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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1902)
THE COURIER 12 I M n I f rl r The Courier Published Every Saturday Kateraa to the Poitoffice at Lincoln u aocosd oiast matter. OFFICE, ....... 800-910 P STREET Tnuvon BuhUM Offloe, 211 PB0,ra J Editorial Room 90 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Par aaatun, la adrance, ILOO StagleCopr, j06 fashion! NEW YORK, June 28. About all the very newest conceits In dinner toilettes were on exhibition at Sherry's on Sun day night. The day had been warm and humid, the evening was June-like, and every woman appeared to have se lected from her new summer sartorial acquisitions her most novel, if not her most becoming costume. The dining rooms were veritable parterres of ves ture. Laces predominated laces of all sorts, made up with delicately shaded moires, taffetas, crepes de chine, or old-fashioned grosgrains. Everywhere this lace and silk combination was in evidence. A princess gown of yellowish Cluny bad a very deep flounce of pale blue taffeta about the bottom of the skirt, and over the tops of the short lace sleeves there were little button trimmed strips of the same material, and these were used upon the body of th gown as well. Another habit-back gown, of pure white heavy Irish crochet, had tucked squares of yellow moire let into both skirt and bodice. By ray of contrast with these costumes there was a silk organdie, figured in tiny pink flowers, with a deep lace flounce. And apropos: some sort of a flounce about the bot tom of the skirt seems indispensable. The bodice of this costume, which had a garniture of fine lace inserts of flower design, was fulled into a crushed ribbon belt of pink with a short wide sash at the back. The sleeves ended above the elbow with pointed lace frills falling almost to the wrist. A unique hat completed this toilette. It was a flaring, wide-brimmed affair of lace, stretched in sections over a wire frame. The idea seemed to be to copy a flower, with petals of lace. Foliage formed the calyx or crown of the inverted blossom. A cluster of blush roses was tucked under the left side of the brim. Nearly all of the white crepes de chine, which adapt themselves so well to the lines of the figure and to all sorts of trimmings and lace 'combina tions, show tucks in some form or other, and white or black lace trimmed hats are worn with them. Only one woman appeared decollete at Sherry's on Sunday, and she did not seem par ticularly well pleased with herself. She occupied the most conspicuous table in the main hall of entrance, with her handsome husband and a man friend. Her gown was white, and was cut with a very low, square effect, front and back. It was simply trimmed, and bad elbow sleeves with flounces. Her hat was black and huge, with a broad drooping brim. Two long, nar row buckles ornamented the low crown, from one of which fell a long black plume. The show of Jewels was extraordinary, and In more than one instance vulgar. A young woman, clad sumptuously In heavy Russian lace and wearing a headdress of yellow, with a great bird of Paradise and long, yellow feathers drooping over the wearer's left shoul der, displayed a diamond necklace and a huge diamond watch-pin attached. The girl, who was pretty enough to have known better, also exhibited a double lorgnette chain of diamonds over the front of her bodice. The western contingent, which was out In force, was not behind In the dis play of jewels. A painfully slim young Chicago matron, who wore pale blue crepe de chine with white lace postil lion tabs, not only on the back of the bodice, where they belong, but scat tered about the skirt and sleeves, with novel effect, was ablaze with diamonds. One of the latest fads of the economists Is to have their Jewelry made up with real diamonds, but with imitation col ored stones. This materially lessens the price, and the deception can rarely be detected. Farmers St Merchants Bank 15th and O Strata, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Oao. W. lIoRTOomxT, Prest L. P. Funkhouus, Caaklsr. Capital Paid in, $60,000 OO Aceouts of Individuals, Firms, Corporations, Basks, sad Bsakan Solicited. Correspondence invited. FOREIGN EXCHANGE and LETTERS OF CREDIT on ail ' the principal cities of Europe. Interest paid on time deposits. COME IN AND GET A HOME SAVINGS BANK mmmiMimitmmrttiex Kwt&tiMmmiunmmMmimBmm TO ed ding presents . F Nothing more appropriate for a Wedding Present than . good picture artistically framed. We mention a few: Christie Heads .'