The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 02, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Never has there been such a wealth
of blossoms In Lincoln yards and gar
dens as there Is this summer. Ladies
are surfeited with them, and bouquets
are exchanged until every house one
enters looks as If Just decorated for
a party. There are several hospitals in
Lincoln In which there are at all times
patients from other parts of the state,
who have no one here to send them'
flowers; would It not be well for ladles
who have an abundance, to send them
to these suffering ones that they may
have a touch of beauty and fragrance
in their rooms?
The Northeastern Federation of
Women's clubs recently held its annual
convention in Brooklyn, New York.
The federation is composed of one hun
dred clubs of Afro-American women
from the northern and eastern states.
Two hundred delegates and other club
women from the cities east of Pitts
burg and north of Washington, were
present, and were through the efforts
of the Dorcas society, a charitable or
ganization of which Mrs. Alice W.
Wiley is president, entertained In pri
vate homes. This federation Is a part
of the National Federation of Colored
Women's clubs, and is well organlxed
and well officered. Mrs. Dora A. Miller,
president of the Afro-American Wom
en's Business league of New York
City, is president and presided during
the convention.
Of the many matters which were
discussed relative to the betterment
of colored women those concerning
educational advancement took prece
dence. A subject of especial interest
was that pertaining to the establish
ment of a retreat or rest cottage at
Northfleld, Mass. Northfleld has been
selected on account of the Moody con
ferences that are annually held there
In the hope that they may prove an
inspiration to the women who journey
to the retreat. Miss Elizabeth C. Car
ter of New Bedford, eastern organizer
of the organization, is chairman of the
retreat committee, and presented the
report in behalf of the plan.
Among the subjects presented In pa
pers and discussed by the meeting
were: "Juvenile Work," "Vllage Im
provements" and "Schools and Kin
dergartens." One of the features of the meeting
was the music that has been a part
of each session, particularly the sing
ing of the federation song "Advanc
ing," to the tune "America."
The marriage of Miss Beatrice Mc
Kenzle. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph McKenzle of Harvard. Nebras
ka, and Mr. George L. Scott, son of
Mrs. Maria Scott of Ashland, was cele
brated Wednesday morning at eight
o'clock, at the home of the bride's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Cox, 234 South Eighteenth street
Only relatives witnessed the ceremony.
Reverend Fletcher L. Wharton read
,the service. Mrs. T. A. Barbour, a sis
ter of the bride from Harvard, played
the Lohengrin march as the bridal
couple entered the drawing room and
took, their places In front of a bank of
palms for the service. The bride wore
an exquisite gown of gray satin foulard
with pink flowers, trimmed with black
lace and' velvet. The decorations
throughout the house were elaborate.
The drawing room was beautified with
a profusion of palms, ferns and pink
roses. The color scheme in the din
ing room was green and white. A four
course 'breakfast was served by Misses
Mabel Cox and Hazel Lauer. Covers
were laid for fifteen. Mr. and Mrs.
Scott left on the ten forty train for the
mountains. They will receive their
friends at their home in Ashland, after
'September fifteenth. Out of town
(seats at the wedding were Mrs. Jo
seph McKenzle. Mrs. T..A. Barbour, of
Harvard; Mrs. Maria Scott. Miss Jessie
Scott and Mr. John Scott of Ashland;
Mrs. J. B. McDowell and Miss Cora
McDowell of Falrbury.
Miss Bessie Turner is meeting with
flattering success in her Chautauqua
engagements this summer as the fol
lowing clipping from an autograph let
ter from Mr. Homer T. Wilson, gen
eral manager of the Colorado Chau
tauqua, will affirm:
"The visit of Miss Bessie Turner to
the Colorado Chautauqua, has proved a
blessing to all. As a singer she has
few equals; her voice shows marvelous
natural endowment, and splendid cul
tivation; her manner on the p'.atform
gives force and character to the song.
She entertains and Inspires with lofty
ideals. We shall always remember
with profit both the singer and th3
Miss Turner returned this week
from Colorado. After completing her
engagement at Boulder she was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cass at a
resort in the Rockies. She will leave
At the grounds of the country club,
the games this afternoon will begin at
four o'clock and continue until seven.
At seven o'clock a picnic supper will be
enjoyed, after which, until half after
nine a concert will be given by Hage
now's band. Then will come dancing
In the new pavilion which is an Ideal
place for this recreation. The grounds
are in fine condition this year and the
country club is a delightful place for
the members to spend their evenings.
A tennis court and croquet ground are
new features. There will be dancing
every Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wessel and Mr. and
Mrs. M. Aach gave a trolley party
Thursday evening In honor of the
Misses Helen and Constance Friend of
New York City. The fifty guests gath
ered at the Wessel home, 1845 M street,
and started together from there. A
luncheon was served on the car In
Chinese lanterns. The name of a iady
was placed In each lantern intended
for a man, and thus the partneis tor
luncheon were secured.
Harper's Bazar announces that the
fashion in the length of the autumn
coats will be to have them come more
than half way down the skirts, but also
predicts popularity for the reefer which
is so generally becoming. We can tol
erate almost any cut of coat except
the ungraceful raglan so much In evi
dence last winter. If Dame Fashion
K ' - -hII
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Liberman, of 331
brated their golden
South Nineteenth street, who cele
wedding on July 24th.
In ten days for Mountain Lake park,
Maryland, to sing at another Chautau
qua assembly.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Liberman celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary
Thursday, July 24. In commemoration
of the happy event, some of their
friends presented them with a hand
some leather couph and a rocking chair.
