The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 02, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The following story has been entered
In the Courier's contest for Juveniles:
Roy Townsend was fifteen years old,
but was small for his age.
He lived in Barton, Ohio, and his
rarents were the wealthiest people in
the town. I can also say the most
popular, as Roy's father was the
mayor of Barton.
Roy lived in a beautiful house and
was surrounded by beautiful things.
His mother was the kindest and
gentlest lady in the world, (so he
His father was a kind and just man,
much beloved by alL
William Bradford Sullivan is a very
fine name, but its owner was a ragged
little urchin familiarly called "Billy."
He was well known in Barton as not
possessing too truthful a character.
His father and mother were dead,
and he got his food, and clothing by
begging, and slept In boxes.
Oh! How he did envy rich Roy
He would sometimes say to himself,
"Ef I was as rich as that there Roy
Townsend p'rap's I might be a better
But richness, was not what he longed
for. It was love.
All his weary little life he had never
known love.
And this is the way Billy got the love
for which he so yearned.
The Townsend family had gone to
D to spend the winter and there poor
little Blllie Sullivan had followed them.
One afternoon Blllie crept out from
behind a building to try to find some
thing to eat.
He had had nothing to eat since the
day before and was now nearly ex
hausted. He crept along the street
and then all at once fell in front of a
pair of handsome bay horses.
The driver saw the boy, but it was
too late. One of the bays planted her
fore-foot right on little Billy.
A crowd gathered around the car
riage and one of the occupants opened
the door. We can see now who is in
it. It Is Mrs. Townsend and Roy.
When they found out what was the
matter Mrs. Townsend had the little
body raised gently and put In the car
riage. Then she had the coach-man
drive home.
A doctor was at once summoned. He
said the case was hopeless, but that
be would do his best
He did his best and much more added
to it and in the end saved Billy's life.
When Billy was a convalescent Roy
and he had many good times together.
One night while Roy was sitting with
his parents he said. "Mama what shall
I do" when Billy will have to leave us?
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend smiled for they
had a secret.
It turned out to be this, "Will you
agree to have Billy stay here and have
this for his home?" asked Mrs. Town
send of Roy. Roy said yes, and when
Billy was asked he Jumped up and
down for Joy.
Mrs. Townsend took Billy's training
in hand and soon had him as truthful
and good boy as Roy himself.
1748 B st.
To know women, love them; tq
know men, flatter them.
II Lincoln Annual Road Race held this week over the College
View Course, is one of the most promising young riders in
the west. His racing career dates from three years back,
and in that time he has distiguished himself in competition
with the speediest riders in this and adjoining states. Two
years ago at Omaha he took second place in the Omaha-Blair twenty
five mile road race, being one of 'seventy-two starters, and riding
the last four miles in the mud on a flat tire. In another Omaha road
race he won time prize. In the big race meet at Omaha last year he
won first place in the most important race on the board track. He took
first place in the mile open at the State.Fair two years ago, and second
in the half. At Aurora last year out of six races entered he won fire.
Mr. Snow is twenty years of age, and has been in the employ of the
H. E. Sidles Cycle Company, of this city, during the past four years.
His mount in this last road race was the National, and the time for 12
miles was 33:32, a very creditable mark, considering the roughness of
the roads and the hilly course.
Making p
Passenger train
When a Lincoln man starts on a trip
down the line it probably does not oc
cur to him as he enters the well
groomed coach what labor and pains
the railroad company and its employes
have taken to insure him a safe and
comfortable journey.
Some of the main line trains and all
others that leave Lincoln on the differ
ent branches are made up in the local
yards. The regular passenger trains
run on schedule time and are governed
by a time card, which is Issued as often
as it is found convenient to change the
arrival and departure of trains. When
a special or an extra Is sent over the
road the orders come from the chief
dispatcher's office, and are inspired by
some higher authority. Otherwise
trains run by standing orders.
A baggage, express, mail and passen
ger coaches are coupled to an engine.
The engineer and fireman sit in the cab
waiting for the signal to pull out. The
conductor in his natty blue uniform
and brass buttons stands, watch in
hand, ready to say "go" when time is
up. A neat-looking brakeman is busy
helping a fat woman, two band boxes
and a bird cage on the platform.
