The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 09, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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The Courier
Published Every Saturday
Entered In the Postofflce at Lincoln aa secosd
clasa matter.
900-910 P STREET
i iSsSffigSS, .-.-. .-.
Per annum, In adrance, $L00
Single Copy, J
Wail Clerks
and their Butk
Railway mall clerks rank In intelli
gence and capacity with any class of
men In the employ of the national gov
ernment. It Is natural to presume that the
public will be Interested in hearing
something about the business of the
railway mall clerk the dangerous char
acter of his work, his personality and,
incidentally, his name and his particu
lar run.
A clerk, when he is first put on a car
to learn the ropes assists in local
work, sorts the mail sacks and puts
them on piles according to their rout
ing. When he is familiar with this
branch of the business he Is given a
case and taught how to throw state
mall. On the Billings run, for in
stance, he handles Nebraska and South
Dakota papers and Wyoming letters
and papers. This work Is light, but It
Is a good preparatory school for the
complicated character of the work
ahead. Step by step he goes upward
on this until he is able to handle the
letters and papers of twenty-thrca
states. People who are engaged Ir. oc
cupations that do not require them to
take their lives in their hands do not
understand the dangerous and compli
cated character of the work of the
railway mall employe.
When a clerk stands up to his rack
In his traveling postofflce, shooting let
ters and packages with lightning-like
rapidity, environed by the four walls
of the car, it is impossible for him to
look out for himself should the train
have a collision or fall through a
bridge. The engine men and the tra'n
g, - crew, on the other hand, may see th2
i. r. peril ahead in front or rear and jump
for their lives and perhaps escape with
" only a few bruises or a broken leg, but
the mail clerk without any warning of
danger is caught like a rat in a trap,
goes down with the wreck and may be
killed or crippled for the rest of his
days. Along with the fact that a clerk
must possess nerve to face danger he
j. should have other qualifications. He
' j must be quick and accurate and cultl-
3? vate a good memory or he cannot hold
.gfl. a job with "Uncle Sam."
One disagreeable feature of his work
Is the isolated life he is obliged to
lead. On the road he may toll alone
or by the side of associates, but he and
his comrades seldom have time to mix
work with pleasure. Take for instance
the run that a mall clerk and his two
fellow workers have on the Llncoln
Blllings line or any other heavy route.
The three men in the car are kept on
the jump from the beginning to the
end of their run, sorting an enormous
mail, making up pouches for various
points along the line, catching mail
from the cranes as the train shoots by
them at a high rate of speed. If a
friend or acquaintance was permitted
to pay a social visit In the car, the
mind of these men might be taken
from the rapid work cut out for them
and errors be made that would affect
the efficiency of the service. When
1 ' - railway mail clerks are free from the
arduous duties of their position, how
ever, there does not exist more genial
or companionable men. Some clerks
t& have been known to lose their nerve.
when placed on the road, but these
cases are rare.
Lincoln numbers among its citizens
a large force of men connected with
the railway mall business and they
are classed with Its best people. Who
these men are? Where they reside?
and what routes they are assigned to?
are subjects of pertinent interest to
the public These questions were
fired at J. M. Butler, the genial chief
of the clerks.
"How many do you think there are?"
he queried. "Oh, about thirty," ven
tured the reporter.
"You are about thirty-four short;
sixty-four men run In and out of Lin
coln. Ten live la other towns and
fifty-four In Lincoln. Twenty-seven
clerks are on the Bilings route and
seventeen on the Pacific Junction and
Denver. These are the big routes and
business Is very heavy and compli
cated. The branch runs are much
lighter and do not require much help.
The following named clerks make
their homes in Lincoln:
Lincoln and Billings It. P. O. H.
Trowbridge, Geo. H. Shively, Frank L.
Schopp, P. A. Llvringhouse, Oscar C.
Stanfield, (W. A. McCIure, C. W. Rush,
J. W. McArthur. H. G. Houston, C. A.
Beach, W. Maple, F. A. Bates, R. L.
Smalldon, A. H. Sinclair, F. N. Herz
ing, Edward A. Karges, L. W. Pickens,
J. W. Detrick, Frank Mothersead, .G.
Henline, Edward M. Mackley, Charles
E. Bobbitt, Harry Hughes, Guy R.
Prentiss, George Schofleld, A. O. Pick
ens, Paul A. Harmon.
Pacific Junction and Denver It P. O.
I. M. Heckler, C. A. Eyre, H. D. Dun
can, J. F. Greenwood. L. R. Mulllner,
William Monaghan, O. It Eller, W. I.
