or pearls. Lady Modish in Town Topics. Y A good luiil Ina "BWgaWfcgl I botMadpoorlook3rV I las harnaaa la the .SPT5B. - '- ; wont kind of a com- &?Bm " ' ' Eureka L Harness OH i : aot only makestheaamess and the jA bona lock better, but atakta tea wk J Icatberaoftand pliable, pataltin con- !lm J milAl i dIUonto laat twice aa leas ml. J ViaflSBW.i U ordinarily woeld. IBB J (jflS&lllYi CoM ' U ran in BB J ljjMif STANDARD jwMk Horse a. SMiW Chance! jjgjp t - Give Your Horse a Chance t sQuSrtvGMfy Cycle Photographs Athletic Photographs Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views V The Photographer 129 South Eleventh Street SADDLE HORSE COLLARS Wifh h3 Bf2!l!2El!llggMi on MK YOUR PEALERJO SHOWTHfM BEFORE. YOU BUY. (ANurACTURCO BY HARPHAM BROS.CO. Lincoln. Neb. t Lincoln Transfer Co. If you Want First Class Service Call on Us. WE DO WE SELL WE CARRY Piano and For- all grades of a fine line of Car niture Moving. Coal riages and Buggies OFFICE, TENTH AND Q ST & PHONE 176 GREEN GABLES. The Dr. Beqj. F- Bailey Sanatorium la not a hospital, n6t a hoteL but a home. The building Is situated on a alghtly hill at Normal SiteJSK?flX?r8 ?h?hUnool5,,treet.r!57ej5 0,r M minute, ridYfrom Tthe burt- new oenter of the city. It to thoroughly equipped and beautifully furnished. ETery electric S" UBIfta ta V1 tn?.?ent ttelfckU wed, and Ideal Turl&ah, Russian, and fieoJwted Baths are glTen. In conditions where the kidneys and lirer are affected, andto caseT or rheu matism, our Hot Air treatment has been remarkably successful. For full W ormaUraTddress . Th B. F. Ballsy Sanatorium, Llncaln, Nfc.