f 10 r THE COURIER DR. CHARLES W. LITTLE. First cured from disease by osteopathy and afterwards a graduate and successful practitioner this Is the experience of Dr. Charles W. Lit tle, the pioneer osteopathic doctor of Lincoln. Dr. Little went to the original osteopathic college at Klrksvllle, Mo., for treatment. He was cured of a spinal and nervous trouble. Enthu siastic over the system of treatment he entered the college as a student. After graduating he went to Atlantic, Iowa, but in 1898 came to Lincoln. The laws of the state were antagonistic to the practice of osteop athy and Dr. Little at cnce began the task of clearing away statutory obstacles. Three years ago his bill was defeated In the legislature by a narrow margin, but at the last session the measure went through by a handsome majority. When the fraternal building at the corner of Thirteenth and N is completed Dr. Little will remove from the Farmers & Merchants build ing to that place. He will furnish and establish an Infirmary large enough to accommodate his growing practice. Dr. Little is president of the Nebraska state osteopathic association and a son of Dr. Thomas Little, who won great fame as a medical prac titioner In northwest Iowa. The former was, in fact, educated for medi cine after the teachings of the regular school, but abandoned his studies to enter the newspaper business. Dr. Little Is thirty-eight years of age. ; Jo Beef Crust... . . . Say the Butchers Meat eaters are unduly arouseS. There is no beef trust Agents of the packers say so and butchers echo the declaration. The trouble with prices now Is simply due to a scarcity of meat with no shrinkage In the number of consumers. It is so, every word of It, avow these people and they think the packers have been unjustifiably abused for conditions over which they have no Iron clad control. Prices of all meats have risen. Pork has gone up a little, as well as beef, and mutton, some declare, is higher than It has been In ten years, selling at an advance of between four and five cents over prices heretofore. A few cents In the rise of meat means a big sight of money to the people of any community. In Lincoln a promi nent meat man estimated the expendi ture of the people' for meat at an aver age of $11,000 a week. At many of the markets all beef cuts have risen two cents and a half a pound while at others they have soared five cents. It depends on the extent of the business of the place. Where much: trade is recorded for a day it Is possible to sell for less and make good enough profits while at the lesser establishments a higher price is demanded. A courier representative talked with men both of the Swift and the Armour agencies here and while they claimed not to he intimate with the methods of the head Institutions they affirmed nevertheless that they were being held to account for alleged offenses for which they are not responsible. Pre cious little margins are they making anyhow, Jt was said. Live stock is bought by the packing houses at prices ranging from 6& to 8 cents a pound and sold at from 9 to 10 cents. It costs nearly all of that to dress the meat and ship it, not to mention the shrink age which is sometimes nearly as much as fifty per cent. At this rate there Is certainly little profit on dressed meat. The agents say there Is none at all and that the packers enjoy margins only ob the by-protects they manufacture. Of Miwwi It a trfe ftafay. SOIL dally quotations; with their slight fluctuations, tend to bear out the rep resentation of the figures. From all outside Indications and talk it does not appear that the packers are enjoying the gigantic profits with which they are credited by the easily agitated. At any rate It Is a rare market man who seriously blames the packers for the raise. They tend to agree that these people are getting only their Just share of profits, certainly hot more, and the rise is natural. Cattle are scarce and people are thick. The wars have been responsi ble for huge shipments of meat to the outside armies and new fields have been opened in the Orient. More meat Is being transported across the seas than ever before In the history of the world. That's where a good deal Is go ing and that contributes to the scar city. There was a time In the history of stock raising when the farmers and raisers were getting only from one to three and four cents a pound for their animals on hoof. This was in rather remote days, however. Raising a higher grade of animals, they have come to demand a higher price. Their greatest incitement has been the very high figures on grain during