THE COURIER i. . - s, - r The Courier Published Every Saturday Entered In the Postofflce at Lincoln aa aecoM claai matter. OFFICE, ....... JOO-910 P STREET -. JBualnesa Office, . 2M IZLEPH0NK) Editorial Rooma, 80 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Per annum, In advance, $1.00 Single Copy, .06 Mard Cw Watcb It Climb Outlined for hard coal during the coming months is a program of acro batics. The performance has already begun. In Lincoln the price has leaped one hundred cents in a brief time and with a hop skip and jump it may break all records long ere cold weather sets in. A few short weeks ago the price was $9.50 a ton. That was the price all the past winter. To see It sustained dur ing hot weather was a sight to dream about, but to see it take an upward turn to $10.50 right In the midst of in creasing hot weather was a nightmare. But It has done this and there is where it stands at the present moment unless it has rocketed again since the last breath. No telling what it may do any time. So much for Lincoln. In Omaha the price remains at $10 where it was quoted some time ago. But a very few weeks will mark a rise. It will not take a downward shoot for many months. One reason why It is higher in Lincoln than In Omaha now Is that it costs fifteen cents extra to bring a ton of it on to Lincoln. Philadelphia papers are predicting that the price there will wing its way to $25 before the cold weather is much advanced. Heretofore It has not been much If any over $5. Think of $25 practically In the heart of the anthracite region! And if it reaches that price there what will it be in Lincoln? An Immense amount of coal Is con sumed annually In Lincoln. Best esti mates in round numbers are that 1,000 cars of hard coal, or 20,000 tons, are burned in a year, with 5,000 cars of soft coal, or 100,000 tons. It all passes through the hands of twenty-three coal firms. These figures are exclusive of the railroad consumption and that of the Traction company, which burns thirty tons a day to keep its cars in motion. Of all this yearly amount of hard coal it is figured that not over a hun dred carloads are now In town. And that is the supply which must fight back the Klondike drafts which will approach at the close of the Ice man's season. It Is a great chance for the dealers here to swell their bank accounts. Not all of them are well stocked with the coal, however, and the chances are that they will be unable to ship in any for many months. One dealer says there would not be an available supply be fore January If the strike were to end today. He says for the Lincoln fra ternity, however, that there exists no disposition to loot, even with' a legiti mate chance. What coal they have on hand they received at ordinary whole sale rates and they will not seek to make 100 per cent. It is a foregone conclusion that only among the very well-to-do will hard coal be used here this winter. A great many people Intend to be stubborn about it. Though they could afford hard coal at most any price they say they will not allow themselves to be pillaged even lightly on the strength of labor troubles. In stead they will feed their furnaces with soft coal. A great many of those who have base burners will leave them in storage and Invest In soft coal heat ers. Soft coal conditions warrant no alarm. Prices have remained steady and are not threatened. Dealers do not expect them to rise ad thus the way to this refuge from freezing will not be blocked with stupendous figures. The stock on hand Is plentiful and enough more Is available. Western hard coal can be depended on to but a very little extent This product Is not sufficient materially to affect prices. From Pennsylvania tte major part of the country's consump tion originates. The anthracite coal fields are comprised in eight counties in the eastern part of the state and here is mined tve anthracite burned o only In Pennsylvania, but in practical ly the whole of the United States. Com mercially these fields are divided into three general divisions known as the Wyoming, Lehigh and Schuylkill re" glons. The product, though in many respects Identical, varies considerably in character and quality, ranging from the heavy and hard coals of the Le high region to the lighter and more free burning varieties of the Shamokln and Lyklns Valley district, all having special merits and economic values for the different uses to which they are as signed. As a rule the coals of the dif ferent regions are harder and of great er specific gravity at or near their east ern limits, and gradually decrease In density and specific gravity as they ap proach the western outcrop of the fields. It was In 1820 that the Pennsylvania anthracite Industry began. The first year's shipments totaled 365 tons. Now the amount Is over 40,000,000, figuring the tons at 2210 pounds each. In 1SJ2 the shipments first touched the million mark, the figures being 1.10S.412. In 1S64 the second figure In millions was reached with shipments of 10,177,475 tons. The thirty million mark was touched and exceeded in 1S83, when the shipments were 31,793.027. In 1S91 the figures were 40,448,336. In 1901 they were 53.5CS.C01. The total since the beginning in 1820 up to the present year has been 1.225.5S1.249. Of the product of 1901 the percentage consumed In Pennsylvania. New York and New Jersey was 65.25: In the New England states 15; in the western states 11.96: in the southern states 4.0 on the Pacific coast .04; In the o Dominion of Canada 3:61: at foreign ports .14, completing the 100 per cent. The number of tons burned in the western states was 6,408,232, represent ing 11.96 per cent of the year's total shipments of 53.568,601 tons, all from Pennsylvania. During the year 1901 the roll of the mines in the Pennsylvania anthraclfe fields numbered 150,437 men. The aver age price per ton of 2,000 pounds at th r-i-es was $1.83. Soft Harness Too cms make your ha nr as 10ft aa a glove and a lough a win by using KUKBKA Har- eea Oil. You can lengthen lu llfc make It last twice as long ae It oraiaaruy wotuo. EUREKA IHnlwM h make a poor looking bar cesa Ilka now. Made of cure, beavr bodleJ oil. es pecially prepared to wtth atand too weather. Bold ever In i here Hall bf STAIMMI Ml CO. New Lincoln IS S. Tenth Street JOHN 8. CAIN Proprietor Bowling Alleys Ertnthlag tw aa Itrictlyjrirst Claet Laait laetctally larltaa immM. V VeUfllMUabp LINCOLN'S PROGRESSIVE STORE fc GREATEST OF ALL LINCOLN SALES The Annual Clearing Sale The semi-annual event every shrewd buyer awaits. The money saving sale of the summer season. The unalterable policy of this house to carry no goods from one season to another forces every I department manager to close out every vestige of summer merchandise. No matter what the cost; no matter what the loss. All Hot Weather Goods must go. Commencing Monday Morning, August 4, at 8 o'clock Our Entire Wash Goods Stock DIVIDED INTO THREE BIG LOTS Priced at such figures that will insure their absolute final disposition within the next two or three days. Bead these Remarkable Offers. 20c Wash Goods for 5c Ever' yard of Wash Goods in our stock, up to 9 yards in length, including all the choice light and dark colored Dimities, Batistes, etc., that sold to 20c a yard, On sale Monday, July 28th, at, per yard, 35c Wash Goods for 1 oc mj $ i . 00 Wash Goods for 15c 5C At this price we are going to sell all the fine Wash Goods that have sold previously to 35c a yard, all the dainty fabrics so desira ble for summer wear. Better select a dress for next season. Final closing price, yard, IOC At 15c a yard you can have your choice of any piece of Wash Goods in the house, includ ing fine Silk Tissues, Silk Ginghams, Em broidered Swisses, Linen Etamines, for shirt waists, suits, etc., absolutely the great est bargains we have ever offered ; all the fine fabrics worth to $1.00 a yard, At the final closing price of, per yard, . 15c i tf?ttfMe??