THE COURIER JUST RECEIVED An Elagant Line o Crane's Papers IN PA PETER I ES KING'S CRUELTY CAUSES A SCANDAL if n H.W. BR0WN Phono 68. 127 South lith St. PRIVATE AND PUBLIC Library books BOUND IN A SUBSTAN TIAL MANNEB AT FAC TOBY PBICES BY South Platte Publishing Co., PATEX BOX HIKERS, 115 N. nth St., LINCOLN, NEB. FBEIGHT PAID ONE WAY. XWgZ2 Cycle Photographs Athletic Photographs Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views VJ The Photographer 129 South Eleventh Street Many Things are Deaf . . . But the dearest of all is inferior jrerk. My -'- - -- PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, ana INSIDE DECORATING will always bear the closest in spection. Prices that Please CARL MYRER Phone 5e3B 2812 Q STREET YOfciR best Dress, IS SAFE i To wear in the kitchen when 1 you use a Gas Stove. We sell them at cost and they don't ! cost much. We do all the dig- i ging, and connect the Store 1 free when bought of vs. Lincoln Gas & Electric Light Co. OCece Baaeseat Barr Black. (feu; Cigeolr; JOHN S. CAIN Proprietor US Sooth M& Street Boulii)$llley8 ErerytMag New sad Strictly First Class. Ladles Especially Inrlted. t0MMmmmSiiW(fa IBssiwHsi IIIslBPHHiflsis SIAsHnKI r'BBBsBSfc7ittf'E9MBBBsBsBsKi -,5 Yffffffffim rl Vot"?IIbBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBBSBbBsBsBsBsHBBBsBE1M mflMtBBStBSKtBKTllWMt BBBBvSbBBBBBsSI WuMMAaNm JBKt2ffm JSZx9- NBBBKvBBBBBBEal miiatiaHMassBBMk?n 3L ciffmiis'z'JMml WAt29BBBBBBBfvi5BBBBB' -?A.aisBBW mfsiSlwfciBBBBW"'' VllfciS f Nf MIKsbHP "; r'tWKu t7 M -vwlPlifcW I (Ll.mBBBBHf : t&SIHGr W J 1 l I lfiS" 'V JATi v-?Vt.iBBBBSBVBBW BbS bbVBBBH BBVatBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKX& -'" t s 4 j, a3S9hBuV.BB7 I Awivi CHWbBObH I BftEMBSsBBsBBBBBBBBBBimSft yrnrJiE 1 1 uBSbbbbbbbbbHSbW COCJN7ESS urnm . Because of his cruelty to his two daughters, both of whom he has disowned. King Leopold of Belgium is now one of the most unpopular monarchs that ever sat upon a Belgian throne. Talk of the overthrow of his dynasty and the institution of a republic are again in the air. Above are the latest photographs of the two beautiful prin cesses, who have mourned the severe displeasure of 'their royal parent. "wiibT pointed back and front. About the feet was a full four-inch flounce of the wave lace. The bodice was formed almost entirely of pearls and lace, with a little satin appllqued in roses or leaves here and there. -The sleeves were simply drooping strands of pearls, falling only half-way to the elbow, and met by long lace gloves. Another attractive gown was a white taffeta in combination with white cloth: both materials anearing onlv in the form of tucks. A beautiful hat. of old-fashioned poke-bonnet style, was a feature of the costume. It had a long white plume falling over the left side nearly to the shoulder, and a long white scarf pend ant from the back. Theer seems to be a tendency to re vive the three-flounced skirt. I have noticed several tall women wearing them of late. They are pretty but very trying. Everything looks promising for a BACK FROM THE FRIGID NORTH season of charming styles, and wel come innovations. There is such a wide choice in fabrics and modes that anyone with an lota of good taste can manage to look well. There will, moreover, be such quanti ties of work on the gowns that mod- -istes have every reason to be grate ful. It will take them twice as long to produce a confection, and they will be able to charge four times as much. Lady Modish in Town Topics. j -S y Co1 T"l j If J Wait First Class Service Call on Us . . TV.-... --V-t,. l( WE DO -WE SELL - WE CABBY X A dllOlCl ( Piano and For- - all grades of a fine line of Car- u n altars Moving , Coal riages & Baggies Go. $ OFFICE, TENTH 'AND Q'STS. PHONE 176. tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWnflffiii BBBBBBBBBBBBBsBrZPiBBBBHKSBWitt K v ..'fc-.Vs' 'sbbbWfBjMHH LbBBBBBBBBBBBBBW &S -.- rtBBBBKflHBBf bbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi i o,3SBBBBBTOuEMZaiSt bIbbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV A -- LHffirSaflK XBBBBBBUBBlBBeSsWL HPBBBbM N SBBBBBBsBnljNSHDR BBBBHBmiBBTrTBBVF SBBBBBBBiWbwHbV BaBBBBBmmTV--'-': ' , -t-'-.M ..sibbbRWcAqKw alaK'-" ! ' 'sBBBBBBBBKttKfflK IbBbBbBbBbsbsbV " "V" jIbbbbbbbbbKdHHbWHK L.V V-"bbbbbbbbbbHZSQB6hH LBBBsKiljBMHBKr bbbbbbbBbbMbVwI BBBBBBBBBBWVSBBBBHufiil bbBBBBBBBBBBBbbj'sSBbBBBBBBBBbBkI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBfSBaBBBBBBBBBBfl SbBBBBBBBBBBBBSk ' sbBBBBBBbS BBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV. h bbBbbbbbbbbbbI This Is the latest photograph of Eve lyn P. Baldwin, the famous explorer who has been recalled from his quest of the North Pole in which he was sent by the "Baldwin-Ziegler Expedi tion Company." C FO ) JL ( TTWM-IUIt J FOR SALE BT i'11" RUDGE & GUENZEL CO t