THE COURIER 3 i r inal character painting, the "Rudder 'Grange" series Is Immeasurably su perior to "The Lady or the Tiger," which owes its popularity to the fact that it is a puzzle. "Pigs In Clover" or the fourteen puzzle were not invent ed by a genius, but more than half of the seventy-five million tried to work them. Pomona In the Rudder Grange series Is a servant girl, capable, honest, faithful, but given to reading romances and making queer mistakes. When we finish the books of her life we feel that we have attached to ourselves a faith ful family servant. Moreover the humor that accompanies the exposition of her annals is human and Illumin ating; it has a flavor of its own and to one who has grown accustomed to It nothing else can take its place. It is said that the Rudder Grange series was offered to more than one publisher be fore it was accepted. It is a likely story Frank Stockton had to make his own public; he had to create a taste for the kind of writing he alone could do. A few years ago, shoppers "were asking what were the peculiar things that look like osage oranges. Now a great many people take grape fruit as a matter of . course with their oatmeal. The flavor of Mr. Stockton's humor is as tart and refreshing as when it first appeared. It is a hybrid and it does not lose with age the hybrid flavor. His stories, written In the beginning of old age, are as vigorous as those of his youth. Simple, naif, shrewd, a typical Ameri can, Frank Stockton deserves to go down to posterity with unfaded laurels, and I hope posterity will look at this matter reasonably and grant him the laurel for which his petitioners do humbly pray. Boer and Briton In spite of the efforts of judges and the conscience of jurors, it is probable that many innocent men accused of crimes have been punished. There are certain universal human instincts by the operation of which truth is ob scured. "For instance, when some one , is killed, the public clamors for the ex ecution of the murderer. A man is ar rested on suspicion, and occasionally before he has had the human right of trial, he is taken away from the sheriff by the mob and hanged or burned. Afterward each man who assisted in killing the prisoner excuses himself by reflecting on the barbarity of the mur der which exasperated the community. This insistence upon a scape-goat L seen in the child who falls down and either strikes the obstacle against which his feet tripped or blames his nurse. The Hebrews sacrificed a lamb. Modern travelers abuse the conductor when anything- happens to delay the car. It is rarely the motor-man or the conductor who is responsible for the delay of an Inter-urban car, but no matter, there must be a scape-goat and the president of the company is spend ing his time In sybaritic ease far, far away from the reach of an exasperated car-full of pioneers. The other day In this city the power gave out and the car stood still. Theconductor was a little man, patient and good-natured. He wore a G. A. R. button. He had fought for his country and many or the passengers he considered lus friends. But neither gratitude nor friendship stood the strain when the power gave out. All the men on the car glared at the little man for being conductor of a car that was propelled by a power that had dropped off into the earth somewhere blocks away. Some of the women made spiteful re marks Into the air after the manner of women. The little conductor went out Into the street with his eyes full of tears at the illogical victimizing of an innocent man. This Boer talk Is In spired by the search of a scape-goat. A number of soldiers, Boer and Briton, have been killed In the Trans vaal. England is a rich and .great country with a wonderful history of achievement and victory. The Transvaal Is a small republic. Therefore the - war Is- o England's picking. At least two persons out of three agree that the English govern ment desired to go to war with ttie Transvaal because England wanted to extend her South African territory. The opinion Is contrary to the ac knowledged history of the negotiations. Nine-tenths of the taxes were paid by the uitlanders who constantly com plained of their powerlessness to cor rect abuses and of unjust exactions from which they suffered. Negotia tions for the relief of the uitlanders were pending when Kruger declared the conference at an end and the Boers fired upon the English soldiers. That England was utterly unprepared Is admitted by the Boers themselves who -congratulate themselves for taking the British unawares. Oom Paul thought on account of the current popularity of republics and the prejudice in favor of the smaller combatant that he would have foreign aid. But notwith standing the difference in size, the smaller of the powers that are now about to conclude peace in South Afri ca is, and has been from the first, in the wrong. The Transvaal has drawn only unintelligent sympathy and no mate rial aid from the other powers In this struggle. There are plenty of Americans who are willing to vote for a resolu tion of sympathy for the Boers and of disapproval of the English. But these people have not Investigated the trouble. Its origin, England's attempts at pacific compromise before the war, or the fatuous statesmanship and cu pidity of Oom Paul Kruger. Rev. Dr. Joseph Hertz, who was a member of the Lord Milner high or advisory committee in South Africa and chaplain of the Rand rifles, has just arrived In this country. When the war broke out Mr. Hertz was expelled from Johannesburg by Mr. Kruger for being a uitlander. He has since visit ed many of the British concentration camps in South Africa. He says: "The stories of the British cruelty toward the wives and families of the Boers in the camps are absurd. It Is not the fighting Boer who makes these charges, but the stay-at-homes. The Boers In the field send their fam ilies to the British to be taken care of so thnt the fighting men will not be hampered by the care of them. While there were but 9,000 children attending school In the Orange Free State before the war started, there are 14,000 at school now under the British govern mental rule. It Is repeatedly charged that the British have driven the Boer In South Africa three times from one position to another till Anally he took refuge across the Vaal river where he Is now. In 1881, after the affair at Majuba Hill, Sir Evelyn Wood recovered lost ground and wired his government that ha held the Transvaal' and the Boer army In the hollow of his hand. The queen sent word to Sir Evelyn Wood to spare the Boers and granted them the Independence of the Transvaal un der certain conditions, among which were equality to foreigners who should come to the