Wi. JS 35?-""'j.f7i''"-.r-v J5r-" - -r -.. THE GOUBIE1 -- - IN Si I 1 it I I, OBSERVATIONS T BY SARAH B;:HARR'IS N ' ... . ' " . J" - ' " ' g "Tic Sacee m . A. play -without a villain, composed of. fifteen agreeable, well-disposed people is a relief. The villain, with his wicked 'disappearing ha-ha, is a bore. Quite often the actor who impersonates him la a ruddy boy who has white-washed Ms face and drawn black marks for wrinkles and the deception Is Incom plete. For model he has taken Mephis tepheles m the drama of Faust, and 'every tlme'the villain youngster leaves the room the laughs ha-ha and In a ' very short time, ,say after Ms second er tMrd exit, the blood refuses to curdle at the sound and the innocent vtttam has bo other means of express lac Ms wicked.and cruel Intentions. AH the cast of "The Second in Com mand" are .outside of the penitentiary fer ceod and sufficient reasons. They have bo designs oa either society, the heroine, or innocence in any shape "-whatever.. All are men and women we should be proud to know, and yet there lane lack of interest -In -the plot or its denonment. At the first entrance of Colonel Ans truther, the first In command, he has certain signs, albeit they are super fteiaL of being, the villain of the -even-lac a the. play. He has a black mustache, he is very well set up. his clothes it Mm to perfection as. a vil lain's clothes always fit, he swaggers, but so does the cocky young subaltern Batter; and he lights a cigar and throws the match ruthlessly on. the fleer after the manner of villains fcaadaac matches. But spite of. all signs, and. all of the mra nlnclrns villain "business" which- Aastrutber adopts on his en- ' traace, he Is a good sort and would not .deprive a man of Ma honor, Ms dol lars, or Ms sweetheart. He does not gsnihlf. lie or steal; on the contrary he la a brave, high-minded man who hesitates when It Is necessary to tell" Ms friend that he Is rich and able to draw Ms check for 3,960 pounds to loan a young lieutenant who is hopelessly . m debt. He has the fatal gift of 'beauty and of good luck. The gir whom he falls in love with at first sight Is already in love with his por trait which has been exhibited at the Keyal Academy. In addition to being born rich he grows up to an Impressive gare and manner and the war office - promotes Mm over the heads of braver aad-aMer men who do not chance to - leak their bravery and ability. The girl Is as blind and beefy as most young girls are who fall hysterically ,!a love with a man because he has a fsjeed tailor who has done his best for 5 a good Scare. She does not care for a heart of gold, for fidelity, devotion. hutilsm. MBsemshness, before she. Is married, when they become the all- essentiala. Colonel Anstruther has in . addition to, Ms good looks and good fortune the manner of Indifference to Trniasn. the manner wMch fascinates her more than compliments, presents. or aay of the many forms In which devotion expresses Itself. Kit was handicapped by being -M love with, in egotistic young girl, .tee young, too selfish and too much spoiled to appreciate the manifesta tions of a noble character. He Judged her by himself, and when she told. Mm -he would marry Mm, It did .not occur r to Mm that she was marrying to get a But he proposed for the tMrd test after the dowager Lady Har- boroBgh had Informed her that she . 'was. tired of taking care of her and 2 Xwrtel. thought she must marry some- cr-hsdy. Later the -rich Colonel Anstruther if inrs 'irnl'TT- has .M'hesit&tiea "' Ihi awlBC iTf r ; nrr poor; dotlag lover 5 'aad lYcis'tinr tte rich one, especially tMK c a 'rower-Baa iota hi debt sad about to he . & ;.