THE COURIEI 6 f3 land of homes. In all the years his home was the pictured example of every homeseeker entering the state. It waa an established permanent home, the worth and value of which, so many lose sight of In the wild scramble for speedy wealth. He planted trees every year of his life in the state. His con stant agitation and Influence for tree planting have alone been worth count less thousands to Nebraska and her people will always deem It a privilege to pay a tribute to the strong, clean character of Mr. Morton and when he was called from our midst he went "As when a kingly cedar, green with t Jjoughs. Goes" down with a great shout upon the hills; And leaves a lonesome place against the sky." MRS. HERBERT BUSHNELL. Or Twenty-five or thirty young ladles studiously inclined have banded them selves together in a reading circle and cxpectt o derive both pleasure and prof it from this association. The club will read whatever Interests the members, whether It be fiction or something more serious. The club was organized Thursday evening, the sixteenth, at the home of Miss Harriett Spalding, and will hold fortnightly meetings. The prettiest home possessed by the Matinee Muslcale during its migratory existence of eight years, is Jn use thls year by this club, but after all It is' not a real home, any more than a boarding house is a home for Individ uals, for It is shared by many; so is Fiaternlty hall used by various organ izations, hence cannot have the Indi viduality that the Matinee Muslcale would give its home had it one of its very own. However, the room Is pleas ing to the eye. well lighted and com fortably seated. It Is easy of access, and the acoustics are fairly good, so the club will rest content for the pres ent, and proceed to business. Last Monday was the first meeting and the attendance was large. One cause of congratulation was the large number of new associate members who were received. The active membership list, which is the only one limited. Is full. the chorus Is filling up rapidly, and there is a goodly number of student members. On -Monday Mrs. E. H. Bar bour, the new president, addressed the club briefly. She spoke of the strong committee In charge of the programs and of the good things promised. She said that the club had increased Its strength and Influence durng each jrear of its existence, and suked the co-operation of all In sustaining the high aims of the organization. Mrs. Barbour" announced that the secretary and treasurer will be at" Mr. Curtice's music store on Eleventh street Monday from two to three o'clock, to grant membership tickets to those who have not secured them. The associate mem bers will need their tickets for the artist recital Friday evening. Mon day's program was an attractive one. Mrs. Herzog opened it with an ex quisite little story, a light and tripping novellara and a Cha'mlnade number, all played in an appreciative manner. The Caprice Espagnole played later by Mrs. Herzog displayed her dashing style advantageously. The club feels that Jt has a decided acquisition in Miss Florence Fiske who is a member this year for the first time. She has a magnificent stage presence, and a glorious contralto voice. "With more experience In public singing. Miss Fiske will acquire a clearer enuncia tion, when her folk songs and loe songs, in a word "little pieces," will be more enjoyed by her listeners, but she wlH undoubtedly excel in dramatic music as she possesses both the voice and the physique for that style of songs. Mrs. Ina Enslgn-Hagenow a lignlfled composition in a scholarly way. Mrs. Hagenow has always been a favorite with the club. The flower cycle which closed the program Is made up of little poems about common Mowers, set to music which Is a poem in Itself, and is not at all common, but is very beautiful. It was rendered by voices which blended well, and was greatly enjoyed. Mrs.. Holyoke's solo was daintily sung, and the audience was delighted with the duet by Mrs. Holyoke and Mrs. Baker. These two ladies have sung together so much that they are able to do very artistic work. Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond ac companied the soloists In a satisfying way. The program follows: A Little Story. Steele. Novellaza, Godard. Air de Ballet, No. 1 in G op. 30 Cham Inade. Mrs. Minnie Rothschlld-Herzog. Folk Song. MacDowelL Thy Beaming Eyes, McDowell. Good Bye, Murphy; Miss Florence Flske; accompanied by Mrs'Herzog. Symphonic Espagnole, Lalo. Andante, Allegro non troppo, Mri Ina EnslgnrHagenow. I Love Thee So, Reginald De Kovcn, Miss Fiske. Caprice Espagnole, MoszkowskI, Mrs. Vterzog. Flower Cycle. Arthur Foote. 1. The Trllllums 2. The Crocus. 3. The Foxglove (Solo Mrs. Holy oke.) 4. The Meade -Rue. 5. The Columbine (Duet Mrs. Holy oke, Mrs. Baker.) 