ssa ' :-: . i , . . . - v v .aav aaW H JBHHSaVEHHVHaEflH9'Bv''TMk'Eaw fc "iBmynkjBaMMaw h r fol. .arm, M). .YFIJ LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, 8ATURDAY, MAY 10, 1902 ESTABLISHED IN 1886 FOR BRAIN WORKERSA HAVEN Diversion for Care-Worn Office, Professional or Business Men at the Golf Links, Tennis Courts and Shaded Grounds of the Lincoln Country Club, A and Twenty-Seventh Up with the violets comes the an nual zeal for golf. For six months lit tle or nothing has been doing on the links of the Country club. Now the rains have brought out the green of the grass and with the few touches that will be administered, the immense expanse will soon be in splendid trim for the gaily patterned figures who delight to sport with the gutta perclia balls. Since June 1st, 1900, the Country club has grown steadily and rapidly. Its popularity was instantaneous, but knot of the kind that bespoke for Itself a mushroom existence and then a sud den collapse. It was not ill considered and when it made its presence known it was come to stay. From a member ship of rieas then flftylt rose to the at -talnment of nearly a hundred by last fall at the closing of the season. With the opening this spring a surprisingly large influx of new members has been noted and the outlook could not be more piomising. Not only has It enlarged its roster, but it has broadened its scope. Here tofore limited to golf, it now boasts three of the finest tennis courts in the west, laid out at a cost of $200. Shoot ing traps, too, will soon have a place ar.d opportunity will thus be afforded to sportsmen of a versatile taste for at least three varieties of pastime. But the end is not yet. Improvements have been added to the club house, that cosy structure nestling in the trees of the upland over looking the whole field. A locker, for instance, is one of them. It is an In dependent building close by, to be used as a dressing room and where shower baths will be possible. A new arrange ment in the club house proper provides a-dlrilnjj'rooni, where lunchwand'dln ners will be served by Mr. and Mrs. Dybro. whose services have been se cured for this year. If golf does noth ing else it makes Its devotees hungry. A good appetite Is pretty sure evidence of good health. The need of the din ing room has long been felt and it will no more be an aggravating want. Mr. Dybro Is an experienced man on the green and Is guaranteed to keep the field in trim not to be surpassed. He will be ably assisted by nature. As a matter of fact the links, situated as they are with the boundary of A street on the south. Twenty-seventh street' on the east and Twenty-third on the west, are the handsomest and most aptly formed natural links in the west. Nobody denies it, and many play ers have tried their skill on it who have tested them all. The course is of nine holes, skinned greens, with the longest hole 360 yards and the shortest 120 yards. Fully thirty acres make up the field, cleft In two nearly at the centei by a ravine that contributes, ar jlentl--ful array of natural hazards. Of all the events that were ever billed for the links the one scheduled for the last of this month will stand supreme. This is the grand Inter state tournament beginning May 26th and lasting six days. There will be three days of golf, three of shooting and three of tennis, arranged to fit the six days by the process of lapping. That Is, on several of the days two classes of sport will be In progress simultaneously. In money and medals and souvenirs the prizes will be many and valuable. Visitors and sportsmen from far and near over the country nie expected to be present. This will not be the only event of the year, however. As during last seasons, match games will be played with reg ularity. Once a week at least team contests will excite the Interest and raise the temperature of participants and witnesses. In this team work, shies, are chosen, one might say as in a spelling match.- The dinners thai will, be staked on the result this year will have the native relish of club house production. Many games, too, will be played with other state clubs, such as that of Omaha and the western or ganizations, among them Hastings Holdrege and York. ( , , , mmmm0MwifM i .? .- :JL ft f?SH ? il Jvr" wj " s-ZY-tt-f aaaaW r $" Z4s8mk aaraHaaaaaaHaaSBaaaavc HR ; aaaaavfl r BQPVE JZ&E3&rX&Z-Kt t-- wj S I1? ' . -j -i'i'"','xaw(aalaawt " ? jE. aHa aacaaaDaaaraaava j. -av -viaavaa5aavYtv q BrHik; ujpinBP'fBBv -4 n v . ?r vtj i" vvmivm laaaaaawLaaaaat. lalaaaaaaaaHKanlaalJ it HVwaaVF I faliTflljSpiSfTiaBB6"1 '" i i y""'" ..w-' - -JiMaa. " m ?SH aaaaaV ibi9H -i b j "V4- mhhht 'aHaHs. 2Ca9iE9aBlflaaaH " j, iw -wfjw i - jmjs-TtS i il flaaaVaTaav . v ju aaHIIV aaavanAjriL f viaaaLi aMMSaB a n i t- vi daa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Hn 3RitawH&c3aiaaaaaaaaaaav iHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav aaaaah s tnfc. ""w- , t i m aaBiaavfHiaGSLJSMavaiaaaaaaaaH..-iaaaBiaaaaa ,'ata -------I'.r "jiM Hf2aa.aHaVifaaaHaHr3f BbVbB JBBmfaKl "S B99999999999999999999aHiAilBaaaaaW9999999999999laaVaviR faawTRutaa1aaB99XaV MMfffcBaTaa ""rr"'f :lkn iaaW aaaKawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aam. .? wfca- vvaPaaaaaaw . HaVaaaEjiPaVf -wiZi--,fc,H $Z?,"2 jaaaaV rm aaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaMrOtf'raaaal Y'aWtaaaaafcfcal'"'--'' iff'w'i HaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKyalaaaaaVSlaaaaaaPaaaWaaHflaKrTaS T 1M L-Z1 - HgyL M aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT aapaaiasaaaaaa'aiHvaHHaiaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaavaav vuar wavwvvaiavvOTNMpa'- iy-'""1 js' M m KaBuMJaaWfnTBllialawiffaWKtttllt i)jB:;:::z:::x::;JM hSHHHflPRUiiUHBaaWSBaW - a Jl PK"iyrT"TaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaa aawTfi aawaaaw" ' -'-fe-B--p HH aaaaaHILaPiaaHREal! aaaaaank t "wti . w iTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBiaaEaaaaasjaaaaaaaW' m aaaaas aaaaVii avaaaa!i!!ript . KaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaavaiiaTBiaaaaaaaaaaaChaaaBiBP9 jmnsfiMHflawaaaaaaVlaaS'j r aaHaaiBuriKssTTr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavPSCEKUk-''' , QUARTERS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTRY CLUB. k sq&mmammsmwiwwjt2 nr i ' """rwi 'awtwwwy