The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 07, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Society folic are taking only languid
interest In the functions, which
are not numerous enough to be weari
some, but the June days are too warm
for one to be enthusiastic over any
thing. However, there have been some
pretty affairs given this week, pre
dominant being that by Mrs. Thomp
son and Mrs. Johnson. The high school
students have been having reunions
and lit homes, and tonight they will
give their alumni banquet Next week
belongs to the university.
Mrs. Callcn Thompson and Mrs.
Kalph E. Johnson gave a very pretty
informal reception Tuesday morning at
Mrs. Thompson's home In honor of
Mrs. Henry P. Eames, who left with
her husband on Thursday for Europe,
to be absent fifteen months. Mrs.
Thompson's home, with Its airy rooms
and large lawn, is an ideal place for
a summer party, and the dainty gowns,
of many colors, worn by the guests
added to the plcturesqueness of the
scene. The decorations were elabor
ate. Pink roses and palms were In
the drawing room, red roses adorned
the library, and the dining room was
in green and white. The walls of the
dining room were festooned with ever
greens and a bouquet of white roses
in a tall cut glass vase, reproduced In
a silver rimmed mirror, made an ef
fective centrepiece for the table. A
spring luncheon was served by Mes
dames S. H. Atwood T. I. Lyon, W.
B. Ogden, Mark Woods, J. F. Stevens,
J. H. Gleason. Punch was served on
the lawn by Mrs. E. C. Strode, assisted
by Mesdames W. C. Phillips, O. W.
Toevs, Reuben Grubbs and Frank
" TJaddur." The hostesses were assisted
in the drawing room and library by
Mesdames E. P. Savage, R. E. Moore,
A. J. Sawyer, J. H. McMurtry. I. E.
Johnson. Misses Mary Eames and
Pauline Thompson admitted the
guests. Mrs. Thompson received in a
gown of silk organdie trimmed with
medallions of Valenciennes lace. Mrs.
Johnson wore white organdie with
garnitures of black velvet and chenille.
Mrs. Eames wore blue foulard. It was
with sincere regret that the ladies
bade Mrs. Eames farewell, for during
her residence here she has made a
large circle of friends. She has worked
unselfishly to further the Interests of
the Woman's club, the city improve
ment and the college settlement work,
from all of which she will be missed.
Mr. and Mrs. Eames will return in
September of 1993 and he will resume
his work at the university school of
Mrs. W. A. Bailey gave two delight
ful kenslngtons on Tuesday and Wed
nesday afternoons. Mr. and Mrs. Bai
ley entertained Tuesday evening. Mu
sic and unique guessing games were a
feature of the entertainment. Mrs.
Bailey was ably assisted by Mrs. J. C.
Ogle, Mrs. M. Caldwell, the Misses
Leta, Nellie and Grace Trigg, Pearl
Powers, Alice Griffen and Mable Ogle.
Those invited for Tuesday were Mes
dames E. C Miller. G. W. Marsh. H.
Scofleld, W. B. Lynch, C E. Sanderson.
Sanderson. Henry Sanderson, Brown,
Powers, H. B. Trigg, Probasco, James
t Tyler, Jeffries, Whitcomb, Humpe,
Dana, D. H. Mulf, Wilson, Randall, C
C White, Shockey, C G. Cone, Hen
derson. D. W. C. Huntington, Hunting
ton, McBrian, F. M. Spalding; Misses
Watson, Davis and Green. Guests In
vited for Wednesday were Mesdames
Gould, Frost, Martin, Fowler, State-.-
Moseley. Gerome, Bishop, Hester, Blv
ess, Betser, Hartsell, Hutchinson, Grtf
fei, Parke, Hunt, Quintan, Pugh,
CnricksfeaBk, Larson, Anderson, Peters,
Beck, Searles, Saxon. Eldrege, Biche;
:'tmimm Macan and Simpson. Guests in
rftet fler Tuesday eventag were Mes
sieurs and Mesdames Bivens, Borshell,
Leonard. Wilcox. Hotallng, Violet,
Ayres, Caldwell and Hawley; Misses
Honlerie, Leta, Nellie and Grace Trigg,
Powers, Ogle. McFadden, Coder, Mil
ler, Llla and Nell Whitcomb, Mary and
Katherine Searles and Alice Griffen;
Messieurs Dean Ringer, Herbert Pro
basco, Phil Easterday, Herbert Whit
comb, Nell McFadden. James Bailey,
and Clements.
