The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 29, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Horrlgan, a young democrat of ability,
is contesting with Mr. Cosgrave for the
police Judgeship, but his hopes of elec
tion are based on nothing tangible and
in fact neither he nor any of the fu
sion candidates on the city ticket have
any chance of election. In the Fourth,
Fifth, Sixth and Seventh wards the
republican councllmanlc candidates,
while opposed by men against whose
character and fitness there is practl-
cally nothing to be said, have a walk
away. Mr. Bishop in the Fourth is a
much more able man than his un
known opponent, and Is so much better
equipped to perform good service that
not the least hope exists for Mr.
Keith. In the Fifth and Seventh
Councilman Frampton and Lyman are
seeking re-election. Both have made
excellent representatives In the city
governing body, and with their expe
rience and knowledge of affairs are In
a much better position to do good -service
than their opponents. In the
Sixth, in Lee J. Dunn, the republicans
present the sort of a man the people
of Lincoln desire to see In' the council,
a business man of property and experi
ence. In the First ward M. D. Clary, the
republican nominee. Is confronted with
Councilman Malone, who is reeking a
third term. Mr. Malone's record as a
councilman Is so 'well known that It
seed not be commented upon. Mr.
Clary ls"a business man with a follow
ing sufficiently large to justify the be
lief that he will be elected. In the
Third ward George H. Moore, the re
publican nominee, is having opposition
in the person of Horace F. Bishop, a
young attorney. Every indication
points to the election of Mr. Moore. He
Is a big, stalwart Burlington engineer,
a man very popular among his fellow
workmen and influential in labor cir
cles. He has been very active In re
publican politics, and he will take the
office with but one pledge, to do his
best for the Interests of his ward. In
the Second C. E. "Wilkinson, republi
can, nnd Jacob H. North, democrat,
are the contestants. Both are capable
genDemen, but there Is no reason why
any republican should decline to vote
for Mr. Wilkinson. He is a clean and
able man, who can be depended upon
not to co-operate with any faction or
gang In opposition to the city's best
ft ft ft
Facta of later
Doctors in Sweden never send bills
to their patients. They cheerfully ac
cept whatever sum the patient choose
to give them.
In Europe ten out of every one thou
sand people are living out of their own
country; in America 137 out of every
thousand, while 300 out of every thou
sand Australians were born .in some
other part of the world.
America sells nearly three times as
much as she buys; Germany buys
9360,006,660 worth more every year than
she sells, while Great Britain last year
actually bought twice as much as she
In France the women teachers elect
women members on all boards of edu
cation. In Sweden women vote for all
elective officers except representatives;
also,' Indirectly, for members of the
upper house. In Ireland the women
vote for the-harbor boards and poor
law guardians,- and in Belfast for
municipal officers. Iq Russia women
householders vote for all elective offi
cers and on all local matters.
Professional shoppers are employed
by a certain targe dry-goods firm in
London to test the ability of shop as
sistants. This firm owns several large
shops and employes nearly 1.000 assist
ants. To find out whether every cus
tomer Is politely served a number of
lady customers are employed to call at
the various shops. They are told to
give as much trouble as possible, and
sometimes to leave without making a
purchase after looking at nearly every
thing in the shop.
Peru holds the record as a mining
country. She has 2,560 mines, from
which 76.6M workmen dig gold, silver,
sulphur, coal, phosphate, quicksilver,
and lead.
The season of fasting and penitence
is nearing the end, sorrow and sighing
will flee away with the setting of to
day's sun, and tomorrow will bring joy
and gladness, and Easter carols, and
resurrection lillles. Never before was
there such a display of lovely blooms
for Easter, as a visit to the florists'
shops will prove. First there are the
lillles pure and white, and fragrant,
general favorites at this season. Those
to whom the white flowers are sug
gestive of sadness may revel amid the
colored beauties but they will find" it
hard to choose from so much loveliness.