The watch points to the hour, it is
time to be off. The conductor darts a
sharp look in the direction of the cab,
gives a peculiar swing to his arm, the
engineer pulls open the throttle, the
big Iron monster goes "puff, puff" and
the train with its precious human
freight is gone.
The traveler saw or perhaps he did
not see a perfectly equipped train
placed at his service. He certainly did
not think of the labor and time ex
pended by willing hands to put that
train in shape for its journey down the
glistening steel rails.
A coach switched off some incoming
train or perhaps assigned to a regular
run. is standing in the yardj if It be-v
longs to no regular '"run "Kris' tKere
awaiting orders. But this particular
coach is put in condition every trip,
unless sent to the shop for repairs, for
a certain branch train. It Is now be
ing cleaned and Inspected. Two car
inspectors, hammer In band, tap the
wheels looking sharply for flaws in the
running gear. The oilers, who come
next, raise the lids of the boxes on the
wheels, stir up the waste and pour
from a long can a part of the contents
on the axle. While this Is going on
other workmen are engaged In cleaning
the sides of the car. The floor is
mopped, seats are brushed and the in
terior woodwork rubbed. A man puts
fresh water in the cooler and drops in
a chunk of Ice. Somebody is busy
knocking the dust out of the cushions.
The coach Is now ready for service.
Down at the roundhouse an engine
Is being overhauled on a short track
located in the building. A Are is built
under the boiler and steam generated.
Machinists are engaged In making nec
essary repairs. When this is done the
big machine is run out onto the turn
table and placed on a short stub. The
wipers then appear with bits of waste
and begin cleaning the jacket, tender,
cab, pilot and brass work.
When all this labor is done the en
gine is taken to the sheds and coaled
up. It Is now In shape to go out on Its
regular run. The engineer and fireman,
In response to standing orders, appear
clad in neat overalls and take their
posts In the cab. The machine starts
for the passenger yards.
Meantime the switch crew has not
been idle. The fussy little switch en
gine Is engaged In pulling the coaches
and cars Intended for this train from
the side track to the one on which the
train is made up. As the coaches slow
ly run down the track the switchmen
couple them together. The engine from
the roundhouse has arrived, backs up
and the making of the train is com
pleted. There Is bustle and activity at the
passenger depot, travelers are begin
ning to come aboard the waiting train,
the conductor and brakeman stand at
the steps helping people on and nod
ding now and then to some friend or
acquaintance. The mail clerk, who has
been hard at work on the side track
some hours ago, is taking on bis last
load of mail, the handling of the ex
press and baggage Is about finished
and the engineer is watching for the
old familiar signal. It comes and off
they go.
137 South Eleventh Street.
Telephone, Office, 530.
XMMO,8autortna. Tl. 1T.
At aCM.t to 4, ami Coateya, imif.m.
RMlMM,MlSo.Mtk. MM.
At Mm, 10 to II a. m. 4 1 a. nr
Sisters, to I : p.H.
Oflc,Zaniar Black, 141 Sa.Utfc. TtLIM.
Oslce, 1100 O street Booms 212, 213, 214,
Richards Block; Telephone 536.
Xasidence. 1310 G street; Telephone KM4
M. B. Kbtcmum, M.D., Phar.D.
PraeMce limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE.
SPECTACLES. Phone 843.
Hoars, 9 to 5; Sunday, 1 to 2:30.
Booms 313-314 Third Floor Richards
Blotk, Lincoln, Neb.
Comer Ilth and O Sts. Phone 93.
(Over Harley's).
C: W. M. Poyntek, M. D.
SURGEON : : : : :
Phoots: Residence, L925; Office, L1021.
like every other lady who owns one.
For durability and quality of tone, action,
and general excellence, it is warranted the
eqnal of any Piano that is now or ever has
been. Put aside your old name prejudices
and take a look at it at the warerooms of the
Piano Co.
J120 O Sheet, Lfaafa
la- --
.-, -. ? .arJi'Jt-w3Sfru. (Ls.