6. The Cardinal. Mrs. R. A. Holy oke. Mrs. Joseph Grainger, Miss Je3sle Belle Lnnslng. Mrs. E. Lewis Baker. Miss Lucy Haywood, reader. Mrs. Carrie B. Rpvrrnnd at the piano. A large number of enthusiastic wom en gathered at the woman's club rooms Thursday afternoon for the first meet ing of the home department. Mrs. M. D. Welch is the leader for the year and took charge of this first meeting, her subject being 'The Home of the Future." In her Introductory remarks Mrs. Welch spoke of the first crude homes saying they were probably sticks stuck In the ground with the skins of animals for covering, that the home developed gradually through the wig wam, the cave, the cabin, until it reached Its present stage. The word home means not only the place of hab itation, but the spirit that pervades It, and In building our homes we should be prompted by the spirit of a consid eration for others. We build not alone for ourselves and .now, but for others and the future, and In building we should also consider our station In life and strive to conform to It. Mrs. Welch suggested that If several friends who are to build new homes would build and plan together, making one nome the complement of another, a better effect would be secured, and she spoke of landscape gardening, trees, and groups of shrubbery as valuable acces sories to external appearance. Only public architecture can be noble owing to the fact that the Industries which are carried on in the homes, ren der necessary many things which de tract. The new library building here and the Burlington railway station In Omaha, were cited as fine specimens of buildings devoted to one -purpose. The home should express peace, rest, quiet. This will be truer of the home of the future when by some co-operative plan the cooking and other work will be done away, thus eliminating the kitch en and laundry. Careful ventilation is as necessary to health as is pure food, and the house of the future will probably have fresh air supplied automatically. The home of the future will probably be heated by electricity, it will not be built of wood because she forests are being so rapidly devasted and not of stone for the cold stone walls create draughts. One who takes an extreme view of the case says the house of the future will probably be built of glass. The discussion which followed the ad dress was participated in by a num ber of the ladies and was very Inter esting. The department will meet in two weeks with Doctor May Flanagan as leader for the afternoon. Her subject will be "The Physical Training of the Twentieth Century Child." The ladles who attended the meeting of the art department of the woman's club Monday afternoon are speaking enthusiastically of its success. Mrs. G. E. Barber, leader of the department, gave a ten minutes talk on the begin nings of art. Mrs. E. P. Savage talked of the architecture and external fea tures of a home. Mrs. Walter B. Har- greaves. whose own home Is one of the best examples of artistic furnishing in , Lincoln, gave a practical talk about the interior of a modern home of mod erate cost, large enough to accommo date a family of six. persons. The ideal home which Mrs. Hargreaves de scribed was furnished in mission style. A general discussion, of the practical features of a home, including closets, china closets, the height of ceilings, ventilation and so forth, followed the more formal talks. Hereafter the meet ings of the art department will be held on Friday of the week alternating with the American home, which he says is club. The next meeting will fall on Friday. November seventh, at half af ter two o'clock, when Mr. Francis J. Plym will talk on the development of the American house, which he says is the best home In the world. If It is pos sible to get the slides Mr. Plym will Illustrate his talk with stereopticon views. Chapter K of P. E. O.. met Monday evening with Miss Mickey. The mem bership was well represented as the ladies are all Interested in the financial plans concerning the national conven tion of P. E. O. which will meet in Lin coln next summer. Delicate refresh ments were served. -H 'i i The French department of the Wom an's club met Monday afternoon with a good attendance, and conslderab'e In terest was manifested. Two classes, a beginning and an advanced class, will be organized. . A second meeting will be held next Monday at two o'clock, and Mrs. Plrie, the leader, re quests all women who expect to be come members of the department to be present. Mrs. F. M. Fling, the teacher for the department, will be there and work will be commenced. The Daughters of the American Rev olution in other states have been in the habit of holding annual state confer ences and this week, Nebraska fell In - line with her first meeting of this