THE COURIER" t ii-- ". ;- m ; I- The Courier Published Every Saturday Entared In the Postofflce at Lincoln u second clasa matter. OFFICE 000-910 P STREET Tit?TPiinKilBn8lnMs0Oe0 21 "LEPH0NE Edltcilal Rooms 80 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Per annum, In advance, 1L00 Single Copy, .06 M. B. Lowrie. S. R. Reese. H. B. Sar son. Miss Anna Bishop and Miss Hen rietta Reese, all of Omaha. Mrs. Hildeman, recent, of Ord. and Doctor Minerva Newbecker. ft & The patrons' association of the Cap itol school held the first meeting of the year Thursday afternoon. There were about seventy-five ladies present to listen to the thoughtful. Intelligent talk of Doctor Katherlne B. Wolf upon "The First Five Years of a Child's Life." At the next meeting Mr. Fow ler, state superintendent of public In struction, will speak upon "The 'Essen-' tials in a Public School Education." TTie work laid out for the remainder of the year is as follows: November fifteenth Mr. Fowler. "Foods for the Growing Child," Miss Rosa Bouton. ''The Very Little Chil dren," Mrs. C. F. Ladd. "What and How Much Should Our Children Read." Mrs. T. C. Munjcer: and "What is the Ideal Mother's Love," by Mrs. C. H. Elmendorf. "The Period of Ado lescence," Mrs. Inland Wheeler. "Man ual Training," by Dean Ellery Davis. "Music in Our Schools," by Professor Sheetz. The patrons of the Capital school have derived much benefit from these meetings, and It is to be hoped that soon every school in the city will have a like organization where the forces of home and school may meet not for criticism, but for mutual bene fit: & Mrs. F. M. Hall, president of the Woman's club, will be at home to all members of the club Monday after noon. The members whose names be gin with any letter of the alphabet from A to M inclusive, are requested to go to the reception between the hours of three and four o'clock, those whose initial letter comes from N to Z Inclusive will be expected between the hours of four and five o'clock". Mrs. Hall's preparations for this re ception are on an elaborate plan. The decorations will be exceptionally beau tiful, and a distinct color scheme will be carried out in each room, both up stairs and down. A most effective p'.an has been devised for the dining room and it will be literally a bower of verdure and bloom. Mrs. Hall hopes to greet all members of the club for the eeason of 1902-03 during the after noon. The Lotos club met Thursday after noon with the president, Mrs. C. E. Bessey. Professor W. G. L. Taylor, who returned a few weeks ago from a European trip, talked of foods used In France and Germany. He spoke of the good quality of vegetables in France and of the' skill with which they are prepared, a delicious dressing being generally used on them. Mr. Taylor's ' landlady went out one day and bought one tomato, and by using a dressing for it, she made it serve a family of six persons. Fish is used extensively in France, often with a saffron dres sing. Horse meat is used In France, and when served at hotels Is frankly an nounced as such on the bills of fare. Mr. TayIor paid it a negative compli ment by saying It was .not so very bad. More meat is used In Germany than, in France, and beer is used instead of wine. A social hour club for the young ladies of the Lincoln academy, is be ing planned by Mrs. T. M. Hodgman. The club will meet every two weeks at Mrs. Hodgman's home. 700 North Six teenth street. Talks will be given by prominent women of the city on dress, manners, health, nmuEements, and other practical topics. & At the next regular meetins of the Matinee Muslcale, which will occur November tenth, a plana and