The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 04, 1902, Page 6, Image 8

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Mn. J. C. Baird gave a dinner for
IUh Mabel Parrish Tuesday even-
Beta ThetajPl gave an Informal par
ty at the chapter house Saturday even
ing. Mrs. S. P. Ewlng gave an Informal
whist party Thursday for Mrs. N. C.
Kappa Kappa Gamma cave an in
fernal party at the chapter house
Thursday evening.
Decter and Mrs. Dorrls have re
taraed from the Padflc coast, where
they spent a month's vacation.
Miss Maude Cheuvront has gone to St.
Jaseph, Mo to spend the winter with
her sister, Mrs. J. W. Barley of that
Senate will meet next Tuesday with
Mrs. A. S. Tibbets. Vacation reminis
cences will take the place of a regular
Mrs. George Fawell entertained a
few ladles informally at whist Tues
day afternoon in honor of Mrs. N. C
Abbott of Texas.
The Woman's, club of Burt. Iowa,
has adopted the following motto: "If
yea can't realise your Ideal, then
Idealise year real
Mrs. Charles W. Branch and her lit
tle sea will go to Chicago tomorrow
where they will be the guests of
friends for three weeks.
The Century dab met on Tuesday
with Mrs. G. G. Walte. Mrs. W. H.
MeCreery read an Interesting paper
a -The Golden Gate." Mrs. C. I.
reviewed a late popular novel.
lira. T. MilteaAerger eater-
the miaisors e the . B. D.
kenslngton and their husbands Thurs
day evening which was the silver wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Westermann
gave a family dinner Monday evening
in honor of their son, Mr. Theodore
Westermann and his fiancee. Miss
Born to Major and Mrs. F. J. W.
Stoney, in London, England, a fort
night ago, a son. Mrs. Stoney was
formerly Miss Gertie Marquette of this
city. Major and Mrs. Stoney will prob
ably come to America in November.
Mrs. G. E. Barber has been secured
as leader of the art department of the
Woman's clubs, and, Mrs. Halleck F.
Rose has taken the leadership of the
current topics department In place of
Mrs. W. M. Morning, who resigned.
At the home of the bride's sister,
Mrs. Charles Robinson, 426 North
Tenth street, Monday at eleven o'clock
Miss Lottie M. Hursh of Lincoln, and
Mr. Ulysses S. Engle of Omaha, were
married by Rev. F. L. Wharton. Mr.
and Mrs. Engle will reside In Omaha.
Miss Florence Putnam was one of
the maids of honor at the Ak-Sar-Ben
ball In Omaha this week. Miss Mae
Burr and Miss Saydle Burnham were
announced in the Omaha papers as
having been chosen for a similar hon
or, but they found It necessary to de
cline. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel C. Burr an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Mae A. to Mr. John S.
Meadows of St. Joseph, Missouri. Ths
wedding will be celebrated early In
December and will be a large church
affair followed by a reception at the
family home.
The ansa! meeting of the Nebraska
federation of women's clubs will oe
held next week in Columbus. A large
delegation of Lincoln women will at
tend. The Woman's club will be represent
ed by Mesdames F. M. Hall, Milton
Scott, H. M. Bushnell, J. W. Johnson,
W. A. Poynter, M. H. Everett.
The Century club by Mrs. A. E.
Davlsson and Mrs. R. T. Van Brunt.
Sorosis by Mrs. W. E. Burlingim and
Miss Annie Miller.
The New Book Review club met
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. W. M.
Wldener, 133 South Twenty-ninth, to
reorganise and discuss plans for the
ensuing year. The ladles of the club
expect the season of 1902-3 to be the
most entertaining and profitable In its
history. The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Ellas Baker on
October 15th, when Mrs. Usher will re
view "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon
Hall." '
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Dodd, of 600 North Sixteenth street,
entertained a company of university
young people. Music, games, stories
and impersonations made the hours
pass quickly. Those present were
Misses Irwin, Hearst, Porter, Starks,
Whltmore, Herbert, Naughton, Hughes,
Huntington, Jewell, McEachron, Wy
lie, Lapp, McEachron and Palmer;
Messrs. Grainger, Hurley, .Bald, Hill,
Sims, Barks, Ewlng, Matthews, Hart
sough and Hill.
Invitations have been received in
Lincoln to the marriage of Miss Caro
line Morton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Morton, of Chicago, and grand
daughter of the late Mr. J. Sterling Mor
ton of Nebraska City, to Mr. William
Chapman Porter, also of Chicago, to be
celebrated Saturday, October 11th, at
St. Paul's Episcopal church, Chicago.
Miss Morton Is said to be a beautiful
girl and the counterpart of 'ant grand
mother, a very attractive 'woman. Mr.
Potter la president of t!e Santa Fe
Flkif Lfaar
The ring-necked lizard of the Arisona
deserts is not a mere devourer of weak
lings. He Is always ready to fight,
whether he Is challenged by another er
cornered by a man. When brought to
bay In some hole, he opens his Jaws,
and dashes bravely out, snapping at
everything which opposes him and so
fierce and sudden Is his rush that It Is
Impossible to face It without flinching.
By holding two of these lizards loosely
by the small of the back and allowing
their heads to clash as they struggle
to escape, one may be able to Induce
combats such as must occur every day
in the desperate lizard world.
Forgetting that they were captives,
they would seize upon each other and
vent their thwarted rage to the utmost
In a fight which but for timely Inter
ference would doubtless lead to the
death of one or the other. Such bull
dog pugnacity Is rather unlooked for In
lizards, but a student of character
could easily read In the set jaw and
pouched throat of this species the signs
of fighting blood. Country Life.
Clara Their courtship was so ro
mantic. Belle Yes; most of it happened dur
ing an automobile breakdown ten
miles from a repair shop.
May OUr links are the .best In the
Belle Why?
They are so rough that a chaperon
simply can't follow one around.
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Pletro Mascagnl, the famous com
poser, sails from Cherbourg for the
United States September 27th. He has
composed a hymn to America In which
he tries to express his admiration for
the new world. During his stay in
America he will make an extended tour
at the head of a grand opera company
in which he will personally conduct the
rendition of his operas. Lincoln Is in
his bookings for at least one performance.
.. Trz ..ii
show mm
before: you buy.
, Lincoln.Neb.
-H. . . -