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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1902)
THE COUKIER In Dresden, our canny author takes a cab having a tariff clock, an Ingen ious thing which marks the time to a second and the price per hour, so that no dispute can arise with the cabman concerning time or fee. She recom mends the German pensions, "good enough, as good as one needs nt a dol lar a day, food and all." American friends, having given her a list of de sirable pensions in Germany, also three in Home, Naples and Florence, she strikes a loyal note "the sight that made my heart beat, a raan-o'-war flying the American flag." And again in the concluding paragraph: "Our hearts throb with Joyful pride in greeting the Goddess of Liberty who welcomes us home." The proof-reading is atrocious and the paper is unworthy the author and her letters. The cuts should have been half-tones and printed on enameled paper. Instead they are coarse news paper cuts, and defeat the author's Ideal and purpose. T1k Mct&pfcyiical Movcmeaf Transcendentalism remained a relax ation, a profession, a resort of the ultra-cultured of 'Boston. Emerson, Mar garet Fuller, Hawthorne, were teachers and creators. They were elevated by the distinction of their own characters. Transcendentalism added nothing to their power and took nothing from It. The modern transcendentalism Is of the people and for the people and the prophets are commoner clay. The "New Thought" Is a renascence of transcendentalism. But the differ ence is that it Is being taught by teachers who otherwise would remain In the obscurity of their birth and ca pacities. A certain number of leaders or dis coverers of the New Metaphysics are at the present time regarded as proph ets by the cult. Mrs. Helen Wllmans, Mr. Henry Wood, "Mr. W. A. Rodmun, Mr. Dresser' and Mr. Ralph Waldo Trlneare names well enough known by 4he cult as preachers of optimism and the doctrine that any good thing ac complishes itself if the person whom the good thng will benefit only be lieves In its accomplishment. People outside of the cult know these authors as "teachers of a harmless and very cheerful philosophy. Like the Chris tian scientists their essays are asser tions. Mr. Paul Tyner, evidently an apostle, says In a review of the move ment In the current Review of Re views: "Not merely the cure of dis ease, but also the entire interdepend ence of mental and physical states and the relations of cultivated thought and will to harmonious growth In charac ter and usefulness, are Involved in the better understanding of the new meta physics. Its promises of peace, har mony, light, healing has called wide spread attention to the claims of the practical metaphysician." ,The 'prac tical availlbillty of the power of the will to bring about right relations be tween physics and metaphysics, Mr. Tyner asserts. Is the kernel of the teaching. The forces of nature are in ferior and obedient to the power of the will owned by a student of the gospel. To a man who stands outside of le ligion the claims made by converts sound like cabling. In revivals when sincere sinners shout about their hap piness and the miracles which their acceptance oCreligion has wrought the really devout as well as the reckless outsiders know better. The mental scientists make large claims and many who aYe sick in soul as well as in body read their books and are comforted thereby but the day of the scoffer is at band. New Lincoln 138 8. Tenth Street JOHN S. CAIN Proprietor BowlingAlleys TCfjrtUac Sew aac Strictly First Clan Ladies beedally larlted Print a Picture efyoar Home in The Couktcb. Bead 1b photos of your new homes to the sMtoraae if available, they will be repro- km la tMae commas. CLUB NOTES "1 KUKmKnmmMmmmKmmmmmESmmmmmmSmmmmmSSmSmmmmSWE THE WEEK'S REVIEW mmmmmmmmmlmmm'mm'mmmmmMnmmmmmmmmwnm The regular meeting of the Century club will be .held with Mrs. J. E. Hays, 1C35 E street, Monday afternoon at 2.30, instead of Tuesday as previously announced. Miss Fay. . The W. R. P. C. club met last Friday with Mrs. I. M. Haeckler. Mrs. Baker conducted the lesson. Mrs. Bedford and Mrs. Rathbone were the essayists for the day. The club will meet on April fourth with Mrs. Butler and Mrs. McClure at 2837 Q street. The P. C. A., D. of H., met last Fri day with (Mrs. Adams of Havelock. Mrs. Ransom and Mrs. Clemmons won prizes In a guessing game. A lunch eon was served. Those present were Mesdames Dudley, Erisman, Burns, Shuler, Hoffman, Wells, Clemmons, Gross. Phipps, Ransom, Burns and Wise. The New Book Review club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Wil liams. Mrs. Ellas Baker reviewed "Lazarre." Mrs. Widener gave a bio graphical sketch of the author, Mary Catherwood. Mrs. Williams sang a pretty song with violin obligato played by Mrs. Maddux, with Miss Griggs at the piano. A!. J" i3 7e cc "ic The city improvement society met Thursday morning. The committee ap pointed to interest the people in beau tifying the city reported progress. Ad ditional sumj of money to be used as prizes have been received and others promised. Ladies were asked to bring In membership dues for 1902. The sec retary reported that a petition being circulated in East Lincoln asking that the city reclaim the half block at the pumping station lor a park, will be presented to the council Monday night. Other park plaru were discussed. Mrs. W. S. Harlan entertained the W. T. M. of East XJncoln. Thursday afternoon. There was no program so the hours were devoted to fancy work and social chat. Quotations were from Byron. