THE COURIER Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Seacrest moved this week into their new home, 1634 A street. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. O'Neal of Uni versity Place left yesterday for the eastern cities and Canada to be absent two months. Mrs. P. M. Hall, president of the wo man's club, will be at home informally Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, to members of the executive board and members of committees. The First Baptist kenslngton was pleasantly entertained Tuesday by Mrs. C. B. Gurney at Normal. Thirty-five ladles enjoyed a social afternoon, and dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. A lawn sociable was given Thursday evening by the young people of the First Congregational church at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Horton. The rain interfered somewhat with the illuminations which were to have been very brilliant. The marriage of Miss Mabel Rich ards, daughter of Mrs. I. C. Richards, and Mr. Lowe Arnott RIcketts, son of Mr. A. C. RIcketts, will be celebrated Tuesday, August fifth, at five o'clock in the afternoon, at Mrs. Richards' resi dence. The wedding will be a very quiet one. A few musical people were privileged, one afternoon this week, to hear Mr. Charles Steckelberg, the young violinist who recently won the diamond medal in Chicago, play. Mr. Steckelberg has a fine technique and plays with remark able taste and fervor. It is evident that he is in love with his art and that he has decided talent, although he modestly says that anyone could have accomplished as much, who had worked as hard as he. He has had the advant age of having been reared in a musical atmosphere as his father, Mr. Henry Steckelberg,. is a fine musician, who was, years ago, first 'cello player in the Philharmonic orchestra in New York City, and was also a member of GU more's band when it made one of its triumphal European tours. The Nebraska Epworth Assembly The sixth annual of this remarkably successful Assembly will open at Lin coln park on Aug. 6 and close on Aug. 14. The program is one of great ex cellence and will fully maintain the reputation of former years. A beauti ful prospectus may be had by address ing President L. O. Jones. 136 North 13th street. and Bis Jlir machine Rural visitors from Panama, Roke by or "Waverly get a surprise now and then when they visit Lincoln barber shops. For at the conclusion of the shave the tonsorial expert reaches for a rubber tube, presses a mystical spring and out rushes all sorts of un adulterated wind. The storm center of an artificial cy clone travels around over the features of the victim and now and then sends cold shivers down his spinal column. What is all this for? The question is natural and proper. It comes from the lips of the customer as soon as the gale is over. About this time the features of the barber are stoical and calm. With ex treme cautiousness he explains that when the countenance of a customer is damp it should be dried before the man leaves the chair. Usually" the way this was done was by rubbing with a towel. It took considerable work to make this satisfactory. Besides the rubbing sometimes irritates an unusu ally sensitive face now and then. But Yankee genius has done away with all of this. It has been observed that a southern gale in August can make dry tatters of green cornstalks. Other shrivelling effects of air in mo tion have also been observed. So genius got the idea of drying the complexion PRIZE.S FOR PHOTOS The Courier has Inaugurated a prize photo contest for amateur cam era devotees. The management will pay a weekly prize of H for the best and most unique view of any outdoor scene in Lincoln or its su burbs. Views of persons alone are generally undesirable, but outdoor views Including persons. If the camera manipulator fares to take them, will be as acceptable as the bare scene alone. Faces in all cases should be distinct. Contestants must be amateurs in the meaning that those whose livelihood is directly derived from photography will not be permitted to compete. Views must be left with the business office of the Evening News, addressed to "Editor Courier," contestants being careful to write full names and addresses on the back of each print. The contest will close each week on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, to permit the prize winning photo being reproduced In the Courier of the following Saturday. Photos may be entered any day during the week but those submitted later in the week that Monduy ut 3 p. m. must go over for the competition the week following. The weekly prize winner will be announced in the Evening News of Friday each week and the prize paid on Saturday at the business office. Ninth and P streets. The Courier solicits photograph. for the first contest, which begins next week. The Courier reserves the -right to use such photos for publication as are deemed worthy but which fall to win any of the weekly prizes, proper credit being given to the photographer In all cases. Competitors will fav6r the paper by submitting plain prints Instead of those mounted on card board. A consistent effort will be made to re turn all photos to the owners. of the public at the end of the barter ing process by a small tornado of com pressed air. Genius in different parts of the coun try got the idea simultaneously. Two or three different patterns of com- WASHINGTON BELLE TO WED A DIPLOMAT RBE aaaTLaaaaaaaaaaVHflaaaaaaaL MbHbbYbY- mV aaaaa- I ""i!; MbbbbH "- -,''jLttmM V5 k aw MBBBBBr .' . as- 'm aw BbbbV x? "Mv -v , m A I Ibbbbbb? y'-vIhIi l k bILbbbbbIbHe'' -.-iSafHl I JI.CCWTM71NE According to Washington gossip the announcement of an important engagement may shortly be expected. Miss Mathilde Townsend, a Woshington belle, and M. Constantine Brun, the Danish minister, are the central figures In the romance. Miss Townsend Is a girl of simple and unaffected tastes although she will Inherit a fortune of JSO.00O a year. M. Brun is of very good family and stands high in favor at the Danish court. There is quite an unusual romance attaching to this Ioe affair, M. Brun, who Is forty years of age having been desperately In love, twenty years ago with Miss Townsend's mother, when the latter was Miss Mary Scott. pressed air apparatus are on the mar ket. One. consists of a tank where the air is stored and compressed by water pressure. This kind works with little or no attention. Another brand of the apparatus has a pump annexed and the atmosphere Is put under pressure by the muscular energy of the porter. Four of the outfits have been placed In Lincoln. The cost vnrles between $50 and $75. Ludicrous Incidents happened time after time until the customers got used to the innovation. A favorite trick of the barber was to suddenly aim the stream of air at the opening between the collar band and the tlesh of the man In the chair. The air poured down his body In gusts and the frightened one would make a Jump to get out of the chair. Of course this was never tried on people who would get "sore." Once In n while there is an extreme ly nervous man who doesn't want com pressed air. After one trial he will say so. Then the barber sighs regretfully and falls back upon the old process of face drying. "It was a quiet wedding, I pre sume?" "Oh, yes: the groom acted as If he had been hypnotized." .STAINED HAND. Are the wrrowftil accompaniment to the MERKY mKABON It U Impoaatble to arold tolling the band wbD Undlln fruit NON-k Rummi PA ?Jt THE ll GLOVE -REJL G OVE9 protect the hand from ttalni, and keep them toft and white. They are aoft, thin, flex ible, and jou can do anything with them on yoor hands that you can without them. Erenr pair fully guaranteed. Special price, ft per pair. For sale by Rmotor'm Phmrmaey N.W.Cor. 11th A N. $y0. STEELE THE POPULAR FURRIER DESIGNS AND MAKES Fur Garments FURS STORED DURING SUMMER 143 South 12th Street I am glad to see a man Always look the best he can. Ever wearing on his face a smile serene: And I'm always proud of those Who are fond of decent clothes. Taking pains to keep their Sunday linen clean. This old earth has ample use For the fellow who looks spruce. While the slouchy man is ever shunned and feared. HAVE THE EVANS "? . WASHING j the Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. Manufacturers of the finest qnality of Plain and Fancy ICE CREAM. ICES. FKOZEN PUDDIM3S, FKAPPE. and SHERBETS. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 133 South 12th Street. Pho205.