THE COURIER She spoke English - Imperfectly, yet she had not been in this country many years before she saw the great need of a hospital for women In the spot where she had chosen to live. Poor, friend less, a foreigner, but gifted with the same kind of energy that sent Colum bus across the ocean, and the same faith in endeavor that upheld Wash ington at Valley Forge, she got the"" money together for a magnificent hos pital. She had the inspiring power. She worked and talked herself, and she Influenced the women to hold fairs and to use "ill kinds of means to col lect money, and finally her magnificent project was a thing of stone and marble with un adjacent maternity hospital. We ourselves give up little things every day that we have tried to do because of discouragements, cold water, unresponsiveness, et cetera. This little foreigner, zealous to do something for the poor women whom she treated in conditions of such squalor and wretchedness that the babe's right to be born in a clean place could not be assured him, saw the ter rible need of a hospital, and. forthwith, built one. By her own wish, her funeral ser vices were held without religious cere mony, and she herself wrote, when she knew she must die soon, her own fare well to the earth and to the friends she thought she should never see again. Mr. Wm. Lloyd Garrison pronounced a farewell to the body that had for so long held the soul of a great woman. Mr. Garrison said: "She had no pol itic methods, no skill In concealing opinions that traversed those In vogue, but her manifest sincerity of soul at tracted helpers whom policy would have repelled. Although not literally the first woman physician In Boston, she was, par excellence, the head of the long line of educated women who adorn and dignify the ranks of the profession in this vicinity. She won and kept the same proud position else where held by her venerable surviving pioneer -friends. Doctors Elizabeth and Emily BlackwelL I he very success of her students, consequent upon her faithful conflict against a senseless prejudice, serves now to obscure the trials and disappointments that then blocked the way. The same solemn objections that are today urged to ob struct the further-progress of women, were then actively employed to show the danger of admitting the sex to the practice of medicine. "Living In an environment of relig ious formality, she remained firmly outside the pale of theological influ ence; and If she found satisfaction in Theodore Parker's sermons it was be cause of their humanity, regardless of speculations on the future life, of which she was a frank unbeliever. No threats of punishment hereafter would tempt her to misreport the message which her reason brought. Whatever reality there may be in the heaven pictured by devout minds, it Is safe to say that no celestial city that bars out such souls as this for unbelief would be worth the .seeking." Then Dr. Zakrzewska's own farewell to the friends who had gathered at her home Just before the body was taken to the crematory is remarkable for frankness and undaunted facing of ob livion. "During my whole lifetime I have had my own way as much as any human being can have it without en tirely neglecting social rules or tres passing upon the comfort of others more than Is necessary for self preser vation. And now upon this occasion I wish to have my own way in taking leave of those who shall come for the last time to pay such respect as cus tom, inclination and friendship shall prompt, asking them to accept the as surance that I am sorry to pass from them, this time never to return again. "While these words are being read to you, 1 shall be sleeping a peaceful, w ell deserved sleep, a sleep from which I will never arise. My body will go back to that earthly rest from which It came. My soul will live among you. even anwac tiKe who will come after you. I an jxt creaking of fame, aor 'do J think that my name, difficult though It be, will be remembered. Yet the idea for which I have worked, the seeds which I have tried to sow here and there, must live and spread and bear fruit. And after all, what matters It who prepared the way wherein we walk? We only know that great and good menan"d women have always lived and worked for an idea which favored pro gress. And so I have honestly tried to live out my nature, not actuated by an ambition to be somebody, or to be remembered especially, but because I could not help it." After mentioning by name the friends who had most helped her to be good and to lead an effectual life, tl'e Doctor quoted this stanza: O lieb so lang du lleben kannst; O lfeb so lang du lieben magst; Die Stunde kommt, die Stunde kommt. Wo du an Grabern stehst und klagst. The German lines are so nearly like their English equivalents that trans lation Is unnecessary: Then the Doc tor's friend read her last farewell, the paper was folded up and the body was incinerated. Deplorable Competition Men of the sophomore class of Cor nell university were disgusted and held an indignation meeting because the young women of. the class had engi neered a class meeting and secured a vote which authorized the young wo men of the basket ball team to wear the class numerals on their uniforms. The young men announced, with all a sophomore's wrath and portentous dig nity, that If the girls wore the numerals the mule members of the various ath letic teams would not wear them on their sweaters. The announcement of the elections to Phi Beta Kappa at Cornell Is not cal culated to subdue the indignation which the students feel against women who attempt to claim any of the re wards of college life and effort. Of the class of 1902 eleven women students of Cornell are elected to membership In Phi Beta Kappa and five men. Of the class of 1903 three women are elected and two men. The male Cornell under graduate is brighter than the Nebras ka under classman, where only an oc casional male student In unrestrlctel competition with the girls succeeds In attaining a scholarship which admits him to membership in Phi Beta Kappa. i Mmmmmmtttimmmnimmmm -.