Stahl. W. G. McFarland. H. G. Greg
ory, R. E. Erwln. R. D. Vorhees, Roy
E. Warren, B. M. Rohrbaugh, E. D.
Lamont, L. H. Welsch, C. H. Thurtle.
Lincoln and Kansas City R. P. O.
C. S. Kelley, J. A. Crulckshank. James
S. Horney.
Lincoln and Wymore R. P. O. W. II.
Ferris. John H. Violet.
Fremont and Lincoln R. P. O. C. D.
Baker, A. P. Kempton.
Omaha and Beatrice R. P. O. F. W.
Nebraska City and Lincoln It P. O.
E. W. Kendall.
Lincoln and Stromsburg R. P. O.
George Stratton.
The following named clerks run Into
Lincoln, but do not make their homes
Lincoln and Kansas City H. R. Ed
gar, C. G. Chapman. Ed. C. Rapalje, J.
P. Herrlngton, E. B. KInselL
Red Oak and Lincoln It P. O. H.
L. Swenson, R. H. Johnson.
Columbus and Lincoln R. P. O. Ray
E. Eaton.
Lincoln and Manhattan It P. O.
C C. Armstrong, C. L. Greene.
"Come over to our place tonight to
the barn hop. Did you ever see a barn
"No, but I've seen n house My on
every morsel I've eaten since I came
here. Tomorrow I am going to see a
Pullman car step. Manhattan is good
enough for me."
A tocxl tooktnc TajHBaE;!
bona anil poor lo- v3ltW
tea liarneaa la the .im
wont kind of com- fSam
btnation. hX
Eureka rak
Harness Oilm
not onlr make Itaoharneaa and tba m
bona lock better, but makes to 'WL
leather aoR ami pliable, pats It In con. lf&
Mtii-, dltlon to laat twlca as lonfjl-m
iaUMKM " ll ort'narUy would. JH
iii'll, ak ataaaar lafiam
I tijWv OIL CO. luEJMm
'Mi-a ,'Mwm
W sy.
Wool Dress Goods and Waistings
New Fall Novelties every piece entirely new. The markets have been searched for the very
latest weaves and materials, and we have them to show you.
PRD3STLEY BLACKS With twice as large a stock as ever before carried, we guarantee to
show you the largest variety of weaves in this celebrated fabric west of Chicago many new novel
ties since last season. Also a tremendous line of new weaves in German, French, American and
English manufacture, making the strongest line of Black Fabrics on display in the west at any time.
WAISTINGS Beautiful Novelties in French and American Waistings in handsome new col
orings and patterns very rich in effects exceedingly popular materials, and so desirable for a
stylish waist
We shall take pleasure in showing you these new fabrics it will be a great help to you in your
later selections.
New Cloth Jackets, Rich Fur
Capes, Jackets JS Scarfs
The 27-inch Cloth Jackets always neat and dressy in appearance,
bid fair to increase in popularity this season.
We are showing a splendid line in Kersey, Cheviot, and Mountainac
Cloths, plain and applique trimmed, etc., best of linings, strictly tailor
made, and equal to any custom house garment at one-half their cost
Big range of values, $5.95, $6.50, $8.50, $10.00, to $16.50.
Dependable Fur Jackets All the rich and stylish Furs, As
trakhan, Marten, Electric Seal, Near Seal, Persian Lamb, and genuine
Seal, $20.00, $25.00, $50.00, to $250.00.
Astrakhan and Electric Seal Fur Capes, $12.50 to $75.00.
Fur Stoles, Scarfs, and Boas an elegant variety in Marten,
Krimmer, Electric Seal, Mink, Beaver, Russian Bear, etc., $4.50 to
A Rich. Lamp Display
150 Different Styles The largest stock of Lamps shown west
of Chicago is on exhibition at our store this week. Over 85 numbers,
every one different, can be seen in our elegant west show window, rang
ing in price from $1 00 to $17.50. Every decoration is fired, and is
guaranteed to be absolutely fast colors. Our decorations won't rub off or
wash off, which same cannot be said of the lamps as advertised at other
stores in the city. We call particular attention to our line of celebrated
"Cerise" colors, made by the originator, Kopp, of Pittsburg. Founts
and bases are gold plated. A deep," rich Cerise of perfect color, and
ranging in price from $3.00, $3.45, $4.25, $5.50, $5.95, to $17.50.
The display is well worth a visit, and should be seen by all intend
ing lamp purchasers.