song re cital will be given by Mrs. Wl'l Owen Jones and Mrs. Mark Wood?. The names of these two ladles on a pro gram insures a delightful concert. a- & At n.French theatre one evening dur ing the performance of a play by Sou met, a spectator was observed to be slumbering. "Look." said Dumas to the author, who was sitting near him. "you see the effect produced by your trag edy!" Next evening at the same theatre It happened that the play was one of Dumas' own. and It happened also that a gentleman In the stalls was overpowered by sleened. Soumet. being present, noticed this, and with infinite satisfaction, tapping Dumas on the shoulder and pointing to the offender, he said. "Please notice, my dear Du mas, that your plays can send people to sleep as well as mine." "Not at all," was the ready answer: "that's our friend of yesterday: he has not waked up yet!" ' ' jfMVBffaV'.v' UUM 4Fmmw. aVKSV MM B&B&Yks va., BBBBBF vVVV V&H " BbHHVbT , V V' ' ' WHbTbSbbA F MF v iv bbbbV t' , mmm? Tbbbbkk? ' - aTaHBTaHBTam ' :- L vflfaaaWJI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvJ BbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbW A Newcastle man, who seldom at tends church, was persuaded to hear a cermon and was much impressed. "You ure never "too old to learn." he re marked confidentially to a friend. "Now I always thought Sodom and Gomor rah were husband and wife, and I find they were nothing but two cities." American Weekly. With a stupendous triumph in New York to his credit, Mr. Tynan In his portrayal of "Robert Emmet," In the play of that name, will tour the country. ICA. akes short reads. m AXLE aa ' jLnd light loads. QREASE Wood for everything that runs on wheels. Sld Everywhere. afeferSTAHDARDOXI.CO. J iMkJMMM &l Lincoln's Progressive Store m Wp Hsvpn'r SKrrVirprl rVP HiilHrPn Parents miss oppor- A "viv i. uniiu l" viumjvii. tumties to save as wen as miss oest styies wnen iney neglect to iook tnrougn tnis stocK oi rtfr&W Irl Children's JacKets and Full Length Coats 9 SkK EtiB J4-50 57 TME.r tmSm .flpSEfefe. mmmmtws. S5.00 ? HHvlKx T-ziMmmJSr .''bbbbbbbbbbbbbbw mwwwwmmtm. i aaaaVWaVxli & iljflliaw MmKQ&sL iMMifa JMHHHHHHI p TflJ HBMH MBf IHHV $6.50 BHs9raI-l VKVflMVsw lrvi LsVaffHS&P9F mmmSLA 'I VbkPV Vbw BPF3k-; 1M MBTaHBTaTBBTaTKVflE C X BKbVbT BTBTBTBTBr. -CE-- - TaTaTSkaTBBWaiBmaT BTaTflCV v- BBTLBBTaTaTaH afHanr., ' s Vl.H'Jaaf J 4 k mTTmmmmmmmh -41 " HSaivKj; 'fl BHVBHHl.lrS aTBTBTBTBTBTBJP!!.h MM BBHlVBlt.BK il BBBBBBF -aSfc"'- BBBBBK 'Sh - 'ISbI ' aTBTBTBaK3lKli bTbTbTbTbTbTbSI': wli bTbTbTbTbTbSS- l4TB .-' 245 ? SSBs91-3bIB9 rBT M 209 " BP IM BBV VABM TBI AH s 17.50 mk m mg LHbb Wbf BV - u . 'Av-; m-'.' " Jaunty JacKets for the Little Folks 57 Child's box jacket, made of beaver cloth, high collar, 4 buttons, braid trimmed, colors blue, red, and castor. Sizes 6 to 12 years $3 95 73 Child's Monte Carlo coat, made of all wool kersey, tailor stitched, 6 fancy pearl but tons, colors navy and castor. Sizes 6 to 12 .years 5 00 81 Child's box coat, made of beaver cloth, cape collar, trimmed with fancy braid in scroll effect, colors brown, castor, navy, and red. Sizes 6 to 12 years 4 50 121 Child's long cloak, made of beaver cloth, 2 shoulder capes, cuffs, tailor stitched and vel vet piped, 6 buttons, colors castor and navy. Sizes6 tol2years $6 50 209 Child's long cloak, made of kersey, sailor col lar and turn-back cuffs, trimmed with fancy braid and fancy stitching, colors red, castor, andnavy. Sizes 6 to 12 years.. 7 50 245 Child's long cloak, made of beaver cloth, pointed V-shape cape collar, tailor stitched, colors navy blue, red, and castor. Sizes 6 to 12 years 5 95 pg n ll 'I