country to make It their home. The Boers failed to keep the conditions. They made constant raids upon the territory across their border, and the treatment of the uitlanders who were making the land of the Boers ten times as valuable and who paid nine-tenths of the taxes, who educated their children and developed their mines, was far from magnanimous, It was Intolerable. No emigrants, civi lized, and of nine-tenths more economic Importance than the natives, would long endure It. And It is not to be ex pected of Englishmen who belong to a froward and a stiff-necked race. The bigger animal is not always the aggressor. An elephant puts his foot upon the adder who has stung him. But the adder is such a little, such a quiet reptile, good to her family and ignorant of how her Btlng hurts and kills. surely the elephant Is a great big bully for killing such a little thing! GEORGE W. WELTON. George W. Welton, county commissioner, is another man who testi fies to the enriching qualities of Nebraska soli. He came to this state with less than $3 and not a sign of property. This was in 1875. Now he owns over 500 acres of land and no little personal property, all his hold ings, having been drilled by hard labor from the soil. He was born In Henry county, 111., in 1854, and did time on his father's farm until he was fifteen years of age. He attended only common school and this for but thirty-four months. In 1S69 he made Nebraska the first visit, re maining all the summer. He then returned to Illinois where he taught school a year, entered a machine shop and learned the trade of a me chanic, railroaded some and then came to Nebraska again in the spring of 1875. Settling on a claim In Merrick county he farmed and raised stock until 1885, when he removed to Lancaster county. In 1876 he was married to Lizzie Fauquier. Since coming to this county he has lived on his farm in Mill precinct. He has been a republican all his life and be came interested In politics in 187C, though he never sought office until 1897, when he was elected county commissioner in this county. He was re-elected In 1900 and his tenure expires in 1904. The institution of steam road grading in the county was at his prompting and since his election about 300 miles of road have been thus graded. By this inno vation the cost has been reduced form about 1200 a mile to less than $50. County debt to the amount of $160,000 has been paid off during his tenure, not by increase In taxation, but by the persistent collection of back taxes and by economy. Mr. Welton Is father of eight children, two daughters and six sons, the youngest being a daughter five years old. He has no political ambitions, but says when his term expires he will return to his farm and prove that Nebraska land is still golden -If tilled rightly. ARukJudfc Judge Moses Hallett of Denver has been making statements in Washington about the woman vote of Colorado that the facts and figures In the case do not warrant. Judge Hallett said that the women of Denver had Incurred the enmity of a large class of politi cians. True; but if patriots were ever loved for the enemies they have made, then the women of Denver deserve our affection. The Denver correlevant of Bath-house John who, with his assist ants has made the municipal corrup tion of Denver notorious, says that woman suffrage Is n failure In Colo rado. He says It should be abolished, that women are only loosely attached to party nnd temperamentally opposed to a boss and that they scratch tickets Inexcusably. Scratching Ih the worst form of heresy In a boss's eyes. Per sisted in It ruins discipline and party organization. The testimony of the men who make their living by electing someone else to office Is not good evi dence, therefore, of the benefits or evils of woman suffrage In Colorado. Judge Hallett announced that the ed ucated "women of Denver have ceased to take nny interest in municipal ques tions and no longer go to the polls. The records show that the woman's vote In the better portions of the city Is much larger than In the poorer districts. In the last city election 23,000 women and 41,000 men voted. There can not be 23,000 low-class and Illiterate women In Denver. Yet there must be. if Judge Hallett's reputation for veracity comes out of this encounter alive. Mrs. Sarah Platt Decker is of the opinion, when consulted by a reporter concerning what Judge Hallett had said, "that women did not want suf frage for what they were going to do with it, but simply as a matter of jus tice. As to his contention that suffrage has not accomplished anything In Col orado, we could do enough If there were no men voters In Colorado. Give us woman suffrage (exclusively) and we would show him and all otherskeu tlcs what we could do." All the prominent women whom the reporter consulted Intimated that Judge Hallett's statement that the best women of Denver did not vote was un qualifiedly false. Judge Hallett's remarks resemble the statement made at a recent meeting of the Round Table club of this city by a clergyman. Clergymen are In the habit of occupying the whole pulpit and all the attention of several hundred peo ple at once. They can say what they like and no one dares to call them down. They make statements with out fear of interruption that take your breath away and that you know abso lutely can not be proven. On the Round Table occasion the clergyman said: "There are a thousand statutes that are a dead letter on the statute books." One of the members who has no reverence for any human Institu tion said: "Let nine hundred and ninety-nine dead-letter laws go. Can you name one that is a dead letter?" Of course the clergyman, not being used to impertinent interruptions, and never having, been called upon before In the presence of twelve unconvinced men to prove a statement, was rattled, and could not remember one out of a thousand statutes which was not en forced. He said there were a thousand but he could not remember one. Every young clergyman ought to have a sea son in the Round Table as part of his theological course. The treatment to which he Is subjected will have a tendency to make him see that there are two sides to nearly every question and that whether he speaks to a silent audience or to one with the privilege of asking questions and for proofs, there is in every Intelligent listener's mind a denial of all foolish statements. He may learn to appreciate that the con gregation Is a tribunal, and that If he says things that do not appear sound to the candid mind he Is Impeaching his own reliability as a witness of things which he perhaps does know more about than his audience. Also when Judge Hallett testifies In Washington about woman suffrage In