..$1.25 to $2.60 Gibson Heada 1.25 to 2.60 "Water Colored Heads 1.25 to 3.00 Tinted Platino Types 1.25 to 5.00 Copley Prints 1.25 to O.OO THE LINCOLN BOOK STORE, 1 126 O Street, j WMPIMPIPiPIMMPsWpPiHpHMpPIPfPpPiPBW Ganoungs Pharmacy 1400 O Street . . . Opeo all Night Lowncy's and Allcgrctti's Chocolitis; HOT SODAS IN SEASON Lincoln If you Want First Class Service Call on Us . . TV .s7 WEDO WE SELL WE CARRY J. AClIJLvSlCr Piano and Fur- all grades of a fine line of Gar niture Moving Coal riages ft Baggies Co. OFFICE, TENTH AND Q STS. PHONE 178. All the handsomely gowned women who wore white had large pearls In their ears; and it cannot be denied that a certain elegance is added to the toil ette by this barbaric adornment. One woman in an orchid hat had a corsage bouquet of orchids. With this excep tion no flowers were worn. Sweet peas and lilies of the valley graced the tables, but the Modishes FAMILIAR SCENES IN OLD LONDON TOWN ' f!?- fc 5t rnssllllllllllllllBlmiHH ml .llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli.llllllllllT5; S -t: : :v -.r t.c :: X-'p.H.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.H I I SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsSttYSSSsSLaT" " V -.' "'":?-BSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBlliSSSSSSSSBSSSll I IISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSMia'.r:.SCtIlBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHBSSSSSSSSfiSSll L-MSsSSSS9flBSBS: LlsiMBSBlC-BMttf-v& VVs ; :9SPiiBBm!fc , " 'SBHMWIBMMlKgS8?SS.rS ' 4i mOtjwNySogTMt Si ssWMsMMMI j MM .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbTbbbbrbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 'S&tA J. V MM WJ ft' s-.'. s..r . 1 BBL ii -,J-' J." Pa . if bIIIHIIIIIIIIIbIIIIIIIH Ks-lfJcim Vv fh- - "f- ifij2ts?fu.z&- AhHkMY ismmmw sLIIIIIIIIIIIbIIIIIIIIBKSEMHIb 11 Bi-ai :-bw.- ?-.-b im'-;-tl 11 II iIIIIIIIIHHbIIIIIIIIBbHHbmmA ill l:xwBSKem:Hy: II II BSSSSKZBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSl H B'-?v'i' -iv fjMWt,MBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlSS v, -' II II smHssslflllBllllllllllllllslllllllBIIIIIB nl w,?"tK&KKKKKm''Av II il HHHIIIIIIIIbIIIIIIIIIIIIIHKsIbIIIIIIV ill l-.g--vriiliMliHt J ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlSSSSSSSBBSSSSSlSSSSSSSVV Sb VbwUMBlBisSSSSSSSSSSSSnMisSB''y BsBsBsBsBsBislllllllll9sllllllBlllBy aV SSMMSSSSSBBBtBIBlllslEsBV II "W x..,-JUF' ". i ' --0 . Cs. i isl fsssssssssy y - or. amis rv-sssjpiss . sGW2aacA& .THE fTRANl have tabooed even the violet for per sonal adornment. Immediately follow ing my mention of Patrick green, not only the Fifth avenue milliners, but the department stores and the little shops on the side streets, began making such a display of the color in their show windows that I am afraid they have utterly killed it, so far as we are con cerned. Personally, I am already -d of it. and I notice that those who wore it early in the season, are' laying it aside for the more uniformly becoming blacks and whites. The green looks well only with blue eyes and black hair, or with pure blonde coloring. There was but one green plume a most gorgeous one, by the way In evidence Sunday evening, and it was shockingly trying to its comely wearer. Lady Modish in Town Topics. New Lincoln 139 S. Tenth Street JOHNS. GAIN Proprietor Bowling Alleys BVtotUaf Htw aaa StrictljTffast Latin gMwUUy IaTtt HORSE COLLARS With ih3B2J4I3Elilgsstiial' MKwuitpn BEFORE.. YOU BUY. MNUFACTtfREO Y HARPHAN BR0S.C& LlNCOLN.NCB. ,rf-9 ,