Married, at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weston, in
Beatrice, on Wednesday at half after
eleven o'clock. Miss Katherine Weston
and Mr. Thomas Wing of New York
city. Reverend E. Lewis Marsh of this
city read the service. To the music of
the Mendelssohn march Miss Weston
entered the drawing room on the arm
of her father, and was met by Mr.
Wing and the officiating clergyman.
The bride wore an exquisite gown of
white chiffon made en train, and a veil.
She carried Miles of the valley. A
wedding breakfast followed the cere
mony. Both bride and groom are grad-
Shilllng, Lay, E. B. . Finney, A.
W. Field, E. Hallett D. M. Butler, J.
N. Beachley, Metzger, Malone, Lee
Graham, A. L. Pound, H. W. Kelley,
A. E. Rogers, C. C. Qulggle, M. J.
Waugh, C. E. Latshaw, W. H. Love,
H. E. Peckham, L. A. Evans, C. H.
Rudge, S. C. Hoover, C. R. Lee, M. H.
Everett, Joseph Grainger, C M. Her
rick, W. S. Scott, R. M. LeGore, W. J.
Turner, H. J. Wlnnett, Crandall, S. S.
Whiting, MUtonberger. Fred Hallett,
Charles Spangler; Misses Beth Mar
shall, Hallett and Ewing.
Mrs. A. W. Lane gave a "Passing
Party" Wednesday afternoon which
was a success from all points of view.
The guests had been requested to take
with them the -article they most wished
to be rid of, made Into as alluring a
parcel as possible. When all had arrived
they were seated comfortably on the
lawn and each exchanged her parcel
for another and kept on until she found
something she was willing to take
home with her. The "passing" created
much merriment, but many of the par
cels were left with the hostess as they
contained a surprising number of arti
cles which were not alluring. Mrs.
Lane's bouse was adorned with roses.
Mrs. F. E. Campbell assisted in serving
a delicate three course luncheon.
Among those present were Mesdames
F. E. Campbell. C. W. LItUe. Wilkin
son, C. L. Bowman, S. D. Hyde, A. L.
Candy, Lawrence Bruner, John Hor-
of University Place, a member of Sorosis, of Chap
ter V of P. E. O., and of the Lincoln Woman's club.
uates of the state university. Miss
Weston was a member of Kappa Al
pha Theta, and when here was ad
mired for her intellect as well as her
charming personality. Mr. Wing was
a popular member of Phi Delta Theta.
He has for several years been practic
ing law In New York, and after a short
wedding journey will take, his bride to
Scaredale, a suburb of that city, to re
side. Mr. George Wing, father of the
groom, iMiss Alice Wing, his sister,
and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Wing came
on from the east to attend the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Brace and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry E. Lewis were Lincoln
guests, and Miss Davis of Omaha was
present The wedding was small, only
relatives being present
Mrs. J. W. Moore gave a six-hand
euchre Wednesday afternoon. Roses
and carnations adorned the house and
light refreshments were served. Guests
were: Mesdames E. B. Green, Will
iGreen,. S. M. Melick. A. H. Weir, Walter
Davis, A. G. Davis, C. J. Guenzel, W.
D. FltzGerald, M. L. Blackburn, Lee
Arnett George Clarke, 'David Ewing,
J. R. Bennett Frank Harris, W. L.
Dayton. A. -E. Kennard, S. G. Hudson,
Levi Manson, T. J. Usher, F. E. Lahr,
C F. HarphJUB, A. A. ficott, 8. A. D.
ton, M. W. Folsom, H. T. Folsom, G.
E. Hibner, R. T. Van Brunt; J. W.
Winger, F. M. Fling, Abbott Stephens;
Misses Abbott Beck.
Gamma Theta chapter of Alpha Tau
Omega gave its sixth annual banquet
Saturday evening at the Lincoln. Doc
tor T. L. Bolton as toastmaster an
nounced the following program:
"Young A. T. O.'s," Ira L. Riggs;
"Our Fraternity," Mr. Claude S. Wil
son; "Financiering a Fraternity," Dr.
H. F. Helms; "The Ladies," Mr. Ever
ett M. Swain; "Our Dead," silence, all
standing; "The Alumni," Mr. Fay Rog
ers; "Schemes and Schemers," Mr.
Chas. W. Pots; "The Goat" Mr. F. A.
Sutter; "What We Intend to Do In the
Future," Mr. R. V. McGrew: "The
Bachelor." Mr. R.-B. Morgan; "Pitch
Battles," Mr. A. E. Gordon.
Those present were Messieurs O. L.
