1 THECOURIEB The Courier Published Every Siturday Entered to to Postofflce at Lincoln as seco4 class matter. OFFICE, ....... 860-910 P 8TREET Ttumam Baalaeas Ogae 214 0KI J Editorial Rooms SO SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Per aaaum, In adraaoe, 9UM angle Copy, Mt FASHION NEW YORK, April 12. Now that tiny blades of graps are peeping through the mould- and buds on the trees are swelling toward the bursting point, the feminine mind turns to spring millinery, with all Its vernal daintiness of color and texture. Flower hats and velvet frocks are a typically seasonable combination. At a box party a few evenings ago, I- saw worn with a gown of white panne with lare garniture a large picture hat made entirely of gardenias. The big flat hats of the shepherd ess style of last season, slightly modi fied, are shown again by some of the best Fifth avenue shops. One of these of tan colored chiffon fully plaited over crown and double brim, has a wreath of tiny pale pink roses in the opening between the brims. A scarf of cream colored lace is wound artistically about the low crown, with ends trailing over the hair in the back. A street and afternoon model, which is sure to be a favorite, is a large, low toque turned away from the hair at the aides A. .pretty one, of red chiffon, has cherries In different shades of red dangling In little groups about the brim front, sides and Tack and the effect is admirable. Grapes and rais ins are also used in this manner. In the back this model has a large bow of three-lach red velvet ribbon droop ing well over the hair. It is made in what is popularly called a single bow knot, with three loops on the crown of the hat, and the ends trailing. This same style bow is exceedingly effective made of black velvet ribbon upon a white hat. All the hats are much trimmed, lace appearing nearly aways. Veils, too, as trimming, will be more popular than ever. A round and fairly large hat of white straw has a frill of blue-colored lace falling over its entire brim and trailing almost to the shoulder at one side well toward the back. Evening hats still show enor mously long and full plumes. The ropes of pearls. large and small, of which I spoke some time ago, are also much In favor. The foliage hats in the new shapes are charming. One seen on the Avenue this week was composed entirely of currants and leaves, and the combination of red and green was most fetching. The back of this hat, wriich was a modified toque, was adorned with a long bow of green vel vet. Ivy and laurel are still seen, but lit tle trimming is used with them, since they are quite effective enough alone. Among the stiff hats light straws of neutral tints decided colors will not be very popular worn well over the face and turned up at the sides, are favored. Wings, usually white or black, are employed by way of side trimming on these models. The cut white felt hats, with crushed black silk or chiffon ornamentation, are still seen, and will be worn well Into the spring by those who dc not care to "force the season." Mrs. Clarence Mackay, who is not of this class, drove In the Park and down Fifth avenue, while all the town was snow-clad, wearing an airy affair of. black tulle on a transparent wire frame, resplendehtly garnished with a high and sv.eeping Paradise plume. Parasols are to be of medium size, but a little larger if anything than last year. Those of pongee, with heavy lace let In, appear well with the new pongee gowns. Delicate silks are shown, with narrow black velvet rib bon running from the top of the para sol to half its depth. Flounces are to be used, too; but they must be of chiffon, or lace, and never of anything so heavy as silk. The heavy coarse crash, which makes such novel spring coats when com bined with thick filet lace, is also to be used for parasols. ThlB is so porous that is generally lined. A com plete crash outfit is offered at one of the Bhops. Including a coat, short and loose fitting, with yoke and deep cuffs of lace; a tricorne hat, trimmed with rosettes of the crash, and biscuit-colored crushed ribbons, and a parasol, lined with bright biscuit-colored silk. Sunshades have never been so pro fusely trimmed as they are this sea son. One of blue and white silk has roses and leaves of exquisite Duchesse lace let in all over it, while another has a trailing rose vine, with flowers and leaves wound Irregularly about it, over a pale pink surface. Many are hand-embroidered In beautiful and artistic designs. These are very cost ly. Those of the more ordinary sort show the top of the parasol of one shade of silk a solid color, perhaps with a three, four or six-inch border of some different hue. The summer will mark the return to general favor of the dainty silk mlt. Those reach ing to the elbow are exquisitely woven, and the -patterns are lovelier than ever before. These charming accessories are most appropriate with the elaborate parasols and flower and fruit-covered hats of the season. Lady Modish in Town Topics. Lot of tbe Waiter Uot fiapp? One "Nit" With this emphatic and unconven tional negative a Lincoln