ROYAL ROMANCE German Empress. Duchess of Marlborough. Lady Paget. THE COURIER -?t'..y-;a bbbBbBbBbbbbbbV iPLBBBBBBBBBBBm T mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB iJflBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBV BMir bbbBKjIL r'HL V-t " ' j . Ki.' wxs ' BBBBBBBBBBflBBH M 3'"?JirBE'i BBBBBBBflBWHBBB?BBBBBf -y.7 -t BBBBBBfcTBBBwl bb CxsCjS.T--c - jtHWbbbmLj ?".ib" aBBBBTBf II ii iuHbEiJbb. Fs " ' it1 bbbIHm tr"f-. 'bbbbbV. r ' sMSy?llWiBHlSSlL si Witw ivs-i, BflBBBBraiBk v ' ,sF - t : v5 1 fmt ( I BBBbIbBWVIBbV . 'j $" "' JHNTSkiVvIII lj I B5ygF i " 'iBbNbbwbv V-W b! Jfc? 4? bbbbbbw I bBbbbbbbbbbw. LbbbbLXP aBBt'Bi iirl,tyW!M k, Jmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb i4anBBBBBsZaJlBfliDB & KbBKCj "MF'HI jil RIPVnHlfeMI bbbbbbbbbbVbbMKb-bbbvs bBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbbBbBbbV bbhb bbbbBbBY&. fliBuwBnKfll bBbBbbBbBbBbb " 9BVBBBflB?2EE .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmbbbV..' aBH BBBB'flBHkif 'BRjauBKaal ''KBial w BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL BBBBSvflBBBBBBBBBfl BBdBBSBBBflsBBi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBff" BBBBBBBBBBv p BBVBVbYbYbYJBBBTBBTBByBBTBBTBBTBBTb1BBTBB 9BBftBBBBBBmi K iHJsbHBhBSBBI BftBftBftBftBBLf VBBBTBBtAbw .bbbbbbbKbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh !" bb XsSbmbbbI bBbbbbbbbW. bbB"K bbbbbbV " BBrflBTflBTflBTflBTflBTflBTflBTflBTflBTflBTflBTflBTflBTflBrA 1P s BbbBBsSBbBt '$" KlBBBBYfl -BBTflBTflBTflBrflBrflB bBtbbm2 BBrflBrflBrJI - BbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBBBbBB. BB!BBbSJI IBBBbI IBBBW 9WbK v BBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTam , BBlBBr'kBBTaBTrZLABlBBBTaBfl WSF Bv'BTaBTaBMB B BBaaBv.&BBaaBrBbaflBaaWSBaaMBl XbbbbbT' ' b- vwaBBr7 3 .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV - IVBBxsBBBB'UBBBBBBBvJsgBBBBlBl BBBBBm - .flMVflBWT .BBBBBBBBBBPPQBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIbBBbBB flflBE'B7flBBsBlBB&3xTMBBBBBB BBBS A BVBBV . k$v H . flV E HBBflJBBmSBBBaHBBBBBV YBBBvbIbBbBbi iBflHs bbbbbbbbbw,''v- bBbBbBbBbBbBbBbbbbbm:" "b. : K'bb7TIbb aaBBKBBBsBBl bbbbbi v;T7 k' ?;VBBBBBBBBBBi 3 iVfdBBf' JIbBbBbBBBbI BBBBBBfe-A S, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB r X lV T lBwl 'UbbVbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWbBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV' a -rXf BBBBBsmBsmBsBBmBsmBBBmBsmBsmBmBsmsV iw&BBBaBBBBBBBBfl BBmT'viM BBBBBBBBBBBSflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmi'.: ' "jBBMKsSClBBlxiMfBBBBBH mBBBBBsm9) ' ' ' BBBmBmBmBBmBmBmBmBmBBBmBmV lflv BriffiiiBml bbbbbbbFJ 4SN bbbbbbbbbt7bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1'& bmbbVbbbk . tBTim HbHZXbbbB bBbBbbVbbb tt. ? v'-BmBBBmHBBmBBBmBBBmBBBmBB VbbbbR- AflBBH bbbbBB? Km BBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB j,t H TJSb1 (BBBbIbbSbbH BBBbC'v T DfM .4bbBBbbPI9bBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV'H 'BBVBBBlk.lBBVBBaBBVBBI .BBBmBtt2flBSs Kan HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf -a ? JbbBBbbL.bBBHbbbBBHbBBBBbbBBbEbBBB .bBBBbBBBBBBHbBBBbP 7 bUHU BBBBBBmBBBmBBBmBBBmBBBmBW ' I'BBmBBBmBHlBBlBmBSHl B" -. 'v. SB Av(BmIHHI.BmV -" BmIBmHaBlBmK9 B.BmiBmVf I AeVPk 3BmIBmI.BBV bHHbBBBI BI.BBBm I W .4.-,Nf P bbbbbVbbK - TBBmWBMu bbbVbH i - :a u4 P: -' "tBBmBmBmMaBM 117 rwa r z, . . & -J 3s3-'j3rv-., x-:: . r.r GtZ&StfjRSJ CZR.OTASS ZttTSJCSZ What will be the outcome of the intensely interesting royal romance that is at present agitating the court of Kaiser Wilhelm and creating a sensation throughout the civilized world? That young Crown Prince Frederich will be allowed to have his own way and marry Miss Gladys Deacon Is considered out of the question. The Duchess of Marlborough, however, at whose palace at Blenheim the lovers met, is an enthusiastic supporter of her beautiful young countrywoman's ambitions. So also Is Lady Paget, who Introduced Miss Deacon Into high society. The young crown prince Is as high spirited as is his imperial father, and it is expected that further exciting and sensational developments will follow the most interesting romance that for some time has agitated a European court. Wet Stmimmeir Cuts Down tht dtp's Water Profits The water departments of Lincoln and