THE COURIER 12 DEATH CLAIMS ARCHBISHOP CORRIGAN J THE LATE ARCHBISHOP CORRIGAN. ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL, NEW YORK. The Courier Published Every Saturday Entered In the PottoOce at Lincoln as secoftft dM matter. OFFICE 900-910 P STREET T"LEFB0KE Editorial Room 90 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Per aaaum, la adrance, SLOB Single Copy, SM FASHION NEW YORK. May 10. Western wo men have been more than ever con spicuous at the Waldorf lately. They are here to do their spring shopping, and are les showily clad than usual. Mrs. John W. Gates Is partial to black, and looks very svelte and charming in a crepe de chine made up with black Irish crochet, showing white beneath. She Is a remarkably well preserved woman, and it is almost impossible to believe that she is the mother of a married son. The Peck women, who are here to speed the bride on her way to Paris, are wearing white almost exclusively in the evenings. The dear medium length heavy lace coats, and the flat topped wlde-brlmmed hats with the graceful cache peigne of lace are so ex tremely chic as to have entirely caught our fancy. Some of these hats have a lace scarf, six inches or more In width, reaching to the shoulder in the back. Others of the fame species are turned up sharply at the back instead of drooping over the hair, and are trimmed with big bows or flowers. Many have lace draped about the front aad side brims with artistic effect, but the pearls in festoons and cabochons of which I spoke during the winter, are seen no more on the finer hats. Their vogue was extremely brief. As to ceats, the Eton is no longer at all smart. The Napoleonic cloak and the dainty short Empire sack, with its loose plaits and abundance of sleeve garniture, have quite superseded the long popular bolero and Eton. Silk and lace in combination, or silk and thin muslin, are choice materials for these little sacks which invariably show an enormous amount of fine needlework of some sort. The imported coats and cloaks are, on this account, higher In price than ever before, which Is saying "a great deal. The gowns for demi-tollet are espe cially attractive this spring. They in variably show short elbow sleeves, fin ished with delicate frills longer in the back than front. Indeed, the rear flounces have pointed ends reaching, in many Instances, below the waist line. Nothing could be more graceful. The most noticeable change in the cut cf the new deini-tciiets occurs in the sleeves, which are of endless variety. The skirts, backs and bodices are not along very new lines. In fact, they are much like last year's styles, except in the matter of garniture. Laferrlere shows a partiality to jack ets with long basques and hand em broidered ornamentations while other French houses send shorter coats with full mandolin sleeves. These sleeves will be in vogue all summer, as there Is no abatement whatever In their pop ularity. It matters not whether the material be light or heavy, this sleeve has first choice. It is tight fitting half way to the elbow, then very full to the wrist, where it is caught snugly Into either a wide or narrow cuff, as best pleases the wearer. A silver gray crepe de chine sent home last week, was made in a most novel manner, which will be much fav ored by those of sufficient means. The Idea is to present. In the entire toilet, the' idea of a flower. The gray I speak of symbolized a rose. The long sheath-like skirt was the calyx, and each gore was finished at the foot like an exquisite petal. The bodice carried out the same Idea, the lovely shirred and knotted petals" springing from the waist. A white gown with the lily for a model, and a pink and white orchid creation, with just a suggestion of pale yellow, were both stunning, but very expensive. Farmers & Merchants Bank 15th and O Street, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Geo. W. MoNTaomsY, Prest. L. P. Fonkhoubkb, Cashier. Capital Paid in, SSO.OOO OO Account of Indiriduals, Firms, Corporations, Banks, and Bankers Solicited. Correspondence invited. FOREIGN EXCHANGE and LETTERS OF CREDIT on all the principal cities of Europe. Interest paid on time deposit. COME IN AND GET A HOME SAVINGS BANK t&&j&iimj PtngPong . aPi or Table Tennis THE LATEST PARLOR GAME ( Seta 60c, $1.10, $2.26, $3.00, $3.75 and $4.60 THE LINCOLN BOOK STORE, 1 126 O Street. UVXS&X3&3 PURE . 1 v.C . OUR ARTIFICIAL ICE IS Absolutely Ejlire Telephone Orders to dk LINCOLN ICE CO., 40 0 St. Gatioufip s I i4 Street 0pen a11 Night ph I Low ncj's and Allcgrctti's Chocolates IrtaYffiaCy HOT SODAS IN SEASON ,) j cgW -i ' " lfJu Want First Class Service Call on Us . Transfer Co. WE DO WE SELL WE CARRY Piano and Fur- all grades of afinolineof Gar niture Moving Coal riagca & Buggies IV OFFICE, TENTH AND Q STS. PHONE 176. Length of line is the thing most to be desired in all these beautiful gowns. Their grace depends on it, and there fore short, stout women are desolate. Lenten banting this year, however, has not been wholly in vain. Several of my friends are metamor phosed as a result of something or oth er since I saw them six weeks ago. Fasting is really most beneficial, and now that noted physicians are urging the advantages of a light diet, I doubt not that by fall all of us modlshes will be slender, lithe and supple. Lady Modish in Town Topics. Mr. Malaprop My dear, we must have some suitable motto to carve over the entrance of the new ball-room. Mrs. Malaprop Why not have that dear old quotation, "On with the dance let joy be unrefined?" Algy Gussle's condition is vewy sewlous indeed. The poor fellow can not even waise his head from the pil low. - Percy What's the matteh? Algy The foolish fellow" lost his head in a game of ping pong last evening and played steadily for fifteen minutes. Big-head My wife can't keep ac counts. Book-keeping is a mystery to her. Gayboy It's different with my wife. She does keep accounts, but her book keeping is a mystery to me. "Life Is a lottery," remarked the In ductive Mrs. Pig; "we are here today, and tomorrow we are bacon or pork tenderloin." "Well," put in Mr. Pig, bitterly: "any thing to get away from Chicago!" New Lincoln 139 S. Tenth Street JOHN S. CAIN Proprietor Bowling Alleys Ererrtklnr New and StrirtJjJFlnt Clan Ladle Especially Iorltcd SAPORS HORSE COLLARS jljjijggUf tap ASKYOUft PEALCRTOSHOWTHfM BEFORE.. YOU BUY. MANUFACTURED BY HARPHAM BROS.CO. (.incoln.N'eb. ' r -II -i 1 .i tSTOPPEBPMI m i ParMiaintly CarMto AT "J" I m m. hue's iREAl I I IB NERVE RESTMQI OiwilwrtMi, 1 11 mil r r mill; ihmIm u4 mi tkYai. iiitrn.K rant ! paunu wk ff ipnM Mir tiUnty. 1 1 wv. Mtwi j m pirr mtT nraiimr. Mrdf. iUy. Bm Tl -! Tim. If HUHI.U. Strati. PhiladcphU. r mq. MMtttr.Bs! ic s A