the pres ent year and last fall. With corn all the way up to sixty-five cents no wonder its animal consumers are held dearly. Their owners cannot afford to sell them for small money. Who would? The result is that the packers must pay something for them. Still farther on the carnivorous public must pay something. It sometimes happens that when beef takes a drop In the open market the packers must retrieve for previous short selling by maintaining the old prices. In this manner they keep a balance with themselves and the public for the times when the stock men have gone up In their prices without a corresponding rise on the part of the packers. At any rate nobody In the meat business here ac cuses the packers of unduly exacting margins. The public will probably think as It has, notwithstanding. How far It In tends to go to get even nobody can yet predict. Market men, however, say they do net expect a rise of more than half a cent more at the most and that by June, prices will take a proper and beneficient drop. Certain It Is that the market men have observed a distinct falling off in their business the past week. They are dead afraid they are being bilked. Traffic In eggs and cereal foods has correspondingly picked up. The market men say it would be im possible for them to kill their own meat and make better prices. Hence the people must hang to their eggs until they come to feel more at ease. Batchers couldn't bay cattle much. If a Great Deal IN Oriental Rugs NE OF New York's greatest Importing Houses, with agents in every country in the Orient, traders in Rugs, Teak woods, Opium, etc., sold, us a unique collection of Rugs gathered together by their Constantinople agent. We bought the lot in original packages, and offer them for your inspection Monday. We don't claim to sell $90.00 Rugs for $45.00, but we do claim a choice collection of rare and beautiful Rugs offered Monday at prices not surpassed by any competitor in any city. $8.00, 13.00, 15.00 Hamadan, Shirvan, Bokhara, and Carabaugh Rugs, Mats, and odd sizes new and old Rugs suitable for any size room, and about the price of domestic Rugs. Magnificent Beloochistans, Antique Bokharas, and Afghans, in the rich blood reds and blues, toned down to mellow softness indescribable, but always characteristic of ?A A iA the Afghan tradesman, . . $20j yj) SO Kelims and Kis-Kelims, Bokhara, Caucasian, and Persian weaves, large sizes for Couch Covers and Rugs, . fly.yjwM) India Durries, light cotton Rugs, for bedroom, den'and couch use,?j'5" 2 ttjrr Great carpet size Rugs, in HP- Afghans, Kivas, high pile ever lasting India Rugs, beautiful Soumak Cash meresRugs that are large and evenly woven and especially suited for parlor, hall and library, and those marvels of Persian handi craft and color, Tabriz and Kirmanshah Rugs. -. y c- A carpet size Bokhara is a rarity. A Bokhara with green, interwoven in plan of blue, has a sacred sig nificance, and is eagerly sought for by rug connoisseurs. This rug is a beautiful example of patient, skillful Oriental weaving, and we never saw its equal at a much higher price. Oriental Drapery, Sofa Pillows, Embroideries, India Prints, etc., Teakwood Pedestals, Stands, and Jardiniere Stands, Ben ares Indian Brass, Corba Candle Sticks, etc., . . .$3 to 30 Rudge & Guenzel Co. Furniture Carpets Drapery Hardware . . . VISITORS INVITED . . . K pEbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbTwB "i 9bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbxbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbI The Dr. Benj. F. Bailey Sanatorium Is not a hospital, not a hotel, but a home. The building is located on a sightly hill at Normal, and Is reached by the cars of the Lincoln street railway, being only 28 minutes' ride from the business center of the city. It is thoroughly equipped and beautifully furnished. ETery electric current useful in the treatment of the sick is used, and Ideal Turkish, Russian, and Medicated Baths are given. In conditions where the kidneys and liver are affected, and In case of rheumatism, our Hot Air Treatment has been remarkably successful. For fall ln formatlon address Thm M. r. mmlfry BmitBfrfmm, Uifln, . any, cheaper than the packers and the expense of killing and the loss In shrinkage would serve to keep prices still up In the air. So there you are. The only remedy ror those who insist there is a trust is to break it by the endless chain letter which has been started In the east. It is designed to pledge the recipient to a week's ab stinence from meat of any kind. If that doesn't crush the trust nothing will.