The lavender, pink, and purple hya
cinths, the yellow daffodils, the bril
liant hued tulips, touched by the
brush of the most skillful of artists,
with the gayest of colors, are all there
to tempt with their reminders of
spring. Then there are the roses and
carnations which are always with us
but which seem to feel glad themselves
that spring is here and to be just a
HtHe brighter than usual on that ac
count. To these are added the cycla
men in Its various shades, and the deli
cate splrea, and many many others, anl
for a setting to all come the palms, tall
and graceful, and the ferns. All of
these will be seen In the churches to-
Allan Sedgwick, Fritz Frlcke, Doane
Powell, Dean Ringer, Phillip Bross,
George Johnston, Arthur Jaynes, Alex
Cuscaden, Ray Dumont, Herman Leh
mer, Ed Douglas, Charles. Shlmer,
Herbert McCullogh, Herbert States,
Russell Harris, Ernest Allen, Claire
Baird, Newton Buckley, John Morri
son, Homer Southwick, Daniel Cook,
William Ramsey. From Omaha were
Austin Collet, Dr. Burton Christie, Ar
thur Pearse, W. D. Reed; Plattsmouth,
Carl Frlcke; Ashland, Ernest Wlggen
horn; York, Ernest Williams, E. Jo
Brown: Lincoln, Hon. C. H. Gere, Dr.
C. F. Ladd, Messieurs W. A. Selleck,
George C. Shedd, Edgar Clark, Clyde
Hays, Jo Burnham, Louis Korsmeyer,
Clark Oberlles and Archibald Haecker.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Holben entertained
the W. T. M. of East Lincoln and their
husbands very pleasantly Saturday
evening with games of various sorts.
Punch was served all evening in a
room decorated and Illumined in red.
The dining room was done in pink and
white and there were served dainty
light refreshments. -Mrs. Holben "was
assisted by Misses Jewell Holben, Gar
net Geere and Grace Edmlston. Mrs.
Ralph Johnson played some brilliant.
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morrow and will be rivaled but not
eclipsed, by the new hats, many of
which resemble flower gardens or
clumps of shrubbery themselves, while
the swish of new gowns with their
ruffles and puffles, will rustle accom
paniments to the triumphal songs of
the choirs and the earnest addresses of
the ministers. Many parties are an
nounced for next week. The largest
and consequently the most brilliant,
will be the McDonald dance Wednes
day night and the Raymond reception
Thursday night, but there will be many
others, and the days and the nights
will be filled with gladness.
ft ft ft
Nebraska Alpha chapter of Phi
Kappa Psl celebrated its seventh anni
versary Saturday evening at the chap
ter house on Sixteenth and K streets.
A handsome mahogany davenport from
the alumni members and many other
gifts were received. Mr. C. H. Gere was
toastmaster and those who responded
were Messrs. E. H. Clark, Clark Ober
lles, Dean Ringer, G. E. Douglas, W. D.
Reed, W. R. Heartt and Archibald
Haecker. The following were present:
Messieurs Fred Deweese, F. P. Man
chester, H. E. Crandall, Fred A Cus
caden, John Ledwith, Charles Engel,
piano numbers which were enjoyed by
the guests. Those present were
Messieurs and Mesdames H. W. Mas
ters, J. H. Sherdeman, Mickey, A.
Gentzler, A. G. Evans, W. S. Harlan,
M. B. Edleman, Clark, B. G. Lane, C.
E. Steele, W. H. Widener, G. F. Burr;
Mesdames A. Hood, J. G. Hess, Pierce,
J. F. Kaufman; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
ft ft ft
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Wettling en
tertained a company of their Hoosler
friends delightfully Saturday evening.
The following program was given:
Duet from II Trovatore, Mrs. B. M.
Long and Mrs. Wettling; talk on "In
diana" by Mr. George Adams; piano
solo, Miss Georgia Shields; readings
from Riley, Professor Grummann;
recitations from Riley, Doctor Green;
two vocal duets. Reverend and Mrs.
