The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 12, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Women in Politics
and in It to Stay
Immediately after the adjournment of congfress in June, President Roosevelt will repair to his summer home
at Oyster Bay, I I., where he intends to spend the greater part of the summer vacation. Mrs. Roosevelt and the
children will" probably start for Oyster Bay before the adjournment of congress. Teddy Roosevelt, Jr., will ac
company his mother. The president's eldest born is picking up wonderfully since his sickness and he manifests a I
keen delight at the prospect of going to Oyster Bay, where he knows every nook and cranny. I
Gregory The Coal Man.
Mrs. "W. G. Morrison entertained Les
Bohemiennes this week.
The Saturday night club will give a
German next Friday evening.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Archibald
Haecker on April fifth, a son.
Mrs. C. I. Jones entertained the L. A.
kensington Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sine entertained
the J. O. C. club Monday night.
Miss Garten entertained the alumnae
members of Delta Gamma Monday
Mrs. E. E. Brown has returned from
an extended absence in Indiana and
Delta Delta Delta will give a dance
Thursday evening, the twenty-fourth,
at "Walsh hall.
Mrs. J. Addison Marshall has re
turned from St. Louis, where she has
been for some months.
Chapter K of P. E. 0. will give a
play Monday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jones.
Phi Kappa Psl has issued invitations
for a large dancing party to be given
at the Lincoln, April twenty-fifth.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyce will give
a card party next Thursday evening
at their home on Seventeenth and
Mr. and Mrs. Hllen Trowbridge en
tertained the railway postal clerks and
their wives Tuesday evening at their
home, 116 South Twenty-seventh
Miss Anna B. Keller of Western, and
Mr. David P. Evans of Lincoln, were
married Tuesday afternoon by Rever
end L. M. Denton. Mr. and Mrs. Evans
will reside at Thirty-first and W
Miss Charlotte Whedon, voice pupil,
and Miss Nellie Griggs, a piano pupil,
gave a recital for graduation in the
university chapel Wednesday evening.
Both young ladies acquitted them
selves creditably.
The Misses Simpson, who have been
spending the winter in California, ar
rived in Lincoln Saturday evening and
were guests at the hpme of Mr." and
Mrs. C. E. Yates. They left for their
home in New York Tuesday.
Mrs. P. W. Andrus entertained the
ladies' auxiliary of the U. C. T. Tues
day afternoon. Fourteen ladies were
present. Mrs. Andrus and Miss Flo
rence Townsend rendered attractive
music. Refreshments were served.
Invitations have been issued to the
marriage of Miss Grace M. Bow'en of
Avoca, Iowa, to Mr. Fred R. Easterday
of this city, to be celebrated April sev
enteenth at the First Presbyterian
church in Avoca. Mr. Easterday is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. M. Easter
day. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bell entertained
the members of the E. E. D. kensing
ton and their husbands, and a few
other friends Thursday evening. High
five, music and games were enjoyed.
Mrs. Jeannette Rehlaender assisted the
hostess in serving her guests. Those
present besides club members were
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis, Mrs. F. A.
Graham, Miss Harmon, Miss Hartigan
and Mrs. Rehlaender.
The Patriarchs gave a very pretty
party, noticeable for the handsome
costumes worn, last evening at Walsh
hall in compliment to Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Raymond. Each couple in
the club invited another couple as
guests, making quite a large company.
Mrs. C. E. Yates, president of the
Patriarchs, received with Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond. The parlors were decorated
with Easter lilies. Ices wero served
all evening. Fine music was furnished
for the dancing which followed the re
ception. Thursday evening a reception was
given In the parlors of the Young
Women's Christian Association, in
honor of Miss Ada E. Stearns, the new
secretary of the association. The
rooms were adorned with roses and
ferns. Miss Sumner and Miss Hedges
Introduced the guests, and the mem
bers of the board were present to greet
them. Mrs. A. E. Carr, assisted by
Misses Edholm, Ridenour, Collins, Up
ton, Smith and Berthurun, served Ices.
The woman's Bryan club has decided
to struggle along, meeting now and
then, awaiting that indefinite day
when something' may happen.
A week or so ago it was u difficult
matter to hold a meeting. A few of
the members gathered and it was de
cided to make an effort extraordinary
to gather in the followers in sufficient
strength to disband. Accordingly the
word was sent around.
Three or four days later the club
held another session. From the begin
ning two factions were apparent.
In the treasury was the sum of JSO
gathered for campaign purposes by the
faithful. Some of the members want
ed to donate this money to sweet char
ity and adjourn sine die. Mr. Bryan
had diplomatically announced that ho
was out of politics, it was declared,
hence what object could the club have
for a further lease of life? Dissolution
was the only proper remedy.
But Mrs. Belle G. Blgelow said nay.
She was supported by a strong skir
mish line of members who wanted to
keep the organization In skeleton form
If but one meeting was held each
summer. It was not fitting to give
political money to charitable purposes.
Besides some of these days Mr. Bryan
might be senator, governor or maybe
a presidential candidate again. What
then would be the position of the club?
It couldn't be reorganized. Nebraska's
favorite son would miss Its stalwart
support In the Third great battle.
So the suspended animation people
won out by a narrow majority and the
club is still numbered among the or
ganized. Originally the organization was
termed the Mary Bryan club. It camo
Into existence as the result of a de
plorable lack of offices in the ladies
bimetallic league. The scarcity of club
presidencies and the number of aspir
ants led to considerable Internecine
strife and the consequent branching
off of the two organizations.
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