The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 29, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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3ln Ctoiniln CiwrtipB
The Easter music for the Lincoln
churches has been prepared with more
than the usual care this year, an8
elaborate programs will be given In the
principal churches.
At the First Congregational church
the important music will be selections
from the Messiah given at the morn
ing service.
At the First Presbyterian church the
principal music will be a beautiful can
tata sung at the evening service.
At the First Baptist and others there
will be special music at both services.
Grace Methodist Episcopal- church,
Reverend P. P. Carroll.
The Easter morning service will be In
the usual order.
- The evening service at haf-after
seven o'clock will be In charge of the
Sunday school and will consist prin
cipally of exercises by the primary de
partment. Recitations with piano ac
companiment, songs by the boy choir
and quartet, and tableaux will be
given. The following anthems will be
rendered by the choir:
"The Strife is O'er," Ashford.
"Our Easter Prayer," Lorenz.
"Lift Up Your Heads," Herbert.
St. Paul's German Evangelical
chufch. Thirteenth and F streets, Rev
erend H. S. Felx, pastor.
' Prelude "Hoch thut euchlauf," Handel.
Choir "I am the Resurrection and the
Llfe.'by J. S. Fearls.
Male Choir "Consecration," by Llnzen
dorf. Duet "Arise! Arise!" by Handel, Mrs.
Ida Jensen, soprano. Miss Amanda Hep
pner, alto.
Male Quartet "Osterglockcn," by Erich
Lech, A. Urbahn, F. Wagner, S. Thorn
sen, Fred Funke.
Solo "Alleluia! Christ Is Risen," by
Harry Rowe Shelley.
Postlude Halleluja chorus, by Han
del. Mrs. J. H. Wlttmann. organist.
w c ?
First Presbyterian Church Easter Day
Voluntary Pilgrim's Chorus, Wagner
Eddy. Doxology.
Hymn 244.
Scripture Lesson.
Anthem "As It Began to Dawn,"
Prayer. '
Duet "Magdalene," Warren.
Offertory Violin solo, "Legende,"
Sermon "The-Qhrlstlan's Hope," Reve
rend D. E. Jenkins, D. D.
Solo "Hosanna," Granler.
Postlude Marche Triumphale, Tom
bales. EVENING.
Voluntary "Andante con moto," Mer
kel. Hymn SO.
Scripture Lesson.
Offertory Violin solo, "Cavatlna."
Address "The Easter Fact," Dr. Jen
kins. Cantata "The Resurrection," Charles
Fonteyn Manney. Prelude. Part First
The Empty Tomb. Part Second Mary
Magdalene. Finale.
Mrs. R. A. Holyoke, soprano.
Mrs. E. Lewis Baker, contralto.
Mr. George Johnston, tenor.
Mr Carl Frohlich. bass.
Miss Mabel Woodbury, violin.
Miss Ina Ensign, violin.
Miss Lucy Haywood, organist.
Easter Services Church of the Holy
Trinity, Twelfth and J street, Rev. Fran
cis W. Eason, rector.
6:30 a. m. Celebration of the Holy Com
munion. 10:30 a. m. Matins, sermon and Holy
Conuraunlon. r
.Opening Voluntary "Rhapsodle," Saint
Processional Hymn No. 112 "Jesus
Christ Is Risen Today," Morgan In D.
' Easter Anthem "Christ Our Passover,"
Chappel in D.
Proper Psalms Nos. 2, 57, Rl Bennett in
Te Deum Lloyd's Festival in E flat.
Jubilate Deo Kevin in G.
Introlt Hymn Ko. -118 "At the Lamb's
High Feast We Sing." Elvcy In G.
Kyric Elvey in A.
'Gloria Tlbl Anon in A.
" Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Mcs
sla. Congregation standing. ,
Hymn before Sermon, Ko. 121 "The
Strife Is O'er," Palestrlna Jn E.
Offertory Anthems (a) "Awake Thou
That Sleepest," Caleb Simper, (b) "He is
-Risen,"- Caleb Simper.
Presentation of Alms Doxology In G.
Sursum'Corda GarrCtLin F.
Sanctus Garrett in F.
Hymn before receiving. Ko. 220 "Draw
KIgh and Take the Body of the Lord,"
Brown in G.
Hymns during Communion (a) 228,
"And Now O Father," Monk in D. (b)
231, "I am Kot Worthy," Dykes in A
Gloria in.ExcelsIs Old chant in G.
During Ablutions "Kunc Dlmlttis."
Spohr In A flat.
Recessional Hymn Ko. 5C9 "Christ is
Risen," Keander In C.
Postlude March, Collins.
4:00 p. m. Children's festival service.
Opening Voluntary OlTertoIre, Collins.
Processional Hymn Ko. 217 "Jesus,
Christ is Risen Today."
Carol 567 "Shine O Sun."
Carol 328 "Glory to the Blessed Jesus."
Carol 579 "Let the Merry Church Bells
Offertory Anthem "He is Risen." Caleb
Recessional Hymn Ko. 3 "Christ Is
The above numbers arc from the Sun
day School Hymnal.
Low Sunday (the octave of Easter)
April 6.
9:30 a. m. Sunday School session.
11:00 a. m. Holy Communion and Ser
mon. The music of this service will be the
same as that used for the Holy Com
munion service on Easter day.
At this service the sacred rite of Con
firmation will be administered by Right
Rev. Arthur L. Williams. Bishop Coad
jutor of the Diocese of Kebraska.