Long. After the program games were
enjoyed and dainty refreshments were
served. Those present were Messieurs
and Mesdames B. M. Long. Paul
Grummann, George Adams, Morse, Gil
more; Doctor and Mrs. Green, Doctor
and Mrs. Shields, Professor and Mrs.
Howard; Mrs. White, Mr. White and
Mr. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols were
surprised by friends last Saturday
evening at their home, 659 South Nine
teenth street Cam-:, sod music were
a part of the pleasure of the evening.
Refreshments were served by the vis
itors. Those present were Messieurs
and Mesdames Adam Gartner, John
Gaughan, Carl Brownell; Mesdames
A. H. Olson, Mary Hill, A. W. Olson?
Misses Edna Nichols, Flossie Nichols,
and Clara Olson; Messieurs Gall Nich
ols, Oliver Nichols and Alden Olson.
ft ft ft
Mrs. A. W. Lane gave a pretty lunch
eon Saturday at one o'clock In honor of
Miss Wing, of Boston. The tables were
decorated with smllax and bride roses.
Invitations were extended to Mesdames
Dewltt B. Brace, John Reed, H. H.
Harley, Frank Woods and W. A. Sel
leck; Misses Wing, Bowen, Abbott,
.Bridge, Starrett, Miller, Purdy, Horton,
Abbott, Annette Abbott.
ft ft ft
The J. O. C. club met with Mrs. H.
M. Casebeer Monday evening. Club
members and guests were Messieurs
and Mesdames George Hibner, C. J.
Guenzel, C. F. Harpham, L. P. Sine, J.
F. Hutchlns, W. J. Turner, S. S. Whit
ing, C. C. Qulggle, J. L. Kellogg, L.
W. Garoutte, E. Bignell, Walter Davis,
H. H. Harley and Mrs. Hamilton.
ft ft ft
The young people of Plymouth Con
gregational church paid a delicate com
pliment to their pastor and his wife,
Reverend and Mrs. John Doane, by
giving them a flower Shower on Tues
day evening, and the parsonage is
fragrant with the odor of roses, daffo
dils, tulips, carnations and lillles of the
valley. t-
ft ft ft
Mrs. C. H. Eubank entertained four
teen children this afternoon at her
residence, 1942 Euclid avenue in honor
of her little daughter Grace. A yellow
and white luncheon was served In two
courses. A basket of Easter eggs and
rabbits formed the centre piece on the
MrsTH. M. Cooke returned Wednes-'
day from Porto Rico, where she spent
the winter with her son, Mr. Thomas
Cooke. Mrs. Cooke reports a delightful
winter and returns in excellent health,
although she suffered somewhat from
seasickness on her return voyage.
ft ft ft
Chancellor Andrews and Professor
W. G. L. Taylor entertained Phi Beta
Kappa Saturday evening at the home
of the latter. The new members elect
ed this year were initiated, after which
a'supper was served.
Mrs. J. E. Houtz returned on Tues
day from a brief visit to her parents.
Colonel and Mrs. J. J. Kelley, in Cali
fornia. She had a pleasant trip and
left Mr. and Mrs. Kelley in their usual
ft ft ft
Miss Mary McNamara of Nebraska
City was an over Sunday guest of Mrs.
C. M. Parker and her hostess enter
tained a dozen young people in her
honor Saturday evening.
ft ft ft
The marriage of Miss Anna Mayer
to Mr. J. H. Meyer of New York city
will be celebrated Tuesday, April the
eighth, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
S. D. Mayer.
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Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryan were given
an old fashioned surprise by their new
neighbors one evening this week, and
were cordially welcomed to their new
i j
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Mrs. James McNabb and Mrs. Henry
Sanderson will entertain the southeast
circle of the First Presbyterian church
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
the former.
ft ft ft
Miss Laura Houtz will leave next
Friday for Chicago and Washington to
be absent several weeks. She will also
visit In Winchester, Illinois, before she
i -A -
Mrs. L. W. Garoutte returned today
from Des Moines where she went to
attend a series of seven parties' given
by- her sister, Mrs. Bice. .