THE COURIER ft Gregory The Coal Man. Mrs. C. H. Rudge Is In Chicago. Miss Maynard of Omaha is a guest of Mrs. W. J. Turner. The Unity club gave a dance Wed nesday night at Walsh hall. Doctor and Mrs. A. R. Mitchell are in Chicago attending grand opera. Miss Alice Cowdery was the guest of Mrs. George Fawell this week. Mrs. John Gordon of Tabor, Iowa, is the guest of Mrs. L M. Raymond. Mrs. Clinton R. Lee and Mrs. C. H. Rudge will entertain the M. M. whist club this evening. Mrs. De Vol and Miss Shean of New York city, aunt and cousin of Mrs. Ellas Baker, are her guests. Mrs. Avery Haggard of St. Paul, Minnesota, is the guest of her parents. Judge and Mrs. J. H. Broady. The class of 1902 of the Clinton school gave a party Saturday evening at the home of the president. Miss Ruth Long. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Leonard en tertained Les Bohemlennes Saturday night in honor of Mrs. Beeson of Oma ha. Miss Bcrnlce Wort gave a dinner Saturday evening to the teachers In the Whlttler school, at her home, 1027 F street. Mrs. William Cook Wilson and Mrs. John Brooks Wright will give a buffet luncheon Saturday, the twelfth, at the home of Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Ross Curtice entertained a com pany of Mrs. A. G. Beeson's friends at cards yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Bee son has been here for a week visiting her Lincoln friends. The marriage of Miss Agnes Golla her and Mr. Hugh B. Dalley was cele brated Monday morning at St. Theresa pro-cathedral. They left the same day for a trip to Colorado. Miss Catherine Odcll, of Evansvllle. Ind., 1b the guest of Mrs. Mark Woods. Miss Odell resided in Lincoln for sev eral years and has many friends here who nre glad to welcome her. She will remain for a month. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lahr and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Butler entertained the members of the Monday night card club and La Veta whist club, with some other friends, a hundred In all, at six hand euchre Tuesday evening at the Lahr home. Mr. Fred Deweese is in Pittsburgh this week attending the national con vention of Phi Kappa Psl fraternity. A feature of the convention was a visit by the delegates to old Jefferson college at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, where the fraternity was founded fifty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Lewis gave a military euchre Monday evening In honor of Miss Wing. Nine tables ac commodated the players. Miss Wing, who has been the guest of Lincoln relatives for some time, left Wednes day for her home In West Newton, Massachusetts. Wednesday at noon the marriage of Miss Mao C. Maughn to Mr. Jo seph H. Williams was celebrated at the home of the br"j's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maughn. Reverend Williams performed the ceremony. Miss Gertrude Strange and Mr. George Williams were attendants. A small number of relatives and friends were present. The bride received many pretty gifts. A surprise was perpetrated last Fri day evening on Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Welch at their home, 503 South Eleventh street. It being the third an niversary of their marriage. Those present were Messieurs and Mesdames M. E. Welch, G. R. Putnam. W. P, DuVail, Kllean, Henry James: Misses Welch, June Welch, Clara Thomas, Mabel McNeil; Messieurs G. F. Sen ner and Leroy DeVore. Mrs. Katherine L. Bowman gave kenslngtons on Tuesday and Wednes day afternoons in honor of Mrs. L. E. Howey, of Knoxville, Illinois. Other out of town guests were Mesdames W, C. Black, L. B. Howey and F. H. Howey. all of Beatrice. The house was decorated with palms, ferns, roses, car nations and hyacinths. A mandolin or chestra furnished music. A luncheon was served each afternoon. BENJAMIN F. BAILEY, M. D. Benjamin F. Bailey, M. D., has been for fifteen years one of the best known physicians In Lincoln. In addition to his large practice he Is a prime mover In the Sanitorium company located at Normal. Is presi dent of the state board of health and also president of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Besides these positions he has been at the head of the state homeopathic association. He was born In Littleton, N. H., under the shadow of the White mountains. After a thorough academic preparation he graduated from Hahnemann Medical college in 18S1. He soon had a lucrative practice in Manchester, N. H., but threatened pulmonary troubles drove him westward and he settled In Lincoln fif teen years ago. He soon formed a wide acquaintance and quickly be came popular In social circles. Friends he attracts In great numbers on account of his cultured manners and loyalty to acquaintances. In his profession Dr. Bailey takes high rank. He has been the head of the state homeopathic society and is at present president of the Amer ican Institute, the national organization. He presided at the fifty-fifth annual session held at Atlantic City June 20 to 24 of last year. The attendance was large and the meeting was the most successful one in the history of the organization. Dr. Bailey Is the youngest man that ever held the Institute presidency and it may also be remarked that he is the first presiding officer chosen from the region west of the Mississippi. -' 2-' i 2' IJ "1 u u Miller & Paine A, Dress Goods, Cloaks and Suits, Linens, Underwear and Hosiery, Cotton Goods, Rugs and Draperies, Millinery, Notions and Trimmings, Etc., Etc. 0 and 13th Sts. Lincoln, Neb ( - r A. "- '- jSr 'i-:m:- K :li015;