Bolton, Chas. W. Potts, .Ira L. Riggs,
R. B. Morgan, A. E. Gordon, J. R. S.
Maloney, E. M. Swain, Fred A. Sutter,
R. V. McGrew, H. F. Helms, Fay Rog
ers, L. M. Huntington, V. J. Romlgh,
it. E. Smith, W. W. Graves, Gold Will
iams, Wlllard Hawley, C. S. Wilson,
Frederick WIndmeyer, Jack Kline,
Fred Schaufelberger.
Mrs. J. W. Moore gave a pleasant
kenslngton Tuesday afternoon. Mrs.
George Schwake won a prize In a con
test of needlework. The house was
prettily decorated with roses, carna
tions and peonies. A two-course
luncheon was served. Guests were:
Mesdames W. J. Lamb, A. M. Davis,
L. W. Pomerene, F. S. Stein, Walter
Dawson, J. B. Trlckey, George Has
kell, Elmer Stevenson. A. L. Hoover,
George Schwake, Grant Watklns, Ira '
Ayers, F. L. Hotallng, H. A. Babcock.
O. W. Webster, John Wiseman, J. B.
Harris, C. E. Sanderson, Anderson, A.
E. Polk, A. L. Sullivan, N. S. Harwood,
Stratton. M. M. Fogg, E. H. Marshall,
H. B. Patrick, F. L. -Wharton, C. H.
Gordon, Ebberly, W. S. Johnson, O. A.
Axtell, Will Ryon, M. H. Beck H. B.
Clarkson, Andrew Jessen, Snyder,
T. F. Lasch, Mary Phillips, S. R. Dalby.
H. M. Howell, H. B. Thlmpson, H. K.
Burket, Vandenburg, Miss Ida Johnson.
Married, at the executive mansion at
three o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Emille Maclot Savage, daughter
of Governor Ezra P. Savage, to Mr.
Adrian Royal Harvey, of Omaha. Rev
erend C. E. Bentley read the service.
Miss Clara Hoover was ring maiden
and carried the ring on a white satin
cushion. As the bridal party entered
the parlor Miss Edna Perrin, cousin
of the bride, played the wedding mu
sic from Lohengrin. The bride's gown
was of white tulle and lace, and her
bouquet was of bride's roses. Palms,
carnations, and roses adorned the spa
cious parlors. The dining room was in
green and white. Asparagus ferns,
white carnations and roses being used.
Green and white ribbons crossed the
circular table and terminated in bows
caught with clusters of roses. Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey went to Oklahoma to visit
Mr. Harvey's relatives. Upon their re
turn they will reside in Omaha.
Les Bohemiennes plcknlcked Wed
nesday evening at Mt Emerald. The
spacious east porch was furnished
with rugs, palms, settees and tables,
and there the feast was spread. The
fact that Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald was
well enough to participate added
greatly to the pleasure of all. Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Leonard are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Irvine at Ithaca and
the four sent a group photograph and
an epistolary greeting. After supper
piano music and singing were enjoyed
Indoors. Those present were Messieurs
and Mesdames Carl Funke, Lewis Mar
shall, W. G. Morrison, F. W. Brown,
J. A. Buckstaff, D. E. Thompson, C.
G. Crittenden, W. C. Wilson, John B.
'Wright "W. B. Hargreaves.
The city improvement society met
Thursday morning. The president an
nounced that no names would be re
ceived for the lawn contest after July
first Persons expecting to enter should
send In their names at once. A meet
ing will be held this evening at the
home of Mrs. Taylor, 435 North Twenty-fifth
street, for members of the
committee on prizes to confer with the
school board committee on the care of
buildings, with regard to the work of
janitors on the school grounds. The
ladies hope to interest people living in
the vicinity of schools and secure their
Miss Ida M. Hoffman and Mr. Alex
ander H. Rait were married Monday
at half after one o'clock at the home
of the bride's sister, Mrs. M. F. Perry,
1127 South Twelfth street Miss Edna
Harpham was bridesmaid and Mr.
Jame3 Rait of Omaha, brother of the
groom, was best man. A small com
pany of relatives and friends witnessed
the ceremony. The groom Is a member
of the firn of Eddy & Rait Insurance
securities. Mr. and Mrs. Rait are
spending their honeymoon In Colorado
and will be at home to their friends
after August first at 1122 South Four
teenth street
The senior girls of the high school
were at home Wednesday evening
with Miss Gertrude Tyler in honor of
Miss Gere. There was dancing on the
lawn, other sports, and refreshments.
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