- ' ahd that-lf she could man age a marriage with Anstruther a 'rich brother-in-law would be very con venient. While her fiance is 'Bhowlng her the ring and exulting over Its beauty, with no apparent compunction she tells him that she loves another. The broken hearted lover goes out, the rich suitor comes In and Is accepted, hysterically b'ut without expression of sympathy for the "Second In Command." IVIlss ' Conquest is a cold blonde who keeps an unmoved countenance In emergen cies. The character of Muriel Man nerlng Is not particularly admirable as It comes fresh from the hands of the playwright Miss Conquest's some what cold temperament has left the character unrelieved by the touch of . humanity that la required to make an audience forgive slights to so very modern and effective a hero as Major Bingham (John Drew). The part is ungrateful. Muriel Man nerlng Is entirely absorbed in herself and her own emotions and schemes to get a desirable brother-in-law for her brother and a home for herself. Major "Bingham Is the modest, good-natured man, a universal favorite with his own sex, who is so accustomed to sacrificing his own pleasure and convenience for other people that no one notices it. They say If the spheres ever stopped making heavenly music we could hear it when they began again. But be cause they nave from the beginning made heavenly harmony we have never heard it Mr. John Drew makes the 'most of the part He even works into It sweetness distilled from his own, personality, a sweetness " and humor" unlmagined by the dramatic .author. So that what he loses by Miss Con quest's temperament Is .more .than, made up by' the sweetness and humor bestowed upon the role of Major Bing ham by John Drew. Just why certain men and women of the stage are favorites and others who do their parts faultlessly are-not, it is hard ? to say. John Drew, Sol Smith Russell. May Irwin, and of course Jo seph Jefferson have a large personal following. Audiences who have never seen such an actor off the stage love him for something Inherent In himself which the actor himself reveals.' John Drew strikes the key note . of most (Americans. We are tuned to him and he can send a faultless message to any part of an American audience. It is the same -with May Irwin. She has the priceless temperament that keys the audience to; responsive harmony. Dramatic authors whose heroes and heroines are -played, by these actors and actresses of ' temperaroentare. In 'luck. . The play Is almost sure of popularity, for the temperament and "the good understanding it creates have won the day before the curtain falls on the first scene1. It may be that this quality is an ex tra, amount of human-ness. When John Drew or May Irwin or Joe Jeffer son are playing- their parts on the stage we do not measure their per formances coldly or critically. Each one of these talented members of a great profession has ingratiated him self with each Individual of the audi ence. The soft side of a thousand hearts Is turned to them and John Drew's and May Irwin's imperfect hu man figares are of no consequence. Their faults of vocalization or short comings of one Mnd and another are overbalanced by the good understand ing and flattering Intimacy they' have established with us. Du Maurier un derstood this. "Trilby" Is a book in which Its author takes his reader Into Ms confidence. Hawthorne and Thack eray did -likewise. But the method can CBOt-he coldly resolved upon. Richard Modjeska, Sir Henry Irving. Duse could not be confidential, confld , lng, cordial with an audience If they should so determine. Temperament Is a birth gift and can-only be partially and' unsatisfactorlally cultivated. Mr.i Drew's support Is. of unusual strength and evenness. The part of" the Hon. Hlldebrand Carstairs, played by F. Newton Llndo, was remarkably' well sustained. A clever comedy part, 'played as Mr. Undo plays,. Carstairs. without resorting to buffoonery or clownlshness of any degree requires mice discrimination. Mr. Llndo ac complishes It with a delicacy and fin ish worthy of an older actor. Miss Ida Vernon as Lady Harborough wns be yond criticism. She Is a worthy de scendant of the McLachlans of the Hebrides. We are also Indebted to Mr. Drew and his company for demonstrations in the pronunciation of certain words like subaltern and others strictly In use by the English and novelists of the Indo-European army romance. It is quite useless to look In the diction ary for the pronunciation of these words, for the- English particularly the English of the army pay little If any attention to dictionary pronuncia tions. The only way to find out how certain words are pronounced is to take lessons in "English" from some retired English army officer or some of the lucky people who have been al lowed to hear and learn his peculiar