THE COURIER 11 k Squirrels: tbt Kind withWhlSkcrS Striking a "squirrel" is the inhe rent dread of any barber with a desire to do good work and a commendable pride in his razors. "What's a squirrel?" repeated a Lin coln barber in unfeigned astonishment to a question of a Courier representa tive. -"They're not animals. They're simply fel!owsthat have beards like small steel wire and for that reason are hard to shave. They ruin razors and irritate barbers' nerves. "Any sort of beard Is likely to be squirrelish. You first find out the facts in the case when the razor gives off a sharp metallic ring. Sometimes the skin pf the customer is sensitive and smarting from ill usage and careless work. Then there is a howl In addition to the razor difficulty. "A squirrel is an outcast among busy barbers. He drifts from shop to shop getting the worst of it In each one. The men do not care to shave him and give him the long scrape when the proprie tor is not looking. The long scrape is bringing the razor straight down the cheek like a lawn mower. It hurts the squirrel like sin and makes him fairly wiggle. The victim leaves the shop with a firm resolve never to come back again. "One barber who owns a shop has worked up quite a business by a shrewd trick. He hired an extra man and laid in wait for squirrels. He made a list of all the difficult customers and invited them to his chair. Casual visitors were first sent through this chair in order to determine whether they were tough propositions or not. "He took a sharp razor and gave the sufferers each a first class shave. He did it slowly and with care. When one razor gave out he had another ready. As a result the squirrel left, declaring hehad the best tonsorlal art ist in town. He generally drifted in and became a permanent customer. In addition the squirrel kept bragging up the shop to all his friends. "And the hard propositions seem to have more of them than any one else. Leastwise this man Is forging ahead of all his competitors. "About one man In every twenty Is a squirrel or has tendencies la that direction, and a veteran barber can de tect the truth of the case by one hasty glance. When the unfortunate man goes Into a shop the men all soldier, that Is hang back. In order to miss him. Nine times out of every ten he never realizes that the barbers are try ing to miss him. "This squirrel barber I was telling you about gets all his hardest fellows to come In before Saturday. The mild er cases he treats with care along with his regular work. For the extra time spent on them he exacts a five or ten cent fee through the medium of some face lotion or skin massage. "It is far better to be a beardless or bald headed man than be a squirrel at the mercy of the Indigent barber." & & "Of course you were given the free dom of the city?" "Yes," answered the distinguished visitor. "But I had to keep so close to a regular schedule under the strict surveillance of so many committees that It was hard to realize how free I was." Washington Star. J .? JU i? T rC A certain drug clerk had heard the story of the colored woman who on asking for flesh-colored court plaster, was given black by the observant druggist. When a comely colored wo man asked him for court-plaster, he congratulated himself on his presence of mind when, In response to her re quest for "flesh-cullah" he handed her black. She opened the box with a de liberation that was "ominous, but her face was unruffled as she noted the color of the contents. "I gues you mus a misunderstood my odah. I asked foh flesh cullah and you done give me skin cullah," she said. Pittsburg News. mLwSr f -v. T ill EflBiH PRESIDENT CASSATT AND HIS RECORD BREAKING ENGINE. From Philadelphia to New York, a distance of ninety miles, in se.venty nlne minutes is the record that President Cassatt, of the Pennsylvania rail road has achieved on the powerful locomotive which draws his special. Fast traveling Is the famous magnate's great delight and he Is ambitious of beating even this fine railroad record. Vi THE PROGRESSIVE STORE White Goods GRADUATING DRESSES ALL THE STYLISH FABRICS ALL THE NEW IDEAS IN FIGURED WHITE GOODS ALL THE NOVELTIES SO MUCH IN DEMAND IN THE LARGE EASTERN CITIES. An Elaborate Showing FRENCH MOUSELINES 70 inches wide, washable, 50c, G5c, 75c, 85c, and 90c per yard. OPERA BATISTES 40 inches wide, 25c, 35c, 50c, to 85c per yard. WASH CHIFFONS 48 inches wide, 50c, GOc, 65c, 75c, to $1.00 per yard. WHITE PIQUES figured, plain, and stripes, 15c, 25c, 35c, to 50c per yard. MERCERIZED MADRAS CLOTH 15c, 25c, 35c, to 50c per yard. PERSIAN LAWNS 25c, 30c, 35c, 39c, and 50c per yard. EMBROIDERED SWISSES, EMBROIDERED MATERIALS, FANCY LACE STRIPES 25c,- 35 c, and 50c per yard. WHITE INDIA LINONS 7ic, 10c, 12ic, 15c, 20c, 25c, to 35c per yard. WHITE SILKS a beautiful showing. White Laces, White Embroideries, White Kid Gloves, White Fans, White Ribbons all the accessories. ey