The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 05, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Some of Lincoln's Little Kolks
Four months, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert J. Flick
Ten months, son of Mr. ur.d Mrs.
Edward P. Keefer.
Four months, daughter of Mr.
Mrs. Chas. M. Keefer.
The ladies of Plymouth Congrega
tional church gave a reception Mon
day evening in the church parlors in
honor of Reverend and Mrs. John
Doane who left this week for their
new home in Fremont. Reverend and
Mrs. Doane and Reverend and Mrs.
Gregory received the guests. A man
dolin club played during the evening.
Plymouth church was never so pretty.
A profusion of Easter lilies and other
Jlowers were used for decorating. The
dining room was effectively decorated
In yellow and white tulips forming a
centrepiece on the table. Mrs. H. C.
M. Burgess and Mrs. Lawrence Bruner
presided at the refreshment table and
we're assisted In- serving by a number
of young ladies gowned in white. More
than three hundred persons were pres
ent to express regret at the parting
and to wish Mr. and Mrs. Doane suc
cess in their new home. Mr. and Mrs.
Doane during their nine years' resi
dence In this city, had endeared them
selves to a large circle of friends out
side Plymouth circles who as well as
the church people regret their going.
8& -34 iS
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A large audience gathered at Me
morial hall Thursday evening to listen
to the recital for graduation given by
Miss Alleyne Archibald, one of the
most talented students In the univer
sity school of music. She played the
following program:
Bach-Liszt FantasI and Fugue G
Schubert-Liszt "Hark, Hark the
Schutt Improvislon on "Prize Song,"
Joseffy Pizzlcatl from "Sylvia," De
libes. Chopin Impromptu F sharp Op. 3C.
Etude E Major Op. 10 No. 3, Ballade G
minor Op. 23.
Strauss, Richard Burleske D minor,
for piano and orchestra.
Orchestral parts on second piano by
Mr. Eames.
Mra. Charles M. Keefer, in honor
of her little daughter, gave a baby par
ty Saturday afternoon. Fourteen ba
bies received the following invitation:
fe "Dear Little $
"Dear Little
"My Mamma wants to know if J
your Mamma will let you come j
to my Easter party next Satur- $
day afternoon. Sj
"I guess you'd better bring your 3J
Mamma with you. 2
fe "Please let my Mamma know." J
An Easter luncheon was served to
the proud mammas while the dimpled
darlings cooed in the downy nests ar
ranged for them in the drawing room.
Mrs. Keefer was assisted by her sister.
Miss Grace Luclle Ashton. The fol
lowing infants and their mothers were
present: Kathryn Lorain Young.
Florence Flick, Arnett Ricketts Fol
som, Donald Harlow 'Wilson, Catherine
Adriance Rudd, James Henry Stevens,
jr., Leland Edward Keefer, Ellis
Duane Alley, Anna'LuclIe Ayres, Rich
ard Hockett, Phillip Everett Sommer
lad, Chas. Edgar Kettering, Eunice
A pretty Easter event was a christ
ening party which occurred at four
o'clock In the afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. "William M. Clark.
Thirty-third and O streets, when two
smiling babies, Dorothea Miller Clark,
grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark
and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Clark, and John Lyttleton Lyon, neph
ew of Mr. and Mrs. Clark, and son of
Professor and Mrs. T. Lyttleton Lyon,
were christened. Reverend B. M. Long.
D. D., of the Second Presbyterian
church, performed the ceremony. Miss
Miller of Omaha, sister of Mrs. Will
Clark, sang the hymn "Savior. Who
Thy Flock Art Feeding," which was
set to music for the occasion by Mr.
Oscar Garelssen. Guests present were
Mr. and Mrs. Rome Miller, parents of
Mrs. Will Clark, from Omaha; Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Plummer, Miss Miller, Miss
Spurck, Mr. Miller and Mr. Aleck Shel
don. K
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gingery, who
have recently moved into a new home
at Tenth and J streets were surprised
last Friday evening by a number of
friends who were principally members
of General Custer circle Ladies of the
G. A. R., and their husbands. War
songs and other music were pleasant
features of the evening. Refreshments
were served. Those present were
Messieurs and Mesdames M. W. Han
cock. S. D. "Eastman, J. L. Grimes, H.
G. Knight, John Carter, G. B.
han, G. M. Plumb. W. H. Hunt, B.