waiter ex pressed unqualified disapproval when asked whether or not he adored his occupation. He didn't. Furthermore he said he wasn't going to follow It any longer than he had to and most other waiters would say the same thing. "Students drag our wages down," he continued. "They work for their board. "We-have to have wages. Some times they shorten hours for us but more generally their working Just makes us put in the same time with less chance of getting better wages. kThe business has no advancement in it. There is some money in restaur ant keeping in large towns but as a usual thing a man needs a first class business education and the men who sling hash haven't got it. They are laborers. "Ten hours, with a couple of days of thirteen to fourteen hours, makes up the amount of time required b.y the proprietor from the average wait er. Of course work has to be done on Sundays. When there is anything go ing on there is a greater rush than ever and we have to work. "No sir, there are no veteran waiters In Lincoln like you read about in the story books. One of the men who has worked the longest at the food serving business quit a few days and started to turning cranks on the street cars. And he has got a better job, too. "As for myself I am here until I can get something better. I went west not long ago and didn't strike what I expected. Rather than not work I be gan here. I have another Job In view and I do not care how soon this flick ers out. "Most men throw it into the waiters unless they are right good fellows and then I rather imagine that they look down on us. Several times since I have worn the white Jacket I have been tempted to reach across the counter after the wagging jaw of some irrit able customer. When anyone is out of Farmers & Merchants Bank K 15th and O Streets.- . LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Geo. W. Mom tooxxbt, Prest L. P. Funkhocsxr, Cashier. Capital Paid, in, $60,000 OO Accounta of Individual, Firms, Corporations, Banks, and Bankers Solicited. Correspondence invited. FOREIGN EXCHANGE and LETTERS OF CREDIT on aU the principal dtiea of Europe. Interest paid on time deposits. COME IN AND GET A HOME SAVINGS BANK Lincoln ) . . If yon Want First Class Service Call on Us i T-.- - a-Ca.. ( ( WE DO WE SELL WE CARRY A X CAXJ.SJLwJi ?( Piano and Fur- all erodes of a fine Hue of Car- citure Moving Coa! riages & Buggies Co. OFFICE, TENTH AND Q STS. PHONE 176. Ganoungs Pharmacy 1400O Street . . . Open all Night Lowncj's and Allcgretti's Chocolates HOT SODAS IN SEASON IHng-ong.. JSki or Table Tennis THE LATEST PARLOR GAME Sets 6O0, $1.10, $2.25, $3.00, $8.75 and $4.60 THE LINCOLN BOOK STORE, 1 126 .0 Street. HMMWKaWMWWWWWigW PURE 1 vC . OUR ARTIFICIAL ICE IS Absolutely Pure Telephone Orders to 225 LINCOLN ICE CO., 1040 0 St CERTIFICATE OF PUBUCATON. State or Nebraska, uitice or auditor rrauc accounts, 3 Lincoln. February 1. 1902. 1 It la hereby certified that tbe Mutual Benefit Llfa Insurance Company, of Newark, In tbe State ot New Jersey, has complied with the Insurance Law of thla State, applicable to such companies, aad la therefore authorized to continue the busi ness of Life Insurance In this State for the cur rent year ending January Slat, 1908. Summary ot report filed for the year ending December flat, 1901: INCOME. Premiums $11,006,9848 All other sources 3,66,23a03 Total $11,653,223.92 DISBURSEMENTS Paid policyholders 98.3s7.8K.at All other payments - 2,483,313.63 ..178,385,815.16 New Lincoln "BASF Bowling Alleys 130 S. Tenth Street Ercrjtklag Hew aad Strictly First Clan Ladle EtpccUU Inylted ASSETS Admitted LIABILITIES Net reeeire 70.589,337.00 Net Policy Claims aad matured lnstallmenta not yet due -..-. 399,502,82 AU other liabilities-;.. 744 ,336.25 Surplus beyoBdcapital stockand other liabili ties 6,452,609.09 Total ,$78,365,815.16 Witness Bay hand aad the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first abore written. CHARLES WESTON, seal Auditor ot Public Accounta. ByH.A.BABCOCX,Depmty. humor he can always get even by shooting it into some waiter. Rush, hurry, kicks on the food, God knows what all we have everything of this kind. The wages are bad, too, and this fact does not make us in much better humor when some one complains about the slowness of our movements. "There is no union in Lincoln any more. It disbanded months ago. The members of the profession are chang ing all the time and no set of men work .long enough to maintain a union. It -was' this reason, they tell me, that caused the organization to go down." 1 Newhub-You have been married quite a while, old man, tell me how to get along without family quarrels. Henpect Well, a separation might do, but I'd advise you to get a divorce, if possible. Town Topics. SADDLES HORSE COLLARS rfftlfcjg 1 c i Zmzr , i ril rtvinin IftPEALERTOStti BEFORE. YOU BUY. tANUFACTURED BY HARPHAM BROS.CO. Lincoln.Neb. ' EllbWrP A swnd ran " mFParaaaeiitlytert4tf " KriuriCTtm4.Tt. ftiiilwCwiml or kr uil; imfa mmt m gTfta. BOTTI.B RES r twi ihjIth mil mfaf. wnih. 2HLt,r, ''"Jgr sTw i. si Tim'Baii, 1 ISHJZms-s&rP- ".hubbCm. ww mrwm nwt Y.