sort, held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs." A. S. Tlbbets. Mrs. S. B. Tound the state regent, called the meet ing, and the ladies stamped it with their approval and agreed to hold such meetings annually on the third Wed nesday In October. The next meeting will be held in Omaha in 1903. The delegates were met at the trains by a committee from the local chapter composed of Mesdames J. R. Haggard. M. H. Everett, Ella K. Morrison. M. D. Welch. C. O. Whedon and M. J. Waughj and were driven about the city to view thifcplaces of Interest, while the McKlnley (Slime rang out a program of patriotic airs as a welcome to these loyal women. At twelve o'clock the delegates and the officers of Deborah Avery chapter assembled at Mrs. Pound's home in re sponse to her invitation to a breakfast. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. R. T. Van Brunt and Mrs. J. C. Harpham. The guests were seated at small tables decorated with chrysanthemums. A mutual Interest made the ladles feel at home with each other and this gath ering was greatly enjoyed. At two o'clock the convention at Mrs. Tib bets' was called to order. Mrs. Pound presided and welcomed the visitors to Lincoln. In her address she spoke of the work done by the society In marking historic spots in the east, in encouraging the study of American history, and -in assisting the soldiers in time of war. Mrs. M. B. Lowrie of Omaha offered ,the invocation, after which Miss Bishop of Omaha, sang. "The Star Spangled Banner." which is the D. A. R. song. Mrs. S. C. Langworthy of Seward re sponded to the address of welcome and stated that the chief object of the meeting was to discuss plans for a monument to mark the spot, at Fort Calhount, on which Lewis and Clarke made their treaty with the Indians. Mrs. W D. Williams of Omaha read a paper on "Marking Historic Spots," in which she told the story of the Lewis and Clarke expedition in 1804, and the first treaty made with the Indians on August third of that year. The expedition, commanded by Cap tain Lewis and Captain Clarke, was sent out by President Jefferson for the purpose of discovering the source of the Missouri river, and the most convenient water communication with the Pacific coast The expedition came up the river and on the third of August, as Just stated, held a council with the In dians and announced to them the change of government from France to the United States, promising them pro tection. This treaty was made on the spot where Fort Calhoun, at one time called Fort Atkinson, stood, and Is about sixteen miles from Omaha. Two thousand soldiers lie buried there. It is the wish of the Daughters of the American Revolution residing In Ne braska, to erect a suitable monument to mark this historic spot, and various plans for accomplishing this, were dis cussed. " The present owner of the land has offered to donate an acre or two of ground for the purpose desired, but the ladles feel that more Is needed. If sufficient money for a monument cannot be secured it is likely that a boulder, suitably Inscribed, will be used. A committee consisting of Mrs. J. R. Webster. Omaha; Mrs. A. J. Sawyer. Lincoln: Mrs. S. C. Langworthy, Se ward: Mrs. C. F. Steele. Falrbury: Mrs. A. Allee. Omaha: Mrs. S. B. Pound. Lincoln, was appointed to furth er these plans. The ladles decided that with the per mission of the government, they would present a handsome sllK flag to the new battleship Nebraska. Mrs. A. Allee of Omaha, was nomi nated for state regent, and Mrs. J. L. Kellogg of Lincoln, for vice regent, the election to occur in February. De licious refreshments were served by Mrs. Tibbets assisted by Misses Nora Miller. 'Ada Waugh. Cora Smith. Edith Henry, and Miss Rutherford of New York. The delegates present from out of the city were: Mrs. A. Allee of Omaha, state vice regent: Mrs. S. D. Barke low, regent of Omaha chapter: Mrs. S. C. Langworthy. regent of Seward: Mrs. Cllne, regent of Mlnden; Mrs. Hollen beck, regent of Fremont. Mesdames C. E. Johannes, C. S. Loblngler. F. W. Hall. J. R. Webster. A. K. Gault. F. J. Hoel. J. W. Griffith. L. P. Funk houser. J. H. Daniels, W. D. Williams. -RANKLIN lee Qrean aijd Dairy Qo. Manufacturers of the - Finest Quality of PLAIN AND FANCY ICE CREAM, ICES, FROZEN PUDDINGS, FRAPPE AND SHERBET Prompt delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. 133 SO. 12th ST. PHONE 205. THE First National Bank OF LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Capital, .... Surplus and Profits, Deposits, .... $200,000.00 . 118.310.41 2,745,267.00 S. H. Bubnham. A. J. Sawyeb, President. Vice-President. H. S. Feekman, Cashier. H. B. Evans, Frank Parks, Ass't Cashier. Ass't Cashier. United States Depository SADDLES HORSE COLLARS IhihttSSSfSSsaiiiad ASKYOURDealertoSHOWTHEM BEFORE. YOU BUY. MANUFACTURED BY HARPHAM BR0S.C0. Lincoln.Neb.