H. Shoemaker, M. W. Glimore, J. H.
Valentine. J. H. Luke. F. A. Truell.
G. M. Beach, H. Kauffman, McEllIott:
Mesdames Osborne. Ferris, Reynolds,
Smock, Wray, Hill, Goodwin, Land,
Silvers, Hunter, Flnlty, Mosher, Put
nam, Edleman, Benham, Hitchcock.
Higgins; Messieurs W. H. Dobson, H.
H. Grimes, S. Bullard; Misses Libble
Owens, Annie Silver, Grace Truell, Ger
trude Gingery; Masters Harry Reyn
olds, D. Eastman, Clarence Goodwin
and Ardath Ferris.
j ji j
Yf c fC
Miss Clara Healey was delightfully
surprised at her home, 830 North Four
teenth, by a host of friends Tuesday
evening, April 1. The evening was
spent in games and other pastimes.
Numbers were passed around and the
couples retired to the dining room,
where they were served by Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Healy, assisted by Miss
L. Phelan. The tables were handsome
ly decorated with beautiful flowers and
ferns. All spent an enjoyable evening
and departed at 1 o'clock in the morn
ing wishing Miss Healy many happy
returns of the day.
Those present were: Misses Agnes
Morrissey, Selma Greig, Mamie Cun
ningham, Rosella Crowley, Floss Jen
kins, Jessie Cummings, Anna Carlson.
Jessie Jenkins, Clara Framsted, Min
nie Sweezey, Mary Hallahan, Jessie
Whittaker, Clara Healey; Messieurs
Ralph Beuhner, Eddie Griffin, George
Graham, Will Graham, Clyde Law
rence, Charles Greig. Elmer Greig,
Nicholas Nelson, Willie Mulbery, Ar
thur Huffnagle, Bud Dressback, Balrd
Valentine, Harry Tracey, Rob Beuh
ner, James Healey.
Mrs. A. W. Miller and Mrs. I. G.
Geer.gave a kensington Tuesday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Miller.
Twenty-eighth and O streets. Mrs.
Louis E. Wettling played piano solos
and the play "The Sewing Circle of the
Period," was repeated by Misses Poyn
ter, Geer, Tuttle, Roberts and Robin
son. A two course luncheon was
served, Mrs. J. H. Stephens assisting.
The guests were Mesdames Marsland,
Holben, Gund. Hale, Angle, Jansen,
Stephenson, Sheldon, Hancock, Hewitt,
Hunger, Wyer, Bass, Brown, Roberts,
Plumber. Guthrie, Dann, Sheetz, Scott,
Norris, McCorkle, H. E. Wood, Mc
Laughlin, Poynter, Lewis, Mark Woods,
E. C. Strode, Trowbridge, Bagnell,
Kendall, Searles, Streeter, Kavan, J. H.
AMd, Cobb, Dorr. Harris, Bennett,
Toevs, Clark, Widener, Mickey, Mad
dux, Traphagen, Hutchins, Tuttle,
Wettling, Grubbs, Charles Spangler,
W. D. FitzGerald, Guenzel. FInarty, D.
M. Butler, Gleason, L. J. Dunn, Frank
Spangler, KIncaide, Burruss, L. Lyon,
D. J. Kelley. Bell, W. B. Ryons; Misses
Gere, Poynter, Tuttle, Leona Robinson.
Roberts, Auld.
Mrs. James McNabb and Mrs. Henry
Sandersun entertained the southeast
circle of the first Presbyterian church
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
the former. Twenty-six ladies enjoyed
the cordial hospitality of the hostesses.
Mrs. C. E. Sanderson sang two songs
very pleasingly, Mrs. Blvens playing
her accompaniments. Arrangements
were made for an entertainment to be
given next Thursday at. Ices, cake
and coffee were served.
H- '
Thursday at noon at Clover Nook,
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mock
ett, were married Miss Clara Clark
and Mr. W. J. Adams. Reverend
George Scott of Portland, Nebraska,
who performed the marriage ceremony
for the bride's parents twenty-six
years ago, officiated. A wedding break
fast was served in three courses. Mr.
and Mrs. Adams left In the afternoon
for the east. They will be at home
after May first at Bancroft, Nebraska.
the Franklin
Ice Cream and Dairy Co.
Manufacturers of the finest quality of
Plain and Fancy ICE CREAM. ICES.
Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed.
133 South 12th Street.
Phone 205.
How Cheap,
How Good!
. . . W A SHING