7:30 p. m. Full choral evensong.
Opening Voluntary.
Processional Hymn Ko. 113 "Christ Is
Risen," Sullivan In A.
Proper Psalms Nos. 113, 111, US Allen
in A.
Magnificent and Kunc Dlmlttis Stain
er's Festival In B flat.
Hymn before sermon, Ko. 122 "Jesus
Lives." Gauntlctt In C.
Offertory Anthem "Jesus Lives," Spin
ney in D.
Presentation of Alms Doxology In G.
Hallelujah chorus from Handel's Mes
siah, all standing.
Recessional Hymn Ko. 516 "Onward
Christian Soldiers," Barrington In II
Concluding Voluntary.
Organist Miss Stella Rice.
Choirmaster H. J. W. Seamark.
T n? s?
The choir of the First Congregational
will give selections from "The Messiah"
at the Easter morning service. A chor
us of fifty voices accompanied by
strings and organ will sing. The solo
ists will be soprano, Mrs. Joseph
Grainger; alto. Miss Cutter; tenor, Mr.
Carder; baritone, Mr. Kettering; bass,
Mr. Hubbard. The string quintet
consists of Mr. Hagenow, Mr. Mudra,
Miss Ensign, Miss Elche and Mr. Bak
er. Mrs. Raymond, organist and di
rector. The selections will be:
Tenor Solo "Comfort Ye My People."
Chorus "And the Glory of the Lord."
Alto and Soprano Solos (a) "Then Shall
the Eyes of the Blind." (b) "He Shall
Feed His Flock." (c) "Come Unto Him."
Alto Solo "He was Dlsplsed."
Tenor Solos (a) "Thy Rebuke Hath
Broken His Heart." (b) "Behold, and
See If There Be Any Sorrow." (c) "He
was Cut off Out of the Land of the Liv
ing." (d) "But Thou Didst not Leave His
Chorus "Hallelujah."
Soprano Solo "I Know That My Re
deemer Llveth."
Quartet and Chorus (a) "Since by Man
Came Death." (b) "By Man Came Also
the Resurrection." (c) "For as in Adam
All Die." (d) "Even so in Christ Shall
All be Made Alive."
Baritone Solo (a) "Behold! I Tell You
a Mystery." (b) "The Trumpet Shall
Chorus "Worthy is the Lamb That
was Slain."
Soprano Mrs. Grainger.
Alto Miss Cutter.
Tenor Mr. Carder.
Baritone Mr. Kettering.
Bass Mr. Hubbard.
String Quintet Mr. Hngcnow. Mr.
Mudra, Miss Ensign. Miss Elche. Mr.
Organist Mrs. Raymond.
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St. Theresa's Pro-Cathedral Morning:
Organ Prelude "Jesus Christ Is Risen
Today," Arr. by W. D. Armstrong.
Mass In D Major by Pavlo La Villa.
Vcnl Creator Rosewlg.
Offertory "Regina Coell," Lamblllottc.
Organ Postlude "Hallelujah Chorus."
Handel, Miss Sydney Murphy, organist.
Pontifical High Mass will bo said by
Bishop Bonacum at this service.
In the evening a sacred concert will bo
Organ "Festborstlel," Lciberg.
Solo "In Verdure Clad." Hayden. Miss
Lillian Dobbs.
Duet "O Saultaris." Millard, Messrs.
Gerkc and Walters.
Chorus "Father O Hear Us."PaImcr.
Solo "And God Shnll Wipe Away All
Tears." Sullivan. Mr. G. II. Wulters.
Orchestra "Calvary," Rodney.
Double Quartet "Regina Coell," Lam
bllotte. Solo "Angels Rolled the Rock Away,"
llawlcy. Miss Sarah Mullen.
Male Quartet "Gloria In Excelsls,"
Wood. Messrs. Kichol. Gerke, Parks.
Organ "Hymn a St. Cecelia," Gounod.
Chorus "Zion Awake," Costa.
Solo "Hear Us, O Father." Danks. Mr.
D. W. Kichol.
Chorus "Gloria." Lnvilla's Third Mass
in D, Miss Sydney Murphy, organist.
Easter program. All Soul's (Unitarian)
church. Rev. J. Lewis Marsh, pastor:
Voluntary Pilgrim's Chorus, Wagner.
Opening Chant Venlte, Dunham.
Hymn KIcea.
Responsive Service.
Lord's Prayer Choir. "
Response Choir.
Quartette "Awake Glad Soul."
Offertory 'Cello solo, Mr. Steckelberg.
Sermon "The Resurrection Miracle."
Quartet "The Magdalene," Warren.
The quartette is composed of Mrs.
Gould, soprano; Mrs. Butler, alto; Mr.
Boostrora, tenor; Mr. Clayton Hadley,
bass. Miss Edith Burltngim, accompan
ist. Easter Program at Grace Lutheran
church. Fourteenth and F streets. Rev
erend Luther P. Ludden, pastor.
Organ Voluntary.
Opening service Book of Worship.
Scriptural less. Epistle I, Cor., v. 6-8.
Solo "'The Palm Leaves," J. Faure:
Miss Pearl L. Rotruck.
Scripture lesson. Gospel Mark 16. 1-9.
"The Happy Morn Is Come," Friedrich
Schneider; the choir.
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Market of the Farmers' Meat Co., 226 North, Tenth street. J. W. Wolfe, proprietor.