The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 28, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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-frsr Tr-Br Beach entertained the
itorthskle .circle of St Paul church de-Jlghtlllyl-
Wednesday afternoon. A
'program of music and readings of un
usual' excellence was a feature, and a
two, course, luncheon was served. The
following jriumbers were presented:
"lrano'uuct 'silVer Stars," Bohm; "The
iPalms," rFaure; Mlsocs Vera Upton and
Lulu Grawfonl.
"i8opranor.sdlo "So Blue Thine Eyes,"
H. K4nk)a,trick; Miss Vera Upton.
rMBjjadng "The I'crl," JMrs. Lois Cornell.
lano-j-Mlnuet, l'aderewskl; Miss Martha
":S5prano" solo ""Since wo parted," Allltt
$; ""Under the Rose," Armlsser, Miss
fcttlu: Crawford.
JrJiadln?J-"The Goblins," Mrs. Cornell,
.ontrajto -vsolo ,"My Laddie." Neldllng
eri .'JUoder ,thc, Rose," Armlsser, Miss
'The members of the circle will give
a, plcnjcm August on the lawn at the
home 6f Mr ielghton, when the hus
bands w lit Tie guests.
.-jst;t- c -
.CJc1?8 J street, the home of the
iu-lde parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
-Stout,; on Wednesday evening Rev
4xejid(J?."Li.Wharton, of St. Paul M. F.
church, united In marriage Miss
Marian Lorena Stout and Mr. Will J.
Best. The wedding was a very simple
J)Ut pretty affair. The couple, unattend
ed, promptly at eight o'clock entered the
room and took their places In a beauti
fully decorated bay window, where the
j-ing service of the Methodist church
jvvas performed in the presence of a few
iiear relatives and friends. The house
jvas tastefully adorned with palms,
ferns and cut flowers. The fair young
bride wore an elegant gown of imported
pilk tissue, cut entrain, and carried a
jnagnlficent bouquet of bride roses. The"
couple received the usual number of
jhandsome presents. After the cere
nony dinner was served and Mr. and
bdrs. Best left on a late train for the
feast. After July fifteenth they will be
tit home to their friends at Dunlnp, Illi
nois. The bride is a charming and tal
ented young lady who has not been a
resident of Lincoln lorg, having come
Jiere last fall from Illinois. Since then
Ehe has been employed as a teacher in
he Malcolm school. She has shown "a
Teat deal of ability as an elocutionist.
Sir. Best Is a prosperous young citizen
of Dunlap,
Miss Ruth Phllllppl of Omaha is the
guest of Mrs. B. E. Brown.
Doctor and Mrs. Joseph Scroggs gave
a small dinner Saturday evening.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Rob
bins on June twentieth, a daughter.
Miss Youngstedt, of "Wahoo, was the
guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Palm. ,i ,;
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Levering have
gone to Colorado to remain during the
Mrs. C. M. Herrick and Miss Herrlck
will spend the summer in the vicinity
of Chicago.
Mrs. C. L. Hooper and Miss Fanchon
Hooper have gone to Nova Scotia for
the summer.
Mrs. R. E. Moore left last week for
Wequetonslng where she will spend
the summer.
Mr. Harold Coulter of Canon City,
Colorado, is the guest of hls'slster, Mrs.
S. C. Hoover.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beeson of Omaha
were over Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Wilson.
'Mr. D. A. Risser and Miss RIsser
have gone to the lake region of Michi
gan for the summer.
Former Governor Larrabee of Iowa,
and Mrs. Larrabee, have been guests
for two weeks of their daughter, Mrs.
Dan L. Love and Mr. Love at their
home on Eighteenth and E streets.
The members of the M. M. whist club
will give a picnic July third on the
lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. G.
Chapln. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. C D.
Glbbs, who will soon remove from this
city to Spokane.
Mrs. Ella K. Morrison, Miss Morrison
and Miss Smith went to Omaha Wed
nesday to attend the marriage of Miss
Bessie McMillan and Professor B. T.
Bench of Shenandoah. Iowa. The bride
Is a niece of Mrs. Morrison and has
been a student at, the Btate university.
The Misses Beach entertained very
pleasantly In an Informal way Wednes
day evening for Miss Morris and Miss
Flint of Creston, Iowa, who are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jnrrett. Literary
and musical games were enjoyed and
Mr. Benton Parnter entertained the
company with feats at legerdemain.
Refreshments were served.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. D.
Eastman, 1749 South street. Wednesday
evening at nine o'clock, occurred the
marriage of Miss May S. Baughman
and Mr. Thomas L. Sutton, both of
Grlswold. Reverend N. A. Martin per
formed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Sutton will reside at 1130 Plum street.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright gave
an informal muslcale Sunday evening
for Mr. and Mrs. A,. G. Beeson of Oma
ha. Mr. and Mrs. Beeson will return
to Lincoln next -week to attend the plc-
j Miss Maude Macomber, a member of
pelta Gamma sorority well known In
Xincoln, and Mr. Frederick Cuscaden,
h member of Phi Kappa Psi, were mar
ried Thursday evening at eight o'clock
Jit the home of the bride's parents,
Ir. and Mrs. J. H. Macomber, 2010
Emmet street, Omaha, Miss Gertrude
ila comber and Mr. Arthur Pearse were
the attendants. The house was daintily
lecorated with asparagus ferns and
iwhite daisies, and lighted by tall can
illes with green and white flower-lik
Shades. The ceremony as performed be
jieath a canopy or greenery by Father
ijohn Williams of St. Barnabas church
The bride's gown was of white chiffon
trimmed with silk applique. An in
formal reception followed the wedding.