&i.'3l5' Bflvc BBBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBfl "incite.?- BBBBkv9h3BBl 1 -'"' iLiUBut LummmiiiiiiiiiiiiiM RALPH E. JOHNSON. Ralph E. Johnson, although not a native Nebraskan, has spent the major portion of his life in Lincoln. He was born In Spencer, Owen county, Indiana, on the 3d day of July, 1S72. In 1885 he moved to Ne braska, his parents having decided to locate in Lincoln and take advan tage of the growing possibilities of this city. At that time the town had scarcely 20,000 population. He is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Johnson, his father having been in business In East Lincoln for fifteen years past. Mr. Johnson graduated from the Lincoln high school in 1889, being one of the nine members of the class who delivered commencement orations. That same fall he entered the state university, graduating with a B. A. degree in 1893. 3dr. Johnson was at all times closely identi fied with the student life In the university. He was one of the editors of the "Sombrero," the publication of which his class revived In 1882, and at one time was also editor of the "Nebraskan," one of the college papers. He served In the cadet battalion for three years, graduating as a first lieu tenant of company "A." During his college course he- acted as corre spondent for different city papers, which experience served him usefully in various capacities after graduation. He entered the university of Ne braska college of law in the fall of 3893 and graduated in 1895, being ad mitted to the bar immediately thereafter. During the last three or four years, however, Mr. Johnson has be come prominent In the state and throughout the west as a champion of "fraternallsm," as exemplified by fraternal beneficiary societies. He is now serving his second term as deputy head consul for Nebraska of the Modern Woodmen of America, which is not only the largest fraternal beneficiary society in Nebraska with a membership of almost 50,000, but also the largest society of its kind In the United States, having 700,000 members. He joined Antelope camp No. 916, M. W. A. of Lincoln, in March, 1894, and was presiding officer of that camp for several terms. He attended the Grand Island, Fremont and Kearney state camps of the order as a delegate in 1897, 1899 and 1901 respectively. At Fremont in 1899 he was elected as delegate to the Kansas City head camp, as one of the Nebraska representatives. Shortly after that session Head Con sul Northcott appointed him as state lecturer for Nebraska, and in the fall of 1899 he was sent to the Pacific coast as a special lecturer, spend ing several months out there In tie Interests of Woodcraft. He was given his present position as deputy head consul for Nebraska In. Febru ary, 1900, and has charge of the order's Interests in this state. Mr. Johnson has become widely known as a fraternal speaker and a large part of his time Is devoted to addressing Woodmen audiences upon fra ternal topics. He Is a member of several other fraternal organizations, and Is a warm supporter of the fraternal beneficiary society system. In college he was one of the charter members and charter consul of Lin coln chapter. Phi Delta Phi, which is the most prominent law fraternity in American colleges. Mr. Johnson has only been a married man a little over one year, having married Miss Virginia Voigt of Philadelphia on April 24, 1901. In politics he Is a republican and Is actively connected with the party organization in this county. H. W. BR0WN Druggist and Bookseller WHITING'S FINE STATIONEBY AND CALLING CASDS. 297 So. EkTenta Street. Pbooa M PRIVATE AND PUBLIC Library books BOUND IN A SUBSTAN TIAL MANNER AT FAC TORY PRICES BY Soutk Platte Publishing Co., PATE BOX MAXKKS, . 135 N. nth St., LINCOLN, NEB. FREIGHT PAID ONI WAY. sQuSwv&rify Cycle Photographs Athletic motograpns Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views The Photographer 129 South Eleventh Street fim We Imrite you to Call and see our Cut Flowers and Plants in oar new location 14.3 South Thirteenth Street PHONE B236 We make a specialty of f arniihing Floral Decorations for Weddings, Parties, and Receptions. A complete stock, of Plants and Cut Flowers on hand. Stackhous & Greer, FLORISTS Greenhouses S5th and B Streets. Office 143 South 13th Street. TO X YOtiR . V IS SAFE 1 i To wear in the kitchen when ) you use a Gas Stove. We sell them at cost and they don't , cost much. We do all the dig ging, and connect the Stove 1 free when bought of us. i Lincoln Gas & Electric Light Co. Ofices Baaeatat Ban- P.I kk. 23L ; " -ft n -4? V