The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 29, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Omaha, and baa had Rowley up here,
but the latter cannot help thinking it
Is nil a Joke. He told Mr. Rosewnter
that he was not fitted In any respect
for a congressman, and said: "Why,
man alive, I couldn't make a speech
even if I mixed seven drinks, got you
to write it and stood up on the dic
tionary." John R. Hays, who also halls from
Madison county, Is said to be slated for
the postofllce, which is said to be in
tended as n consolation prize. Hays
made a fine run for congress two years
ago, and would not mind trying It
again, but Madison county could not,
of course, stand for two candidates,
one for governor and one for congress.
Another gubernatorial candidate has
shied his caster into the arena and is
reported to be canvassing the Fifth
district with energy in an attempt to
surround himself with a formidable lot
of support when it comes convention
time. The aspirant is J. P. A. Black,
an attorney and banker of Blooming
ton, and the news comes to Lincoln
from an authentic source. A prominent
resident of the district says that Mr.
Black is in earnest and that he is
making a herculean effort to rally the
Fifth under his banner. He has been
a figure of considerable prominence in
the district for a number of years and
may become a formidable candidate,
say his friends.
On the libels of this positive an
nouncement comes just as emphatic a"
statement from Captain C E. Adams
of Superior to the effect that he Is not
a candidate for any office this fall. Oc
casionally his name has been men
tioned as a possibility In connection
with the governorship, and again his
friends have urged" that he should be
the congressional nominee on the re
publican ticket. But the captain de
clines accepting further political hon
ors and declares himself content to rest
in retirement and devote his energies
to business.
But there promises to be plenty of
and attorney W. J. McCreary of Hast
ings have an incubator operating on a
similar ambition.
From Nance county has emanated
at various Intervals the rumor that
George D. Meiklejohn may be a guber-
natorlal candidate. The former assist
ant secretary of war was In Omaha
yesterday and took occasion to deny,
that he has any intention whatever of
appearing again in the political field
"I am not a candidate for any office."
he declared. It is also rumored in and
about Douglas county with consider
able persistency that J. H. Van Dusen
of South Omaha may enter the lists,
but his intimate friends insist that this
is all dependent on whether or not his
friend Governor Savage stays in the
race. "With Savage in Van Dusen will
be out.
Mr. Rosewater seems to be having a
little trouble -!n the Second in select
ing a man to go against Mercer with
any chance of success as the editor
has just about abandoned his idea of
going before the people of the olstrict
himself. Martin Rowley, time keeper
at Armour's South Omaha is said to
have Mr. Rosewater's favor just at
present and an Omaha paper prints
the following account of the situation
Candidate for re-election to the city council from the Fifth JVard.
W. C. Frampton, candidate for re-election to the council from the
Fifth ward, obtained a legal education and fitted himself for his profes
sion through nervy effort. His father died when he was an infant and
since he was seven years of age Mr. Frampton has been thrown entire
ly on his own resources.
Thirty-eight years ago he was born at Chariton, Iowa. His parents
had fled from Independence, Missouri, to escape the vengeance of the
bUsh whackers who had captured the town and were dealing out death
and destruction to the Unionists.
The following winter the father of young Frampton contracted pneu
monia in the logging camp and died. As soon as he was large enough to
work the youth took up the struggle of making a living.
He attended Norton Academy at "Welton, Iowa, one of the oldest
schools in the state. He came to Lincoln in 18S9 and finished his law
course at the state university in 1893. Since that time he has been practis
ing here and Is now a member of the law firm of Love & Frampton.
Two years ago he was elected to the council and Is now up for re
election. During his term he has ever been enrolled for the best interests
of the city, recording his vote on the side of advancement and progress.
congressional- timber in the district
nevertheless. From Mr. Adams' home
town, Superior, Smith Caldwell is said
to be an aspirant. Then there is State
Senator Allen of Arapahoe who has
entertained the busy bee for many
months. Judge George Norrjs of Mc
Cook Is said to have congressional de
sires sprouting, while Banker Clark
at present:
It Is well understood that Mr. Rose
water concluded that Rowley, who is
popular among the packing house men,
would be just the man to bring In a
South Omaha delegation against Mer
cer, and he has labored with him long
and earnestly.
