The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 11, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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The Courier
Published Every Saturday
Entarcd In the Postoce at Lincoln u lecoad
clua matter.
OFFICE, ....... WO-810 P STREET
Per aaanm, In adtance, $L00
SlntleCopx, M
The piers of the trans-Atlantic
steamers have of late afforded, on sail
In? day. a most Interesting- costume
On the occasion of the departure of
the Duchess of Marlborough the exhi
bition was more than usually varied
and significant.
Jler grace was garbed In what I
should call an elaborate afternoon cos
tume, with lace, bracelets and pearls
as accessories.
The gown was of green-gray cloth
trimmed with velvet ribbon. The
sleeves were rich with falling lace, and
' a wide lace collar fell over and below
the shoulders. The belt was wide, made
of velvet and trimmed with buttons.
Chiffon and velvet formed the collar,
which a jeweled pin fastened in front.
Her wide brown shepherdess hat -was
of folded felt, with autumn leaves and
ribbon trimming.
Another woman passenger on the
Teutonic was charming in a totally
black creation, with black lace bodice
and half sleeves and a clinging crepe
de chine skirt, made in panels and fit
ting closely. 'Her hat was a wide toque
with heavy chiffon veils looped most
artistically all over its surface and
brim. Her gloves were black with white
stitching, and she carried a big black
leather purse suspended from a long
jet chain.
A younger girl wore a stunning
yachting suit of dark blue and white..
The short skirt was of blue serge, with
the gores outlined In narrow stitched
bands of white. The bodice was entire
ly o'f white, with sleeves wide from the
elbow and caught into a cuff. The sail
or collar met in a point in front, with
a sailor's knot of pale blue chiffon.
The bodice was bloused a little both
back and front. This girl wore a hand
some square gold chain purse, with
sapphires set about Its top. The coats
of the modish voyagers, one and all.
were of the very widest and loosest or
der imaginable. They seemed to have
no fit anywhere.
Speaking of coats reminds me of the
most novel collection at present in view
in New York. These are at Wallack's
theatre. Some of them, though almost
grotesque, are undoubtedly stylish.
The three most remarkable are worn
by Miss Alice Fischer. One Is a plain,
loose, three-quarter length ("neglige" I
should call It), in unllned black veiling,
trimmed only with rows of beautiful
silver braid about the extremely wide
cuffs, lay-down collar and down the
fronts. Another is a tan of the same
length and cut, made of. heavy linen or
canvas, and elaborately decorated all
around with thick'and wide cream-colored
torchon lace. The kimono-like
sleeves are banded at the cuff with
black satin, and the collars is also of
black satin. The coat Is slashed at the
bottom at each side, the lace trimming
the openings. Ijarge black braid but
tons, -with .long wooden pendants,
braid-wrapped, appear on each shoul
der blade, and four similar ornaments
are displayed on the front.
A really lovely and graceful even
ing cape somewhat redeems the others.
It Is made of exquisite silky white
shawls, with very long fine fringe.
These form a double cape effect, with
long points back and front. The wrap
is finished with much chiffon about the
top and falling over the front with
long tabs.
I marvel that more has not been said
about some of the gowns seen in "Mrs.
Jack." The white costume worn by
the star in the second act is striking.
The front of the skirt Is made with a
panel, as are nearly all the new ones,
outlined on either side with tiny sliver
paillettes. Flanking this are other ta
pering panels of alternate spangles and
white satin. These form the skirt,
which fits smoothly In the back. A
superb flounce of Irish crochet lace Is
let In from below the knee, meeting the
satin again in a train at the feet. The
bodice, which shows the same garni
ture, fits tightly in the back and
blouses slightly In front. It is decol
lette, having the neck finished in
chiffon intermingled with odd little
ermine tails. These tails also edge the
foot of the train and skirt. The sleeves
are quite the daintiest things, possible.
Two short caps of Irish crochet partly
encircle the top arm, falling to meet
by about three inches. This space Is
spanned by three strands of small
pearls with delicate pendants attached.
The effect Is admirable. "White chiffon
is tied about the bottom of the caps,
with flowing ends at the elbow.
An exquisite crepe de chine gown
with Infinite hand work Is worn by Mrs.
Bouclcault, and a lavender chiffon in
the last act. wonderfully slurred and
befurbelowed. Is also worthy of atten
tion. I never knew that the flimsy Japan
ese silks could be made up so attract
ively as is Mrs. Jack's pale green.
This Is made with a high neck and el
bow sleeves. The low-pointed yoke and
collar are of fine white lace, with dain
ty colored appliques, pink predominat
ing. The sleeves are of tucked silk,
with wide lose cuff turning back from
the elbow to show wide embroidered
chiffon flounces, mingled with fine
black velvet ribbons falling in loops
from the elbow. The skirt shows a few
tucks and a wide Inserting of the white
Miss Fischer's hats are all flower
trimmed, with leaves and stems trail
ing over the back hair; while one of
the other actresses runs to white, with
flat, wide crowns and lace frills falling
over the face.
The stage gowns at the garden thea
tre on the opening night were
somewhat of a disappointment, but
there were some beauties in the audi
ence. One of these appeared upon a lady
who generally accompanies a well-
known first-nighter, and who is always
remarked for the elaborateness of her
costumes. Palest blue satin and
heavy white lace of fabulous cost com
posed the skirt and bodice. The for
mer showed two deep Insertions of
the lace In waving form, the first Join
ing a narrow yoke tight over the hips.
tkes short road.
e ' JLind lie
nd light loads.
wbod for everything
that runs on wheels.
SeM Everywhere.
Lincoln s Progressive Store tJj
An exhibit of the. swell, jaunty MONTE CARLO
COAT as can be seen nowhere else in the city.
Visit our Suit Department for up-to-dateness in Women's Wear.
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The Monte Carlo the Elite in Women's Wear -Stylish. Chic, and Graceful. A Dressy
Coat for Any Occasion. Four Very Special Numbers.
265 Women's 27 Inch coat, made of all wool melton cloth, lined
throughout with mercerized twilled cloth, neat storm col
lar, prettily trimmed with satin and TelTet bands, color,
gray. Slzes32to42 $8 SO
222 Same style as No. 263, in Kersey cloth finished with TelTet
medallions, colors black and castor. Sizes 32 to 42 7 60
336 Women's Monte Carlo coat, made of good quality kersey,
In 21 and 27 in. lengths, lined throughout with satin, 6
pearl buttons, handsomely tallor-stltched, lnlaldlrelTet
collar, colors castor and black. Sizes 32 to 33. 10 00
325 Women's Monte Carlo coat, 32 in. long, made of good
kersey satin lined throughout, well tailored, double
breasted, Telvet collar, beautifully stitched, colors castor
and black. Sizes 32 to 40. "..$13 60
337 Women's Monte Carlo coat, 32 In. long, made of kersey,
finished with bands of satin, new cape collar, finished
with satin bands; a jaunty jacket to wear unbuttoned,
satin lined throughout, 'colors black, and castor.
Sizes 32 to 40 16 50
297 Women's coat, 45 in. long, made of good kersey, lined
throughout with satin, new slot seam inverted pleat
back with TelTet strap, nicely tailored, colors castor and
black. Slzes3to40 15 00