The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 19, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The Courier's Five Dollar Story Com
petition is attracting increasing inter
est. The prize will go to the best
story submitted by any child in Lin
coln under fourteen years. Two stories
have been entered for the prize this
week, one by Marjorle Shanafelt and
the other by Rallegh Wilson. Each
has unusual merit, when the age of
the authors is considered. They should
be lead by all Lincoln children, who
then should enter the contest with a
determination to write a better story
and carry off the prize. The language
punctuation, capitalization and spell
are reproduced exactly as In the copy,
the object of the contest being educa
tional and the mistakes, if any, there
fore preserved so that the children
may study them out for themselves
and profit thereby. The stories follow:
Marjorle Shanafelt
Just a peep at the old fashioned,
brown house, with low, sloping moss
grown roof, queer little windows made
up of many small, square panes of
glass, and long porch covered with
columbine vines, for It Is the garden I
want to tell about. Just east of the
house stands a stately old elm, which
judging from Its size, must be a cen
tury old, as two people with out
stretched arms could hardly encircle
the trunk. Here too is the large ole
ander tree, now in full bloom. In an
open space is sort of an arbor of hop
vines, which run from fence to tree
and from tree to telephone pole stand
ing outside the fence. At this side of
the house is also the wlldwood nook,
beautiful rock ferns growing among a
large pile ot rocks, a few sprays of
that dainty plant called "Baby
Breath," maiden hair ferns, .violets,
and a few other woodland treasures.
By the side of the dining room window
stands a large syringa bush, which
when bloom fills the whole house with
its fragrance. .
At the rear of the house we see the
old time, white-washed "Summer
Kitchen, partly covered with grape
vines, and now we have come- to the
real flower garden, a perfect Jungle of
flowers and vines, a sweet pea hedge,
where you can pick and pick and the
flowers never seem to grow less, a bed
of bright gladlollas, many colored mas-
turtlums creeping over and under,
phlox, bachelor buttons, popples, morn
ing bride, brown-eyed Susies, pinks,
larkspur, marigolds, princess feather,
stately hollyhocks, castor beans, and
even the homely sunflower finds a
place in this garden.
Of course, there Is a lilac and a
snowball bush, peonies and dahlias,
roses red, white and pink, a box of
day llllles, and llllles of the valley.
Such a beautiful place, the home of
humming birds and bees, and what
a place It would be for fairies. Years
ago I saw many of them there.
Behind the flower garden are the
vegetable beds, for this Is a German
garden, and would not be complete
without them.
The lower half of the west side Is
shaded by trees and the ground cov
ered by a thick carpet of grass, a
large Iron urn running over with perl
winkle and geraniums adds a touch of
color, making the most delightful place
for the hammock. It Is here, on pleas
ant summer afternoons, you will find
the old grossvater with pipe and paper,
and and the dear white haired gross
mutterchen with her knitting.
The rest of the west lawn is a beau
tiful green slopes, unbroken save by
another large elm, whose trunk Is
thickly overgrown with woodbine.
(Age 14 years)
Flat 15, Weber Block, City.
By Raleigh Wilson.
It was a fine morning and nature
had put on her most beautiful garb
of green as the sun rose over the hills
about the little town of Titania.
This picturesque village was situat
ed on two sides of a river, one divis
ion known as East Titanla and one as
West Titanla. It was noted for miles
around for its abundance of fish and
It was on one of these fine mornings
that the regular train pulled Into East
Titanla; then came the boisterous
yells of the baggagemen, the rumbling
of wheels, the pufllng of the engine
and the alighting of the passengers
on the platform.
A number of passengers descended
to the platform, among them being
two richly clad men, one in high rub
ber boots, canvas coat and hat. He
Bishop Williams has just placed the Rev. Benjamin J. Fitz In charge
of St. Luke's Episcopal church, situated at 1225 T street, Lincoln. The
Rev. Mr. Fitx was graduated from Bowdoln College In 1897. He took the
degree of M. A. at the university of Colorado in 1898. For several years
he remained at the university of Colorado as an Instructor in history. In
April of 1901 he was ordained priest and took charge of St. Paul's parish
In Denver, which he has just resigned to accept his new work in Lincoln.
also carried a long double-barreled
shot gun. The other was a little bet
ter dressed, but not In a hunting or
Ashing suit. He wore a derby hat, tan
shoes, checked suit and a diamond
As they alighted and proceeded
toward a hardware store a small boy
clad In overalls, blue shirt and a
shabby black hat accosted them and
pertly asked them where they were
going to fish.