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Kaufman served a two course luncheon. Those present were Mes dames Gentzler, -Price, Widener, Mickey, Lane Lasch, Clark, Switzer, Hess, Evans, Hood, Steele, Keim. Mas ters, Holben, Kaufman. Mrs. Swear engen was a guest The club will meet in two weeks with Mrs. Edleman. Quotations from Alice Carey. The citizens club of northeast Eln coln met with the patrons' association Tuesday evening at the Clinton school building to discuss ways and means of Improving the district. After the regular meeting of the men's club was disposed of. President A. G. Greenlee explained the object of the club and stated that every man, woman and child in the district was eligible to membership. Mrs. Richardson, secretary of the city Improvement society was present, and suggested ways by which an auxiliary might be beneficial to the Interests of the city. After some discussion a ladies' auxil iary was organized and officers elected. Doctor Wharton of the St. Paul church, gave the combined associa tions a very eloquent address on mat ters pertaining tc the coming election. Thi program of "comparative ex amples" given Monday afternoon at the meeting of the Matinee Musicale was an Interesting and Instructive one. The third division, Mrs. Baker and iMlss Ensign, leaders, was In charge. 3Irs. Baker announced that the Idea of the leaders In preparing this pro gram had been to show how different composers treated the same subject. mentioning especially the music set by Schubert and by Beethoven to the words of the Erl King. The following numbers were admirably performed: Quartettes (a) Emery, Marston; "Night Hath a Thousand Eyes." (b) Smith, Brahms; Lullaby; Mrs. C. 8. Hart, Miss Charlotte Hullhorst, Miss Katherlne Ag new, Miss Anna Caldwell. Piano Mendelssohn, Grieg; Spring Song, Miss Anna Lowrie. Solos Schubert, Beethoven; The Erl King. Mrs. E. Lewis Baker. Piano Chopin; Polonaise, G sharp minor; Sholz; Polonaise, Op. 6, Mrs. L. J. Herzog. Solos Schumann, Liszt, Rubinstein"; "Du Blst wle elne Blume," Mrs. R. A. Holyoke. Violin and Piano Schumann, Sonata, D minor, 3d movement; Beethoven, Kruetzer Sonata, finale; Miss Ina Ensign, Mrs. p. V. M. Raymond An hour previous to the time for the program there was a meeting of the active members to place in nomination by an informal ballot names of ladies for officers of the club. The nominat ing committee consists of Mrs. A. S. Raymond, -Mrs. E. P. Brown and Miss Miller. The result of the ballot will be announced at the next meeting when the election will take place. The last open meeting of the club for the season will occur the evening of April 21 at the university chapel and will be free to the public. At the close of the program an informal reception to Mrs. John Doane was held in the parlor. Mrs. Butler, the president, Mrs. Doane and Mrs. Baker received. Mrs. Jansen and Mrs. Ward served pink ices and wafers from a table decorated with pink tulips and lighted by pink candles. It is with great regret that the club parts with- Mrs. Doane, who has from the begin ning been one of its most useful and valued members. Mrs. Doane will re move next week to her new home In Fremont. A fellow who hunted the gnu Was asked: "What on earth would you gdu If the savages tried To catch you for your hied?" And he answed: "I'd kill off a gfu." jmtim"ji?ijmiimitit H. W. BR0WN Druggist and Bookseller WHITING'S FINE STATIONERY AND CALLING CARDS. 17 So. Eleventh Street Phone 68 PRIVATE AND PUBLIC Library books BOUND IN A SUBSTAN TIAL MANNER AT FAC TORY PRICES BY South Platte Publishing Co., PAPER BOX MAKERS, 135 N. nth St., LINCOLN, NEB. FREIGHT PAID ONE WAY. Soft Harness Too ea& make your bar Ben as soft aa a clove and aa tough aa wire by aalnc KUKEKA Har- eaa Oil. Ton can lengthen Its life-make It last twice as long as it ordinarily would. HmmssN rf es a poor looking bar nese; like new. Made of pare, heavy bodied oil, es pecially prepared to with stand the weather. Sold everywhere In cans-ail sties. Mf bj STAMNU ML Cfc Many Things are Dear . . . But the dearest of all is inferior work. My PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, and INSIDE DECORATING will always bear the closest in spection. Prices that Please CARL MYRER Phone 5238 3612 Q STREET sZwfrn&ifo Cycle Photographs Athletic Photographs Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior views : VJ The Photographer 129 South Eleventh Street We Invite you to Call and see our Cot Flowers and Plants in our new location 143 South Thirteenth Street PHONE B230 We make a specialty of furnishing Floral Decorations for Weddings, Parties, and Receptions A complete stock of Plants and Cut Flowers on hand. Stackhous & Greer, FLORISTS Greenhouses 35th and R Streets. Office 143 South 13th Street. M ' Sk I SWF law Hsn ' T YOdR- V I estDresI XJSSAFE X v To wear in the kitchen when you use a Gas Stove. We sell them at cost and they don't cost much. We do all the dig ging, and connect the Stove free when bought of us. Lincoln Gas & Electric Light Co. Offices BaseatBt Burr Block. JL