He has sent messengers to South
'2i-"' K H
Candidate for re-election to the city council from the First Ward.
Robert Malone, democratic councilman from the First ward, is a na
tive of Illinois. He was born In Brlmfleld thirty-six years ago. After
receiving a common school education he started west to seek his for
tune. He crossed the Missouri river with J5 in his pocket and faced the
proposition of western table- board at $4.50 a week. He first stopped a
Plattsmoufh. where he remained two years.
Then he came to this city where he has remained for eighteen years.
He mastered the blacksmith trade and worked In various shops about
the city.
In 1892 he was appointed chief of the fire department. In this ca
pacity he served six years. His administration was able and efficient
and he made many friends. After leaving the fire department he es
tablished a blacksmith shop of his own.
In 1898 he was nominated for the council from the First ward. He
is now a candidate for a third term on the fusion ticket.
Mr. Malone is a total abstinence man In the strictest sense of the
word. He has never tasted liquor In his life. Temperate habits and harfl
work are the basic principles of his business success.
Mr. Rosewater assured Rowley that
made no difference, as Mercer had
been in congress ten years, and never
made a speech.
He Induced Rowley to come to Oma
ha to call on him at the Bee building,
and there Introduced him to Seth Cole,
as the representative of a powerful
franchlsed corporation, and to another
eminent politician, who was presented
as the private secretary of the general
manager of one of the railroad com
panies. It was urged that they were
"all for him," and that if he would
only take it they would wrap up the
Job and hand It to him. Rowley went
home dazed, and it is not yet an
nounced whether he has decided to be
used in this connection or not.
Reports received at Lincoln are to
the effect that C. H. Sloan stands the
best chance of walking away with the
Fourth district congressional nomina
tion. Sloan is having trouble at home
in the person of Peter Youngers, but
his previous prominence and success
give assurance that he can get his
home county without too much trouble.
J. D. Pope of Saline wants to make
another try, but he ran behind his
ticket in 1900, and this fact is being
cited against him. As compared with
Dietrich he ran ahead in but two coun
ties, Butler and Polk. He defeated
Sloan for the nomination then, and
many of his supporters are lined up
behind the Geneva man. Hainer and
Hinshaw are avowed candidates, and
there will be enough candidates in the
field to make it a very interesting con
test, with no man as a certainty.
Another candidate for the governor
ship in the person of W. M. Robertson
of Norfolk has appeared. Mr. Robert
son seems to be well spoken of, although
he is not well known in this section.
The Elkhorn folks are said to be push
ing Robertson forward, but there Is a
suspicion hereabouts that Mr. Schneid
er's real choice is Judge Paul Jessen of
Nebraska City. The name of Frank
M. Wetherald, of Hebron, who was Mr.
Meiklejohn's manager In the last sena
torial campaign, has also been brought
forward, but close friends of Mr.
Wetherald say that he is not and will
not be a candidate.
Next Tuesday the city election will
be pulled oft in Lincoln. No campaign
in recent years has been so dull and
spiritless as this, especially where so
many offices are to be filled. Defeat
after defeat has so vividly Impressed
members of the opposition of the fu
tility of seeking to elect a democrat or
populist In this city that it is difficult
to find anyone to run against the re
publican nominees. This condition of
affairs Is not due so much to the ad
vancement of the republican party In
point of numbers, but to the excellence
of the nominees, a fact that Is directly
traceable to the Lincoln system of
nominations. The abolition of the con
vention system was the best thing that
ever happened to the republicans as
well as the people generally In Lincoln.
It took away from machine politicians
the power to put their creatures In of
fice, and It has insured the election of
republican nominees, a" desideratum
that ought to appeal to the men in
charge of county politics. Better men
has given us better government, and
It is rot to the credit of the fusionlsts
that they have sought to break down
this system by trying to declare In
valid the law that makes It possible to
confine the voting at the republican
primaries to republicans only.
The republican city ticket is practi
cally without serious opposition. Mr.