Mr. and Mrs. Liberman were married
fifty years ago In Germany. They have
five children and seventeen grandchil
dren. They reside with their daugh
ter, Mrs. L. Berkson, at 331 South Nine
teenth street. Mrs. A. Kroner, who re
cently removed with her family to.
Kansas City, is also their daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Liberman are aged sev-"
enty-flve and seventy years respective
ly, and are remarkably well preserved
for their years.
Miss Elizabeth Marshall gave a
pretty luncheon on Thursday at twelve
o'clock. In compliment to her guest.
Miss Jackson, of New Haven, Connecti
cut. The decorations were ferns. Car
nations and sweet peas. Guests were
Misses Jackson, Archibald, Aileyne
Archibald, Burruss, Bessie" Burruss,
Jennie Barber, Jeanette Thorp, Gladys
Henry. Elsie Piper, Hammond, Anna
Hammond, Frances Cunningham,
Katherine Thomas.
Mrs. Charles Mayer gave a small
card party yesterday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. Fisher of Texas, Mrs.
Levy of Brooklyn, and the Misses
Friend of New York.
spares us another infliction we can
forgive any other vagary In outer gar
ments. Mrs. E. Rosenbaum and Mrs. H.
Schleslnger gave a five o'clock tea
today in honor of Mrs. Levy of Brook
lyn, Mrs. Fisher of Texas, and the
Misses Friend, of New York. The dec
orations were palms, sweet peas, and
goldenrod. The menu was served in
four courses at daintily appointed
small tables. Thirty guests were pres
ent. Misses Helen and Constance Friend
of New York City have been the guests
for two weeks of their cousin, Mrs. S.
Wessel, and other Lincoln relatives.
Mrs. and Miss Jackson of New Hav
en, Connecticut, have been guests this
week of Miss Elizabeth Marshall. Miss
Jackson !eft yesterday for Denver.
Miss Annie Jones and her guest. Mis?
Emma Jones, left this week for Chi
cago, Clinton, Iowa, and Oshkosh. Miss
Jones will be absent about a month.
Miss Kate McLaughlin, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin,
who has been very HI for two months
or more. Is slowly convalescing.
Miss Laura Houtz entertained a few
young ladies Informally Thursday
afternoon in honor of her guest. Miss
Lillian Mitchell; of Indianapolis.
Miss Lillian Mitchell of Indianapo'Is
is the guest of Miss Laura Houtz.
Mrs. A. Levy and two children of
Brooklyn, New York, are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. M. Friend.
Miss Emily Jenkins, a member of
Kappa Kappa Gamma from Falrbury
Is the guest of Miss States.
Les Bohemiennes were entertained
at a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Thompson Wednesday evening.
Judge and Mrs. A. S. Tibbetts and
Miss Eleanor Miller will leave this
evening for Home, Colorado, for an
Mr. and Mrs. M. Friend and the
Misses Friend entertained a small
company Informally last evening in
honor of their visitors.
The Misses Helen and Constance
Friend of New York City, who have
been guests of Lincoln relatives, will
leave the city 'tomorrow.
Miss Ruth Bryan Is traveling with
her father in the east. She is at pres
ent in New York and will visit Cape
May before returning home.
Under the alluring title "The Money
Maker" Alfred Mathews contributes to
the current literature an article brim
ful of welcome information for the cu
rious about the Philadelphia money
factory. We quote:
"When the morning whistles blow
their strident, strenuous chorus in
Philadelphia, an immense Industrial
army goes regularly and methodically
to work in some sixteen thousand fac
tories. Every one of these many thou
sand hives of Industry, great and small.
Is supposed to be a '"money making
concern;" and yet the solitary one
among them all, that deserves. In an
exact sense, to be so-called, is, by a
seeming paradox, absolutely the only
one that is conducted without intent
to produce a single penny's worth of
profit. This is, of course, the United
States mint.
"The Philadelphia money factory of
the Federal government is easily en
titled to characterization by such big
phrases as 'largest in the United
States,' and 'most perfect of its kind
in the world,' and yet, in some of the
details of comparison, It occupies a
very humble position among the In
dustries of the city In which it is lo-'
cated. There are many factories here
which employ one or two thousand
men each, or, say, one or two regi
ments of the industrial army. There
Is one, right next to the mint, which
employs a total of eleven thousand men
or three brigades, but the mint force
of workers, if organized on a military
basis, wouldn't even be a regiment. It
would constitute only a paltry battal
ion, the highest officer of which would
be a mere major. It has only 550 em
ployes, or one-twentieth the number of
its next neighbor.
"But in various other respects the
comparisons would be largely in favor
of the mint. In opposition to any of
the other manufactories. Almost all
of its employes are of the order known
as 'highly skilled,' and even that term
does not fully express the high status
of many of the mint's superior stew
ards and servants. They are of the
very elect among scientific, mechanical
and art experts. Then, too, if the value
of raw material and finished product
of this factory Is brought into relative
view with that of other industrial es
tablishments. Uncle Sam's money mak
ing monopoly is seen at once to occupy
the vantage point; for in round sum
this value at any time foots up the
almost terrific total of $300,000,000. Then,
finally, the mint is absolutely unique
among all the vastly varied manufac
tories of Philadelphia; and surely no
one will deny the superior popularity
that its product enjoys, being indus
triously and Incessantly sought for by
all classes and conditions of men.
"The new mint building, with its four
hundred-foot front stretching straight
away an entire block on Spring Gar
den street, is an impressively substan
tial and beautiful structure of granite
and marble, rising from a granite ter
race. Of the modernized classic archi
tecture, massive, monumental. It com
bines the qualities of elegance, security
and utility, as is befitting in a struc
ture reared to serve, for long time, a
great government in the combined ca
pacities of palace, treasure house and