pronunciation, or to associate In a di rect or Indirect way with, some one who has learned "English." One with access to nothing but the dictionary would never learn that subaltern is pronounced with the accent on the first syllable. That revered but obsolete book states that subaltern Is accented pn the second syllable. APsKolPerak Mrs. Hetty Green, applied to the .po lice department of New Tork city for permission to carry a pistol and Cap tain Steven O'Brien, of the Leonard street station, granted it Captain O'Brien's report on the application stated that Mrs.. Green . declares that she Is in the habit of carrying about wlth her large sums of money, stocks, bonds, jewelry, etc, and that it is ner intention to apply for a. pistol permit In all of the large cities which she vis Its. Mrs. Green Is an Independent, fearless old lady, but this pistol per mit Is an invitation to robbers. They were unaware, until her own declara- tlon enlightened them, that she carried a large enough share of her wealth around wfth her to tempt a first-class thug. It may be that Mrs. Green can draw her gun quickly enough "to out wit the designs of the profession, the members of which are as enterprising and-as successful as any thieves In the world. Mrs. Green's application Is In the way of a dare to this class and there may be one or two who will not take It -At any rate the publicity giv en her application lessens her chances -of slipping, along, unnoticed by these gentry. . - "What k a Gcstlmuw One of the richest ladies in New York city says that unless a man Is a college graduate he need not come around. If a boy Is a gentleman any way It does not make him (perma nently) less of a gentleman to go to college. But if a disinterested resident in this or any other college community Were asked to name its best bred mem bers it is certain that the college men would not be named. Personal clean- ' llness, unobtrusive, inconspicuous con duct In public, respect for the rights of other people are a few of the pri mary qualities of a gentleman. The filthy condition of the university class-room floors, covered with tobac co spit, is an Indication of the low civ ilization of the occupants of the rooms. The noisy conduct of the stu dents In public places shows that they have no code of sufficient application to stand the strain of a victory at baseball or football. A boy who -goes to.' work begins at once to study the hwwyJnhMea. This is .LOUIS IT. WENTE, D. D. S., OFFICE, BOOMS 9ft, 27, 1, BBOWNELL' BLOCK, -. H7' Booth Eleventh street, Telephone, Ofice, 689. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY, RssUsnoe, Saaatoriaa. TeL617. , At eSos.l to 4, sad Saadsys, 12 to 1 p. m. DR. MAY L. FLANAGAN, ReaMeaoe,nSo.UUi. Tel. 869. At ofice, 10 to 12 . m.; 4 to 6 p. m Sundays, 4 to 4 :90 p. m. Oao,ZarBng Block, 141 So. 12th. Tel. 618. J. E. HAGGARD, M. D., LINCOLN, NEB. Oface, 1100 O street Rooms 212, 213, 214, Richards Block; Telephone 535. Sssideace, 1310 G street; Telephone K9S4 M. B. Retchum, M.D., Phar.D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE. THKOAT, CATARBH, AND FITTING SPECTACLES. Phone 848. Hoars, 9 to 5; Sunday, 1 to 2:30. Booms 313-314 Third Floor Richards Block) Lincoln, Neb. Kiss Lippincott ( Studio, Room 66 Brownen Block Painting, Lessons in Drawm. Pyrography , Wood Carving, Im prored China Klin, China deco rated or Bred. Stadlo ooen Monday. 2 to 5 d. m. v Tuesday, ThnrmdAy, Friday and Saturday, 9 to 12 a. m . THE . First National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital, $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits, . 71.304.00 Deposit, 2.6W.328.00 S. B. Bcknham, A. J. Sawyer, President Vice-President H. S. Fbuocax, Cashier. H. B. Evans, Fkank Parks, Ass't Cashier. Ass't Cashier. United States Depository Wh mw AND I SMlT BF n iiUljX The quality of the Piano yon use will have more to do with the success of your career as a musi cian than possibly you may think. If you use a IVeber, Bauer, or Matthews your success is assured, every thing else being equal. You can buy any one of these beautiful instruments on easy terms at the lowest possible prices consistent with quality, of the MatttieAv Piano Co. 1136 O Stoat, Liacek A N -I 1 A 2 -JVT-.- - Zgt-. ISA