The following members of Delta Gam
ina went to Omaha early In the week
to attend the pre-nuptlal functions and
be present at the marriage: Misses
Blanche Garten, Helen Welch, Ruth
Bryan, Winifred Sherman, Luella Lan
ding. Marie Weesner, Margaret Honey
well. ; Z
Chapter K of P. E. O., met Monday
evening with Miss Baughman. The
fetate corresponding secretary, MKs
i'oungstedt, of Wahoo, was present and
made a few remarks. Miss Amber Bar
haby gave an Interesting report of the
state convention, which was held last
iveek in Geneva. Four new members,
Kirs. Vadie Tlngley, Misses Trigg, Leta
Trigg and Olive Wallace, were Initiat
ed This meeting closed the season's
jvork and chapter K adjourned until
j The: marriages of Miss Jessie Louise
Larisfng;"dau'ghter of Mr. J. F. Lansing
bf fhisity; to "Mr. Curtis Thatcher, a
promlnenfyoung business man of Lew
j'ston. Idaho, occurred June twenty
fourth at the home of a former Lincoln
triend of the bride in Lewlston.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat " inaaaaaaaaaaaaal
the new pastor of Plymouth Congregational church.
Dean L. A. Sherman of the depart
ment of English In the state university,
sailed for England on Wednesday.
Or Or ie
Mrs. A. I. Hoover returned the first
of the week from Hutcbison, Kansas,
where she was the guest of friends for
a fortnight.
Mrs. Stebbins, who has been the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Wil
son, for several months, left on Wed
nesday for Detroit.
Miss Alice Hunter, president of the
city union of the Christian society, at
tended the district convention, which
was held in Omaha this week.
Mrs. Klnton and Miss KInton of
Stella, Nebraska, and Mr. KInton of
Chicago were in town this week to at
tend the HIltner-Evans wedding.
Mrs. M. E. Van Brunt of this city,
and Mrs. Winslow Van Brunt of Bea
trice, returned yesterday from an ex
tended visit in New York and New
On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Morris gave a dinner to the follow
ing guests: Mrs. George Frlnk of
Hannibal, Missouri; Mr. and Mrs. E.
J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Guile.
nlc to be given on the Fourth of July
by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funke, for Les
At the home of the bride's parents
in University Place. Wednesday even.
Ing were married Miss Drenda F. Mc
Cartney and Mr. Llndley D. Bowman.
The ceremony was performed by Rev
erend N. A. Martin, of Trinity Method
ist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs.
Bowman will reside In Lincoln.
The engagement of Miss Edith Jack
son and Mr. Paul Hoagland, both of
Omaha, was announced this week. Miss
Jackson was a student In the state uni
versity for several years, and is a pop
ular member of the Delta Gamma
sorority, admired both for beauty and
intellect. Mr. Hoagland is well known
to Lincoln young people.
At the home of the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stout. 203S J
street, were married on Wednesday
evening, Miss Marlon I. Stout and Mr.
William J. Best, of Dunlap, Illinois.
Twenty relatives and intimate friends
witnessed the ceremony, which was
performed by Reverend F. L. Wharton.
A dinner was served after the mar
riage. Mr. and Mrs. Best left on the
night train for Dunlap, where they will
It Is a pretty fashion that Lincoln
ladles have of sending flowers to a
friend who is about to entertain, but it
would be well before sending to know
If she Is planning to carry out any
particular color scheme In her decora
tions. Sometimes these gifts, although
gratefully received, have made discord
ant notes In the decorations, for, being
gifts, they must be used.
" fl? nT
The man-Inge of Miss Delia Jencks
and Mr. John J. Carllle of Dcadwood.
South Dakota, was celebrated Thurs
day evening at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jencks, In
College View. Reverend O. T. Moore,
of TnlmaBe, performed the ceremony.
A three course supper was nerved. Mr.
and Mrs. Carllle will reside In Dead
wood. Old fashioned (lowers are In favor
for decorations at summer parties.
Nasturtiums and sweet peas have been
grown in every garden for several
years, and have been populur In the
drawing room; but others are now be
ing used. At a pnrty given this week
by two Lincoln hostesses, a bouquet
of larkspur, ragged robin and nlnks
called forth exclamations of delight
and a large bowl of red clover was
very effective.
Wednesday evening at the residence
of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Abbott, 826 H
street. MI3S Maud Barker of Kansas
City, and Mr. B. E. Hill, of Lincoln,
were married by Reverend J. Lewis
Marsh. The bride wore a gown of
white silk nnd carried bride roses. A
few relatives. Including the bride's
mother, Mrs. A. J. Barker, of Kansas
City, witnessed the ceremony. A
sumptuous wedding supper wns served.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill are already settled
in their new home at 921 H street.
Are the sorrowful accompaniment to the
mmmmr season
It b Impomlble to avoid soiling tbe bands
when handling fruit
protect the hand
from stains, and
keep them soft
and white. They
are soft, (bin, flex
ible, and you can
do anything with
them on your
hands that you
can without tbem.
Kvery pair fully
Special price, fl
per pair.
the Franklin
Ice Cream and Dairy Co.
Manufacturers of the finest quality of
Plain and Fancy ICE CBEAM. ICES.
Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed.
133 South 12th Street.
Fur Garments
143 South 12th Street
How Cheap,
How Good!
THE i-i r jrily O YOUR
. . . WA8HING . . .