the heavens have been carrying on bold, relentless warfare for the past four months and In every skir mish thus far the forces under com mand of General James Tyler, repre senting the municipality, have been badly worsted. It has been an unequal struggle clear from the start. The at tacks upon the city's brigade have been made mostly without warning and have come with such frequency and terrific vigor that the lines of Gen eral Tyler, perforce, have been held in reserve, acting only In self defense and for short periods at long intervals. For the first time in many years the city's water department has bowed in submission, not completely, but it real izes that competition is one-sided. "Where last year it kept Its batteries constantly at work now they are stand ing idle, held only for action In emer gency. Day after day, almost without exception, for nearly four months, the opposing and overpowering force of na ture has made persistent assaults and not until there is a cessation of Its at tacks will the city make any effort to assume the offensive. But when that opportunity comes General Tyler will move his column with effective precision. He has been saving ammunition all summer, has his engines well oiled and trimmed for quick service, and If he gets a chance will show to the people again that his army has not been dissipated by the hardships of the. recent past. "Yes, we have been easily defeated." said an attache of General Tyler's staff, "but we may soon get an oppor tunity to show that we are In fighting trim. Everything is in readiness for a terrific onslaught but if we make it at all we will have to make it soon or wait until next summer. "Last year we kept five engines pumping constantly," continued the at tache, "and we found it difficult and at times almost Impossible to keep up sufficient pressure. The consumption of water was large, owing to the drouth, the bulk of the water, of course, being used on the lawns. This year the consumption or use of water for that purpose is less than half of what it was last year. I can give you no actual t"3BBBir'MlBBmBK Sp' bbbbbmT -"HO ire bbPbW f 'TBfl9UElS.BBH ' BBBBBBWBMraBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK M BBEBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm F iBOBBBSBBBsA- il BBsPHBrnBBBSSBmsmi BBBHBwBBBBBV'BBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl .BHSipBmBBBrn BBBBBa&BBmV'.'' BkJ bbbbbbbbVL .bbbbTI BBHlBBBBBflBEdfJflBBBBBBBBL L'T'TJHBBBBflBlBMBBBBBBV'' I-" ASbBBBBT iBBBBBBBBBBBBBftr JEfc!BBEflVBBBBBBBmm i?-BBBBBBBBWr BBgBBBBBBBBBBBW !bBBBbBbBjBBBBBBBBBBBBB; ?9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm tfBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBB The Journal Poet-Philosopher in a Genial Moment. figures jfor the reason that no account ing for July. August and September is made until October 1. "We can estimate, however, just as anybody else can estimate, but un doubtedly with a greater degree of ac curacy, that the water used this year on the lawns Is really less than half as much as last year. We know that be cause we are using only two pumps and with those are having no difficulty in keeping up sufficient pressure. When we had five pumps going constantly last year the pressure was low for the reason that the pipes were always open and as fast as we could pump water Into them it went out at the other ends." The decrease in the output of the de partment will make a corresponding decrease In Its earnings and also a de crease In the profits. The expenses at the pumping stations have been slight ly reduced, owing to the decrease in the number of engines operated, but the boilers have to be kept pounding out steam all the time, night and day. and just as many men are kept on duty as when all of the engines are In use. The office force and office expenses are also about the same as usual. The water authorities are unable to estimate closely what financial differ ence the great rainfall will produce In the department. They think it will be considerable but not large enough to be serious. Probably not half as many persons are using any water at all on their lawns this season as last, for they rely entirely on the natural precipitation, and those who do use water for their lawns take only a little of It.