"Well, why do you want to know?"
asked the one with a derby hat.
"I want ter know where yer are
a-goin' an' see ef I can tell ye a bet
ter place to fish, for two bits or so,"
quietly answered the boy.
"Well, you have got your cheek.
We are going down to 'Potter's
Bend,'" returned the man with the
derby hat.
"Ha, rats! I know a better "plac
than that," declared the boy.
"Well, I'll bet two bits you don't,"
bragged the gentlemen together.
"I ain't got two bits," said the boy,
and proceeded to demonstrate that he
would get his hat, when the gentle
man wit ha derby hat said,
"I'll bet. hats."
"That's a go. too," the lad said.
As the men turned to go on to the
hardware store the boy turned and
"I'll meet ye here tonight, and we
will compare our catch."
Again the men preceded on their
way and this time reached their des
tination before they turned.
The man that wore a hunting suit
bought a number of shells, and the
other purchased a Ashing rod, hooks,
line tackle, sinker and bobber.
The boy had reached home by this
time and had prepared a little lunch,
and had fixed his hook and line and
dug some worms for bait. He then
shouldered his tackle, and .wrapped
his lunch in a paper.
After stowing their hooks and small
articles In a valise the men started
out for "Potter's Bend."
Night coming on the men and boy
gathered up their catches and went to
the station.
There the catches were compared
showing that the men had the most
The boy promptly offered to give his
hat, but the men refused to accept it,
saying that they would buy him a
new one If anything.
After speaking kind words for hlni,
the man with the derby hat related
his misfortune, It being the slipping
off of his diamond stud Into the water
while he was stooping over the river.
But the recital had no affect on the
boy, for he did not realize the value
of a real diamond, and turned
straightway and started home with
the thought that he had once been
beaten in the art of catching fish.
As he reached home he heard the
rumbling of the evening passenger,
and then he thought again of the re--cital
the man made, for they were to
return to their home which was not
far distant, on the Pullmans.
He soon let it slip out of his mind,
however, and went to his usual work
of dressing fish for supper, as his
mother was an invalid.
He fumbled In a drawer for a knife
and found the one he wanted. He in
serted it in the fish's white belly and
skillfully slit it down the middle to
the fish's tall. He then examined it
out of mere curiosity and discovered
a diamond stud, partly penetrating
the fish's left side! '(
The thought came to him at once
that a hungry fish had come along
swallowed the stud, and swam further
down the stream. There It had seen
the worm dangling on his hook and
nibbled at It and he had yanked the
fish to the bank.
He wondered what he had better do
wlth It after he had recovered from
his surprise, and thought he would
seek the Jeweler and get his estima
tion, when he remembered the kind
ness shown him by the man with the
derby hat and then resolved to return
It to the owner that night.
The boy did as he resolved and when
arriving at the men's lodging place he
quietly tapped the bell on the big door
1S7 South EleTenth Street.
Telephone, Office, 630.
ResUeaoe, Saaatorieaj. Tel. (17.
At oflee.t to 4, ul Suadays, 11 to l p. m.
Raaldeaoe, Ml go. 11th. TeLM.
At offlee, 10 to 11 . at. i 4 to p. sv
Snadays, 4 to 4:10 p. B.
Oflc,Zahranf Black, 141 S. 12th. TaLUS.
(Mace, 1100 O street looaif 212, 211, 214,
Btohards Block; Telephone M.
BssMinse. 1810 G street; Telephone K9M
Kiss Lippincott
( Stall. :
I BrewieU Block
, Leesou in Drawing, Palatial-,
i prored China Kiln. Chlaalei
1 rated or Area.
Studio coen lfondar. 2 to 5 o. m.
Tuesday. Thunder. Frldar and
Baroraay, to u a. m
M. B. KETCatuM, M.D., Phr.D.
Practice limited to EYE, EAE. NOSE,
SPECTACLES. Phone 848.
Hours, 0 to 6; Sunday, 1 to 2:30.
Booms 313-314 Third Floor Bichards
Block, Lincoln, Neb.
Corner 11th and O Sts. Phone 93.
(Over Barley's).
SURGEON : : : : :
Phones: Residence, LS25; Office, L.1021.
BJiBBiiLBBs5sr T M45?j
I nil l,"&.
The quality of the Piano you nse
will hare more to do with the
success of your career as a musi
cian than possibly you may think.
If you use a
Bauer, or
your success is assured, eTery
thing else being equal.
You can bay any one of these
beautiful instruments on easy
terms at the lowest possible prices
consistent with quality, of the
Piano Co.
araooans 1120 O Street Lfacoia